Grey Eagle: Savage Ecstasy Part 7

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She was like the white buffalo, very rare and special. He was lucky to have been the warrior to find and capture her. He was relieved he had returned to camp in time to stop Ben's tongue from revealing his secret to her. He was sorry the death had taken place in front of her, causing her to resist and hate him even more. He listened to her soft weeping and wished he had not been so harsh with his taking of her just now. She is stil new to the ways between a man and a woman, he reminded himself. I have hurt her both times I have taken her. Next time, I wil show her it does not have to be so. There is no need for pain and fear...

He recaled her words of hatred and her threats to him. He recaled her show of defiance and disrespect to him before his people. She had tried to dishonor him. She had dared to yel at him, to fight with him, to strike him! Her! A mere winyan and wayakayuha! He was torn between anger and astonishment that she had dared to hit him, Wanmdi Hota, son of the chief! She has much pride and daring, he thought, amused. It is sad to crush such spirit, but it must be done to also crush her rebelion.

Did she not know he could have easily kiled her for her actions and words? Did she not know his people would think he should do just that? Could she not guess what it had cost him to spare her life after her tirade? He had forced her to suffer shame and hurt just now as he had done this afternoon. She should be grateful I did not slay her on the spot where she stood! he thought. Next time, I must punish her more severely and openly or be subjected to ridicule. A man who alows a winyan to rule his ways is looked on in shame for weakness. To alow a wayakayuha to make a man show. weakness is unforgivable!

He knew then he must cause her to fear him so deeply that she He knew then he must cause her to fear him so deeply that she would not dare to defy him or strike him ever again, at least not before his people. She must, learn to obey without hesitation or rebelion. But the memory of her crying out to him in her dreams haunted him. He dismissed it with the thought that she had done so only because she realized that only he had the power to help or hurt her. Suddenly, he recaled that she had used his name. She must have heard others cal him Wanmdi Hota and a.s.sumed it to be his name, he reasoned.

He also recaled her words of apology, but they had come too late. The damage had been done. Even though he understood her reasons and feelings for her actions, he could not overlook them or withhold his punishment. He was reminded anew of the loneliness and problems which confronted a leader. Many times, he was caled upon to think of his people or laws above himself or his wishes.

He looked over at the slow rise and fal of Alisha's chest as she slept beside him. It had taken her a long time to calm down and go to sleep. He longed to reach out and comfort her before she slept, but knew it would be unwise to do so. To do so would only erase the lesson he had just tried to teach her. He was perplexed at how deeply her pain and suffering touched him. At al costs, he must keep her at arm's length. He must not let her get too close to him, even though he wished it could be so. His life was committed to his people and way of life.

Softly, he whispered, "Much as I wish it, Cinstinna, it cannot be. Your place in my teepee must always remain as wayakayuha. Even with al my power, I cannot change the fact we are enemies..."

Alisha found herself alone the next morning when she awoke. Alisha found herself alone the next morning when she awoke. She lay there for a time thinking about yesterday and last night. Anger filed her and she vowed, "d.a.m.n him and his cruelty! He'l pay for what he did. Somehow, some way, I'l make him pay for doing that to me." Haunting thoughts and memories filed her mind from long ago and far away. Once more, she was hiding behind the drapes in their drawing room listening to the idle gossip of her mother's friends. Now I know why they said it was painful and disgusting. Those who said it was different lied. There is no pa.s.sion and pleasure involved, just l.u.s.t and taking for him and pain and endurance for me. Liars! Al of them liars...

Gray Eagle entered the teepee and caled for her to come with him. Having no choice and afraid to defy him again so soon, she arose and folowed him. They walked through the forest to the same stream he had brought her to before. He seized her arms and, despite her protests and struggles, stripped her and tossed her into the water as if she were a smal pebble.

He sat down cross-legged on the bank and watched her intently. She immediately tried to s.h.i.+eld Sherself from his burning gaze, but quickly realized the futility of such actions. Angrily, she wiped the water from her eyes and coughed to clear it from her throat and lungs. She glared at him with hate and anger dancing in those emerald eyes, then turned her back to him to bathe. Without a sound or warning, he was beside her in the water. She gasped and once more tried to s.h.i.+eld her bosom from his view. He grinned in amus.e.m.e.nt as he ignored her feeble efforts to hide behind her smal, delicate hands. He handed her a white cake of some kind of soap. She looked at the strange bar of soap for she had never seen or smeled anything like it before. It was very hard to lather in the cool water and had a gritty texture. She shrugged to lather in the cool water and had a gritty texture. She shrugged and thought, at least, I wil feel and smel cleaner. As she finaly managed to get the soap to lather, she forgot his presence and watchful eyes and scrubbed her body until it was pink al over. She washed her hair twice, grateful to have the dirt and oil gone and to hear it squeak in answer. As she dipped over and over in the water to rinse her body and hair, Gray Eagle was reminded of the playful antics of the musquash.

