Apu Ollantay Part 26

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Uillac Uma.

O Urco, the Inca has made A great and a powerful chief, And grants thee with marvellous grace The arrow and also the plume.


Ill.u.s.trious King, I venture to ask, Will Anti-suyu have two chiefs.

Tupac Yupanqui.

There will not be two, O Rumi-naui The Mountain Chief will rule the Antis; In Cuzco Ollantay will reign-- As Viceroy deputed by me His duties will call him to act As ruler throughout the whole realm.


O King! thou dost raise me too high, A man without service or claim; I am thy obedient slave-- Mayst thou live for a thousand years.

Tupac Yupanqui.

The mascapaycha now bring forth, And to it the llautu attach.

Uillac Uma, adorn him with these, And proclaim his state to the world.

Yes, Ollantay shall stand in my place, Raised up like the star of the morn, For Colla this month I shall start; All preparations are made.

In Cuzco Ollantay will stay, My Ranti[79] and Viceroy and friend.


I would fain, O magnanimous King, Follow thee in the Chayanta war; Thou knowest my love for such work.

Peaceful Cuzco is not to my taste, I prefer to be thy Canari,[80]

To march in the van of thy force, And not to be left in the rear.

Tupac Yupanqui.

Thou shouldst find the wife of thy choice, And with her reign happily here In Cuzco; repose without care; Rest here while I'm absent in war.


Great King, thy sorrowful slave Already had chosen a wife.

Tupac Yupanqui.

How is it I know not of this?

It should be reported to me.

I will load her with suitable gifts; Why was this concealed from my eyes?


In Cuzco itself disappeared That sweet and adorable dove; One day she did rest in my arms, And the next no more to be seen.

In grief I made search far and near, Earth seemed to have swallowed her up, To have buried her far from my sight; O such, mighty King, is my grief.

Tupac Yupanqui.

Ollantay! afflict not thyself, For now thou must take up thy place Without turning thy eyes from thy work.

(To Uillac Uma.)

High priest, obey my command.

(The Uillac Uma goes to the wings (R.) and addresses the people outside.)

Uillac Uma.

O people, hear what I say: The Inca, our King and our Lord, Thus declares his imperial will: Ollantay shall reign in his place.

People outside.

Ollantay Ranti! Ollantay Ranti!

(Shouts and acclamations.)

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Apu Ollantay Part 26 summary

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