Grey Eagle: Savage Ecstasy Part 18

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General Galt was somehow at her side, shouting orders and admonis.h.i.+ng al the men. When he had the situation under control, he asked Jeffery and Powchutu to explain this outrageous behavior and conduct. The two men only glared at each other in silence. Alisha spoke up and gave the details of what had occurred. She related the entire incident without bias, much to Jeffery's and to Powchutu's vindication.

General Gait wisely decided he had better not take ' sides between these two men. He put an end to the matter, and said, "No damage has been done, Lieutenant. Miss Wiliams says Powchutu damage has been done, Lieutenant. Miss Wiliams says Powchutu didn't insult her in any way. I order you men to forget this whole thing and get back to work. I might remind you, we have more urgent matters to take care of than hot tempers."

Over Jeffery's demands, the matter was dropped. The men muttered amongst themselves as they moved off to return to their duties. Only the lieutenant, Powchutu and Alisha remained in the yard. Powchutu knew it would be best for both himself and Alisha if he left things alone for the time being. He stalked off in silence. Jeffery stared at his retreating back. He turned to face Alisha.

"I fail to comprehend your tolerance and forgiving nature toward men like that. It was his kind who did to you those things you wish to forget. Why, Alisha, why?"

She met his gaze and answered, "Powchutu had nothing to do with my capture or treatment. A man cannot take the blame, nor the credit, for another man's words or deeds. It is I who fail to understand your behavior just now. He is a felow soldier, not your enemy. If you despise and mistrust him so much, then why do you keep him here? I would think the position of scout would be deadly in the hands of one's foe."

He studied the emerald eyes and sweet face for a short time. He quipped, "Chacun son gout!" He saw her confusion. Was it possible she truly did not understand why the scout must be ostracized? Perhaps she did not recal her French.

"You see, Powchutu is a bte noire. Even though we need his services, we do not have to accept him or like him."

"Somehow, I do not see him as a necessary evil. Nor do I see any of you alowing free choice of friends and ideas. I think what you have here, Lieutenant Gordon, is an etat intolerable." She had understood his words and fired back at him in perfect French, much understood his words and fired back at him in perfect French, much to his pleasure. Her accent was impeccable.

Jeffery grinned mischievously at her choice of words. He made a mocking, sweeping bow and retorted, "Touche, Alisha."

His mocking gesture and tone were amusing. She smiled, knowing she had struck home. "I do not like to see anyone il-used or abused. Suppose you were Powchutu ... would you like to be viewed and treated as he is?'

How could he argue with such a lovely, tenderhearted, naive fool? He was using the wrong tactics on this girl and if he didn't alter them, he would be left out in the cold. He relented as far as she could tel. His voice was melow and soft.

"I see your point, Little Heart. No, I would not care to trade places with him, or with anyone. Maybe I was a little hasty with my accusations. In the future, I wil try to control these envious impulses to colar him. I just lost my head when I saw him with you. I a.s.sumed you were either too polite or frightened to tel him to leave you alone." He flashed her a boyish, innocent grin which she could not resist responding to. His charm was at its peak. Seeing his change in behavior was winning him points, he pressed his advantage. "I'l have to instruct you about this land and its people. You'l understand then why I reacted in such a manner. Perhaps you wil forget and forgive my rash behavior. Trve?"

Her guard was cast to the wind. She smiled and replied, "Trve, Jeffery..."

Score one, he mused. By the time I am finished with your education, you'l believe and trust anything I tel you. "I am afraid you have a great deal to learn about life out here. I am also afraid it wil be difficult and painful for a girl like you, Alisha."

Anguish touched her teary eyes. She whispered, "That was the Anguish touched her teary eyes. She whispered, "That was the same thing my uncle told me just before he was kiled. You are correct when you say this truth wil be painful and difficult. Stil, the fact remains- Powchutu did not personaly have anything to do with my problems. I cannot blame him for what they did to me and my life."

