Grey Eagle: Savage Ecstasy Part 5

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Surely, he wouldn't... not... the gravity of her position hit her hard and deep. What did he have in mind for them, for her? How would she be able to live if he... if they... no, her mind screamed, let me die first!

The three men had watched her closely for the last few minutes, recaling their resentment at her interference and attention to the brave. Of them al, Ben had known her the longest and was the closest to her. He had very special feelings for this slip of a girl who had befriended and helped him many times. Jed had been much too aware of her as a woman and disliked the cool, lofty way she treated him. Then, he would smile and recal that he had a way of making ladies nervous and quiet. To Horace, she represented desire, beauty and hopes of many nights of... but, of course, that could never be now. Al three men had to admire her hard work and courage, even when her loyalties were misplaced. Each recaled how she was always watching, learning, listening and questioning everyone about everything.

She had a mind that quested for knowledge of life and people. She radiated a happiness and charisma to those near her, at least those who did not fear or envy her beauty and naturalness. To most men she met, she either represented the image of a perfect wife, desirable lover or dutiful daughter.

Their hate and fear of the Indians had caused them to lose Their hate and fear of the Indians had caused them to lose sight of reason and her good qualities and blame her for their predicament. If she hadn't stopped them that day, he would be dead and none of this would have happened. But they realized his people would have avenged his death and their situation would be the same.

Each man, in his own way, was trying to show bravery and courage in front of the others and her. We may al die, Ben thought, but I'l be d.a.m.ned if I beg for mercy! They respect courage more, and death wil be quicker. What he and the other two did not know, was that the Indians knew who they were and what they had done. Their deaths were for justice and vengeance, not for hate of the wasichu.

Al the men had heard tales and rumors of gruesome tortures and inwardly cringed. They did not know that many, in fact, most of those stories were untrue or misrepresented. "Hel, we didn't even stand a chance against them. d.a.m.n guns! They can shoot twenty arrows before we kin load powder, bal and prime! Civilized man with modern weapons defeated by savages with archaic arms!"

Alisha leaned her head back against the post and gazed up into the starry sky, wondering if they were destined to die a gory death here tonight while al of heaven watched. G.o.d help us, she prayed. She felt as though her mouth was filed with cotton. Her lips were dry and parched and her head ached. She was so very weary and uncomfortable. She felt as nasty and il-kept as the street urchins back in Liverpool. If only she could sit down and wash her face and arms with some cool water. Her arms were nearly numb and her legs wobbly and weak.

As the Indians appeared to be preparing for something, her thoughts of thirst and discomfort quickly disappeared. A sense of thoughts of thirst and discomfort quickly disappeared. A sense of expectation filed the night air. Death and pain loomed on their horizon like shadowy specters. The drums began to sound as the men built a large, bright campfire before them.

She noticed that the children had al been taken inside their teepees while the women stayed in the background to watch whatever was about to take place. The men ruled the scene. They sat cross-legged before the large fire or stood behind it, talking and smoking.

Gray Eagle and White Arrow came out of the teepee that they had entered earlier. He looked truculent and forbidding. His eyes darkened as he took in the captives, but gleamed in antic.i.p.ation when they came to rest on her. She could not tear her gaze from him. It was as though his eyes were dark pools of water and she was submerged in them, engulfed by their power and puled ever deeper into their depths. She had no wil to protect her from the feelings flaming within her. He studied her for a moment, then dismissed her with a smug sneer.

The two came forward and sat down on a buffalo skin in the center of the group. There were nine men sitting together like leaders of a council. She noted the different colors, designs and positions of the feathers in their hair. It appeared that age or ferocity determined status, as most of the leaders were elderly or fiercelooking braves. She had heard that the chief wore a ful, flowing bonnet of feathers, but no one was present wearing one, not even the young brave who captured them.

Would their chief have the power and kindness to stop al this as her Uncle Thad had done for the brave? Where was this leader and chief? If only she could speak with him... beg for the lives of the others ... would his heart also be turned against the whites?

the others ... would his heart also be turned against the whites?