He suppressed a secret grin as he listened to the low rumbling of his hungry stomach. He caled to her, "Ku-wa! Ya!"

She did not look his way as he stepped out of the water to dress. He smiled at her turned back and caled to her to come again. Slowly, she turned toward him, hoping he was finished dressing. She came to the edge of the stream and handed him the soap. Seeing the futility of trying to s.h.i.+eld herself, she stepped onto the bank as gracefuly as possible under the humiliating circ.u.mstances.

When he refused to give her back her clothes, she wrapped the blanket she had dried off on around her. He led the way back to the vilage and to his teepee. She had not realized it was the custom of his people for the men and women to bathe separately. Gray Eagle did not want the other women taunting or showing unnecessary coldness to Alisha during this adjustment period, so he overlooked the custom and took her with him. Also, he could not trust Chela's hate and anger to be stayed when they were alone. He had to admit to himself that he enjoyed watching her and being with her. So far, he had not received any teasing for this action. Seeing her great beauty, the other warriors guessed his motives and knew they would have done the same thing with her as their captive. Alisha was completely unaware of the many ways and times Alisha was completely unaware of the many ways and times he had gone against his ways and customs for her. His mind and heart battled many times with what he wanted to do and what he felt he had to do. He did not like leaving himself open to ridicule by the other warriors, if not from his tribe, then other tribes who saw and learned of his actions. His leniency toward Alisha was pointed out to him many times by the strange looks and whispers from the women in his camp and by the open accusations from Chela. Only his position and respect had silenced the words of his warriors, but not their thoughts. How much longer could he alow this leniency toward her and in himself to continue? She would have to accept his power over her and her existence and cease this rebelion or he would be forced to become harsh and unyielding toward her. If things came to that, she would never be his other than physicaly. Somehow, he found himself wanting more from her than a place on his mat at night or her duties as his slave. She must bow to his authority soon and accept a mild truce between them, or accept his power and her hate. If he could not have her wilingly, then he would take her forcefuly and her hate with it. He resolved, I am a man and a warrior. I wil not be brought low by a winyan, even one such as she. I wish she would realize how much easier it would be for both of us if she accepted her new life here. Surely, what I have to offer her is better than the red teepee, or death. I must teach her this now.

She was overjoyed and relieved to find a clean change of clothes on the mat. Without waiting for his approval or suggestion, she quickly put on the cehnake and winyan heyake. She picked up a pair of smal moccasins and slid them on her tiny feet. She sat down on the mat and tried to finger comb the tangles from her wet hair.


Gray Eagle dropped the other clothes by the wood sling for her to wash later. The old woman caled out to enter with food. He felt Alisha was not quite ready to take over his cooking yet and let the old woman continue this ch.o.r.e for a time. She entered, put the food by the campfire, and left.

He sat down and caled for her to come. He patted the earth beside him saying, "Yanka, Lese!" She watched him warily as she sat down and waited for him to finish eating first. He handed her the food that was left. "Wota!" he commanded firmly.

She did not know if the word meant food or eat, but repeated it back to him, knowing it should be learned and remembered. His language would be very difficult to learn and speak if it should ever become necessary or desirable. She couldn't speak with him or anyone else yet, for al she knew were commands and single words. Would he mind or care if she tried to learn his tongue? Did he want her to know only what was needed for her Since they were so obviously enemies, he surely wouldn't want to carry on a conversation with her. He had made no attempts to teach her any words other than his commands. She would see just what his intentions were.

She looked up at him and softly caled his name to get his attention. He turned curious eyes to her, bewildered by her tone, and desire to speak with him. At his look of intense scrutiny, hesitation filed her eyes and she lowered her gaze and became silent.


Summoning up her courage, she pointed to several objects while saying the Oglala word for them with a questioning note in her voice after each. Each time, he replied "sha" when she said the voice after each. Each time, he replied "sha" when she said the word correctly.

She made the sign for being bound by the wrists and asked, "Kaskapi?"