He observed her very closely. He was more determined than ever to have this fresh, unspoiled girl. With a few changes in att.i.tudes and emotions, she wil be a treasure... a real treasure. These qualities must have cost her dearly in the Oglala camp. Even that b.a.s.t.a.r.d Gray Eagle knows a jewel when he sees one. He clenched his teeth at the thought of that warrior brutaly ravis.h.i.+ng this fragile creature. Stil, he could understand why even a savage would desire her. I wil be the man to teach you the gentle side of love, ma pet.i.te. You wil gratefuly come to me in time, he vowed confidently.

"Come, I'l see you back to your quarters." He took her elbow and escorted her to the Philseys' door. Once there, he asked to see her again the next day. She hesitated, but he would not alow her to say no. She was embarra.s.sed and worried about her impecunious state.

She realized it would be unwise to antagonize her new aly, so she accepted. She would worry about her other problems later. She quickly entered the door, hoping to get to her room before Mrs. Philsey caught her. It was futile. From the expression on her face, Alisha could tel she knew about the scene outside. She quickly went to her room.

The days traveled by at snail's pace for Alisha. There was nothing to do. She read, rested, did her smal laundry, did her grooming and sat. She was bored. She had come to a crossroad in grooming and sat. She was bored. She had come to a crossroad in her life and found al paths were blocked to her. Her fate lay in the hands of strangers.

Mrs. Philsey developed a pattern of sending her meals in by Doc, or leaving them at her door. She would not alow Alisha to socialize or eat with them. Even though Doc objected to this rule, he could not change his wife's mind, nor did he have the courage to go against her wishes.

Doc went to check on Alisha daily. They would banter lightly, for an invisible strain had developed between them. It was guilt on Doc's part and fear of pressing him too hard on Alisha's. Her injuries were mending nicely and would be completely healed in a few weeks. He told her one day the welts would soon vanish, leaving only smal, lined, White scars to remind her it ever realy happened. Alisha wondered if the scars on her heart and soul would also heal someday, or if there would always be scars to remind her of her visit to Hades.

She found herself looking forward to Jeffery's caling, if only to avoid her loneliness at the Philseys'. No one else visited Alisha. Certainly, the women did not. Powchutu avoided her, too, thinking it best to keep a low profile at the fort. He did not want to cause her any more trouble. So, as the days pa.s.sed, Alisha found herself more and more in the young lieutenant's company.

Powchutu's warnings went unheeded. Alisha pushed his warnings to the back of her mind. She and Jeffery seemed to have so much in common, besides backgrounds and education. Her spirit hungered for the vitality he radiated. She needed to absorb some of the self-confidence which flowed from him to her. He represented a link to her past and hopefuly to her future. In this rustic, crude wilderness, Jeffery was civilization and chivalry. He was al the wilderness, Jeffery was civilization and chivalry. He was al the things she missed and yearned to have once more.

Jeffery was cautious not to rush her, and kept her off her guard with his charm. Sir Lancelot himself would not have presented a more galant knight than Jeffery did to Alisha during those long days. He reminded her of al she had lost, and refreshed the dreams of youth in her heart.

When he believed his hold was firm and secure, he became more demanding on her time and emotions. He began to ask more questions about her future plans and her recent past. She had come to delude herself as to what he was offering and preparing her for in the near future.

Struggling to retain this ilusion, Alisha would attempt to restore their lighthearted banter. If this failed, she would withdraw into silence. She would refuse to continue the confusing, frightening discourse, forcing him to back off and attack from another front. His subtle advances and personal remarks about the two of them became more frequent and more intimate. Most of his comments and actions were never quite clear in intent. She turned away and rebuffed his slightest touch.

Each time Jeffery tried to touch Alisha; Gray Eagle's face loomed before her like a dark specter. She would freeze and pul away. A light kiss on the forehead, or a brush across her lips did not bother her; in fact, she found it enjoyable and novel. But soon, Jeffery would try to kiss her more ardently and Alisha would pnly feel terror.

