Grey Eagle: Savage Ecstasy Part 12

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Comprehending what these preparations meant, her heart leaped in joy. He must be going on a raid or hunt. This is the chance to escape I have wanted and prayed for, she thought eagerly. Freedom, at last! She could hardly keep from shouting and singing. I have been here long enough that I can come and go without much notice from the others. If he does as usual and leaves me unguarded, I wil be long gone and far away before he returns. Never again wil I see or feel his hate. By tomorrow, I wil be free. She smiled.

Gray Eagle glanced up to see her smiling secretly to herself as she watched him gather his things for the raid. But the smile quickly faded and she looked away when he studied her with suspicion. She cautiously tried to behave normaly.

He guessed, she wil be glad to have me away for a time. But He guessed, she wil be glad to have me away for a time. But this is good. It wil give her the time to be alone and think. There are many things she must come to understand and decide for herself. She wil come to know she is mine and always wil be. She wil come to understand she can be happy if she comes to me of her own free wil. There is no choice but to accept me and al my ways. Just to nettle her, he caled her to come and sit down beside him while he prepared to leave. Knowing her freedom was near and not wanting to provoke him, she instantly obeyed. She sat down in elated spirits at his side. She looked on as he roled some items into a buffalo skin and neatly tied them up.

As he began to fil his empty quiver with new arrows, she retreated to her mind to plan. She unconsciously toyed with the gold locket around her neck. He had believed the s.h.i.+ny yelow circle was an amulet against evil for it resembled the sun in color and shape. He had alowed her to keep it for that reason.

She lovingly touched it with her fingertips, caressing it lightly between them. She did something she had not done since leaving Pennsylvania. She opened the locket and gazed at the smal miniature of her father and herself. Her elation at thoughts of freedom made her long to have contact with something from her past as encouragement and to give her strength of purpose. The miniature had been done shortly before his death. The two of them had been out shopping for a birthday gift for her mother. They had stopped in at an "artiste atelier" to have it made. It had been a wonderful surprise, but her mother had only worn it for a few weeks before she had been kiled. It had been given to Alisha, along with other smal personal effects. The destruction and fire at the fortress had taken everything but the locket she wore. It was her one and only link to her past. Although she could not guess his one and only link to her past. Although she could not guess his reason, she was glad he had alowed her to keep it. She had not had the heart to look at it until today.

She had been so ful of life and happiness that day and it was evident in her sparkling, merry eyes and dazzling smile. She studied the girl in the locket. How naive and unworldly she had been!

Would she have smiled so brightly and innocently if she had known then what life was truly al about?

She covered her mouth with her hand to suppress a laugh as she noted the expensive clothes and fas.h.i.+onable hairstyle; then looked at how she was dressed now and touched the long braids resting at her breast. Which girl are you, Lese, she pondered. The one in the miniature or the one here now? Two such totaly different girls, lives and fates. Why had the Fates chosen this as her destiny?

It wasn't fair.

She then looked at the tal, ruggedly handsome man at her side in the locket. Tears came to her eyes, but remained unshed. How young, vital and das.h.i.+ng he had looked that day. She studied the angular jaw which told of a strong character and honesty. She gazed at the sparkling, devil-may-care, steel-blue eyes. His hair was the color of a raven's feathers and his face goldenbronze from his sporting life. He had been a man to cause the heads of women to turn for a second and third look and to look at her mother in envy. She noted the charisma in his expression. He had possessed a natural charm and polite manner which drew people to him in both private and business circles. She had been so very proud of him. She had treasured the love and closeness they had shared for so many years. Even now, his death was unbearable.

Oh, Papa, her tender heart cried out, why did it have to end this way? Why did things have to change so cruely? I love you and this way? Why did things have to change so cruely? I love you and miss you as much as in the beginning. Wil this terrible emptiness and pain in my heart never heal?

When Gray Eagle finished what he was doing and looked over at her, she was sitting and staring intently at the little locket with tears glimmering in her eyes. He studied her curiously for a short time, confused by her expression and mood. His eyes folowed her line of vision to the gold circle she held in her fingers. It was open. He leaned toward her and stared at the scene inside the locket. It was Lese with a young, handsome, smiling, white man. His eyes instantly riveted back to her dreamy-eyed look.

