Grey Eagle: Savage Ecstasy Part 9

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arrow he was holding.

He nodded and continued with a list of things which had to do with the color white. He said, "Wasichu ... ska ..."touching her skin. He pointed to her eyes and said, "Ista... pi-zi, ska..." He picked up a feather and, touching the white tip, said, "Ska..."

Concentrating on his meaning, she surmised, "White man; eyes, green and white; feather tipped with white.. ." The answer was obvious. She exclaimed with delight, "White Arrow!

Wanhinkpe Ska means White Arrow!" She smiled, pleased with herself.

He went back to his task. She studied him curiously for a few minute, then timidly inquired, "Wanmdi Hota?"

He looked up and met her soft, steady gaze. He picked up one of the eagle feathers and said, "Wanmdi," making the sign for a large bird. He spread out his upraised arms like giant wings, indicating the bird was large and powerful.

She studied his motions and words. The bird must be large and the feather was from an eagle. Quickly, she guessed, "Eagle!

Wanmdi is eagle. Hota?"

He took the two containers of paint which he was using on his new buffalo s.h.i.+eld. He pointed to the black, saying, "Sapa." He pointed to the white and said, "Ska." Knowing she had guessed that word correctly, she could not suppress a smile. He slowly mixed the two colors together until he had the color he wanted. He began, pointing to each color in turn, "Sapa, ska, hota..."

"Gray Eagle ... yes. The most powerful and courageous ruler of the heavens. Arrogant, untamed, unafraid, untouchable; but also a beautiful, brutal kiler.... A name wel suited, my love, for you are al of those and more. You fear nothing and no one. You yield and bow to no one. You conquer and take what you desire, and kil bow to no one. You conquer and take what you desire, and kil anyone or anything in your way. The day wil come when you turn those claws on me and kil me, just like you did to al the others. Perhaps you wil use those talons to tear my heart from my very soul. Gray Eagle ... wel chosen indeed," she nodded agreement. He had carefuly listened to her words, heedful to keep his face and eyes blank and empty. He reflected on her description of him. He mused, she knows me wel, or thinks she does. Her use of the words "my love" is interesting. Is it only a phrase used by the wasichu, or does she mean them in another way? She has said them with softness and a touch of mockery. There is stil much to learn about this winyan, he noted ruefuly.

Alisha had taken over his task and was separating the feathers and putting them in their appropriate pouches. She was very careful not to bend or muss them, especialy those to be used on arrow shafts. The feather controled the aim and flight of an arrow. When she had put al the pouches away, she turned to find him staring at her with an intense, nearly imperceptible glint in his eyes. That look never failed to spark flames in her own traitorous body.

"I know what that look means, you insatiable dragon!" she accused teasingly, then added, "Does the n.o.ble eagle open his wings and nest, if not his heart and life, to a ska winyan?" She could not suppress giggles at her a.n.a.logy, but missed the gleam in his blazing ebony eyes at her words.

He nonchalantly retorted, "Ska winyan ku-wa Wanmdi Hota o-winza." He motioned for her to come to him on the palet. She playfuly taunted, "And what if the ska winyan says hiya?

Perhaps she's not in the mood to make love to Wanmdi Hota."

So, he mused, she wishes to play games with me. He was very tempted to cal her bluff. His eyes glimmered as he wondered what tempted to cal her bluff. His eyes glimmered as he wondered what her reaction to his command in her tongue would be. No, he cautioned himself, it is too soon for such things to be out in the open.

He caled to her a little more sternly, "Lese ku-wa o-winza!"

Feigning humility and shyness to tease him further, she came to kneel before him. She looked up into his face with large, innocent eyes. She softened her tone of voice to a low, s.e.xy whisper. Placing her smal hands on his hard, bare chest, she cooed, "Yes, master. Your adoring slave comes and yields to you. Oh, great and n.o.ble warrior of the skies, take me and let us soar like your namesake, wild and free. Make me burn with hunger for you. Come to me in love, not hate. For once, love Alisha and not your kaskapi. Pretend I am the winyan of your heart for one night. Tonight, let this be the joining of love and hate, of Alisha and Gray Eagle, not slave and master. Is one night so much to ask for?"

Suddenly, it was no longer a joke. She realized she meant every word she had just spoken. She truly wanted him. But she also wanted him to need her in the same way. Why couldn't he accept her for herself and not only as his slave? Why couldn't he want and need her as she did him? Why couldn't he love her as she loved him?