He shook his head and replied, "Sha."

She tried al the words she had learned. She came to woman. She pointed to herself and asked, "Lese winyan?"

Again, "Sha."

She stared at him with great confusion in her eyes and asked, "Witkowin? Lese witkowin?" She lifted her shoulders in question. His eyes darkened and narrowed as he tried to decide if she was asking if he thought this or if she were asking what the word meant. No matter, he grabbed her roughly by the forearms and shook her. Icily, he said, "Hiya! Lese hiya witkowin!"

She was shocked by his tone and reaction to her question. "I do not know what 'witkowin' means," she offered in fear and explanation. "The old woman cals me this and I do not understand."

She watched him as he brought his anger under control and put his cold, expressionless mask back into place. Firmly, he stated, "Lese hiya witkowin. Lese mitawa."

She stared into those unreadable eyes in bewilderment and reasoned, "I am not what? If the word is bad and makes you angry, then why did the old woman say it to me so many times?"

Comprehension settled in. "Of course, she knew I would say it in front of you and you would become furious and probably punish me. What a mean thing to do. She only wanted you to hurt me more. I wil be more careful of her and her motives from now on."

She was very quiet and thoughtful for a few minutes. She looked over at him and asked, "What could the word mean to looked over at him and asked, "What could the word mean to make you so angry? What did she cal me?" She puzzled out loud, "Lese is not... my woman? No, winyan means woman... I think...

maybe, she caled me your sweetheart or love. I'm sure that would infuriate you. So..." she daringly teased him, "I am not your woman or love. If you don't watch out, I just might find a way to change your feelings for me. That would realy prove to be a shock to you."

She could not suppress a laugh as she added boldly, "For their great warrior to fal in love with the enemy he captured, that would realy be something to see. If I weren't so wel acquainted with your hatred and cruelty, I might be tempted to try it. Your hate is more of a reality to me than the coming night."

Gray Eagle fought to suppress the smile and laughter he felt at her words and comments. She couldn't be further from the truth if she realy believed he hated her and that she was not his woman. Anger raged deep inside him as he recaled her last question. He would deal with the old woman later. How dare she cal her a wh.o.r.e!

He moved over to the buffalo skins and sat down to work on his arrows. Alisha put the remains of their meal on the rock beside the fireplacc. She studied him from under lowered lashes. He had not seemed to mind her trying to speak his words until she used that particular one. She must remember never to say it again. Stil, he had not offered to teach her any other words. He must think I only need to know those kinds of words that concern the work of a slave to his highness.

She went to sit upon the other end of the buffalo skins near him while he worked. She began to pul and work at the tangles in her long hair with her fingers. She moaned and yelped as she puled at the entwined tresses. Soon, he got up and left the teepee. He at the entwined tresses. Soon, he got up and left the teepee. He returned shortly with what appeared to be a brush made from the tail of a porcupine. He handed it to her and returned to his seat and work. She stared at him dumbfounded.

Clean clothes... food ... a hair brush.... What was he up to?

Why was he being so nice for a change? She would never understand him, so why try? She began to brush her hair, thankful for any kindness or consideration from him, no matter how smal. When she had managed to free al the tangles, she brushed it until it was s.h.i.+ny and silky. She decided the coolest way to wear her long hair would be in braids as the Indian women did. That should also help to prevent tangles. As she finished one braid, she realized she had nothing to hold the end secure. She thought for a moment, then moved down to where Gray Eagle worked and knelt before him. He ignored her until she lightly touched his arm and caled his name.

"Wanmdi Hota?' she said hesitantly, unsure-of how he would react to her forwardness and the use of his name, if it was his name. He raised his eyes to meet hers. "Sha?"

Timidly, she held the end of the long, heavy braid out to him and said, "Thong..." touching his hairband with her finger. He knew what she wanted from him and nodded understanding. He picked up a long strip of rawhide he was using to secure his arrows and cut two lengths from it. He handed them to her and said, Pahin iyakaska..."

She stared at him, confused by his new words. He touched the thong ties in her hand and repeated his words. She realized he was teling her the name of the hairbands. She nodded her head in understanding and then slowly repeated the words to him as she held up the two ties.

held up the two ties.