His thoughts went black with rage and jealousy. He struck out at himself in anger. Fool! She has a white-eyes she loves and longs for. She has lied and deceived me. She has tricked me with her soft words and loving ways. She hopes I wil feel love and pity for her. But she wil know my anger and feel my wrath!

Eyes blazing hot fury, his hand snaked out and s.n.a.t.c.hed the locket from her grip. He roughly yanked the delicate chain around her neck. It broke, leaving a red scratch along her neck. She was startled by the sudden, aggressive brutality of his action, and gasped in shock. She stared wide-eyed with fear at him.

He held the little locket up and scrutinized the man in the miniature with her. She did not realize how hard he was straining to keep his emotions and fury under rigid control. He tightly clutched the locket in his hand, fighting the overwhelming urge to slay her immediately for her deceit. She wil never look upon his face again. She wil regret this trick and beg my forgiveness. He walked to the fire pit and dropped the locket into the flames.

Unaware of his coming intentions, she was too late to stop him. She lunged forward and tried to reach for the locket in the him. She lunged forward and tried to reach for the locket in the swirl of flames. He quickly grabbed her hand back before it touched the fire. He shouted angrily at her, "Hiya!"

He crushed her smal hand in his powerful grip. She struggled to free it and rescue the locket. "No!" she cried in anguish. "Please don't destroy it, Wanmdi Hota. My father, no, it's al I have left from him. Please, I beg you, don't!"

He loosened his iron-like grip on her hand, but stil retained it in his fist. She stared in torment as flames licked at the images; charring, melting and fusing them into one smal multi-colored dot of nothingness. The gold locket turned a glowing red, then, white hot as it melted into the same nothingness. Soon, the only thing left was a very smal, glowing bal. The last reminder and connection to her past life was now but a memory.

The intense agony in her eyes and face knifed at his heart. It was too late to save the locket. He released his grip. She slowly sank to the ground before the pit and stared into the fire which flickered in a bright kaleidoscope of colors. She murmured to herself, detached and in shock, completely unaware of him or her surroundings.

"It belonged to mother. It was a birthday surprise. We gave it to her just before she was kiled. Father was a handsome man, wasn't he? Mama said he could even make a spinster turn green with envy. They gave it to me after she died. It was the only thing left which truly belonged to me."

She smiled as she recaled the day she and her father had given it to her mother. "It was such a grand surprise. We kept it a secret. I can stil see her face and hear her words of joy. 'Now I have my two favorite people closest to my heart al the time.' I haven't looked at it since they died. It brought too much pain and haven't looked at it since they died. It brought too much pain and loneliness." Tears roled down the pinkened cheeks. "It's al gone. Nothing left, just like everything at the fortress-burned and destroyed. Al gone... everything and everyone... Why, Wanmdi Hota? How could a little locket with my father's image harm you? It was mine. You had no right to destroy it. I hate you!" She shot the stinging words at him like a flaming arrow.

Coming to ful consciousness, she turned on him in a sudden fury and pummeled him on his bare chest. She shouted, "I hate you!

I hate you! I hate you! You're cold-blooded and heartless! You'l stop at nothing to hurt me! You had no reason to do that! It was mine! Mine!"

She lowered her voice to a deadly, icy tone, "I hope you're captured and kiled on this raid! I hope they torture you and beat you until you're dead. You should bemade to bleed and suffer for al your evil. I hope you pay dearly for your hatred and cruelty."

Too late, he realized his grave mistake, but knew it could not be changed or undone. He was alarmed by the ful extent of his feelings and jealousy. He was shocked by the brutal way he had struck out at her, but was more concerned with the reasons behind his actions. He was a man who prided himself in his control over his emotions. But this girl had a way of wreaking havoc in him. She revealed things in him which he did not understand. When he was confronted with situations like this one with her, al his years of training and practice fled and failed him. He had openly vented his anger on her too many times lately. What magic did she possess to bring out such feelings and reactions in him? How did she make him lose al reason and judgment when she was the center of the problem? I do not like the way I strike out at her, he thought, but somehow I cannot seem to stop or control it.

somehow I cannot seem to stop or control it.

He reached out and tenderly gripped her shoulders, saying, "Hiya, Lese."

She ignored his order and continued her tirade of hate and hopes for his coming doom. Fearful someone might hear her, he spoke sharply in warning, "Hiya! Iyasni! Ya wokasketipi..."