He determined to wear down her fear with persistent charm and romance. Even after what she had experienced with Gray Eagle, she was stil naive and innocent. He would take her face between his hands and gaze down into her panicked eyes of green. between his hands and gaze down into her panicked eyes of green. But he never realized she panicked because of him. He could feel her flinch when he touched her hair and nestled his face to her ear, or when he "accidentaly" touched a forbidden place. He was very experienced in the art of seduction. This green, unsophisticated girl wouldn't stand a chance against his knowledge. With his persuasion, she would be in his bed in his arms before she knew what had taken place, he thought. Once there, she would have no desire to ever leave. His only problem was her terror of love and men, perhaps even of her own emotions. He had no doubts that he could not tear down that wal of fear around her heart and mind.

But the process of breaking down Alisha's defenses was not as easy as Jeffery schemed. For whenever Alisha was with him, thoughts and images of Gray Eagle haunted her mind. Her soul cried out in torment, why do I feel I betray Gray Eagle when Jeffery reaches out to me? She did not realize it was not Jeffery she was reaching out for. It was the love and security she thought he was offering to her.

Alisha dreamed she spoke to Gray Eagle: I hear your voice in the winds. I see your face in the night. I feel your touch in my slumber. Do you possess some power of voodoo? Can you bring me such suffering even though I am physicaly free of you? Did you cast some spel upon my heart which prevents me from loving another? Have you imprisoned my soul forever as you once did my body?

Jeffery is al the things I could ever want and need in a man. He is life and you are death. Why can I not respond to him? Is it love I fear, or Jeffery, or do I fear to alow him the same power you held over me? Jeffery is my one hope for a new life and freedom. held over me? Jeffery is my one hope for a new life and freedom. He is the hope of regaining myself, my happiness and peace of mind.

Then Alisha would silently cal out to the lieutenant: Help me!

Jeffery. Help me to love you. Teach me to want you, to respond to you and your touch. In time, you can replace him in my heart as you have done in my life. You must! Free me from Wanmdi Hota!

"What troubles your thoughts, ma pet.i.te?" Jeffery broke into Alisha's reverie.

She paled even more, then flushed guiltily. Was she so transparent she had alowed her most intimate emotions and torment to show, and to him of al people? "No matter how hard I try to forget, Jeffery, sometimes my memories sneak in around the edges of my mind to torment me." She turned away from his keen eyes as tears began to rol down her cheeks. "Wil it never go away or stop hurting, Jeffery? Wil the terrible emptiness and humiliation always be there? I have no one..."

He reached out and puled her into his arms to comfort her. She cried like a hurt, frightened child. She desperately clung to him for the strength and consolation he offered. He sensed how much she needed him and it gave him a feeling of power over her. He embraced her tightly and possessively, whispering soft, soothing words into her ear. Her vulnerability and nearness overcame him and he began to cover her face and lips with hungry kisses. His hands moved up and down her back, caressing and fondling. His insistent tongue probed her mouth and one of his hands tenderly cupped her breast. He was so caught up in his hunger for her that he did not immediately realize she was trying to push him away. She pleaded fearfuly with him to stop. This was the rash behavior such as Horace displayed that day, but there was no rash behavior such as Horace displayed that day, but there was no Ben here to help her this time. He was too powerful to fight and she could not seem to reach him with words. She struggled harder.

"Please, Jeffery, don't! You can't! I can't... stop! Please stop... Too soon... Not here, not now... Time, I need more time!

Jeffery!" He was actualy going to seduce her! He would take her in the gra.s.s like some harlot. He didn't want her; he wanted a woman, any woman. Her tears were from anger and bitterness and she fought like a cornered tiger.

He cooed in her ear, "I can make you forget what he did to you, Alisha. Don't pul away from me. Let me teach you the way of love and gentleness. I won't rush you or hurt you. Let me love you, Alisha. I want you... Need you.. . Here... Now.. ."He pleaded with her in a husky voice overcome with desire.

Jeffery gripped her wrists so tightly he was hurting her. His lips bruised hers. His breathing was rapid and hot against her face. His hands grew bolder with their caresses. He pressed his hardened manhood to her body and rubbed against her. He was at the point where she could not reason with him. His eyes held that same l.u.s.tful, evil look the trapper's had held that day when he was about to rape her. Wild, sheer terror raced through her veins. Shaking violently, she cried, "No! Jeffery. I said, stop it! Let me go!"

