Bacon is Shake-Speare Part 19

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Domj Conjecturam facere [Greek: oikothen eikax[ein]]

To divine with a sive (?) Mortuus per somnum vacabis curis (of one that interpretes all thinges to the best).

Nil sacrj es (Hercules to adonis).

Plumbeo iugulare gladio (A tame argument).

Locrensis bos (a mean present).

Ollaris Deus. (a man respected for his profession withowt woorth in himself).

In foribus Vrceus; an earthen pott in the threshold Numerus

_Folio 98, back_.

To drawe of the dregges Lightenyng owt of a payle Durt tramped w'th bloude.

Ni pater esses Vates sec.u.m auferat omen.

In eo ipso stas lapide vbj praeco praedicat, of one that is abowt to be bowght and sold.

Lydus ostium claudit (of one that is gone away w'th his purpose).

Vtranque paginam facit An auditors booke (of one to whome both good and yll is imputed).

Non navigas noctu (of one that govern[s] himself acaso [bycause] the starres which were wont to be the s.h.i.+pmans direction appear but in the night).

It smelleth of the lampe You are in the same s.h.i.+ppe Between the hamer and the Andville Res est in cardine Vndarum in vinis Lepus pro carnibus (of a man persecuted for profite and not for malice).

Corpore effugere Nunquid es saul inter prophetas A dog in the manger [Greek: Oaekonous] (a howsedowe a dedman).

_Folio 99, front_.

Officere luminibus I may be in their light but not in their way.

Felicibus sunt et timestres liberj.

To stumble at the threshold Aquilae senectus Of the age now they make popes of Nil ad Parmenonis suem Aquila in nubibus (a thing excellent but remote).

Mox Sciemus melius vate In omni fabula et Daedali execratio (of one made a party to all complaintes).

Semper tibj pendeat hamus.

Res redit ad triarios.

Tentantes ad trojam pervenere greci Cignea cantio To mowe mosse (vnseasonable taking of vse or profite).

Ex tripode Ominabitur aliquis te conspecto.

He came of an egge Leporem comedit

_Folio 99, back_.

H [Greek: Ae tan ae epi tun]

Dormientis rete trahit Vita doliaris He castes another mans chaunces.

I neuer liked proceeding vpon Articles before bookes nor betrothinges before mariages.

Lupus circa puteum chorum agit The woolue danceth about the welle.

Spem pretio emere Agricola semper in nouum annam diues.

To lean to a staffe of reed fuimus Troes.

Ad vinum disertj.

To knytt a rope of sand.

Pedum visa est via Panicus casus Penelopes webb [Greek: skiamachein]

To striue for an shade Laborem serere.

Hylam inclamat.

[Greek: theomachein]

To plowe the wyndes Actum agere Versuram soluere To euade by a greater mischeef.

Bulbos querit (of those that looke downe Between the mowth and the morsell).

A Buskin (that will serve both legges not an indifferent man but a dowble spye).

_Folio 100, front_.

Chameleon Proteus, Euripus.

Mu[l]ta novit uulpes sed Echinus unum magnum Semper Africa aliquid monstrj parit Ex eodem ore calidum et frigidum.

Ex se finxit velut araneus Laqueus laqueum cepit.

Hinc ille lachrime; Hydrus in dolio Dicas tria ex Curia (liberty vpon dispaire) Argi Collis (a place of robbing).

Older then Chaos.

Samiorum flores A bride groomes life Samius comatus (of one of no expectacion and great proof).

Adonis gardens (thinges of great pleasure but soone fading).

Que sub axillis fiunt.

In crastinum seria.

To remooue an old tree [Greek: Kymakophon] (of one that fretteth and vaunteth boldnesse to vtter choler).

To bite the br[i]dle Lesbia regula.

Vnguis in vlcere To feed vpon musterd In antro trophonij (of one that neuer laugheth).

Arctum annulum ne gestato.

_Folio 100, back_.

Areopagita; Scytala.

Cor ne edito.

Cream of Nectar Promus magis quam Condus.

He maketh to deep a furrowe Charons fares Amazonum cantile[n]a; The Amazons song (Delicate persons).

To sow curses.

To quench fyre with oyle Ex ipso boue lora sumere.

Mala attrahens ad se vt Cesias nubes Pryauste gaudes gaudium.

Bellerophontis literae (producing lettres or evidence against a mans self).

Puer glaciem.

To hold a woolf by the ears fontibus apros, floribus austrum Softer then the lippe of the ear More tractable then wax Aurem vellere.

[Greek: Aeeritrimma]; frippon To picke owt the Ravens eyes.

Centones Improbitas musce (an importune that wilbe soone awnswered but straght in hand agayne).

Argentangina, sylver mumpes Lupi illum videre priores Dorica musa.

To looke a gyven horse in the mowth.

_Folio 101, front_.

Vlysses pannos exuit.

fatis imputandum Lychn.o.bij Terrae filius Hoc jam et vates sciunt Whear hartes cast their hornes few dead byrdes fownd.

Prouolvitur ad milvios (a sickly man gladd of the spring).

Amnestia Odi memorem compotorem.

Delius natator.

Numeris platonis obscurius Dauus sum non Oedipus Infixo aculeo fugere Genuino mordere.

Ansam quaerere.

Que sunt apud inferos sermones.

Et Scellij filium abominor (of him that cannot endure the sound of a matter; from Aristocrates Scellius sonne, whome a man deuoted to a democracy said he could not abide for the nearnesse of his name to an Aristocracy).

Water from the handes (such doctrynes as are polluted by custome).

_Folio 101, back_.

famis campus an yll horse kept The thredd is sponne now nedes the neadle quadratus h.o.m.o. a Cube.

fenum habet in Cornu.

Armed intreaty.

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Bacon is Shake-Speare Part 19 summary

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