Uprising - The Suspense Thriller Part 29

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"So I'm a good kisser?"

Raider hesitated, feeling forced into a corner. "I guess you could say that. For a guy."

"And all that making out? Was that so bad?"

Raider stared at the walls. Momentarily, he was lost in his own world. Oth.e.l.lo sauntered over to him, not stopping until they were a foot apart.

"I'm also a good sucker," Oth.e.l.lo said, "and f.u.c.ker and b.u.t.t-licker, too, especially with an Adonis like you."

Raider moved his head to one side for some breathing room. "This is not going to work, Oth.e.l.lo. You and I are not going to have s.e.x."

"How long has it been for you, you poor stud, stuck with all those men for so long, seeing those women at the parade and knowing you couldn't have them even if you wanted to. You must be dying to whip out that piece of meat."

Raider laughed the laugh of disbelief, arching his head toward the ceiling but not moving away. "You still want me? After all that I've done. After everything?"

"I'm through with denial. I'm gonna be in a federal prison somewhere hating you with every fiber of my being for the rest of my life, but I'll still want you. I'll still remember what it was like running my hands through your hair and caressing these big, strong shoulders. I'll still think about how I truly believed this was going to be my first love despite all the obstacles, that G.o.d or the G.o.ds or fate or whomever was finally granting me the one thing I wanted most in life. I'll hate you, Raider Kincaide. I'll hope you'll come to regret not loving me, and sometimes I'm sure I'll wish the worst kinds of human tragedies befall you. But I'll still be in love with you. I'll still think about holding you. And you holding me."

"Even though I'm straight and you know it's women I want?"

"Maybe especially because you're straight and it's women you want."

"I don't get it."

"I don't either fully, but I do know that I would give anything to be the only man you ever loved, ever cared for, ever gave yourself to."

"Knowing that I could never return your affection the way I could a woman?"

"Never say never."

"You got that right." He took a few steps away. "That night on the cliff in Malibu, I almost talked myself into letting you give me a b.l.o.w.j.o.b."

"What stopped you?"

"I wasn't going to prost.i.tute myself for this case."

"What's stopping you now? You've won. Case closed."

"You would still want to give me a b.l.o.w.j.o.b?"

"The best one you ever had. Think of it as a small souvenir to take with you from your biggest case ever. And you'd be giving me a keepsake, the taste of your c.u.m which I can savor as I rot the years away in prison."

"Oth.e.l.lo, this is crazy to even think about."

"So is what we've been through these last few months. So is what's about to happen to both of us."

"If we...if this...if you." Raider let out a tight breath. "I could never do anything more than that."

"Deal. You won't be sorry."

Raider scoffed. "You're Oth.e.l.lo, man. Why me?"

"Because you're a man's man, this body, this manly physique. You're more of a man than anybody I've ever met."

"Yeah, right."

"I mean it. Your s.e.xy voice, your beautiful eyes, your wonderful face, your great body, your a.s.s, your whole persona."

"Oth.e.l.lo, man, you're crazy."

"Tell me something I don't know," Oth.e.l.lo said and Raider laughed. Their eyes rested on one another's. "We'll never have this chance ever again."

"Man, if you told anybody...."

"Who would believe me? They'd chalk it up to the ravings of the wronged lunatic." He felt Raider's crotch. "Just let mea""

"Wait, hold on." Raider stepped back. For a moment the condo fell silent. Then Raider spoke. "Into the bedroom."

Oth.e.l.lo fought like h.e.l.l not to explode as he headed toward the hallway, ahead of Raider to keep up the momentum, which didn't seem necessary because Raider was right on his heels. Once inside the bedroom, Raider messed with the dimmer switch until the room was half-lit. Then they stood at the foot of the bed, for a moment unsure of what should happen next. Oth.e.l.lo quickly came to the rescue, reaching for Raider's belt buckle.

"Whoa," Raider said, grabbing Oth.e.l.lo's hands. "I'll do this." He proceeded to unbuckle his own belt, then lowered his underwear and jeans just enough to expose his crotch.