She slapped at him and clawed at his face. She beat on him with her smal, ineffective fists. She franticaly grabbed a handful of hair. She yanked and yanked with al her might.

He jerked his head back angrily and he glared down at her. His effort to seduce her was thwarted and the fires leaping in his body retaliated, "Soon, you'l come a-begging for what you now reject! You don't play with a man's emotions like that, then shy off reject! You don't play with a man's emotions like that, then shy off like some frightened young virgin-which you're not!"

Alisha lowered her lashes in shame and guilt.

He brutaly continued, "You can push a man only so far, Alisha, then he'l take by force what you freely offered, just like that savage did. Is that what you want, force to make it blameless for you?"

There had never been a time when he had not been in ful command and control-until today, until Alisha...

The look on her face calmed his agitation. She looked like a hurt child. Never had he noticed such hurt and pain in a woman's eyes before. Tears flowed from her translucent eyes and slid down her rosy cheeks. She had lowered her head in submission. Hechided himself sternly, this was the wrong time and way to reach her. d.a.m.n! Why had he lost control of the situation like that? Now, he would have to win her trust al over again. If only she weren't so innocent and beautiful. She was like a child in a woman's body. He reached out his hand and lifted her chin. He spoke softly, in a tone filed with remorse and apology, I'm sorry, Alisha. I guess I lost my head there for a time. It wasn't your fault. You've just got a way of getting to me. I apologize for my behavior. I want you like I've wanted no other woman.

"But my patience is short and my hunger for you so powerful. If you'l give me the time, I'l prove myself to you. Think about what I have to offer you and what you need. I need you, Alisha, and I think you need me. We're a lot alike and we have a lot to give to one another. For once, Alisha, don't be afraid to reach out and take what you want. I can promise you-it won't be like it was with those savages."

His tone was accomplis.h.i.+ng everything he wished it would, for His tone was accomplis.h.i.+ng everything he wished it would, for she was greatly tempted to throw herself into his arms and tel him she would belong to him forever.

Then Jeffery added, "I'm you're best hope here, Alisha. Just don't take too long with your decision ..." He had hoped to help her see the light as quickly as possible. Perhaps if she feared he might lose interest or become discouraged, she might make some commitment to him sooner. But his words carried the tone of a threat, not a promise.

She mentaly backed up. I'm truly sorry if I misled you, Jeffery. I did not mean for you to think... I mean, I do find you most charming and attractive, but I'm not ready to commit myself to you or anyone just now. There are things I must work out in myself first. Please understand, it isn't you or what you did ... It's just I ...

I can't bring myself to ... You frightened me with the way you acted and the way you were looking at me. I have never known or met anyone like you and I'm unsure of what it is you want or expect from me. Whatever it is, I'm not ready or prepared to even know about it. Can we talk about it later? Maybe in time, I could ... we could ... Al I ask is time, Jeffery, just a little more time."

He stepped back and smiled that beguiling smile ofhis, nodding acceptance of her terms. At least, for a while ... He convinced her of his galant intentions of waiting until she was ready to make the first move toward him.

Although Alisha tried to relax and suppress her fears about Jeffery, there was a hidden strain in her. She was on constant guard against another such incident between them and of alowing herself to trust him too much too soon.

She became agitated at his constant reminders of her vulnerable position. Jeffery would tel her how much he wanted her vulnerable position. Jeffery would tel her how much he wanted her and alude to something special between them. Although he never proposed marriage, this or love was what she thought he wanted from her. His real intention never entered her pristine mind ...

Chapter Fourteen.

Alisha would not dare to think about what Fort Pierre would say about her nocturnal talks with Powchutu. They would no doubt be greatly shocked and enraged.

Several days after the confrontation between Powchutu and Jeffery, Alisha had been sitting by her open window in the dark to catch the cooler night breeze. When Powchutu pa.s.sed nearby on his way to his room, she softly caled out to him. He looked around to make sure no one saw him, then came over to her. She apologized for the scene she had caused, and he hastily explained it was not her fault. He a.s.sured her the men had only used her as an excuse to antagonize him. They would have found something else to use if she had not been there.

Thus began Alisha's friends.h.i.+p with the red man.