Automaticaly, she smiled at him and thanked him. She returned to her former place and continued with her hair. She had not noticed the strange look he gave her when she flashed him that dazzling, bright smile. She lay the brush down on the mat when she was done and sat watching his hands work so quickly and skilfuly. Soon, her eyes began to wander across his proud, handsome features and down his strong, virile frame. She could stil feel the pressure of those powerful arms around her. She could recal the feel of his lips on hers and the touch of his hands on her body. His smel and presence filed her senses.

Suddenly, she became aware of her rapid, erratic breathing, the trembling in her body, and her thoughts about the warrior sitting near her. Horrified, she turned her back on him, praying he had not noticed the effect he was having on her. Her prayers were in vain, for he had been al too aware of what she was feeling and thinking. He had not dared to speak or look at her, fearing that to do so would break the spel he was having on her. It would be best to let such feelings and thoughts flourish and grow in her. He wanted her to see she could reach out to him and accept him as a man. He waited ...

Nervously, she jumped up and began to pace around the teepee aimlessly. This close and private confinement with him nibbled at her nerves and emotions. Her eyes and attention kept straying to him. She would find herself watching him hungrily and intently. He could feel the heat and tension of her eyes without looking up.

She wanted to breathe fresh air, or walk barefoot in the cool gra.s.s, or feel the warmth of the sun on her face or just feel relaxed gra.s.s, or feel the warmth of the sun on her face or just feel relaxed and free. Most of al, she wanted to be away from him and out of his reach and sight. But how? she fretted.

The! She picked up the water skins, the dirty clothes and soap. She approached him. As she held the items up for his approval, she asked, "Ya mni?"

He looked up at her and the things she held so tightly in her trembling hands. "Sha."

She left his teepee and folowed the trail to the stream. She knelt by the water's edge to wash the clothes. Later, she moved upstream a way to fil the water skins with clear water. She gathered everything together and stood up to head back to the camp.

She was startled to find him sitting not more than ten feet away from her, just watching her nonchalantly as she worked. She expeled the air in her lungs with a sudden rush, not realizing she had been holding her breath. Her pounding heart slowed to normal as she thought, so, he does not realy trust me. But why should he?

After al, they were enemies and she was his prisoner. He stood up and leisurely stretched his lean, tal frame. He headed for his camp with her trailing along close behind. When they reached his teepee, she hung the water skins on side pegs and the dress on another peg to dry. She picked up the wood sling and came to him again. "Wanmdi Hota, can?'

He looked up and nodded yes, then returned his attention to his work.

This time, she looked behind her several times as she headed for the forest, but he did not folow her. She scoffed, he knows I am not stupid enough to try to escape. Or does he? He probably thinks I have no brains at al. How could I blame him? Who but a dimwit I have no brains at al. How could I blame him? Who but a dimwit or dunce would have tried to help him in the first place? I doubt if I'm the only person to give aid to their enemy unknowingly. Maybe that's why I'm stil alive. Perhaps they are superst.i.tious about kiling lunatics and idiots. When I find a way to escape from here and him, he'l see just how smart I am.

She let her thoughts ramble as she gathered the firewood. She scouted around picking up smal branches and pieces of scrub wood and placing them in the wood sling. When it was ful, she folded it up and left it where it was for now. She a.s.sumed most of the Indians would be inside napping or resting as was their daily custom in the heat of the day. Those who chose not to sleep would work or rest quietly while their family members did. She believed there was no one around at this time. Carefuly, she looked around and seeing no one, she sat down on the plush green gra.s.s. She admired the beauty of the landscape; the ful, verdant trees and bushes; the tal, wilowy; and the smal wildflowers of blue, yelow and white scattered al around her. She stretched her face to the sun and absorbed its warmth and life. She inhaled lungs ful of fresh, crisp air. She lay down on the soft, fragrant bed of and flowers, not wanting to return to the vilage just yet and Gray Eagle's watchful gaze.

She lay on her back studying the clouds as they lazily drifted in the sea of blue above her. Impishly, she imagined each cloud was a person or object as she had done so many times as a child with her father. Often, she would laugh out loud at the impression the shape made on her mind. It was as if she were the only person alive in this garden of nature.

Unfortunately, she was not. She sighed deeply and sat up. Reluctantly, she got up, knowing she must have been gone too long. Reluctantly, she got up, knowing she must have been gone too long. She must hurry back or he would come looking for her. If only she had the means and courage to flee right this minute and not go back to him. But there were many dangers besides him in this wilderness. She leaned over and picked up the wood sling. She hooked it over her arms, alowing it to rest on her back. She headed back along the forest path. Suddenly she halted and stared straight ahead. She was not alone ...