She studied the men sitting there. Most of them were tal, lean and muscular, not the bodies of lazy, spoiled men. Most had weldefined noses, ful lips and strong jawlines. As with al the Indians she had seen, these too had hairless faces and chests, making their muscles more predominant. The stoical, expressionless faces now revealed relaxation and joviality. They sat conversing and smoking a long, elaborate pipe in a prayerlike manner, pa.s.sing it one to the other as in some ceremony or ritual or perhaps just a custom of friends.h.i.+p.

Alisha's eyes moved to the women and studied them. Here, there was a wide variety of looks and shapes that ranged from tal and slender to short and plump. The black hair and dark eyes seemed to be a racial characteristic, for al had them. The skin colors varied from red to reddish-brown to dark brown, with the young woman and the handsome brave a coppery, bronze color. Her eyes fel on the girl caled Chela who stared malevolently at her. The others, except for a few curious stares from young maidens, ignored her for the time being. She seemed to hold no interest for the men in the group.

An Indian came forward dressed in a cape and skirtlike covering of long black and white feathers that must have been taken from a bird with a wide wingspread. On his head, he wore an unusualy shaped headdress of matching feathers and leather streamers. He wore wristlets and armlets of smaler, matching feathers attached to leather bands.

He danced and chanted as he shook a gourd-like rattler in front of the three captives. He moved around in smal circles, stepping lightly from foot to foot, raising and lowering his head, legs and arms in time to the beat. Then, he moved up close to the three and arms in time to the beat. Then, he moved up close to the three men, dancing before each one as he shook the gourd over their hearts and heads, keeping exact timing to the beat of the drum, never faltering or hesitating. What was the ceremony and chant about?

Wakantanka, see us your children: We give lives and hearts of the ista skas.

We offer their blood in payment of the blood of our kodas. Wakantanka, see us your children: We send the spirits of the ista skas; judge them for their harm. Wakantanka, hear us your children: These ista skas are kilers of our people, your children. These ista skas are kilers of Makakin and your creatures. Wakantanka, hear us your children: Hear the cries of Okiliea and Chenuhula.

Hear the cries of the ista skas.

Hear the cries of death and vengeance.

Wakantanka, hear and see us, your children.

They did not know the dance and chant spoke of the coming death and sacrifice. Had they known, it stil would not have mattered.

The ceremonial chief stopped and so did the kettle drum. He walked over to a buffalo skin and sat down with great dignity and bearing. The drums almost immediately began to beat again with a different cadence. Some of the warriors from the raiding party rose and danced the Victory Dance, chanting the victory chant and their waditaka. The chant and dance expressed grat.i.tude for safety during the raid and for victory over their enemies. They chanted: The sun looks on our victory.

The wind hears our victory.

The rain touches our victory.

The Mother Earth drinks from our victory.

We are safe.

We are avenged.

We have victory.

We have victory for warriors.

We have victory for Wakantanka, who guides and protects us. The chant was spoken four times, then the specific coups were chanted. The drumming, chanting and waiting began to wear thin on the three prisoners. Patience was a trait of the Indian not shared by the white men. Alisha, however, watched it al, completely engrossed and fascinated by their movements, the music and the garb. It was as if she witnessed primeval man performing rituals before pagan G.o.ds in ancient days. It was an exciting, breathtaking scene and, for a time, she forgot reality.

White Arrow had many new waditakas; the highest of al was the rescue of his koda, Gray Eagle. He had also captured many weapons and horses, which were important deeds of bravery and honor. After al the coups were chanted, the ceremonial smoking finished, and the Victory Dance completed, they turned their attention to the captives.

Ben spoke softly, "Here they come. I guess it's time. d.a.m.n 'em! If I could only get just one hand free, I'd show 'em a thing or two about real fighting! At least I'd die like a man."

Two braves picked up sticks with sharp points and came Two braves picked up sticks with sharp points and came forward. They slowly circled Jed, jabbing at his body until the many wounds ran blood down his chest and arms onto his pants. Jed, with loathing showing in his face, tried vainly not to cry out and to curse them.

Those braves returned to be seated and others came forward. They held smal items in their hands which Alisha could not make out. One of them stepped forward holding a war club. The other one held out smal slivers of wood. They began to pound the slivers of wood between Jed's ribs, careful to stay clear of his heart. Alisha's stomach churned and she swalowed hard several times to overcome her feelings of nausea.