She would sit on the floor beside her window as he leaned against the outside wal. They would talk about the Fort Pierre people. They would often mimick some of them and snicker quietly, like two childish conspirators.

Most of the nights, their talks would center around this land, the settlers, their lives, and the Indians. Alisha did not realize that she thirsted for knowledge about the Indians in order to help her understand Gray Eagle and her interlude with him. There was so much to learn, and for some imperceptible reason, so little time to do so.

Powchutu also felt this urge to teach her al he knew, and to help her understand al these things, but especialy al about the help her understand al these things, but especialy al about the Oglala and the warrior Gray Eagle. He would talk with her for hours on end. Sometimes, she felt her head was br.i.m.m.i.n.g with facts; then other times, she felt she understood nothing of the things he told her.

He related the story of how the Sioux had received their name from the French, from a word "nadowessioux," which meant "enemies"; but the people caled themselves "Dakotas," which meant "friends."

Powchutu told Alisha that the Sioux practiced what was caled a Warrior Society. The braves earned their members.h.i.+p by bravery and generosity. A warrior had the right to go on hunts and raids as a member of the party and could be chosen as the leader for them. After his selection, the leader would then select the men to accompany him and the object of their hunt or raid. There were two times when al the hunters and warriors were joined in one band and this was for the spring and winter buffalo hunts or for tribal war. Alisha recaled the many times she had seen Wanmdi Hota chosen as the leader. He was greatly loved and respected by his people. Wanmdi Hota's position was very important. She wondered how this council had voted on how she should be treated and punished, or if they had had any say in her relations.h.i.+p with their beloved warrior. Had he lacked the power to go against the council and change their demands, or had he wilingly accepted their decisions about her?

She wondered what took place at those meetings he went to in the great teepee in the center of the vilage. Just how much did his laws and customs have to do with her troubles? Were his people angered by their great warrior taking and protecting one of their enemies, even one who had helped him? Perhaps that was the enemies, even one who had helped him? Perhaps that was the reason her life had been spared.

The truth hit her like a bright, blinding light: Her worst punishments folowed public defiance of him. It appeared she was trying to force him to show favor to her or his people. Had she forced him into choosing between her abuse and his power? Had she pushed his back to a wal, leaving him no way out but to lash out at her? These doubts tore at her mind, for she would never know.

Alisha listened with great interest to Powchutu's stories about the caling of coup-the teling of his deeds of bravery, daring and generosity. The caling of coup was done at special ceremonies. The warrior's best friend usualy did this before battle or before a contest. The people would cheer loudly for their favorite warrior or sing along when his coups were chanted.

Honor and respect were ingrained into the warriors from the time of birth. Powchutu said, "There is no greater shame to a warrior than the loss of face and his honor before his own people. This is even more vital to a great warrior or leader. He must never alow anything or anyone to darken his name or honor... no one..."

Alisha winced at this knowledge, for that was exactly what she had done many times. Perhaps her offer of help at her fortress had been an embarra.s.sment to him. Had he thought it would damage his pride to alow her to help him? Had he believed she had been trying to taunt him, she a mere girl in control of a great warrior? Had she committed some grave error in etiquette by touching him?

One night, they discussed the white man's religion in comparison to the Indian's. The two religious concepts had many similarities, and yet, they were very different. He related the Sacred Circle of Life to her. She recaled its scenes from the ceremonial Circle of Life to her. She recaled its scenes from the ceremonial lodge. They honored mother earth Makakin and the sun Wi. They revered al of Wakantanka's creations.

They wors.h.i.+pped Wakantanka, ruler of the sky, water, land, animals and men. "Al things are His creations and under His watchful eyes and protection. He sees, hears and knows al things."

Powchutu explained, "Wakantanka is to the Indian what G.o.d is to the white man. The Indian believes al things have spirits, good or evil. The Indian lives as one with the land and nature. We live, grow and learn together as Wakantanka planned."

They discussed the role and life of children in the Indian society. He told her of their training, love and protection by al adults. Each child was taught to know his proper place in the tribe. Respect was one of the main traits they were taught. Then came the preparation for girls to become wives and mothers, and for the boys to become hunters and warriors. The children were inured with honor, obedience, generosity and pride. They were instiled with the laws and customs of their tribe and those of nature. They were ingrained with these traits from the time of birth, and honored and practiced them until death.