Chapter Five.

Startled, she exclaimed, "How do you move about so quietly and secretly? You frightened me!"

She sighed in relief. Surely, he had been nearby al the time. He leaned against a large tree, chewing on an aromatic twig which smeled like peppermint. Strangely, she felt relieved by his guard instead of angry at his mistrust. As long as he was nearby, no one and nothing could harm her.

She laughed and commented in jest, "My very own cavalier. Who or what would dare to harm me with the bravest and strongest warrior as my .. ." She flushed a bright pink as she realized what she was saying, but, more so, for what she was thinking. She tried to force a closed expression and guard on her face. Her thoughts and words pleased him as much as her relaxed mood. He could read her face like the signs on his teepee. In time ...

He straightened up and headed back toward the camp. She folowed close behind him as usual. Along the path, they met several Indian women headed for the stream with garments, water skins, and wood slings.

He halted and moved aside to alow them to pa.s.s with their burdens. They nodded and spoke their thanks, for it was their place to alow his pa.s.sing first if he so chose. Alisha stood quietly and respectfuly at his side as they pa.s.sed them. The women stared ahead, ignoring her presence completely.

It was at that moment she saw Kathy Brown not far behind It was at that moment she saw Kathy Brown not far behind them. She was being led by a rope encircling her neck. She was filthy! Her clothes were torn and nasty and her hair was in tangled, matty disarray. Her head was lowered and shoulders slumped in sad dejection, fear and submission. Alisha stared at her in shock and pity. She had the appearance of some terrified wild animal. As filthy as she was, Alisha could stil make out the signs of abuse and il treatment on her body and face. Her eyes quickly scanned the smal group for the others, but they were not there. They must either be with other Indian women or stil in the red teepee. She couldn't bear to think of them tortured or kiled. She refused to think about what had happened to Kathy or the others in that terrible teepee Ben had told them about. Although she could not p.r.o.nouce the Oglala word for it, it meant no more than a slave brothel. How could they treat helpless women like that?

Kathy was slowly staggering along behind the woman who held the rope in her hand. As she yanked on it to speed her up, Kathy tripped and fel. She saw Alisha as she was puling herself upright, amidst pokings and taunts. Her sad, holow eyes livened for a time, until she took in Alisha's appearance and companion. Her stare went from Alisha to the handsome, virile brave next to her. She instantly recognized him and the meaning of the situation before her. Her eyes took on a look of contempt, envy and hatred which could rival Gray Eagle's for the wasichu.

Her expression and its abrupt change were noted by both Gray Eagle and. Alisha. Alisha stil made an attempt to go to her aid. Gray Eagle instantly seized her arm and commanded, "Hiya!"

She turned pleading, sympathetic eyes to him and begged, "Please, let me go to her. She's one of my people and she needs help. She needs food, water and care just as you did once. Please, help. She needs food, water and care just as you did once. Please, Wanmdi Hota... Wota... Mni... Yuzaza ... Sha..."

His cynical look told her he would show Kathy no mercy or pity, but not why. She turned back toward Kathy. Alisha's eyes widened in disbelief and her face paled as she watched Kathy mouth some of the vilest words and curses she had ever heard. She didn't know the meaning of many of them and was glad. As Kathy cast cruel accusations and words of hatred at the shocked Alisha, the Oglala woman yanked on the rope and led her away down the forest path.

Alisha stared after her in despair and torment. Gray Eagle had watched and listened to the brutal confrontation between the two women. Her suffering did not bring gladness to his heart. She spoke just above a whisper in a voice filed with anguish, "She hates me far more than I realized. Such vile and cruel words from a woman... I am not to blame for your suffering and problems, Kathy. I'm not..."

In great need of some understanding and consolation, she lifted tear-filed eyes to Gray Eagle and asked, "Am I truly responsible for al of this because I saved your life? Would your death have changed anything for my people?" She cried out to him, "Tel me I'm not to blame for al their deaths and sufferings! Tel me I only did what I had to! Tel me I am innocent and guiltless, Wanmdi Hota! Tel me!" She covered her face with trembling hands and sobbed.

He watched her, wanting to pul her into his embrace and comfort her. He longed to ease some of her guilt and hurt, but dared not. Someone could come along the path. How could he explain his comforting, or even caring, to anyone? Instead, he said softly, "Hiya ceya... Ku-wa. Winyan Brown witkowin!"

softly, "Hiya ceya... Ku-wa. Winyan Brown witkowin!"