She was immediately frozen into silence and stilness. Trails of tears were stil wet on her flushed cheeks and the wild despair stil filed her eyes. Between gasps for air, she vowed, "You'l have to kil me first! You'l never take me there alive again. I wil never endure such shame as that again. Never!"

The warning had done its job, so he released his hold onher. She sank to the ground before the fire pit and gazed into it. Staring into the dying flames, she mentaly cursed him, d.a.m.n him and his threat! I wil not let him have this new power over me. Either I wil escape or I shal kil myself.

Tears filed her emerald eyes and silently roled down her face. The firelight appeared to dance in those large, sad eyes and sparkle on her teardrops. Such a cruel price to pay for broken dreams and shattered ilusions ...

She whispered in a tone tinged with anguish, "There is nothing you have ever done to me which has brought me more pain. You could hurt me no less if you drove an arrow into my heart. You and those b.l.o.o.d.y arrows which bring death and suffering. Would they could be more like Cupid's instead-arrows to bring love and desire." She turned on him and accused heatedly, "But you know nothing of love. Al you know is hatred and l.u.s.t. You wish everyone else to be as unhappy and bitter as you are."

Emerald eyes met and fused with jet black ones. Softly and tenderly she asked, "Don't you ever feel longings for love and tenderly she asked, "Don't you ever feel longings for love and happiness, Wanmdi Hota? Have you never loved or wanted any woman so much it actualy hurt? Does your hatred flame so deep within you that no one wil ever be able to put it out? If I could borrow that mythical bow for only one moment, I pierce your heart with love for me and never release you from my hold. There has been so much anger and hate between us. Wil you never alow it to end? Is there no hope for a lasting truce for us?"

She could have answered her own questions. She lowered her face into her open hands and cried, "Oh, Papa, why? Why did I have to be left alone? I can't face these fears alone. Why did we come to this G.o.dforsaken land? Why am I at the mercy of a man whose hatred and cruelty knows no limits?

"I wish you would kil me and end this torment. Why did you have to spare me and bring me here?" She dropped her head into her hands once more and wept in total despair and hopelessness. He watched and listened as she cried to release the pent-up pain, loneliness and suffering. A desire to comfort and love her flooded him. Hunger to heal the hurt he had caused her surged in his heart. He lifted her into his arms and took her to the mat. She did not resist until he pressed her down to the mats with his body. Guessing his intention, she began to fight him like a cornered wildcat.

"You'l never touch me again, not after al you've done to me. If you think you can crush my heart in your hands one minute, then hold me in your arms and make love to me the next, you won't! I hate you!" she hissed at him.

His superior strength of body and purpose enabled him to easily and quickly pin her beneath him, naked, breathless and fighting. She had never fought him so fiercely before. He was afraid fighting. She had never fought him so fiercely before. He was afraid he would hurt her in their struggle. He knew he must end her resistance quickly. His eyes narrowed to a dangerous glint and his voice lowered to an ominous tone. In slow deliberation, he said, "Wokasketipi or Wanmdi Hota?"

She was so distressed by the implication of his threat, she did not register the use of the English word "or." She would never know how much that mistake and oversight would cost both of them. Gray Eagle had instantly realized his slip, but knew her lack of reaction meant she did not catch it.

He spoke once more in a more demanding tone, angered by what almost took place just now. "Hiya ku-wa-Wanmdi Hota, ya wokasketipi! Hiya ya wokasketipi, ku-wa Wanmdi Hota."

When she did not answer him, but only stared back into his ebony eyes as if hypnotized by them, he gave the choices again. She thought on his words, "no come to him, go to the teepee sa; or no go to the teepee sa, then come to him." Understanding filed her mind-a choice! He was teling her to choose between him and that brothel! He would certainly carry out his threat. She glared at him as she reasoned the two choices.

"A choice, is it? Go to the teepee sa where any man can take me..." she shuddered to even consider this possibility "... or come to you and let only you take me. But do I dare trust you? With your love for taunts and cruelty, it's probably just a trick. Even if I chose you, you'd more than likely take me there anyway afterwards. You've never offered me a choice before. Why now? You have the power to force me to do anything. Why the choice?"

She hurriedly tried to figure out his motives before he demanded an answer again. He lowered his face to hers and was about to kiss her when she abruptly turned away. He warned, "Hiya about to kiss her when she abruptly turned away. He warned, "Hiya Wanmdi Hota ... sha teepee sa."

