Bacon is Shake-Speare Part 18

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Leonis Catulum ne alas.

He cowrtes a fury.

Dij laneos habent pedes (They leaue no prynt).

The weary ox setteth stronger.

A mans customes are the mowldes whear his fortune is cast.

_Folio 94, back_.

Beware of the vinegar of sweet wyne.

Adoraturj sedeant.[21]

To a foolish people a preest possest.

The packes may be sett right by the way.

It is the Cattes nature and the wenches fault.

Coene fercula nostre.

Mallem conviuis quam placuisse cocis.

Al Confessor medico e aduocato.

Non si de tener [tena?] il ver celato.

a.s.saj ben balla a chi fortuna suona.

A yong Barber and an old phisicion.

Buon vin Cattina testa dice il griego.

Buon vin fauola lunga.

good watch chazeth yll aduenture.

Campo rotto paga nuoua.

Better be martyr then Confessor.

L'Imba.s.sador no porta pena.

Bella botta non ammazza vecello.

A tender finger maketh a festred sore.

A catt will neuer drowne if she see the sh.o.r.e.

Qui a teme [temor?] a lie.

He that telleth tend [tond?] lyeth is eyther a foole himself or he to whome he telles them.

Che posce a [ci?] Cana pierde piu che guadagna.

_Folio 95, front_.

Ramo curto vindimi lunga Tien l'amico tuo con viso suo.

Gloria in the end of the salme An trott and a fyre of strawe dureth not Por mucho madrugar no amanece mas ayna Erly rising hasteneth not y'e morning.

Do yra el Buey que no are?

Mas vale buena quexa que mala paga Better good pleint then yll pay He that pardons his enemy the amner shall haue his goodes Chi offendi maj perdona He that resolues in hast repentes at leasure A dineros pagados brazos quebrados.

Mas uale bien de lexos que mal de cerca.

El lobo & la vulpeja son todos d'vna conseja No haze poco quien tu mal echa a otro (oster before) El buen suena, el mal buela.

At the trest of the yll the lest Di mentira y sagueras verdad Tell a lye to knowe a treuth La oveja mansa mamma su madre y agena En fin la soga quiebra por el mas delgado.

Quien ruyn es en su villa ruyn es en Sevilla Quien no da nudo pierde punto Quien al Ciel escupe a la cara se le buelve Covetousenesse breakes the sacke Dos pardales a tua espiga haze mala ligua

_Folio 95, back_.

Quien ha las hechas ha las sospechas.

La muger que no vera no haze larga tela Quien a las hechas ha las sospechas.

Todos los duelos con pan son buenos.

El mozo por no saber, y el viejo por no poder dexan las cosas pierder.

La hormiga quandose a de perder nasiente alas De los leales se hinchen los huespitales.

Dos que se conoscan de lexos se saludan.

Bien ayrna quien mal come.

Por mejoria mi casa dexaria Hombre apercebido medio combatido He caries fier in one hand and water in the other To beat the bush while another catches the byrd To cast beyond the moone His hand is on his halfpeny As he brues so he must drinke Both badd me G.o.d speed but neyther bad me wellcome To bear two faces in a whood To play cold prophett To sett vp a candell before the devill He thinketh his farthing good syluer

_Folio 96, front_.

Let them that be a cold blowe at the cold.

I haue seen as farre come as nigh The catt would eat fish but she will not wett her foote Jack would be a gentleman if he could speake french Tell your cardes and tell me what yow haue wonne Men know how the markett goeth by the markett men.

The keyes hang not all by one mans gyrdell.

While the growes the horse starueth I will hang the bell about the cattes neck.

He is one of them to whome G.o.d bedd heu I will take myne altar in myne armes for the mooneshyne in the water It may ryme but it accords not To make a long haruest for a lyttell corn

_Folio 96, back_.

Neyther to heavy nor to hott Soft for das.h.i.+ng Thowght is free The deuill hath cast a bone to sett strife To putt ones hand between the barke and the Tree Who meddles in all thinges may shoe the gosling Let the catt wynke and lett the mowse runne He hath one pointe of a good haulke he is handy The first poynt of a faulkener to hold fast Ech finger is a thumb Owt of G.o.ds blessing into the warme sune.

At eve[r]y dogges barke to awake A lone day My self can tell best where my shoe wringes me A cloke for the Rayne To leap owt of the frieng pan into the fyre Now toe on her distaff then she can spynne To byte and whyne The world runs on wheeles He would haue better bread than can be made of whea[t]

To take hart of grace

_Folio 97, front_.

Thear was no more water then the s.h.i.+pp drewe A man must tell yow tales and find yow ears Haruest ears (of a busy man).

When thrift is in the feeld he is in the Towne That he wynnes in y'e hundreth he louseth in the Shyre To stumble at a strawe and leap over a bloc To stoppe two gappes with one bush To doe more than the preest spake of on Sunday To throwe the hatchet after the helve Yow would be ouer the stile before yow come at it.

Asinus avis (a foolish conjecture).

Herculis Cothurnos aptare infantj To putt a childes leg into Hercules buskin Jupiter orbus Tales of Jupiter dead withowt yssue Juxta fluuium puteum fodere To dig a well by the Ryuer side A ring of Gold on a swynes snowte To help the sunne with lantornes In ostio formosus (gratiows to shew) Myosobae flyflappers (offyciows fellowes) [Greek: Adelphizein]. To brother it (fayre speech) Jactare iugum To shake the yoke When It was to salt to wash it with fresh water (when speach groweth in bi ... to fynd taulke more gratfull)

_Folio 97, back_.

Mira de lente Quid ad farinas.

Quarta luna Natj (Hercules nativity).

Olle amicitia.

Venus font.

Utraque nutans sententia Hasta caduceum The two that went to a feast both at dyner and supper neyther knowne, the one a tall the other a short man and said they would be one anothers shadowe. It was replied it fell owt fitt, for at noone the short man mowght be the long mans shadowe and at night the contrary.

A sweet dampe (a dislike of moist perfume).

Wyld tyme on the grownd hath a sent like a Cypresse chest.

Panis lapidosus grytty bread Plutoes Helmett; secrecy Invisibility Laconismus Omnem vocem mittere (from inchantmentes) Tertium caput; (of one ouercharged that hath a burden upon eyther showder and the 3rd. vpon his head).

Triceps mercurius (great cunyng).

Creta notare (chaulking and colouring).

_Folio 98, front_.

Vt phidie signum (presently allowed).

Jovis sandalium; (Jupiters slipper, a man onely esteemed for nearnesse).

Pennas nido majore extendere.

Hic Rhodus Hic Saltus (exacting demonstracion).

Atticus in portum Divinum excipio sermonem Agamemnonis hostia With sailes and owres To way ancre.

To keep strooke (fitt conjunctes).

To myngle heauen and earth together.

To stirr his curteynes (to raise his wyttes and sprites).

Comovere sacra To iudg the Corne by the strawe.

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Bacon is Shake-Speare Part 18 summary

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