Jed, no longer able to suppress it, screamed in agony and begged for mercy and death from them. No one listened or cared. Alisha winced with each scream. Another brave came forward holding hot coals from the fire. She stared in horror as they forced his mouth open, placed the coals inside and tied it shut with a gag. The coals spit and sizzled and smoke came out of his nostrils. He writhed in pain, eyes roling wildly, until he slowly choked to death before her eyes.

Alisha could not believe what she witnessed. Could this realy be happening? Could no one stop or prevent it? She felt as if she could hardly breathe, as if there was a heavy weight on her chest. Her dry lips stuck together and salty tears stung her pinkened face. How could they?

Horace and Ben looked on in pity and dread, knowing they, in turn, would be next. Ben was more determined than ever to show no fear, only contempt and hatred, when he saw their sneers and laughter at Jed's pleas. He taunted them, trying to show his greater bravery and superiority, hoping they would tire of his taunts and kil bravery and superiority, hoping they would tire of his taunts and kil him quickly. They refused his ploy.

Horace silently prayed for his death to be quick and merciful. Alisha also prayed for some type of courage in the face of death. Her heart pounded wildly in her chest as fear knotted her stomach. She sagged against the post weakly. She glared at the brave whose eyes never left the scene. He looked on as though he were completely unmoved by it al. How? Why? The sights and sounds of this night were enough to bring insanity!

She looked away from the grisly details of Horace's torture. His courage was short-lived and he cried out in pain. He begged for death and pity as Jed had done. How futile al their deaths were. What hold did this land have over men to demand and receive their blood and lives in payment? She tried to close her eyes and ears to the sights and cries before her. At last, no more pleas came, just silence. He can suffer no more, she thought. She would never have believed that she could have been relieved or glad for a man's death. What has happened to me? she cried to herself. I despise these thoughts and feelings and I hate the reasons for them. Never had she thought of death as a blessing longed for above life. I'm not ready to die, she thought. There is too much that I have not seen or done or learned. I have not known love from a man. I have not had children. I have not walked in the sunlight enough, picked wildflowers in summer, tasted rain upon my lips, seen the beauty and happiness that life and love bring. There is too much unfinished, undone, to die now ...

Alisha became aware of someone caling her name and turned to find Ben speaking to her. He saw the tears sliding down her cheeks and knew her vulnerability. He bit his lip in anger to think of her impending danger. What wil he do with her? he asked himself. her impending danger. What wil he do with her? he asked himself. She'l never endure what he's got in mind, unless...

"Miss Alisha, you gotta try to get that Injun's attention. You gotta try to get him to keep you as his squaw!" Alisha stared at him, horrified that he would suggest such a vile thing and shook her head violently.

"No! Never! I'l die first!" she shrieked at him.

"Dying's the easy part, Miss Alisha. It's what comes before that you'l not be able to endure," he warned her. "I been thinking that maybe he hasn't decided what to do with you yet. He knows that you tried to help him and he ain't put you in that red teepee. You better try to reach him before your turn at this. You got no idea what them Injuns can do to a girl."

Confusion flickered in Alisha's face and eyes. "If he wasn't going to torture and kil me also, then why am I here with you? No, Ben, I'm sure that he means to punish and kil me also. Nothing I could do or say would matter to him now." She spoke, remembering the scene in the smokehouse in vivid detail. Begging had meant nothing then and would mean nothing tonight. No, it would be useless to plead.

Stil, Ben persisted, "I always believed a woman should die before giving in to one of these savages, but I'l be d.a.m.ned if I hadn't rather see you as his squaw than see you go through these tortures or worse!"

"I can't, Ben. I just can't!"

Ben tried a new angle. "Alisha, you'l only have to endure his attentions if he takes you. That'd be better than the whole tribe's taking you, and G.o.d knows what they'd do to you," he warned. These thoughts and words raced through her mind. Ben said, "You haveta smile and be friendly to him. You don't need to say "You haveta smile and be friendly to him. You don't need to say nothing. He'l understand your meaning clear 'nuff."