He took her two hands and placed them around his neck. Holding them there, he repeated his choices with a tone of impatience. His complete and true meaning hit home. Her eyes widened with comprehension.

"Now I understand. The real choice is between the teepee sa and wiling submission. Oh yes, you could rape me. But that isn't what you want. You want yielding and groveling. You want me to feel shame and guilt. How cunning and wise you are in some things. Is this your new threat to hold me in line? I act as your harlot or as one for your whole tribe."

He remained quiescent, alowing her to work out her decision.

"If only you put half this much effort and wisdom in other paths..... What difference could this possibly make? You've taken me many times before. To be stripped and raped by others ... by Wanhinkpe Ska. ... You chose your weapon wel that night, too. To alow my one and only friend to hurt me was cruel even for you. Only you have hurt me more. Why wil you not alow me just one koda? I hope I never recal that night. I have no doubt you forced him to do what he did. Stil, we can never be kodas again . .. if we ever were. You use your position and power like a knife, Wanmdi Hota. You cut deeply and painfuly into the hearts of those you hate or wish to punish."

She drowned in those pools of black. "Why me, Wanmdi Hota? Why do you make me a special receiver of your hate and revenge? Why did you have to take my one friend and the smal happiness we shared? If only you could feel just a little love in your heart for me. No... I would settle for just a little less hate."

Kiling her friends.h.i.+p with Wanhinkpe Ska was a mistake, he Kiling her friends.h.i.+p with Wanhinkpe Ska was a mistake, he realized. So was the wokasketipi. She has withdrawn further from me. Whether it be by force and fear, or love and submission, Lese, I wil have you.

The tautness left his body and he relaxed his tense jaw. She met his gaze to discover the icy glare was missing and in its place was a calm, pleasant, almost tender expression. She s.h.i.+fted uneasily beneath its glow. There was a look of smug artic.i.p.ation gleaming in his eyes. Arrogant savage! she fumed. He knew al along I would do anything before I'd let him send me back there.

"Hiya teepee sa ..." she answered with firmness. "Sha, ku-wa Wanmdi Hota..."

To her utter confusion, he gave her a broad smile, or perhaps a victorious sneer. It realy did not matter which, the effect was shattering to her resistance and hate. His eyes softened to a dark slate color. The taut lines at his eyes and mouth relaxed into gentle lines. He flashed even, white teeth in an almost breathtaking smile. If possible, he looked even more handsome and desirable. Her heart seemed to skip a beat, flutter wildly, then pound madly. With lips dry and slightly parted, those emerald eyes could not leave his face. He calmly returned her heated, surprised gaze. There was a strange look in his eyes which she could not fathom. Time ceased to exist. She was lost in those black, bottomless depths. The power of his wil drew her deeper and deeper, until there was no hope for survival-or any wil for it. The close contact and heat of his body made her tremble. She inhaled and exhaled in quick, short rasps. His warm breath on her face and the heat from his smoldering eyes set her blood afire. He watched as desire replaced hate and anger in her flushed face. Sensing she had lost the wil to resist him, he released his hold Sensing she had lost the wil to resist him, he released his hold on her hands. He remained propped on his elbows staring down into her face. Her hands remained behind his neck. Al past feelings and events were irrelevant to what was taking place between and within them. There had been a change, for no longer did a slave and warrior lie amidst the buffalo skins; only a man and a woman...

Each was aware of the strangeness which filed their bodies, minds and the very air in the teepee. To each came the thought, "here is the one I love and want." There were no thoughts of past or future, only of here and now.

He was both happy and shocked by the effect of only a smile on her. Why had he not tried this way before? His present actions held far more power over her than any force or threat. He had her totaly under his power with only tenderness. It was a sad pity he would soon disregard and reject this new discovery. He had found the knowledge and key to conquer her love and defiance, but he was unable to admit or accept it.

His lips found hers and kissed her long and deep. He soon found her hands held him there for another and another. Her fiery response answered his cal. She returned every kiss and offered others. She yielded to the hunger and warmth he offered. He began to whisper soft words in Oglala to her as he caressed her and rained hot kisses over her face and throat. Even though she did not understand his meaning, his tone had the desired effect.

