Apu Ollantay Part 22

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Thou art all my happiness, My daughter, come, O come to me; This joy quite inundates my soul, It is the name I gave to thee.

Yma Sumac.

O my mother, to find thee thus!

We must be parted never more.

Do not abandon me in grief.

To whom can I turn to free thee, To whom can I appeal for right?

Pitu Salla.

Make no noise, my dearest friend.

To find us thus would ruin me.

Let us go. I fear the Mothers.

Yma Sumac (to Cusi Coyllur).

Suffer a short time longer here, Until I come to take thee hence, Patience for a few more days.

Alas! my mother dear! I go, But full of love, to seek for help.

(Exeunt closing the stone door, all but Cusi Coyllur. They extinguish the torch.)


Great hall in the palace of Tupac Yupanqui.

(The INCA discovered seated on the tiana. To him enter the UILLAC UMA, in full dress.)

Tupac Yupanqui.

I greet thee, great and n.o.ble Priest!

Hast thou no news of Rumi-naui.

Uillac Uma.

Last night, with guards, I wandered out On heights towards Uilcanuta.

Far off I saw a crowd in chains, No doubt the Anti prisoners, For they are all defeated quite.

The cacti[68] on the mountains smoke, E'en now the fortress is in flames.

Tupac Yupanqui.

And Ollantay, is he taken?

Perhaps--I hope his life is saved.

Uillac Uma.

Ollantay was among the flames, 'Tis said that no one has escaped.

Tupac Yupanqui.

The Sun, my Father, is my s.h.i.+eld, I am my father's chosen child.

We must subdue the rebel host, For that I am appointed here.

(Enter a CHASQUI with a quipu in his hand.)

The Chasqui.

This morning at the dawn of day, Rumi-naui despatched this quipu.

Tupac Yupanqui (to the Uillac Uma).

See what it says.

Uillac Uma.

This knot, coloured burnt ahuarancu, Tells us that Tampu too is burnt; This triple knot to which is hung Another which is quintuple, In all of quintuples are three, Denotes that Anti-suyu's thine, Its ruler prisoner of war.

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Apu Ollantay Part 22 summary

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