"It's beautiful," Oth.e.l.lo said of his d.i.c.k, soft and thick and rounded, the head plump and getting plumper. Raider didn't say a word. Instead, he swallowed hard and waited. Disappointed by the lack of romance in the air, Oth.e.l.lo nevertheless knelt down on his knees, and not wanting to give Raider enough time to change his mind, scooped up three quarters of Raider's limp c.o.c.k in his mouth.

Immediately, Raider inhaled a very audible breath. Encouraged, Oth.e.l.lo grabbed Raider's hips and took in more of his d.i.c.k, dousing it with his saliva and slowly twisting and turning his mouth. His lips then traveled backwards until they tasted a plump fat head, at which point he made the journey back down toward the base of Raider's c.o.c.k. He did this several times, slowly and steadily as Raider's hips begin to sway and his c.o.c.k stretched and hardened and widened all at the same time. Enraptured with the salty taste of his man, Oth.e.l.lo opened his mouth even wider and swallowed Raider whole until his nose was pressed against the spare patch of blond pubic hair above Raider's d.i.c.k.

"Whoa," was all Raider could say.

Oth.e.l.lo stayed there for as long as he could hold his breath, inhaling the funky scent of Raider's skin and pubic hair, which possessed an almost overpowering dose of sweat and musk, something Oth.e.l.lo decided to relish, as if his man had just come from a workout or the lacrosse fields. When he had to come up for air, he slowly pulled back, never leaving Raider's c.o.c.k, and found a big reward waiting for him. In the span of a few seconds, Raider's manhood had expanded to its full roaring size, as big and thick as any Oth.e.l.lo had ever tasted in golden days of the Temple.

"You've got a c.o.c.k to match everything else about you," he said.

Raider laughed immodestly, then stepped back a bit and began kicking off his sneakers. "If I'm only going to do this once in my life, I may as well do it right." After the shoes came the pants, which he threw on the sofa chair next to the dresser. "You can get comfortable, too."

Oth.e.l.lo took that as a cue to undress, and as he did, Raider, reclined back on the bed, his legs hanging off at the knees, his d.i.c.k not losing a millimeter of steeliness.

With their clothes out of the way, Oth.e.l.lo took a moment to savor the sight of Raider lying on the bed, then knelt down on the floor between his legs and began caressing his thighs as his tongue dove for Raider's b.a.l.l.s. First, he licked them, then took them in his mouth, his right hand playing with Raider's c.o.c.k and rubbing it against his face. Soon, he was sucking again, full long strokes with his eyes glued to Raider's. Raider alternated between watching and arching his head backwards, his face only showing signs of pleasure, no guilt. Taking this as a good sign, Oth.e.l.lo began licking Raider's stomach and chest, cupping his pecs and tasting his nipples.

"Oth.e.l.lo, no," Raider moaned.

"You don't like that?" Oth.e.l.lo asked between swipes with his tongue.

"I just want you to suck my d.i.c.k, just a b.l.o.w.j.o.b."

"Then tell me. Tell me what you want."

"Suck my d.i.c.k."

"I can't hear you."

"Suck my d.i.c.k."

Oth.e.l.lo worked his way back down to Raider's c.o.c.k, and once again, with his knees on the floor, he sucked away, using his hands to do what his tongue had been ordered not to: explore Raider's chest and thighs. Finally, much to Oth.e.l.lo's delight, Raider began to verbalize, moaning "Oh yeah," and "f.u.c.k yeah," and "My d.i.c.k feels great." With Raider getting into it more, Oth.e.l.lo decided it was time to play with his own d.i.c.k and began jerking himself off. Twice he came close to coming, then couldn't hold back on the third close call, shooting a substantial load on the carpet.

But that wasn't going to stop him or turn down the heat. He'd been waiting for this for months. Leaving his own d.i.c.k alone, he began concentrating on Raider's again, careful thata"when Raider seemed on the verge of cominga"Oth.e.l.lo would back off and lick around his b.a.l.l.s and crotch and as he brandished Raider's c.o.c.k toward the ceiling.