At his words and tone, she looked up at him. He touched her tears and repeated, "Hiya ceya..."

She gazed into his softened eyes with confusion and questioned, "The Brown girl is what?'

When he did not offer to explain further, she tried again, "Brown winyan witkowin?" He nodded yes, nothing more. "But what is witkowin?" No answer or response. Exasperated by his refusal to explain, she replied, "It cannot mean what I thought or you would not have said it about Kathy. You said it in contempt like the old woman did. I do not understand."

She realized he would not, or could not, answer her and was forced to let it drop for now. She knew now it was something bad. She stared down the deserted forest path and asked him, "Is that what wil become of me when you tire of me?" She didn't expect any answer. She added bitterly, I"m sure the girl caled Chela would love to have me at her mercy and command." She visibly trembled at that thought.

Impulsively, she grabbed his arm and pleaded, "Please do not give me to her, Wanmdi Hota! Let me stay with you forever! I promise I wil be good and give you no more trouble. I only want to belong to you!"

Wanting to be sure she knew and meant what she was saying, he pressed her for an explanation. He would see if she would try to make him understand her pleas. He lifted his shoulders and eyebrows in question. He touched his forehead with his fingertips and said, "Hiya."

She knew he did not understand and was asking her to try to explain her meaning. For the first time, he actualy cared what she wanted and was trying to communicate with her. She was wanted and was trying to communicate with her. She was dumbstruck at first, but did not want to give up this chance for truce.

She thought for a few moments about how to explain herself to him. She used the first words which came to mind. "Lese . .. Wanmdi Hota's winyan... Kaskapi... Sha He nodded understanding or agreement and waited for her to continue.

Slowly and hesitantly, she did. "Lese hiya ya Chela... Hiya ya... teepee... Lese ya Wanmdi Hota teepee ... Sha?"

He searched her features and replied, "Lese de mitawa. Ya Wanmdi Hota teepee. Hiya Chela. Lese Wanmdi Hota kaskapi."

Hoping he meant she belonged to him and he would keep her, she flashed him a warm, radiant smile and sighed with relief. He turned and headed up the path once more for his camp. She folowed close behind with a lightened heart. He took her to his teepee and left her there. He was gone for about two hours. He returned with two fat rabbits, already cleaned and gutted for cooking. She smiled timidly as he handed them to her. He had purposely brought her the rabbits. He knew she could prepare them for eating, since that was what she had brought to him at the fortress that night. Until she learned more about his ways and foods, he would try to bring back game she was familiar with preparing. He was aware of the differences in their diets and cooking methods. It would take time and patience for her to learn these things and he had a lot of time and patience in that area of their life together. This was a difficult period for her and he was wiling to be lenient in some matters.

She started the fire as she had been taught by the old woman. She used the hot puck and smal twigs, then slowly added larger She used the hot puck and smal twigs, then slowly added larger pieces of wood. When she had the fire going wel, she took two long wooden skewers and placed the hunks of meat on them. She reached inside the pouch the old woman had caled a wozuha and sprinkled some of the finely ground herbs onto the meat. She placed the skewers between the two forked posts on either side of the campfire.

She took a round, bowl-like container and poured some of the corn meal, acorn flour mixture into it from another wozuha. She slowly added water from a mni skin and mixed it together until she had the right consistency for the aguyapi. At this moment, she was happy she was needed for something other than bed service. She would show him she was more than a mistress.

The rabbits roasted slowly and the air began to fil with a delicious aroma. She placed little pats of the aguyapi mix on the flat, hot rocks at the edge of the fire. She watched as the little pones of bread began to cook and brown. She lifted them with the utensil made from a buffalo horn and turned them over. Within a few minutes, they were done, crisp and brown. She smiled, pleased with herself and her new talents.

Gray Eagle glanced up and studied her as she worked. He was sitting on a buffalo skin near the opened flap to catch the breeze as he worked. He was using a flat, smooth rock as a tool to sharpen his knife and tomahawk. He was relaxed and content in the scene surrounding him. He, the warrior and man, was sitting in his teepee working on his weapons after a successful hunt, while she, the woman, prepared their evening meal. He glanced around at the evidence of completed., the clean clothes, the ful mni skins, the ful sling, the nuts and berries, and his woman kneeling by the fireside cooking their wota. She was singing softly to herself as she fireside cooking their wota. She was singing softly to herself as she worked, unaware of his keen interest and observation. This is what has been missing in my life, he thought. This is how it should be between two people who ... He laughed at such sily thoughts and feelings. He chided and warned himself, your vision grows old before your body, Wanmdi Hota, and your mind thinks thoughts of foolish old men. Do not see what is not here. The only two people here are the warrior and his kaskapi. She only does as she is commanded and has promised. Do not dream the dreams of fools.

