Bacon is Shake-Speare Part 21

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Pro munere poscimus vsum Inde retro redeunt idemque retexitur ordo Nil tam bonum est quin male narrando possit deprauarier

_Folio 105, back_.

Furor arma ministrat Pulchrumque morj succurrit in armis Aspirat primo fortuna laborj Facilis jactura sepulchrj Cedamus phoebo et monitj meliora sequamu[r]

Fata uiam invenient Degeneres animos timor arguit Viresque acquirit eundo Et caput inter nubila condit Et magnas territat vrbes Tam ficti prauique tenax quam nuntia verj Gaudens et pariter facta atque infecta canebat Nusquam tuta fides Et oblitos famae meliori amantes Varium et mutabile semper Femina Furens quid femina possit Quo fata trahunt retrahuntque sequamur Quicquid id est superanda est omnis fortun[a] ferendo Tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior i[to]

Hoc opus hic labor est Nullj fas casto sceleratum insistere li[men]

Discite just.i.tiam monitj.

Quisque suos patimur manes Neu patrie validat[23] in viscera vert.i.te vires Verique effeta senectus.

At patiens operum paruoque a.s.sueta iuuen[tus]

Juno vires animumque ministrat Nescia mens hominum fatj sortisque futur[ae]

Et servare modum rebus sublata secund[is]

_Folio 106, front_.

Spes sibi quisque Nee te vllius violentia vincat Respice res h.e.l.lo varias Credidimus lachrimis an et hae simulare docentur He quoque habent artes quaque iubentur eunt Quaecunque ex merito spes venit equa venit Simplicitas digna fauore fuit Exitus acta probat careat successibus opto Quisquis ab euentu facta notanda putet.

Ars fit vbj a teneris crimen condiscitur annis Jupiter esse pium statuit quodcunque iunaret Non honor est sed onus Si qua voles apte nubere nube parj Perdere posse sat est si quern iuuat ista potestas.

Terror in his ipso major solet esse periclo Quaeque timere libet pertimuisse pudet An nescis longas regibus esse ma.n.u.s Vtilis interdum est ipsis injuria pa.s.sis Fallitur augurio spes bona sepe suo Quae fecisse iuuat facta referre pudet Consilium prudensque animj sententia jurat Et nisi judicij vincula nulla valent Sin abeunt studia in mores Illa verecundis lux est praebenda puellis Qua timidus latebras speret habere pudor Casta est quam nemo rogauit Quj non vult fierj desidiosus amet Gratia pro rebus merito debetur inemptis Quern metuit quisque perisse cupit

_Folio 106, back_.

A late promus of formularies and elegancies

Synanthr Synanthropy

_Folio 107, front_.

He that owt leaps his strength standeth not He keeps his grownd; Of one that speaketh certenly & pertinently He lighteth well; of one that concludeth his speach well Of speaches digressive; This goeth not to the ende of the matter; from the lawyers, for learnyng sake.

Mot. of the mynd explicat in woords implicat in thowghts I iudg best implicat in thowg. or of trial or mark bycause of swiftnes collocat. & differe & to make woords sequac.

_Folio 107, back_.


_Folio 108, front_.

Vpon Impatience of Audience Verbera sed audi. The fable of the syrenes Auribus mederj difficillimum. Placidasque viri deus obstruit Noluit Intelligerevt bene aures ageret The ey is the gate of the affection, but the ear of the vnderstanding

Vpon question to reward evill w'th evill Noli aemularj in malig- c.u.m perverso perverteris; nantibus lex talionis Crowne him wth tols (?) Yow are not for this world Nil malo quam illos simil- Tanto buon cheval niente les esse suj et me mej

Vpon question whether a man should speak or forbear speach

Quia tacuj inveterauerunt Obmutuj et non aperuj os ossa mea (speach may meum quoniam tu fecistj now & then breed It is G.o.ddes doing.

smart in y'e flesh; but Posuj custodiam Orj keeping it in goeth to meo c.u.m consisteret y'e bone). peccator aduersum me.

Credidi propter quod Ego autem tanquam locutus sum. surdus nonaudiebam et Obmutuj et humiliatus tanquam mutus non sum siluj etaim a bonis aperiens os suum et dolor meus re- nouatus est.

_Folio 108, back_.

Benedictions and maledictions Et folium eius non defluet Mella fluant illj ferat et rubus asper amonium Abominacion

Dij meliora pijs Horresco referens

_Folio 109, front_.

Per otium To any thing impertinent.

Speech yt hangeth not together nor is concludent.

Raw sylk; sand.

Speech of good & various wayght but not neerely applied; A great vessell yt cannot come neer land.

Of one yt. rippeth things vp deepely. He shooteth to high a compa.s.s to shoote neere.

Y'e law at Twicknam for mery tales Synanthropie

_Folio 109, back_.


_Folio 109c, front_.


_Folio 109d, back_.


_Folio 110, front_.


The syn against y'e holy ghost termd in zeal by one of y'e fathers Cause of Oths; Quarells; expence & vnthriftynes; ydlenes & indisposition of y'e mynd to labors.

Art of forgetting; cause of society acquaintance familiarity in frends; neere & ready attendance in servants; recreation & putting of melancholy; Putting of malas curas & cupiditates.

Games of Actiuity & pa.s.setyme; _sleight_ of Act. of strength quicknes; quick of y'e hand; legg, the whole mocion; strength of arme; legge; _Of Activity of sleight_.

Of pa.s.setyme onely; of hazard, of play mixt Of hazard; meere hazard Cunnyng in making yor.

game; Of playe: exercise of attention; of memory; of Dissimulacion; of discrecion; Of many hands or of receyt; of few; of quick returne tedious; of praesent iudgment; of vncerten yssue.

Seuerall playes or Ideas of play.

Frank play; wary play, venturous not venturous quick slowe; Oversight Dotage Betts Lookers on Judgment groome porter; Christmas; Invention for hunger Oddes; stake; sett; He that folowes his losses & giueth soone over at wynnings will never gayne by play Ludimus incauti studioque aperimur ab ipso

_Folio 110, front--continued_.

He that playeth not the begynnyng of a game well at tick tack & y'e later end at yrish shall never wynne Frier Gilbert Y'e lott; earnest in old tyme sport now as musik owt of church to chamber

_Folio 110, back_.


_Folio 111_.


_Folio 112, front_.

good morow_ Good swear[24]

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Bacon is Shake-Speare Part 21 summary

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