"E-cana, ni-ye mitawa. Kokipa ikopa, Cinstinna. Kte lo Wanmdi Hota, Lese. Waste cedake... waste cedake .. ."For the first time, he alowed his emotions to run free. This time, there would be total giving and taking from both sides. Completely forgotten were her former intentions of giving in to avoid the teepee sa. She clung to him pa.s.sionately. This was the avoid the teepee sa. She clung to him pa.s.sionately. This was the joining she had long awaited. When he came to her, she met each thrust with a desire unbridled and out of control. She responded to him with instinctive moves. Lost in the heat of love and pa.s.sion, she obeyed every command his mouth gave her. Al reason fled in the face of consuming love.

Her senses were spinning. He was everywhere-his smel filed her nostrils; his voice sounded deep and husky in her ears; his touch burned like fire on her flesh. Her body ached for fulfilment and ecstasy. For these few, precious hours, there was no Indian or White; nor hate and cruelty; nor slave and master. There existed only man and woman; only Alisha and Gray Eagle; only love and desire, joined together in the act of giving al to each other, physicaly and emotionaly.

Caught in the spiral of climbing pa.s.sion, she wondered how she would ever want to escape him now. How could she bear to live without him after this night? How could she bear never to see him again? She had never known or possessed him this way, nor had he ever come to her with such tenderness before. How could she ever stop wanting or loving him now? She did not understand this change in him, but she hoped it would last forever. She had been wrong, for he was capable of love and tenderness. As the final thrust was given and accepted, both were lost in the throes of love, consummated to the fulest. He laid his head down beside hers as their breathing slowed to normal and a calm, relaxed serenity came. He was the first to realize how deep he had been lost in her love. He had been caught unprepared for both his or her response. He was alarmed to recal how nothing had mattered for those hours except Alisha and his need for her. He had been completely unaware of everything but her. Perhaps she had been completely unaware of everything but her. Perhaps she had been the one with the power over him. I cannot alow her this power or knowledge, he thought. It is too soon...

Her pa.s.sion ebbed and reality returned. She recaled her wanton, fierce surrender to him. Had she only imagined his response to her? She must know the truth now. "Wanmdi Hota..."

Forcing his expression under control, he lifted a blank face and fathomless eyes to her. She waited for some sign or word. He offered nothing more than an expressionless glare. He knew what she asked him without words, but he could not bring himself to reply. She realized her love and desire had been so great she had let herself pretend he felt the same way to offset her shame. Humiliated by her discovery, she tried to pul out of his embrace. She was frightened by her emotions and behavior.

What is the matter with me? she raged against herself. How could I have responded to him like that? I had no wil or desire to stop him or myself. I have lost al control over my body and mind. He rules them just like he rules my life.

He raised his head and peered into her face as she struggled to pul free. She reddened in guilt and hurriedly looked away. He knew her fear and uneasiness at this sudden unleas.h.i.+ng of hidden emotions, for he, too, felt the same panic and alarm he sensed in her. He also understood her loss of pride. She sees now she is mine of her own choice, he thought, and it confuses and frightens her. To aleviate the tension in the air, she said defensively, "Ya Wanmdi Hota, sha ... hiya ya teepee sa... hiya teepee sa!"

Nodding understanding, he guessed the purpose of the statement. He would let her believe she was only choosing him over the wokasketipi. She was aware of the ful truth about him and herself. He would give her time to accept these new facts about her herself. He would give her time to accept these new facts about her feelings.

His thoughts were also in turmoil. He would soon be forced to face and deal with these same facts and emotions in himself. Could he ever accept the fact that he loved a white girl who was his slave and enemy? Could she ever become more a part of his life than being just his kaskapi? The Great Spirit would reveal the answers to these questions very soon.

He roled over and covered them both with blankets, then went to sleep. She lay a long time contemplating her actions. Recaling the pa.s.sion and ecstasy she had experienced, she trembled with renewed desire and fear.

If he gains this new hold on my heart and body, I wil never be free of him, she reflected. It's horrifying enough to be his slave, but to love him would be d.a.m.ning. I can't alow that to ever happen. Tomorrow I must escape and be free of him and his spel forever. She vowed, tonight wil be the last time my body wil ever betray what my heart feels. He wil always believe I acted out of fear of him and the teepee sa. I wil not give him the weapon of love to use against me.

After tossing restlessly for hours, she began to dream...

