Bacon is Shake-Speare Part 20

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Omnia secunda saltat senex.

[Greek: theon cheires]

Mopso Nisa datur Dedecus public.u.m.

Riper then a mulbery.

Tanquam de Narthecio Satis quercus; Enowgh of Acornes.

Haile of perle.

Intus canere.

Symonidis Cantilena.

Viam qui nescit ad mare Alter Ja.n.u.s.

To swyme withowt a barke An owles egg.

Shake another tree E terra spectare naufragia In diem vivere Vno die consenescere.

[Greek: Porro dios te K[a]i keraunou]

Servire scenae.

Omnium horarum h.o.m.o Spartae servi maxime servi Non sum ex istis heriobus (_sic_) (potentes ad nocendum)

_Folio 101, back--continued_.

Scopae dissolute Clavum clauo pellere Extra querere sese

_Folio 102, front_.

c.u.mjnj sector Laconice lunae.

Coruus aquat.

Ne incalceatus in montes.

Domj Milesia Sacra hec non aliter constant.

Gallus insist.i.t Leonis vestigia quaeris (ostentation with couardize) fumos vendere Epiphillides.

Calidum mendacium optimum Solus Currens vincit.

Vulcaneum vinclum.

Salt to water (whence it came).

Canis seviens in lapidem Aratro iacularj.

Semel rubidus decies pallidus.

Tanto buon che ual niente So good, as he is good for nothing.

The crowe of the bellfry.

The vinegar of sweet wyne.

En vne nuit naist vn champignon.

He hath more to doe then the ovens in Christmas.

piu doppio ch' una zevola Il cuopre vn altare & discuopre l' altro He will hide himself in a mowne medowe Il se crede segnar & se da de dettj ne gli occhi He thinkes to blesse himself and thrustes his fingers into his eyes

_Folio 102, back_.

He is gone like a fay withowt his head La sopra scritta e buona La pazzia li fa andare La vergogna li fa restare Mangia santj & caga Diauolj.

Testa digiuna, barba pasciuta.

L'asne qui porte le vin et boit l'eau lyke an ancher that is euer in the water and will neuer learn to swyme He doth like the ape that the higher he clymbes the more he shews his ars.

Se no va el otero a Mahoma vaya Mahoma al otero.

Nadar y nadar y ahogar a la orilla llorar duelos agenos Si vos sabes mucho tambien se yo mi salm [o?]

Por hazer mi miel comieron mj muxcas Come suol d'Invierno quien sale tarde y pone presto.

Lo que con el ojo veo con el dedo lo adeuino Hijo no tenemos y nombre lo ponemos.

Por el buena mesa y mal testamento.

Era mejor lamiendo que no mordiendo Perro del hortelano Despues d'yo muerto ni vinna ni huerto Perdj mj honor hablando mal y oyendo peor Tomar asino que me lleue y no cauallo que me derruque.

_Folio 103, front_.

So many heades so many wittes Happy man happy dole In s.p.a.ce cometh grace Nothing is impossible to a willing hand Of two ylles chuze the lest.

Better to bow then to breake Of suffrance cometh ease Two eyes are better then one.

Leaue is light Better vnborn then vntaught.

All is well that endes well Of a good begynyng comes a good ending Thinges doone cannot be vndoone Pride will haue a fall Some what is better then nothing Better be envyed then pytied Every man after his fashon He may doe much yll ere he doe much woorse We be but where we were Vse maketh mastery Loue me lyttell love me long.

They that are bownd must obey Foly it is to spurn against the Better sitt still then rise and fall.

Might overcomes right No smoke w'th owt some fire Tyme tryeth troth Make not to sorowes of one

_Folio 103, back_.

Thear is no good accord whear euery one would be a lord Saieng and doing are two thinges Better be happy then wise Who can hold that will away Allwaies let leasers haue their woordes Warned and half armed He that hath an yll name is half hanged Frenzy Heresy and jalousy are three That seeldome or neuer cured be That the ey seeth not the hart rueth not Better comyng to the ending of a feast then to the begynyng of a fray Yll putting a swoord in a mad mans hand He goes farre that neuer turneth Principium dimidium totius Quot homines tot sententiae Suum cujque pulchrum.

Que supra nos nihil ad nos Ama tanquam osurus oderis tanquam amaturus.