Alisha plied Powchutu with many questions about the burial scaffolds she had seen and the red man's beliefs in death and the afterlife. Powchutu said, "They place the body of the falen warrior on a high scaffold in sacrifice and to protect it from wild animals. The departed warrior's spirit is taken by the sun, wind and rain elements. They claim it and lead it to the Ghost Trail, the Mahpiya Ocanku. There, his spirit walks in peace and happiness until Wakantanka accepts his spirit unto himself forever. His people kil the warrior's horse and send it, along with his weapons and possessions, with him to aid him on his journey to his new life. possessions, with him to aid him on his journey to his new life. White traders and trappers have been known to steal the weapons and possessions of dead warriors. This is a death punishment. No one must touch the sacred scaffold or the body of the falen warrior."

They talked for many hours on the importance of dreams and visions in the lives of the Indian. "A dream is contact with the Great Spirit, Alisha, but a vision is a command or guidance from him. He gives the warrior instructions and warnings in these visions. The warrior must do as the vision commands, or face death and dishonor.

"Each young boy at the proper age goes out into the wilderness alone. He refuses drink, food and sleep until the Great Spirit comes to him in a special vision to give him this guidance for his life. At birth, a boy is given a child's name, but the Great Spirit gives the man his true name."

"Is this how Wanmdi Hota received his name?" Alisha eagerly inquired.

Powchutu nodded. "In his vision quest, he saw a gray eagle. He took this name and its meaning for guidance and strength. This is true of the others, like his koda Wanhinkpe Ska. His name White Arrow means straight and true. I have not sought my vision or a new name. I stil carry my childhood name given me by my mother."

She humorously related the name White Arrow had given to her. He laughed as he agreed "Gra.s.s-Eyes" was a good and true name for her. She hesitated a moment, afraid of his answer, then asked him what "Cinstinna" meant.

He asked who caled her by this name. "Wanmdi Hota did so many times. What does it mean?'

"It means 'Little One.' Which beside him, you are surely that!

"It means 'Little One.' Which beside him, you are surely that!

I have heard he is a tal, powerful man."

"Yes. But to him, I am very smal in many ways." She joked lightly as she secretly recaled the tone of his voice when he caled her this. It had been soft, never mocking.

Powchutu did not want to discuss his rival and continued, "The young boys go through strict training and teaching before they are ready for their vision quest. It is a great ordeal for a young boy. Many have failed or died. To die is the wil of Wakantanka, but to fail is a dishonor. After the boy receives his vision, he returns to his vilage and goes through a secret ceremony to be accepted into manhood and the first level of the Warrior Society. Each new level in the society is attained by age or coups. Only the very bravest of warriors gain this highest level. Al leaders and chiefs come from this level."

He teased her with his next question. "Did you know Wanmdi Hota has earned the highest of al honors of any tribe? He is the most respected and famed warrior here. No man can stand up to his fame and honor."

Alisha gaped at him in astonishment. "Are you saying he is the most important and powerful warrior in this entire area?"

"Yes. In spite of your treatment, you were greatly envied by the others, and honored to be chosen by him." He observed the effect of those words on her.

She flushed at the way Powchutu was looking at her. She angrily retorted, "I do not cal it an honor to be the slave of any man, not even a demi-G.o.d himself! Let any woman who envied my place take it! If they desire such a man as that, then they are most welcome to him His words had stung deeply. She does not lie or deceive wel, His words had stung deeply. She does not lie or deceive wel, Powchutu reasoned. I wonder if Wanmdi Hota knows she loves him. He must, for she does not have the eyes to fool him. He did not realize how lucky he was to have had her first. On another occasion, Alisha asked what Jeffery had meant about the warriors meeting to smoke a war-pipe. Powchutu said, "Pipe smoking is done on many occasions, in prayer rituals, friends.h.i.+p parley, and meetings of the Society. A man's personal prayer pipe is thought to be sacred and is never to be touched by others. To steal the prayer pipe of an enemy is a very high coup. When members of different tribes meet, they smoke a pipe of friends.h.i.+p. When tribes join to declare war on another tribe, they smoke the same pipe to show oneness in wil and spirit. The smoke from the prayer pipe is thought to be the breath of the Great Spirit. It is said to instil knowledge and courage in the warriors, and truce between those who share it."