"No, Ben! He'd only laugh and think me a strumpet, or whatever their word for a low woman is. I can't! No matter what he does, I couldn't beg from him again!" Ben did not notice the word "again."

As she searched her conscience for the right answers, her eyes came to rest on Gray Eagle sitting by the fire. Her eyes met his and were held there by the sheer force of his wil. There was a confident, a.s.sured look there. She could feel the power he possessed and commanded even at this distance. Slowly, he turned back to the brave sitting beside him to talk. Her eyes lingered a moment longer on his features. Again, she felt that warm, tingling sensation that she did not understand run through her body. She retreated into her thoughts, oblivious of her surroundings and suffering... only to be puled back to reality by a moan from Horace. She turned to see him move slightly. He had only been unconscious! His body was covered in blood and sweat. He had numerous cuts, bruises and marks al over his upper torso. As if this had been the reason for the lul, an Indian came forward to throw water into his face. He quickly came fuly awake to his agony and surroundings. "G.o.d, how much more can I take?

Death come and take me," he prayed in a dry, ragged voice. Two more braves came forward, one carrying a flaming torch. The other one took his knife from its sheath and reached for Horace's belt. With one slash, the belt fel loose. Another, and his pants fel apart. With a few, swift slashes of the knife, Horace looked on, eyes wide in terror, as his manhood was exposed. He had completely forgotten his threat to the brave. Alisha, shocked and embarra.s.sed, turned a deep red. Never Alisha, shocked and embarra.s.sed, turned a deep red. Never had she seen a naked man before, nor did she know very much about men. She knew only the bits and pieces from the teas and sily schoolgirl gossip. s.e.x was stil a mystery to her innocent mind and body. How could she do what Ben suggested? She knew naught of love, men and s.e.x, and the thoughts of lying with a man frightened her immensely, especialy with a cruel, wild savage. How could a girl seduce a man with such a lack of knowledge on the matter? She surely couldn't ask Ben to tel her the intimate details of lovemaking and seduction. I wouldn't even know what to do first, she thought. Those are the things a husband should show and teach his wife.

An agonizing scream tore her vision to Horace and she fainted as she saw the torch held to his manhood. White Arrow said, "For you, Okiliea," and the others cheered.

The whole evening Gray Eagle had openly or secretly observed Alisha. He had overheard the conversation with Ben, but knew she feared him too much to folow Ben's advice. With two wasichu dead and the decision to keep the other one until tomorrow, Gray Eagle arose and walked to Alisha.

He lifted her sagging head to peer into the pale face stil wet with trails of tears. Enough for today, he thought, as he cut her bonds and lifted her into his arms. He took one look at Ben and sneered.

Ben could read his intentions openly in his face. He watched Gray Eagle carry the girl into a nearby teepee. She wil be safe for a little while, he thought. At least, until he tires of her, if he ever does. For a brief moment, he was grateful for her short reprieve. This is one time I cannot help you, Alisha, he sighed painfuly. Would to G.o.d that I could drive a knife into your heart and spare you al of G.o.d that I could drive a knife into your heart and spare you al of this. d.a.m.n the red b.a.s.t.a.r.d! Don't he know how you tried to help him? Why would any man want to kil a beautiful creature like you?

The very time she needs me the most and I'm trussed up like a turkey!

The bodies of the other two men were cut down and hauled away from the vilage to be left for wild animals to dispose of during the night. Ben flinched at the thoughts of wolves, coyotes and other vultures tearing his body to pieces. My G.o.d, not even a decent burial...

Gray Eagle gently laid her down on a bed of buffalo skins and covered her with one. He lay down beside her and puled her into his arms. He had long awaited and antic.i.p.ated this very moment, but would let her rest for now. Mercifuly, her mind had rendered her unconscious to al things for a time. He held her tenderly and slept.