"This is the best I ever had," Raider said, his voice high and full of amazement and wonder, resembling the voice of a teenage boy.

"Scoot up," Oth.e.l.lo said, then climbed on the bed and turned so that they faced the opposite direction. He then lay on his side and once again buried his face in Raider's crotch. Raider moaned and groaned even louder now. After a few moments, Oth.e.l.lo rolled their bodies over so that Raider was on top of him, pumping his d.i.c.k into Oth.e.l.lo's mouth in a push-up position. "I'm close," Raider said, sitting up on his knees and trying to grab the base of his d.i.c.k. Quickly, Oth.e.l.lo popped Raider's d.i.c.k out of his mouth and grabbed onto it, refusing to let Raider stroke himself to o.r.g.a.s.m.

"Hold on, baby," Oth.e.l.lo ordered him. After a brief struggle, Raider's hand gave up. Guarding Raider's c.o.c.k with one hand, Oth.e.l.lo then burrowed underneath his b.a.l.l.s until he came to Raider's a.s.s, which was smooth and without the slightest trace of hair. With his nose leading the way, he parted the cheeks and dove in until he found the warm moist valley that was Raider's a.n.u.s. He then proceeded to lick, slurp and devour his Nantucket man's b.u.t.t, squeezing the cheeks with his free hand and making a valiant effort to permanently lodge his face into Raider's a.s.s.

Raider promptly let out a sound that was somewhere between a yelp and a wail, then began grinding his buns into the head below him. He was clearly enjoying this as much if not more than the b.l.o.w.j.o.b, so much so that he rearranged his legs so that he was squatting over Oth.e.l.lo's face. "Oh man!" he said over and over and over.

Having no time for words, Oth.e.l.lo ate Raider's a.s.s as if it were his last meal on earth, trying to forever ingrain the sight, smell and taste in his mind. After a while, Raider repositioned himself so that once again he was resting on his knees. It was then that Oth.e.l.lo suddenly felt something on his own d.i.c.k: a hand, he realized with no small amount of shock. Raider had grabbed his d.i.c.k, which had been rock hard since Oth.e.l.lo planted his face in Raider's b.u.t.tocks. Raider was just holding it, not jerking, not playing, just holding. A minute later, Oth.e.l.lo's d.i.c.k felt the wetness of a tongue, then a pair of lips, then the fiery heat of a whole mouth. Raider was sucking his d.i.c.k, lapping it up, too, as if it were the most natural thing in the world: no harshness, no teeth, no reservations. His mouth was moving up and down and side to side, an instant expert. He showed no signs of stopping either. He kept on sucking and sucking while Oth.e.l.lo licked away at his a.s.s for several heavenly minutes.

"Raider, you're going to make me come again," Oth.e.l.lo was forced to say eventually.

"You came already?" The revelation prompted Raider to get off of him and sit on the bed.

"The minute I touched you practically. But as you can see," he grabbed the side of Raider's a.s.s, "just put this in front of my face and I'm a goner."

Raider paused, eyes cast on the bed. "I want you to f.u.c.k me." His voice sounded like that of a kid, no remorse, no hint of guilt. It was simply what the boy wanted without so much as one thought to anything else.

At first, Oth.e.l.lo was sure he hadn't heard correctly. "You do?"

"Yeah." There it was again, that voice without contrition, that face registering nothing but contentment. Without further ado, Raider positioned himself on all fours, head away from Oth.e.l.lo, whose mind went into overdrive.

Stop! Hold on! Do you realize what you're asking?

But he wasn't about to say no to anything this man desired, unlessa"

"Do you have any rubbers?" asked Oth.e.l.lo.

"In the nightstand," said Raider.

"Which one?"

"Both," he said with a little laugh. "But you're cool though, right?"

In other words: you don't have AIDS like Freedom, do you?