Chapter Ten.

She saw herself running through a field of flowers. She frolicked in the warm sunlight, tossing her silky hair to and fro in the light breeze. She twirled and danced merrily. A soft love balad filed her ears. As she moved along, she plucked daisies until her arms were ful.

Abruptly the sky darkened. A fierce wind howled around her and in her ears. It whipped her hair into her face and eyes, and tore at her dress. The daisies scattered everywhere. Peals of thunder sounded above and al around. Where had the azure sky, the white, bilowy clouds and bright sun gone?

A blood-curdling yel rent the air. She whirled around to see five Indians running toward her. They were painted up in gruesome, fiendish detail. They wore only breech-cloths and deerskin moccasins. Their entire bodies were covered in color and strange, bizarre designs. They wore no feathers or headbands in their sooty, loose-flying hair. The malevolent, demoniacal expressions on their faces instiled terror in her.

She turned and fled in alarm. For some reason, her legs were like two dead weights which moved in very slow motion. Panic gripped her heart and she instinctively knew there was no escape. She tried to scream for help, but not a single sound would come out. The Indians swiftly overtook her. Hands were puling and grabbing at her from al sides. Her clothing was torn from her body and hot, clammy hands were al over her flesh, pinching, touching and squeezing.

and squeezing.

She finaly managed to scream and scream and scream, but no help came. She was thrown to the ground and held spread-eagled, each man taking a limb and holding it tightly to the earth. Never had she known or felt such degradation and shame. There were insistent, cruel hands at her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and thighs. She struggled with al her might, but realized she could not prevent the a.s.sault. The fifth Indian, who was towering over her, removed his breech-cloth. He leered s.a.d.i.s.ticaly down at her as he stood there fondling his enormous, protruding manhood. She turned her head from the horrible, humiliating sight before her. Rough hands immediately forced her head back to face her first attacker. They laughed and sneered at her fear and useless exertions. The others shouted encouragement and teased him in a deep, gutteral language she did not know.

The man standing above her dropped heavily on top of her, knocking the wind from her. He savagely entered her with a brutal thrust. She screamed at the tearing, burning, excruciating pain which seemed to rip her apart inside.

Gray Eagle gripped her shoulders painfuly and shook her violently, trying to awaken her. He had pieced most of her nightmare together from her cries and pleas. He knew what she was dreaming and believing to be real. This was probably brought on by her visit to the wokasketipi.

His voice reached her inner mind, and he, too, joined in the nightmare. He seemed to come from nowhere, swinging his tomahawk and slas.h.i.+ng with his knife. She watched, fearful for his life and safety, as he overpowered and kiled them al. Blood was everywhere-on the flowers, the earth, on her and him, and over her attackers.

her attackers.

Al the braves lay dead and mutilated. Suddenly she was in his arms and he was holding her tenderly, teling her she was safe. She clung desperately to him in the dream, little knowing she did so in reality. Soon, she came fuly awake. She stared at him through tearsoaked lashes, comprehending it was only a horrible dream. She clutched at him for comfort. She began to kiss him hungrily. She begged him to make love to her and blot out the nightmare. He tightened his embrace on her and puled her wiling body beneath his. They made love with an emotion akin to animal mating. Her fiery capitulation and heated response to him kindled him with a fire which could only be quenched with her total possession. Later, she lay enfolded in the security and warmth of his arms and slept peacefuly the remainder of the night. He held her al night, letting her draw comfort and love from him. For the first time, she had come to him to seek the love and comfort she needed and wanted. She had begged him to make her his, and he had. When morning came, he hesitated to study her sleeping face. She had moved only slightly when he arose. Her hand had gone to the place where he had lain and stil held his body heat. She snuggled to the warmth and odor he left there. Softly she whispered his name in her slumber, and a smile formed upon her lips. Her vision had shown her she is mine and she accepts it, he triumphed. She is truly mine now. The love she has felt wil bring the changes in her which must come. It is time. Sleep, Cinstinna. When I return, we wil speak of these things. It is time for you to understand my feelings for you and for you to know of your place here with me. The Great Spirit has prepared your heart to learn and accept these things. You wil no longer fear me or my love. The time for hate and suffering is past. We wil know of love and happiness, for hate and suffering is past. We wil know of love and happiness, but only here in our teepee. When I tel you of these things, you wil understand why it must be this way for now.