Amicorum omnia communia Vultu sepe leditur pietas Fortes fortuna adjuuat.

Omne tulit punctum.

In magnis et uoluisse sat est Difficilia quoee pulchra.

Turn tua res agitur paries c.u.m proximus ardet Et post malam segetem serendum est Omnium rerum vicissitudo

_Folio 103 back--continued_.

In nil sapiendo vita jucundissima Parturiunt montes nascetur ridiculus mus Dulce bellum inexpertis Naturam expellas furca licet vsque recurret.

_Folio 104, front_.

Quo semel est imbuta recens servabit odorem Bis dat qui cito dat Consciencia mille testes In vino veritas Bonae leges ex malis moribus Nequicquam sapit qui sibj non sapit Summum jus summa injuria Sera in fundo parsimonia Optimum non nasci Musa mihi causas memora Longe Ambages sed summa sequar fastigia rerum Causasque innecte morandj Incipit effari mediaque in voce resist.i.t Sensit enim simulata voce locutam quae prima exordia sumat Haec alternantj potior sententia visa est.

Et inextricabilis error Obscuris vera inuolvens.

Hae tibi erunt artes Sic genus amborum scindit se sanguine ab vno.

Varioque viam sermone leuabat Quid causas petis ex alto fiducia cessit Quo tibj Diua mej Causas nequicquam nectis inanes quid me alta silentia cogis Rumpere et obductum verbis vulgare dolorem Nequicquam patrias tentasti lubricus artes Do quod uis et me victusque uolensque remitto

_Folio 104, front--continued_.

Sed scelus hoc meritj pondus et instar habet Quaeque prior n.o.bis intulit ipse ferat Officium fecere pium sed invtile n.o.bis Exiguum sed plus quam nihil illud erit Sed lateant vires nec sis in fronte disertus Sit tibj credibilis sermo consuetaque verba praesens vt videare loqui

_Folio 104, back_.

Ille referre aliter sepe solebat idem Nec uultu destrue verba tuo Nec sua vesa.n.u.s scripta poeta legat Ars casum simulet Quid c.u.m legitima fraudatur litera uoce Blaesaque fit iusso lingua coacta sono Sed quae non prosunt singula multa iuuant.

Sic parvis componere magna solebam Alternis dicetis paulo majora canamus Non omnes arbusta iuuant Et argutos inter strepere anser olores.

Causando nostros in longum ducis amores Nec tibj tam sapiens quisquam persuadeat autor Nec sum animj dubius verbis ea vincere magnum quam sit et angustis hunc addere rebus honorem Sic placet an melius quis habet suadere Quamquam ridentem dicere verum quis vetat Sed tamen amoto quaeramus seria ludo Posthabuj tamen illorum mea seria ludo O imitatores seruum pecus Quam temere in n.o.bis legem sancimus iniquam.

mores sensusque repugnant Atque ipsa vtilitas justj prope mater et equi dummodo visum Excutiat sibj non hic cuiquam parcit amico Nescio quod meritum nugarum totus in illis Num[22] quid vis occupo

_Folio 104, back--continued_.

Noris nos inquit doctj sumus O te bollane cerebrj Felicem aiebam tacitus.

_Folio 105, front_.

ridiculum acrj Fortius et melius magnas plerunque secat res.

At magnum fecit quod verbis graeca latinis } Miscuit o serj studiorum } Nil ligat exemplum litem quod lite resoluit Nimirum insa.n.u.s paucis videatur eo quod } Maxima pars hominum morbo laborat eodem } Neu si vafer vnus et alter Insidiatorem praeroso fugerit hamo Aut spem deponas aut artem illusus omittas gaudent praenomine molles } auriculae } Renuis tu quod jubet alter Qui variare cupit rem prodigaliter unam.

Et adhuc sub judice lis est.

Proijcit ampullas et sesquipedalia verba Quid dignum tanto feret hic promissor hiatu Atque ita ment.i.tur sic veris falsa remittet tantum series juncturaque pollet Tantum de medio sumptis accedit honoris Ergo fungar vice cotis acutum } Reddere que possit ferrum exors ipsa secandj } Haec placuit semel haec decies repet.i.ta placebit Fas est et ab hoste docerj Vsque adeo quod tangit idem est tamen vltima Quis furor auditos inquit praeponere visis [distans].

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Bacon is Shake-Speare Part 20 summary

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