White Arrow had watched with envious eyes and feelings as his friend took the white girl to his tepee. He had thought much about the girl Gray Eagle had told him about. She was everything he had expected. But then, he should have known already. Gray Eagle was not a warrior who took female captives, nor would he set his eyes on any woman with thoughts other than bodily needs. White Arrow was known to be gifted with mystical insight at times. He knew at this moment that something good and evil would happen to both his friend and the girl. He had unexplainable feelings that she would live here with him and that this was the wil of Wakantanka. He thought, I wil not tel Gray Eagle of my thoughts and feelings yet. My koda must find and learn this truth for himself. But, I wil try to guide him in times of error. I wil watch over and know this girl who stirs wilhanmna and iwaktaya in me...

know this girl who stirs wilhanmna and iwaktaya in me...

Chapter Four.

Gray Eagle was later awakened by Alisha's wild thras.h.i.+ng and mumbling as tears roled from her sleeping eyes. He sat up and watched her for a few moments. A strong one, he realized in relief. He was glad she was not il and feverish as he had first thought. He gently shook her shoulder caling, "Ku-wa, Cinstinna!" Her eyes fluttered and slowly opened in confusion.

She stared up into the face towering above hers and tried to move away from him. Instantly, she discovered to her dismay that she was trapped under his body. She met his steady gaze with a look of total helplessness, waiting to see what he would do next. His eyes burned with a look she did not understand, or want to...

He moved his hand from her shoulder and pushed strands of damp hair from her terror-filed face. He nonchalantly ran his finger up her left cheek, across her damp forehead, down her right cheek and softly over her dry lips. She trembled at his touch and her heart pounded madly as she read the intent in his eyes. Knowing she was completely at his mercy and the futility of screaming, she forced herself to lie stil and quiet beneath him and his touch. He shocked her when he leaned forward and kissed her on the mouth. She fought to turn her face from his kiss, but his hand held her chin firm and secure. He forcefuly parted her lips with his insistent tongue and kissed her deeply and hungrily. She had been caught off guard and did not know how to resist him. He did not stop with just that one kiss, but continued with even more pa.s.sionate ones. For a time, she was lost in the reality of more pa.s.sionate ones. For a time, she was lost in the reality of dreams-cometrue. Many times she had conjured up this scene in her mind with him and now it was realy happening. His kiss and touch were more than she had hoped or dreamed they would be. His kiss stirred and brought to life a feeling of not wanting to resist him, of wanting this enjoyable feeling to go on and on. Al thoughts and feelings disappeared from her heart and mind, except thoughts and feelings for him and what he was doing to her. His lips left hers to spread hot, searing kisses over her eyes, face and throat. Never had she been kissed like this or ever felt like this in a man's arms before. Due to her lack of experience, she was unprepared for the fires he sparked to life in her innocent body. Had she not been consumed with desire or lost to the throes of pa.s.sion, she stil would have been unable to fight his strength of body and purpose. She had no choice but to accept what he intended to do with her.

As her hunger and pa.s.sion coalesced into one fiery blaze, she thought, if only we weren't enemies... enemies! Reality of her situation and feelings came cras.h.i.+ng in on her like a tidal wave. She fought to regain control of herself, but was distressed to find she could not and, even worse, did not want to. Her heart and body cried out for him to continue the onslaught of kisses and caresses. She was absorbed by that tingling, floating, elusive sensation which spread throughout her entire body. Her breathing came in short, shalow gasps and unknowingly she pressed closer to him. Her mouth accepted every kiss he gave and begged for more. He felt her resistance give way and he pressed his advantage. He caressed her pa.s.sion-swolen b.r.e.a.s.t.s, gently teasing the taut, protruding nipples. A low moan escaped her lips as he buried himself in her hair and spoke softly in his tongue to her. The warmth himself in her hair and spoke softly in his tongue to her. The warmth of his breath in her ear and the husky, deep tone of his voice dashed any remaining self-control from her mind. Her arms encircled his back and she clung to him, offering her mouth to his mouth and her body to his body.

This was the moment he had dreamed of and waited for many days since he had first seen her, and he now knew that she would be his soon. He was surprised at his intense longing for her. He had never wanted a woman as he wanted this smal, white girl beneath him. He had to struggle with his own fiery emotions to keep from taking her quickly. He found himself not wanting to hurt or frighten her too much. He wanted to introduce her to love gently and tenderly on this, her first time. He was far more surprised to learn the ful extent of his hold over her feelings. He had no doubts he was the first man she had responded to this way. Her fiery response and desire for him brought him a strange sense of power over her, believing that when the time came she would accept him and her place in his teepee.

