Grey Eagle: Savage Ecstasy Part 22

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It was much the same with the numerous colorful warriors. They were greatly perplexed by her actions. If eyes and senses could be trusted, she and the scout were good friends. The inexplicable thing was that she could like, or trust any Indian, even a half-blooded one, after what Wanmdi Hota had done to her and to her people. She was indeed a mystery. Some decided that Gray Eagle's torture had sent her mind to dwel in another land, that mystical land of nothingness....

At the same time, Gray Eagle was alertly studying the expressions which came and went on both Alisha's and the scout's faces. He did not like the look of tenderness and love which she sent to the scout; those belonged to him alone. He inwardly flinched each time that she gazed up into Powchutu's face with that warm look that he had known so wel. From what he could see, she appeared to be pleading with him. It could not be for help, for what could one man do against so many? Gray Eagle was very tense. Finaly, she looked out toward the warriors. She let her gaze Finaly, she looked out toward the warriors. She let her gaze slowly travel the lines of painted warriors and colorfuly arrayed chiefs. They seemed to spread out endlessly and threateningly upon the vast blue horizon.

Gray Eagle once more held her fate within his powerful hands. She suddenly realized that she felt more betrayed by her own emotions than by him or by her own people. He would make certain that there was never another escape or rescue for her. She knew that he would not have to worry, for she would never try either. She would submit herself to his control, for only in that way could she ever find any measure of peace. Hopefuly her love and desire for him would make such a decision easire to keep in the future.

She smiled at her friend, knowing that she would always love and remember him. He had done so much for her. It was doubtful that she would ever be given the opportunity to repay his kindness and help. In her heart she knew that she would lay down her very life for him if ever necessary. Noting the awesome sight before her, she thought of the people inside the fort. Each one had his own selfish reason for her being here now, facing only G.o.d knew what fate. Their hatred, jealousy, and fear were once again placing her at Gray Eagle's mercy.

She reflected aloud, "Even during his worst hatred and cruelty, Powchutu, Gray Eagle never hurt me or abused me as my own people have done. The pain and shame that I felt in his camp would not compare with what I have known here at the fort. Then they cal themselves the civilized ones. They are far more savage than he ever was, or ever could be. No matter what he has done to me, or wil do to me in the future, I wil find the courage to do as he commands. I do not belong with the white man any longer. I can commands. I do not belong with the white man any longer. I can only hope to find some place with him and with his people. If my future is with him, then I must make the best of it."

She trembled with fear. She dreaded the thought that Gray Eagle might not permit a truce between them. Yet, she could vividly recal the time when he had been pleased with her submission; she could just as easily recal how she had forced him to shame and to hurt her many times. She realized that she must bend her wil to his; she must put her pride in the right place. She knew so many things that she had not known when she first met him, things which could help her to understand him, his people, and herself. Poised between the two peoples, in the moment that sealed her fate, the first moment she met Gray Eagle flashed before her. He had drawn her to him with his powerful magnetism. In an inexplicable way, she had become emotionaly captivated by him that very first day. He had taken the punishment of her people with great dignity and courage. His hard, muscular physique had appeared indestructible. She would always remember that first impression of him. Even now, those memories brought a hunger for him to her.

Her eyes scanned the horizon once more, resting on Gray Eagle. He sat like a conqueror upon his majestic gray and white horse. He was indeed the height of power and masculinity. She could not help but notice his n.o.ble bearing and fierce pride. He was such an important man. A look of uncontrolable pride and pleasure crossed her face very briefly. It did not go unnoticed by him, even at that distance.

She realized anew that he had a way of making everyone and everything around him dim with his very presence. Their eyes met and fused. His seemed to bore into her very soul, reading al its and fused. His seemed to bore into her very soul, reading al its secrets. A tingling, warm sensation spread over her entire body. He had expected to read fear and hatred in her eyes. Instead, he read something very different, something which made his heart sing with joy.

So many thoughts raced through both their minds. He had never said that he loved her, but perhaps, Alisha thought, he had shown her many times. Had they both not enjoyed their close relations.h.i.+p? Had there not been countless times of happiness and relaxation between them? For certain, life with him seemed the only place for her.

She studied his handsome, stoic features for a time. How she wished she knew what went on inside his head and heart! He was the pa.s.sion that ruled her body; he was her life and her future. He had made her a woman, his chosen woman. If she were not special to him, then why had he captured her and held her prisoner in his teepee, his first woman, and a white woman at that? Dare she imagine that he truly wanted her? He was a man of great pride and important rank. Surely total capitulation would have some good effect upon his view of her and his treatment in the future. If her future was with him, then she would make the very best of it. After al, she did love him. There was no need to worry about what her own people might say or think about her. They could not hate or scorn her any more than they already did. There was no one to consider now except Gray Eagle and herself. There was no turning back now. She must go to him completely and wilingly. Regardless of how he received her, her place was with him, just as her heart was now. It would be his decision as to what their relations.h.i.+p would be.

Her green eyes softened and warmed as they roamed over his Her green eyes softened and warmed as they roamed over his face and body. Her respiration quickened in response. Yes, she would try to win his heart and his trust. A light smile unconsciously played upon her soft pink lips as she made her final decision. Gray Eagle's obsidian eyes locked with her forest green ones, seeming to inflame her from a distance. The tension and sadness quickly left his taut, powerful body. His prayers and dreams would surely be answered this very day. He could read it in her smouldering gaze and in her trusting smile.

Her love for him was clearly evident. This time, they would find the path to love and to acceptance. This time, she would know and understand the secrets of his heart as wel as those of her own. Like the pre-dawn, life pa.s.sed too swiftly to live it in sadness and in sacrifice. She had been given to him by the Great Spirit to make his suns beautiful and meaningful. The Great Spirit would find some way for her to be accepted by his people. With her at his side, he could wait for that day. In time, it would not matter to anyone that she was white. She was not, and never had been, his enemy. He had already determined not to punish her any more for the deeds of her people.

His gaze never left hers as he thought, from this day forward, there wil be only a man and a woman in our teepee, only Lese and Wanmdi Hota. His heart drummed heavily in his broad chest as she headed toward him and toward their new future together...


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Grey Eagle: Savage Ecstasy Part 22 summary

You're reading Grey Eagle: Savage Ecstasy. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): Janelle Taylor. Already has 2116 views.

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