He smiled, confident of her total commitment to him. He leaned over to gather his bedrol, weapons and supplies, and went to join the others.

Capa Cistinna had brought the news of a wagon train moving into their lands from the East. He had spotted it yesterday when he was out hunting. He had counted about fifteen wagons which were driven by many people dressed in strange black and white garments. Gray Eagle and some other braves would go and scout this area to learn of the white man's intentions. Perhaps they only pa.s.sed through their land on the way to some other land. If not, the braves would attack and force them to move on or be kiled. Gray Eagle left his teepee and walked to his horse. He spoke gently to the powerful appaloosa as he fed and watered him. He stroked Chula's neck with great affection, smiling to himself in apparent high spirits.

White Arrow walked up with his pinto Aluzza and began to tease his friend. "Your head soars as high as the eagle in the sky, my koda."

Gray Eagle had not felt this relieved or lighthearted in a long time. He laughed and replied, "Yours would also, my koda, if you possessed the woman of your heart. She is truly mine now. She wil never resist or defy me again. The council, the Great Spirit and, now, she herself have agreed that she is mine. From this moon on, she wil be my kaskapi only in the eyes of others, not just in our teepee."

White Arrow arched his eyebrows in surprise at this sudden White Arrow arched his eyebrows in surprise at this sudden change of heart. Astonished, he asked, "How so, Wanmdi Hota?'

Grinning with self-confidence, the reply was, "Last night, she came to me and gave of her heart and body completely and wilingly."

Perplexed, White Arrow asked skepticaly, "How did this come about so quickly and without warning?"

Gray Eagle explained the events of the previous night in minor detail, including her feelings and words about White Arrow.

"In time, we could become kodas once more. It is good to my heart that she does not hate me for what I did to her."

"She wil learn and understand al things when we return. It is time for peace and understanding between us. She wil again accept you as her koda. I wil tel her of the things she must know. If she accepts and understands these things, then I wil tel her of my feelings and needs for her. Then, she wil accept her life here with me and our people. We wil know happiness for many moons."

"It is good you do this, Wanmdi Hota. She has suffered too much for a long time. It is the time for healing and understanding. She wil be greatly shocked and surprised to learn of your feelings for her as a woman. She does not guess you love her and want her as herself."

"It wil be new to her, but it is time for the truth between us. Only you, my koda, wil know she is more than a kaskapi to me. For a time, it must remain this way."

They went to join the other warriors who were preparing to go on this raid with them. As they went along, White Arrow casualy asked who was to be left as a guard and protector for Alisha.

"There is no need for her to be guarded now. She is safe here and the old woman wil see to her needs while we are away. There and the old woman wil see to her needs while we are away. There is food in our teepee and the stream is close by."

White Arrow was again astounded by this much trust and a.s.surance in Alisha. He did not tel me al of the things which happened last night, he thought. It takes more than one night of love and submission to earn this honor from a warrior like him. Was it truly love which has brought on this final giving in? Could it be she has grown weary and disheartened from al her resistance and suffering? She does not want to be further punished or sees the futility of defiance. May the Great Spirit protect you, Cinstinna, if you fail to be worthy of his trust.

A chil touched White Arrow, causing him to tremble with its intensity. He knew what he must do.

He scanned the group for a sight of Gray Eagle. He must warn him to reconsider a guard for Alisha. He saw him speaking with Matu, giving her orders concerning Alisha. The command was to leave her alone unless she appeared to need help or protection. White Arrow hurried to him. As they walked away from Matu's teepee, he asked his friend to reconsider his decision on this matter. He told him of his uneasiness at leaving her alone.

"There is a warning in the air but I do not grasp its meaning. You must leave a warrior to protect and watch over her this time."

Gray Eagle scoffed at his friend's urge for caution and chose to ignore his words. He was too proud and arrogant to think anything could possibly go wrong for them now. Everything had been settled. There was no need for further worry or concern. Gray Eagle rode away with his warriors without realizing the truth to Wanhinkpe Ska's warning. Excitedly they rode toward the truth to Wanhinkpe Ska's warning. Excitedly they rode toward the valey where Capa Cistinna had seen the strange wasichus camped. Gray Eagle dismissed al thoughts of Alisha.

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Grey Eagle: Savage Ecstasy Part 12 summary

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