Deeply enmeshed in his kisses and caresses, Alisha was unaware Gray Eagle was unb.u.t.toning the bodice of her frayed, dusty dress. But when his lips left the holow of her throat and marked a path to the holow between her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, the contact of his lips on her bare flesh was like a bolt of lightning. She was instantly aware of his touch and her wanton response. Shamed and shocked at herself and her behavior, she jerked away from his arms and lips and tried to cover her exposed bosom.

His eyes met hers and chalenged her to refuse or resist him. For a moment, his glare halted any reaction from her. Wel, if it has to be by force, he mused sorrowfuly, then so be it. He laughed into her defiant eyes as he pinned her struggling body under his. He held her defiant eyes as he pinned her struggling body under his. He held her arms over her head and captured both her wrists with one of his large, strong hands. He puled his knife from its sheath and carefuly cut away her clothing with his other hand. Her feeble struggles and pleading had no effect on him at al. He wanted her this minute and d.a.m.n wel meant to have her.

Soft s.h.i.+mmers of moonlight filtered through the opening at the top of the teepee and iluminated her creamy white skin. It bathed her soft curves in opalescent glow. His breath caught in his throat at the sight of the radiant beauty beneath him. "Ni-ye mitawa, Cinstinna .. ." he said in a deep, hoa.r.s.e voice.

She stared into the darkness which hid his features from her and pleaded once more for mercy. He watched the moonlight dance in the tear-filed eyes as l.u.s.t consumed him again. You beg for what I cannot grant or give, Cinstinna, his heart answered her pleas. You cannot leave my arms or my teepee.

He replaced his knife and slightly relaxed his steel-like grip on her wrists. Leisurely, he inspected the naked ivory body with his eyes and hands. His eyes and hands were like branding irons, burning and marking every inch of her body as his forever. Her face was turned away from him, but he could stil make out the glowing, darkened patches on her pale cheeks. As his hand moved up her stomach, the muscles tightened and her skin was covered with chil b.u.mps, in spite of the heat of the night. Her breathing quickened. She flinched and cried out in alarm as he cupped one of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. She knew by now there was nothing she could do or say to stop or change what was about to take place. Her mind told her, at least you did nothing to encourage this, as Ben suggested.

He confidently caressed her rigid body, fondling here and He confidently caressed her rigid body, fondling here and kissing there. As his insistent hands brought new hunger to her body, a new battle began to rage inside her. She struggled against him and the unfamiliar emotions threatened to engulf her again. She could not comprehend the intensity of them or find a way to curb or control them. Innocence was her greatest enemy tonight. With a few swift movements, he lay naked beside her in the waning moonlight. As he moved on top of her, she panicked and was about to scream, but he silenced her outcry with another kiss. She tried to claw and slap him, but he seized her hands in his and pinned them above her head. His mouth claimed hers possessively, as his hands did her body. She mumbled pleas between his kisses as he forced her thighs apart with his knee.

She was petrified as she felt his hard, probing manhood touch her there. No ... no ... not like this, her mind cried out. She felt a sharp, burning pain as he thrust forward and entered her. He lay motionless within her for a time, alowing the pain to lessen and the shock of his forced entry to settle in. Then, he began slow, easy thrusts as he tenderly caressed her and kissed her unresponsive lips. He realized he did not want to brutaly rape her, as was usualy done with captives. i She lay immobile beneath him as tears silently slid from her eyes. She wished she could detach herself from this nightmare of pain and degrading humiliation. He had shattered al her dreams and ilusions of love and of him. He had forced her to see and feel a cold, cruel side of life she had not known existed until the past few weeks. He had taken everything from her with his actions tonight and the preceding days. Now, she had no one and nothing, not even her self and her heart. He had taken those, too...

He claimed her ful attention as his thrusts became faster and deeper. He was breathing heavily and hard. She could feel the deeper. He was breathing heavily and hard. She could feel the pounding of his heart and wished she had the courage to seize his knife and drive it into his evil, black heart.