But he secretly wished it could be like this every day. He slipped back into his dream. Perhaps she is learning to accept me and her new life. Wil she alow the feelings she showed to me back at her fortress to grow? Perhaps I have alowed my harshness to flame like the fire and destroy them. She might have felt only pity for me as she now does for the Brown winyan. I could have been wrong in what I thought I saw in her eyes and face. This conclusion disturbed him. What if she realy did hate him and only obeyed out of fear? What if he had forced her to see him as a savage warrior instead of a man?

When Alisha knew the meat and bread were done, she turned to him and spoke with difficulty and hesitation. "Ku-wa, Wanmdi Hota. Wota, aguyapi... yanka."

He looked over at her and surprised her with the expression on his face. There was actualy a pleasant look there with a slight half-smile playing across his lips and in his dark eyes. Was she only imagining it, or was it perhaps a smirk instead? It could be for the food, her use of his tongue or maybe just her docile, servile behavior. No matter, for it made him look more handsome and relaxed.


Rarely was there a look such as that upon his face and rarely was that cold glare missing in those obsidian eyes. She stared at him openly. She was very aware of his strength and virility. Recaling his fiery kisses and light caresses, she flushed and looked away. He came to sit beside her and be served. She was careful not to meet his gaze, nervous and alarmed by his effect on her. She didn't understand why this cold, cruel man had any effect on her in any way other than fear, hate and disgust. When he had finished his meal, she ate in silence as was their custom. After she was finished, she cleared away the remains of the cooking and eating. She turned an embarra.s.sed face with lowered eyes to him and said, "Won ... ah ... be ..." She did not see his amused smile at her shyness.

He stood up and stretched languidly, then caled for her to folow him. They walked along the forest path into the dense trees. He led her to a copse and left her alone. Later, he rejoined her to return to his teepee.

Once back, she sat down on the mat to await his next order. He was moving about in the teepee, colecting some items from his personal belongings. He walked to the flap with long, easy strides. He halted for a moment and turned back to face her. He flatly stated, "Wanmdi Hota ya Oyate Omniciye. Lese hiya ya. Lese yanka."

She stared at him in bewilderment. He caled her to him and repeated his words as he made the signs for his intentions. He lifted the flap and pointed to the council lodge as he was speaking. She nodded that she understood his commands. She watched him cover the short distance between the two teepees and disappear inside. She wondered why he bothered to explain his disappear inside. She wondered why he bothered to explain his actions to her. He was such a confusing, unpredictable man! She would never understand him or his ways.

She lowered the flap and returned to her place on the mat. After a long time, she lay down upon the mats, thinking about this turn of events and his new, relaxed behavior toward her. Her emotions and thoughts were in an upheaval, for none of this made sense.

She could visualize his face in cold fury and contempt. She could melt that expression into one of relaxed acceptance or desire for her. She had never met or known anyone like him before. Her heart and brain were raging a heated battle between resistance and acceptance, love and hate, escaping and remaining. Gray Eagle was like a magnet, strong and forceful, puling her helplessly to him, making her unable to break or resist his hold. Instantly, he could reverse polarity and repel her in anger and coldness, shoving her away with those very same arms which had so recently held her in a tight, tender embrace. It was as if two men forever at war occupied the same body. He could be pa.s.sionate and tender one minute; then cold and cruel the next. She never knew how he would behave or react to any given circ.u.mstance at any time. She could not comprehend two such strong, opposing emotions as hate and love in the same man at the same time. Then, again, she corrected herself, she should realy say hate and l.u.s.t, not love. He could easily be a lover as wel as a warrior if he so desired, and this knowledge terrified her. Angrily, she thought, he is cruel and taunting one minute; then kind and thoughtful the next. He rejects me brutaly; then accepts me tenderly the next time. She unwilingly recaled his kiss and touch which brought fires to her body. But, the actual act of lovemaking which brought fires to her body. But, the actual act of lovemaking had been painfuly unbearable for her.

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Grey Eagle: Savage Ecstasy Part 7 summary

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