These thoughts and emotions frightened and confused her. A shadow of bittersweet torment pa.s.sed across her features. She lowered sparkling emerald eyes and dropped her hands to her lap. That was a stupid, foolish thing to do, Lese. Some things are best kept hidden and suppressed, even to yourself...

He scrutinized her closely for a time, alowing her new discovery to sink in and take hold. He placed his hand under her chin and raised it until their eyes met and locked. He lay back on chin and raised it until their eyes met and locked. He lay back on the palet and caled softly to her, "Ku-wa, Lese..."

Without a minute's hesitation, she went into his open arms and to his waiting lips. Time ceased to move at this first contact. Never had their nights together been more pa.s.sionate or tender...

To her utter distress and disappointment, he was back to his old self the very next morning. He was once more the cold, forbidding warrior, first and foremost, as if last night had not even taken place between them. It was obvious to her that it had meant nothing but s.e.x to him.

When she halted to speak to him, he cast icy, impatient eyes on her. She had started, "Wanmdi Hota, ku-wa. Lese needs..."

Her words trailed off and stopped. She felt as if someone had just thrown ice cold water on her, chiling her very soul. His look did far more damage to their relations.h.i.+p than he could imagine. She paled and stared at him.

Tears sparkled in her eyes as she turned and ran back inside his teepee. She had needed him to come and sharpen her knife for cutting up the deer meat. She cried bitterly as she worked on the meat with the dul knife, trying to focus her attention on her ch.o.r.e. She would never forgive this insult.

When he came in later, it was evident from her puffy red eyes she had been crying. He casualy tried to find out what she had wanted from him earlier. She appeared to either not understand him or pretended not to. She had remained quiet and withdrawn the rest of the day, and had cried herself to sleep that night after he had finaly forced her submission to him.

He realized she had placed a wal around her heart and feelings, much like the wal the bluecoats built around them to protect them from Oglalas. She was trying to protect her heart protect them from Oglalas. She was trying to protect her heart against his attack on it. He stil failed to realize the depth and pain of the wound he had inflicted on her, trying to protect his own heart against her attack.

She made no attempts to communicate with him. She would only answer to his commands, or cal him to eat. She would battle with her eyes to keep them away from him. She tried to remain as distant mentaly and physicaly as possible from him. She forced herself to stay busy or out of his sight during the day. At night, she would sleep with her back to him. She would not alow herself to be ensnared by his tricks and traps any more.

Her withdrawal gnawed at him day and night as time pa.s.sed on. It stung his pride to see and hear her with White Arrow, smiling, laughing and talking. When he walked in upon them, she would instantly become subdued and aloof. Her smile and laughter would fade, to be replaced with silence and a glum look. White Arrow did not understand what had happened between them to cause this reaction in his koda. Gray Eagle's anger and agitation were obvious to him, and he also noticed Alisha's mistrust and hurt. He wondered what his koda had done to her this time, for surely he had wounded her deeply and cruely with some deed. White Arrow surmised, I read two fears in her eyes-fear of him and fear of what she feels for him. Perhaps she has learned he must give her up soon and fights to control and stop her love and the pain from it.

Alisha's withdrawal from Gray Eagle was as hard on her as it was on him. It demanded so much from her emotionaly and physicaly. She had to be on guard against him and her reactions to him. The battle was becoming too hard. She was weary of this pretense and loneliness, day and night. She wanted him, needed pretense and loneliness, day and night. She wanted him, needed him.

Gray Eagle was at the end of his patience. He hungered and thirsted for her smile, her laughter and her ful warmth and attention. He knew he could not tolerate this situation any longer. She had punished him long enough. It was time for a new truce between them. He needed her completely. How dare she treat me like this!

he raged. I am the warrior! She is but a ska kaskapi. I wil end it this moon! I wil not alow such treatment from her. That night, Gray Eagle could no longer contain himself. He grabbed her chin in his steel-like grip, forcing her to look at him. He stated in a commanding, deep tone, "Ni-ye mitawa!"

She glared back into those stygian eyes which chalenged her to deny what he had just said. She did not know those words or their meaning. But her answer was perfect. She hotly retorted, "You can force me to be your harlot; but you cannot force me to love you or want you. And I wil not... I wil not!"

Immediately, he had angrily thrown her down on his mats and made consuming, fierce love to her, taking her quickly and coldly. He would prove his words were true!

She had struggled against him and his brutal attack. She had cried out words of hatred to him over and over. Afterwards, she had wept for a long time, giving him the time to realize what he had just done, and the error of it.

