Apu Ollantay Part 25

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Having been rolled just like a stone, My heart has now become a stone.[76]

Tupac Yupanqui.

Know that tocarpus are prepared.

Remove those traitors from my sight, Let them all perish, and at once.


Take these three men without delay To the dreaded execution stakes; Secure them with unyielding ropes, And hurl them from the lofty rocks.

Tupac Yupanqui.

Stop! Cast off their bonds.

(The guards unbind them. They all kneel.)

(To Ollantay, kneeling).

Rise from thy knees; come to my side.


Now thou hast seen death very near, You that have shown ingrat.i.tude, Learn how mercy flows from my heart; I will raise thee higher than before.

Thou wert Chief of Anti-suyu, Now see how far my love will go; I make thee Chief in permanence.

Receive this plume[77] as general, This arrow[77] emblem of command.[78]

Tupac Yupanqui (to the Uillac Uma).

Thou mighty Pontiff of the Sun, Robe him in the regal dress.

Raise up the others from their knees, And free them from the doom of death.

(Urco Huaranca, Hanco Huayllu, and Piqui Chaqui rise, the latter looking much relieved. The Uillac Uma places the robe on Ollantay's shoulders.)

Uillac Uma.

Ollantay, learn to recognise Tupac Yupanqui's generous mind; From this day forth be thou his friend, And bless his magnanimity.

This ring contains my potent charm, For this I place it on thy hand.

(Gives him a ring, or bracelet.)

This mace receive, 'tis from the king,

(Gives him a mace (champi).)

It is his gracious gift to thee.


With tears I shall nearly consume That mace thus presented to me; I am tenfold the great Inca's slave, In this world no equal is found, My heart's fibres his latchets shall be; From this moment my body and soul To his service alone shall belong.

Tupac Yupanqui.

Now, Mountain Chief! come near to me, Ollantay is given the arrow and plume, Though to me he gave fury and war.

Notwithstanding all that has pa.s.sed He continues the Andean chief, And will lead his rebels to peace; Thee also I choose for the plume; From this day thou art a great chief, And never forget in thy thoughts, I saved thee from death and disgrace.

Urco Huaranca.

Great King and most merciful Lord, But now, expecting my death, I am ever thy most faithful slave.

(Uillac Uma gives him the plume and arrow.)

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Apu Ollantay Part 25 summary

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