Suddenly, she felt jerking movements within and he relaxed atop her. His body glistened with the sweat of his evil deed. She could feel perspiration from him sliding down her sides and pooling on her abdomen and chest. The heat and odor of lovemaking filed the air. Al her senses informed her of what had just occurred between them.

When his breathing returned to normal, he raised himself and spoke to her in his tongue. His voice and tone were firm and clear, but she could not understand his words or meaning.

"Ni-ye Mitawa! Wicasta wanzi tohni icu kte sni!"

She glared at him in anger, hurt and shame and said, "I hate you! One day, I'l kil you for this! If it weren't for me, you would be dead and al the others would stil be alive. May G.o.d forgive me for saving your life. It was not a fair exchange for the lives of so many of my people. Maybe I deserve this as punishment for helping you and causing their deaths and suffering." She should have known his people would have kiled them anyway for revenge of his death, but it didn't occur to her then.

He returned her glare for a few minutes, then roled over and replaced his breechcloth. He stood up and reached to pul her up with him. She shrank back as she thought, he's finished with me for now and he's going to take me back out there like this, naked and soiled for al to see and laugh. "She recoiled in fear and shrieked almost hystericaly, "You can't take me out there like this! I won't go! Kil me now, but not that!"

He leaned forward and puled her to her feet despite her protests. He picked up a blanket and wrapped it around her slender protests. He picked up a blanket and wrapped it around her slender body. She franticaly grabbed the edges before it could slip to the ground. He took her elbow and led her out of his teepee, through the circles of teepees and into the edge of the forest. She mutely folowed him in a light daze. They had walked a short distance from the camp when he halted beside a large stream.

He motioned to the water, saying, "Yuzaza!"

Bewildered, she only stared back at him. He s.n.a.t.c.hed the blanket from her grip before she knew what he was doing. Before she could retrieve it, he picked her up and dropped her into the three-foot deep pool of cool water. She came up coughing and sputtering. He quickly stripped and came in, ignoring her as he took water and rubbed his hands over his face and body. A bath! He means for me to take a bath! she raged. What good wil it do now? l never be clean again. She turned her back to him and began to wash his sweat and lovemaking from her body, but not from her soul and mind. She would never be able to erase what he had indelibly printed there for al time.

The cool water felt deliriously refres.h.i.+ng after al she had endured for the past two days. Removing al traces of dirt, perspiration, blood and love from her skin enlivened her. She cupped her hands and drank to soothe her dry, parched throat and lips. She shuddered with a sudden chil from the night breeze. Gray Eagle caled for her to come, "Ku-wa!"

She gritted her teeth in loathing, knowing she had no choice but to obey his commands. She clenched her teeth to stil their chattering. Hesitantly, she came over to the bank as the water lapped at her narrow waist. She held her hands before her to s.h.i.+eld her bosom and s.e.x from his keen stare. As she rose from the water with a flaming face, she fought the anger she felt at having to stand with a flaming face, she fought the anger she felt at having to stand nude before him.

As he held the blanket out to her, she knew she must move her hands to reach for it. She glared at him suspiciously and put out a trembling hand for it. Instantly, she found herself trapped in his strong embrace. With eyes and head lowered in humiliation, she focused on his muscular chest and pleaded, "Please don't hurt me again. Haven't you tormented me enough for one day? What do you want from me?" she asked in a voice filed with anguish.

"Ni, Cinstinna..." came the answer in a deep, husky tone. He wrapped the blanket around her slender body and held the edges together until she took them. Sensing he meant her no further harm, she raised inquiring eyes to his in relief and grasped the edges of the blanket from his grip.

He turned and motioned for her to folow him. She stared at his retreating back and remained rooted to the spot. He halted and without looking back at her caled softly, "Ku-wa..."

