Apu Ollantay Part 6

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Piqui Chaqui.

It is true that my nose is growing finer, And my ears a good deal longer.


Come, lead me to the Coyllur.

Piqui Chaqui.

It is still daylight.



A great hall in the Colcampata, then the palace of the Queen or Ccoya Anahuarqui. In the centre of the back scene a doorway, and seen through it gardens with the snowy peak of Vilcanota in the distance. Walls covered with golden slabs. On either side of the doorway three recesses, with household G.o.ds in the shape of maize-cobs and llamas, and gold vases in them. On R. a golden tiana or throne. On L. two lower seats covered with cus.h.i.+ons of fine woollen cloth.

(ANAHUARQUI, the Queen or Ccoya (in blue chucu, white cotton bodice, and red mantle secured by a golden topu or pin, set with emeralds, and a blue skirt), and the princess CUSI COYLLUR (in a chucu, with feathers of the tunqui, white bodice and skirt, and grey mantle with topu, set with pearls) discovered seated.)


Since when art thou feeling so sad, Cusi Coyllur! great Inti's prunelle?[15]

Since when hast thou lost all thy joy, Thy smile and thy once merry laugh?

Tears of grief now pour down my face, As I watch and mourn over my child; Thy grief makes me ready to die.

Thy union filled thee with joy, Already you're really his wife.

Is he not the man of thy choice?

O daughter, devotedly loved, Why plunged in such terrible grief?

(Cusi Coyllur has had her face hidden in the pillows. She now rises to her feet, throwing up her arms.)

Cusi Coyllur.

O my mother! O most gracious Queen!

How can my tears o'er cease to flow, How can my bitter sighs surcease, While the valiant Chief I wors.h.i.+p For many days and sleepless nights, All heedless of my tender years, Seems quite to have forgotten me?

He has turned his regard from his wife And no longer seeks for his love.

O my mother! O most gracious Queen!

O my husband so beloved!

Since the day when I last saw my love The moon has been hidden from view; The sun s.h.i.+nes no more as of old, In rising it rolls among mist; At night the stars are all dim, All nature seems sad and distressed The comet with fiery tail, Announces my sorrow and grief Surrounded by darkness and tears, Evil auguries fill me with fears.

O my mother! O most gracious Queen!

O my husband so beloved!


Compose thyself and dry thine eyes, The King, thy father, has arrived.

Thou lovest Ollantay, my child?

(Enter the INCA PACHACUTI. On his head the mascapaycha, with the llautu or imperial fringe. A tunic of cotton embroidered with gold; on his breast the golden breastplate representing the sun, surrounded by the calendar of months. Round his waist the fourfold belt of tocapu. A crimson mantle of fine vicuna wool, fastened on his shoulders by golden puma's heads. Shoes of cloth of gold. He sits down on the golden tiana.)

Inca Pachacuti.

Cusi Coyllur! Star of joy, Most lovely of my progeny!

Thou symbol of parental love-- Thy lips are like the huayruru.[16]

Rest upon thy father's breast, Repose, my child, within mine arms.

(Cusi Coyllur comes across. They embrace.)

Unwind thyself, my precious one, A thread of gold within the woof.

All my happiness rests upon thee, Thou art my greatest delight.

Thine eyes are lovely and bright, As the rays of my father the Sun.

When thy lips are moving to speak, When thine eyelids are raised with a smile, The wide world is fairly entranced.

Thy breathing embalms the fresh air; Without thee thy father would pine, Life to him would be dreary and waste.

He seeks for thy happiness, child, Thy welfare is ever his care.

(Cusi Coyllur throws herself at his feet.)

Cusi Coyllur.

O father, thy kindness to me I feel; and embracing thy knees All the grief of thy daughter will cease, At peace when protected by thee.

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Apu Ollantay Part 6 summary

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