L.A. Dead Part 48

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It was a good question, Stone thought, and he didn't have an answer.

There were two beefy men in orderlies' uniforms waiting in the garage with a gurney. Stone stopped the car, got out, and helped Dino remove Dolce.

"Where are we?" she asked. Her hand went to the back of her neck. "I've got a headache."

"We'll get you something for that," one of the orderlies said. "Why don't you hop up here and we'll get you upstairs and to bed."

"I don't want to go to bed," she said, looking around the garage. "It's early, and I'm a late person."

"We won't need the gurney," Stone said. "Come on, Dolce, let's go upstairs and get you something for your headache." He reached for her arm, but she stiffened and tried to pull away.

Dino stepped up and helped hold her as they got her onto the elevator.

An orderly pressed a b.u.t.ton. "We've got a room ready," he said.

"What hotel is this?" Dolce asked.

"The Judson," an orderly replied.

"Never heard of it. I want to go to the Bel-Air."

"The Bel-Air is full," Stone said.

"Never mind, Papa keeps a suite there; I want to go to the Bel-Air."

"Eduardo said to take you here," Stone said. "He'll come and see you in the morning."

The elevator stopped, and the party moved down the hallway, with Stone and Dino holding tightly onto Dolce. They got her into a room, where a nurse was waiting.

"Oh, no," Dolce said, struggling. "I know this place. I've been to a place like this."

The nurse came forward, a syringe in her hand.

Stone turned Dolce's face toward him. "It's going to be all right," he said.

She whirled, when she felt the needle in her arm, but Stone and Dino held her tightly.

"Oh, no," Dolce said again. "I don't want to . . ."

"Put her on the bed," the nurse said to the two orderlies, and in a moment they had her stretched out. She turned to Stone and Dino. "She'll be out in a minute, and she'll sleep for twelve hours."

Stone stood at the bedside and held her hand until her eyes had closed and she was breathing deeply.

A few minutes later Stone and Dino took the elevator back to the garage and got into the car.

"I don't ever want to have to do that again," Stone said.

"Then you'd better get a divorce," Dino replied.


STONE LOOKED IN THE BATHROOM MIRROR; HE DID NOT much like himself this morning. Watching Dolce being sedated had shaken him badly, and later, explaining to Eduardo what had happened had not improved his state of mind. He had not slept much, and he was due at Marc Blumberg's office to prepare for tomorrow's hearing. He got into a hot shower and let the water run. The phone was buzzing when he got out.

It was Eduardo. "I saw her early this morning," he said.

"How was she?"

"Still sleeping; I just sat and looked at her. Her own doctor will be here today."

"Is there anything I can do, Eduardo?"

"Everything is being done that can be done. Later, if her doctor thinks you could be helpful, perhaps you could see her."

"Of course."

"I would like to take her to New York as soon as she is able to travel. Dr. Judson said he would consult with her doctor about that. If possible, I will take her home to Brooklyn and have her treated there."

"Perhaps she would be happier there," Stone said, not knowing what else to say.

"Stone, there is something else I must tell you about."

"What is it, Eduardo?"

"When I was at your house in New York we talked about the blood tests you took when Arrington's child was born."

"Yes, I remember."

"The tests were conducted by a laboratory here, in Los Angeles, called Hemolab."


"I think you should know that tests conducted by this company have, in the past, been known to be . . . manipulated. I cannot go into any detail about this, and I cannot discuss my reasons. Suffice it to say that this information is not just my opinion, but more substantial."

Again, Stone didn't know what to say.

"I don't know if, in your case, the results were accurate or not, and I have no way of investigating. You might wish to have the tests repeated by another laboratory."

"Thank you, Eduardo; I'll give that some thought." He would certainly do that.

"I must go now."

"I'll call you tonight to hear about Dolce."

"Thank you; I'll be in my suite all evening. Good-bye."

Stone hung up and sat on the bed, rattled by what Eduardo had said. He looked at the bedside clock: nearly eight; he was due at Marc Blumberg's office at nine to prepare for the hearing the following day. He shaved and dressed, then he called Dino.

"How you doing, pal?" Dino asked.

"I've been better."

"What do you need?" Dino could always read him.

"I'd appreciate it if you'd do something for me."

"Name it."

"Wait until midafternoon, then call the office of a Dr. Lansing Drake, in Beverly Hills. Tell him Arrington recommended him, that you're having abdominal pains, and that you'd like to see him late this afternoon. Then call me at Marc Blumberg's office and tell me what time he'll see you."

"You want me to go and fake it with this doctor?"

"No, no; I just want you to make the appointment, so that if he calls back to confirm who you are, he won't get me on the phone instead."

"Okay, I can do that. Dinner tonight?"

"Sure, if I don't have too much homework to do."

"Talk to you this afternoon, then."

"Bye." Stone was about to leave when the phone buzzed again. "Yes, Louise?"

"Brandy Garcia is on one."

Stone picked up the phone. "Yes, Brandy?"

"Stone, what's going on with Felipe Cordova? He called me last night, and he was upset."

"I subpoenaed him to testify at a hearing, that's all. He's at no risk by doing that."

"Yeah, but yesterday afternoon, he got another another subpoena for the same time and place, this one from the D.A. And they searched his house, too. He didn't know what they were looking for." subpoena for the same time and place, this one from the D.A. And they searched his house, too. He didn't know what they were looking for."

Stone thought about that for a moment. "Somebody's got his wires crossed, that's all. There's nothing for him to worry about."

"He doesn't like this, Stone. I think he might bolt."

"Brandy, there's a thousand bucks in it for you if you can see that he shows up for that hearing."

"What am I going to tell him?"

"Tell him n.o.body's going to put him in jail; tell him anything you like, just have him there. Lead him by the hand."

"Okay, I'll do it for the grand. What are you going to give him?"

"I've already told him that I can't pay him to testify."

"I could give him a couple hundred, though?"

"Sorry, I didn't hear that; must be trouble on the line. Have him there, Brandy."

"You got it."

Stone sat in Marc Blumberg's office.

"I don't like this much," Marc was saying.

"What's the difference who he's testifying for? We know what he's going to say."

"Do we?"

"I think so. It might be more effective to let the D.A. get his story into the record, then bring out our points on cross."

"Okay, I buy that. Now, let's get started."

They worked through lunch, and at midafternoon, Dino called.


"Hi. I've got an appointment."


"As soon as I can get there."

"Thanks, Dino."


"Meet me at the studio at seven."

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L.A. Dead Part 48 summary

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