"Raider." Without pausing, Oth.e.l.lo opened the nightstand on the left and found over a dozen loose packages of condoms. "We use protection no matter what. That way you and I will always be cool, now and forever."

"Yeah," he said agreeably.

"One sec," Oth.e.l.lo said. "I've got some lube in my bag in the living room." Not wanting to give Raider enough time to change his mind, Oth.e.l.lo hustled to the living room and retrieved a tube of KY jelly from his rolling carrier next to the sofa. He'd brought the lubricant to Summerhill with faint hope that the trip would produce the magic moment where Raider wanted to f.u.c.k him.

Talk about your ironies, he thought, rus.h.i.+ng back into the bedroom.

Raider was still on all fours, waiting patiently for the first d.i.c.k up his a.s.s. Oth.e.l.lo stood behind Raider and stroked his d.i.c.k to get hard. When that was accomplished, he placed a condom over his hard-on, firmly resolved that what he was about to do was acceptable and safe. To make it even more so, he tore open another package and placed a second condom over the first.

"Let me try a finger to begin with," he said, worried that Raider would freak out at the first sign of pain. He knelt on the bed, his c.o.c.k bouncing up and down. Wanting to be as safe as possible when it came to a.s.s-play, he stuck yet another condom on his index finger, thinking of his own s.e.m.e.n from earlier. He was that determined not to give Raider anything but a good time. He lubed up his finger with the KY, then tried to tunnel his way into Raider, not getting half an inch before Raider protested.

"Take it out."

Gently, Oth.e.l.lo removed his finger.

"Just let me take a break."

He still wanted it, Oth.e.l.lo was shocked to realize. The boy still wanted it.

"Okay." Raider slumped his shoulders toward the bed in an effort to hike his b.u.t.t higher in the air.

Going slower, Oth.e.l.lo tried again. This time, he got his finger all the way in, but Raider didn't seem any happier or more at ease, his moaning a far cry from the ecstatic sounds he made getting his d.i.c.k sucked.

"Okay, take it out," he commanded after less than a minute. "I think I have to go to the can now."

After Oth.e.l.lo removed his finger, Raider made a beeline for the bathroom and Oth.e.l.lo lay back on the bed, a.s.suming the quest for a.n.a.l s.e.x was over. A few moments later, Raider was back in the room, sheepishly declaring: "Nothing came out. Just felt like it, I guess."

"Happens that way sometimes," Oth.e.l.lo said, trying to sound rea.s.suring. "Sometimes it's better when you sit on the d.i.c.k."

"Okay." Raider stood up on the bed, ready to squat down.

"You still want to try it?" Oth.e.l.lo asked incredulously. "I was talking about for future reference."

"I wanna feel it tonight."

"Raider," Oth.e.l.lo said worriedly, his fist around his half limp d.i.c.k, "you could barely stand my finger. How we gonna get this in?"

"I still wanna try."

The boy wanted it all tonight and was going to stop at nothing.

In disbelief, Oth.e.l.lo started stroking his d.i.c.k through the two rubbers. "Then turn around and let me get a look at that a.s.s so I can get hard again."

Standing on the bed above Oth.e.l.lo, Raider turned and showed his smooth white cheeks to Oth.e.l.lo, the sight of which sent Oth.e.l.lo reeling.

"s.h.i.+t, man, that's an a.s.s."

"You like that?" Raider asked, his tone

"Like I like breathing," Oth.e.l.lo said. "Baby, you got a beautiful a.s.s. Perfectly round, great tan lines, smoother than a baby's."

"Yeah, chicks love my a.s.s," Raider said. He started feeling his own b.u.t.t with both hands, moving his cheeks by s.h.i.+fting his legs side to side.

"That's it, baby," Oth.e.l.lo said, stroking his c.o.c.k. "Put on a show for me."

"Like this?" Raider bent over, pretending to ma.s.sage his ankles.

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Uprising - The Suspense Thriller Part 29 summary

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