She came up behind him and he walked on. She trailed him like a lost puppy back through the forest and through the camp to his teepee. Only Ben noted their going and coming. He studied her disheveled state and the dejected slump of her bare shoulders. He saw how tightly she gripped the blanket around her. He shook with violent wrath. He a.s.sumed the brave, if not others, had brutaly taken and used her. He wished he could kil him bare-handed. The Indian stepped aside and let her enter his teepee. He turned and sneered at Ben with a mocking half-smile. "You filthy red b.a.s.t.a.r.d!" Ben muttered, cursing him over and over. Gray Eagle went to his palet of buffalo skins and lay down. He caled for her to come to him. Fearfuly, she did so. Taking her quivering hand, he puled her down beside him. She stiffened at his quivering hand, he puled her down beside him. She stiffened at his touch. He reached for another skin and threw it over her. She watched him apprehensively as she snuggled under the skin. He lay stil and quiet. His slow, even breathing soon told her he was asleep. Stil, she continued to watch him warily.

Her gaze moved to his knife in its sheath hanging on a pole nearby. She stared at it, but was too frightened to try to get it. Her eyes went from him to the knife and back to him many times as she lay there unable to sleep. She fretted, how can I sleep nude like this? I should kil you for what you've done and escape. Hours pa.s.sed as she lay there recaling and reliving the events of the past few days. Her thoughts were in a maelstrom and her nerves were taut, preventing the peace of slumber. As slivers of grayish light marked the approaching dawn and filtered in the teepee, fatigue and despair brought sleep and blackness to her weary mind and body.

On first awakening, Gray Eagle knew she had slept very little by the dark smudges beneath her eyes. He studied the smal, oval face sleeping beside him, recaling how she had unknowingly and unwilingly reached out to him, not to another man or her captor, but to him.... Knowing her need for rest and sleep to endure the trials of today and the coming days, he stifled his urge to possess her right that moment.

He smiled sardonicaly as he told himself, she is yours from this day on, Wanmdi Hot. In time, Cinstinna, you wil come to me wilingly. This I saw in your eyes and felt in your touch when I took you last night and the day you came to me in the wasichu camp. He was careful not to rouse her when he moved from her side and stood up. He donned his leggings and moccasins and departed with his weapons, pleased that she had not gone for his knife last night as his weapons, pleased that she had not gone for his knife last night as he knew she had been tempted to do several times. He smiled to himself at her show of inteligence-and fear, too. Soon, the camp was a beehive of activity on this sunny day. Women were moving about preparing the food for the day and tending to their smal children. Later, they would go to the stream to wash clothes, bathe and fetch water. When that was done, they would go into the forest to gather wood, berries, nuts and wild vegetables.

Most of the braves were either busy with their weapons, preparing for the coming hunt or supervising the older boys with their warrior skils practice. The younger boys were under the care and command of their mothers, as were the girls.

The noises of the activities reached Alisha's ears and roused her from her sleep. She sat up, stretching and yawning, and looked around to find herself alone in the teepee. She sat there waiting and watching for what this new day would bring. She wondered if Ben stil lived and what they would do to him.

Her stomach rumbled, reminding her she had not eaten since her arrival. She looked down at her nudity and knew she couldn't leave his teepee. She doubted if anyone would give her any food or water if she did ask. She puled the blanket around her and secured the edges once more.

Very soon, a slump-shouldered old woman entered the teepee carrying food and water. Her skin was darkened and leathery from the sun and lined "with age. Her braided hair was nearly al white. She advanced to the center of the teepee where the campfire was located and set the items she carried on the flat rocks there. There appeared to be a bowl filed with a stew and a platter holding smal pones of bread. She hung a skin filed with water on holding smal pones of bread. She hung a skin filed with water on the pole. Alisha could smel the aroma of the meat and bread and her mouth watered with antic.i.p.ation. Her stomach quickly agreed with a few growls. She watched the old woman working and wished she would hurry and leave so she could eat alone. A clear, cool voice behind her told her the brave had returned. She turned her attention to him as he entered the teepee. He walked over to the old woman and spoke with her. She listened, nodded several times, and left.

He ignored Alisha's presence and sat down by the food. He began to eat with great enjoyment. For him ... she realized in anger and sadness. It's for him. Imbecile! she scolded herself hotly. She turned away, knowing the food was for him, not her. Ben and Horace's words came back to taunt her. Had she realy expected him to be kind and considerate after yesterday? Yes, she had, if only a little ...

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Grey Eagle: Savage Ecstasy Part 5 summary

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