Bacon is Shake-Speare Part 22

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Good trauaile good hast good matens good betymes; bonum mane bon iouyr. Bon iour; (bridgrome).

good day to me & good morow to yow.

I haue not sayd all my prayers till I haue bid yow good morow.

Late rysing fynding a bedde, early risinge, summons to ryse Diluculo surgere saluberrimum est.

Surge puer mane sed noli surgere vane.

Yow will not rise afore yor betters (y'e sonne).

Por mucho madrugar no amanece mas ayna.

Qui a bon voisin a bon matin (lodged next); Stulte quid est somnus gelidae nisi mortis imago Longa quiescendi tempora fata dabunt.

Albada; golden sleepe.

early vp & neuer y'e neere.

The wings of y'e mornyng.

The yowth & spring of y'e day The c.o.c.k; The Larke.

Cowrt howres.

_Folio 112, front--continued_.

Constant; abedd when yow are bedd; & vp when yow are vp.

Trew mens howres.

Is this your first flight x I doe not as byrds doe for I fly owt of my feathersz Is it not a fayre one Sweet, fresh of y'e mornyng.

I pray G.o.d your early rysing doe yow no hurt; Amen when I vse it.

I cannot be ydle vp as yow canne.

Yow could not sleep for your yll lodging; I cannot gett owt of my good lodginge.

Yow have an alarum in your head Block heads & clock heads.

There is Law against lyers a bedde.

Yow haue no warrant to ly a bedde Synce yow are not gott vp turn vp.

Hott cocckles withowt sands

G.o.d night Well to forgett; I wish yow may so well sleepe as yow may not fynd yor yll lodging.

NOTE.--This folio is written in two columns. The second column begins with the line, "I pray G.o.d your early rysing."

_Folio 112, back_.


_Folio 113, front_.


_Folio 113, back_.

fourmes & elegancyes.

_Folio 114, front_.

_Formularies Promus 27 Jan. 1595_.

Against con-} Es. conceyt of // ceyt of diffi-}Tentantes ad Trojam peruenere Impossibili- // culty or im-} ties & Ima- // possibility ginations // vt s[upra] ad id Ess. indear- // Abstinence}Qui in agone contendit a multis ing generali-// negatiues } abstinet. ties & prae- // cepts // vt s[upra] All the commaundments nega ad id tiue saue two ad id //

Parerga; mouente sed nil pro- ad id. and Curious; Busy extenuating // without jug mouentes operosities, nil ad deuises & // ment good summam. particulars.

direction Claudus I via ad id.

vt s[upra]

[25]Direction}to give the grownd in bowling. // generall. } vt sup[ra] Like tempring with phisike a ad id. // good diett much better.

Zeal affection}Omni possum in eo qui me Idea. zeal alacrity } confortat & good affec-// tion ye e. //

vt s[upra] Possunt quia posse videntur ad id.

vt s[upra] Exposition of Not Overweenning but ouerwilling. ad id. // vt s[upra] G.o.ddes presse; Voluntaries ad id. // detraction Chesters wytt to depraue & otherwise not wyse [26]s. P. s. J.//

Hast In actions as in wayes the nearest Ind my stay// ikpatience y'e fowlest

_Folio 114, back_.


_Folio 115, front_.


_Folio 115, back_.

ffrancys Dalle fragments of Elegancyes

_Folio 116, front_.

//Quod adulationis nomine dicitur bonum quod // obtrectationis malum.

Cujus contrarium majus; majus aut priuatio cujus minus animis.# //Cujus opus et uirtus majus majus cujus minus minus //quorum cupiditates majores aut meliores, //quorum scientiae aut artes honestiores.

//quod uir melior eligeret vt injuriam potius pati // quam facere.

//quod manet melius quam quod transit.

//quorum quis autor cupit esse bonum, cujus horret // malum.

//quod quis amico cupit facere bonum quod inimico // malum.

//Diuturniora minus diuturnis Conjugata //quod plures eligunt potius quam quod pauciores.

//quod controuertentes dic.u.n.t bonum perinde ac omnes quod scientes et potentes, quod judicantes.

//Quorum praemia majora, majora bona, quorum mulctae majores, majora mala.

Quas confessis et tertijs majoribus majora.

//quod ex multis constat magis bonum c.u.m multi // articulj bonj dissectj magnitudinem prae se ferunt Natiua ascitis.

//Qua supra aetatem praeter occasionem aut oportuni- // tate praeter naturam toe; praeter conditionem // temporis praeter naturam personae vel instru- // mentivel iuuamentimajora quam quae secundum.

_Folio, 116 back_.

//quae in grauiore tempore vtilia vt in morbo senectute // aut aduersis.

//Ex duobus medijs quod propinquius est fruj //Quae tempore futuro et vltimo quia sequens tempus // evacuat praeterita Antiqua novis noua antiquis Consueta nouis noua consuetis //quod ad veritatem magis quam ad opinionem Ejus // [27]ante, quae ad opinionem pertinet, ratio est ac // modus, quod quis sj clam fore putaret non // eligeret //Polychreston vt diuitiae, robur, potentia, facultates // animj # Ex duobus quod tertio aequali adjunctum majus ipsa[2]

reddit # Quae non latent c.u.m adsunt, quam quae latere possunt majora.

//quod magis ex necessitate vt oculus vnus lusco //quod expertus facile reliquit //quod quis cogitur facere malum //quod sponte fit bonum //quod bono confesso redimitur

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Bacon is Shake-Speare Part 22 summary

You're reading Bacon is Shake-Speare. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): Edwin Durning-Lawrence. Already has 710 views.

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