Powchutu explained another custom to Alisha. "Al events, battles and histories are recorded and remembered through chants and dances. One of the most important is the Buffalo Dance after the hunts. It depicts the fight with the big buls, teling of the bravery and skil of the hunters. They act it out like what the white man cals a play. You were probably too scared to notice much about the Victory Dance, but I am sure you have witnessed one. This is done after great battles and raids. The warriors dance and chant their grat.i.tude for their safety and success. It tels of their victory over their enemies.

"I suppose the most misunderstood dance is the War Dance. It is not to declare war but to cal the warriors together and prepare them for the coming battle. The most important and meaningful ritual is the Sun Dance because of its meaning. It's held once a year at the is the Sun Dance because of its meaning. It's held once a year at the end of the summer when the tribe is al together for the winter buffalo hunt. They feast and celebrate for four or five days and nights. This is a highly revered time for al the people." Suddenly, Powchutu stopped speaking.

Alisha looked out the window to see why he had abruptly stopped. Powchutu was gazing off into the darkness, as if his thoughts were miles away. He was vividly recaling the Sun Dance he had witnessed when he had been living with the Indians. Alisha asked, "Powchutu, is something wrong? Had you rather not speak of the Sun Dance to me?"

He looked over at her and smiled. "No, Alisha. I was just recaling the one I witnessed long ago. It was wonderful and inspiring, and yet gruesome and terrible. I do not believe I could go through what those warriors did, not even for such great honor and grat.i.tude."

"Why is this ritual so different and important?" "They prepare for it for many weeks. I wil tel you the most important things. They take a buffalo skul and place it upon a pole cut from the sacred cottonwood tree. The warriors who have chosen to sacrifice their flesh and blood to the Great Spirit are made ready. It is done to show obedience and grat.i.tude to Him. They are first taken to the Sweat Lodge for fasting and purifying. When the day for the Sun Dance comes, they are skewered to the pole in the center of camp. The ceremonial chief cuts two strips of skin and muscle in the warrior's chest. He secures the muscle to rawhide thongs and the thongs to the pole. The ceremony begins. The warriors dance, pray and chant around the pole. They blow on eagle-bone whistles to cal on their spirit helpers to give them the strength and courage to endure this ordeal. They must endure the pain while trying to pul endure this ordeal. They must endure the pain while trying to pul free from the pole. It is a disgrace to the warrior to cry out. Death is preferred. I have been told many warriors have died because of this ritual.

"When the warrior has managed to pul himself free, he is doctored and fed. This deed is added to his coups and al his coups are sung and chanted by the people in his honor. The torn strips of skin leave scars to prove this warrior has performed this great sacrifice.

"I believe I am a brave man, Alisha, but I do not think I could ever do this thing to myself."

Alisha had flinched and squirmed as he told her about the ritual. She nodded in agreement. "Nor could I, Powchutu. I cannot speak il of these beliefs, but it seems such a horrible thing. I saw scars such as you just described on Wanmdi Hota's chest when I was doctoring him at our fortress. I had guessed they were from some other beating." Alisha thought, Wanmdi Hota, you are a man above al men. I am privileged to have known you...

One night Powchutu brought Alisha wildflowers he had found that day. The fragrant odor filed her room. He had recaled her teling him how much she loved the variety of flowers in this new land. She giggled with delight when he handed them to her, just like a child at Christmastime. She leaned forward and impulsively kissed him lightly upon his lips. As she inhaled the heady fragrance of the flowers, she missed the look which flickered in his eyes. Her touch had shocked him like a bolt of lightning. He felt tremors throughout his body and the stirring of desire in his loins. For a moment, he was overcome with the temptation to heave himself through her window and claim her for his very own.

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Grey Eagle: Savage Ecstasy Part 18 summary

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