She sat up and glared down into his face. "I hate you! I wish I knew how to explain those three words to you. Lese hates Wanmdi Hota! Lese hates Wanmdi Hota!" She continued shouting those words to him until he forcefuly puled her rigid body into his arms and kissed her tenderly, again and again.

Powerless to resist him for very long, she clung to his embrace Powerless to resist him for very long, she clung to his embrace and returned his kisses with desperate longing and hunger. Soon he was making love to her once more, but this time with gentleness and pa.s.sion. When it was over, she snuggled into his arms and slept peacefuly, which she had not done in many nights. The folowing morning, he realized her coldness, but not her protective wal, was missing. His actions had shattered the fragile trust he had instiled in her, and it would take time for it to come again.

Chapter Seven.

Alisha's idle time was spent in various ways. Tonight as she lay waiting for Gray Eagle to return from a council meeting, she studied the teepee they shared. It was constructed of twenty-five poles and covered with about forty-five buffalo skins, as best she could count. As with al teepees, theirs faced the east to catch the rising sun and to avoid the northwest winds. She knew it was the woman's ch.o.r.e to dismantle and put up the teepees. She fretfuly wondered if she would be able to learn and perform this important task when the time came for her to do so. She had been entranced by the scenes and designs painted on the interiors and exteriors of the teepees. She was stil amazed at the talent and ability they displayed under these conditions with such crude supplies. She had immediately learned the meaning of the position of the teepee flap-open meant "enter" and closed meant "absent or privacy." No one entered another's teepee without permission when the flap was down. As was the custom, their flap was always open from morning til dusk.

Many evenings after eating, she would sit for hours watching Gray Eagle as he worked on new arrows, his s.h.i.+eld, lances, or other weapons. The care and construction of weapons was a very time-consuming job for the warriors. As with hunting, it took a lot of skil, strength and patience.

Tonight, he was working on his new buffalo s.h.i.+eld, which had been made from the neck hide and toughened to withstand arrows or blows from his enemies. The edges were trimmed and decorated or blows from his enemies. The edges were trimmed and decorated with scalp hairs, feathers, and colorful strips of rawhide, but the white center was stil blank and unfinished. He would paint the sign given to him by Wakantanka when he chose to reveal it. Some night or day, the Great Spirit would reveal to him in a wowanyake what akito was to be painted on the s.h.i.+eld. This sign given to him in the vision would be his protection and guide in battle. Until the vision was given, the center would remain empty and white.

She watched him as he put the s.h.i.+eld away and picked up a pointed stone. He began to hone the tip into an arrowhead. She had watched him do this many times, but always observed with fascination. She was secretly happy with his great inteligence and knowledge. He appeared to know so much about everything. She had often studied him in the forest, noting his unending knowledge about the animals and their ways, and nature. He was as one with his surroundings and in nature. He belonged here in this savage wilderness, just as this wilderness belonged to him and his kind, for they were much alike in character. He accepted things the way they were and tried to change nothing. She realized as long as the Indian lived here, this land would remain unchanged and ever selfrenewing. Alisha came to understand the Indians' closeness with the land and nature. She saw how they helped and depended upon each other for survival. She recaled the "Canhdeska Wakan" White Arrow had shown her on the ceremonial lodge skins. The scenes painted there symbolized a sacred life circle. They depicted a baby within a circle, probably a mother's womb; a smal child; a grown man; a warrior's body on a death scaffold; a warrior on the Ghost Trail; and the circle closed. Their belief signified man came from the Trail; and the circle closed. Their belief signified man came from the Great Spirit, was born, lived, died, and returned to the Great Spirit for eternal life. Alisha was amazed to see how similar to her own religious beliefs this was. This made it difficult for her to understand why the white man caled them pagans and heathens. Was it only because they caled the one diety Wakantanka instead of G.o.d? Her increasing knowledge of them forced her to see they weren't so very different after al.

She had learned that this concept applied to al men, animals, and objects. Each was to live for the purpose for which it was created. The Oglala appeared to revere al life-except the white man's, whom they viewed as the destroyer of nature. In the Oglala way, animals were kiled only for food, shelter, clothing and protection from harm. The Oglal never destroyed or changed any part of the lands or forests. They conformed their lives and needs to the land, rather than conforming the land to their needs. These beliefs were ingrained in the Oglala from the day of birth. Anyone who tried to alter this way of life was viewed as a threat, to be removed or destroyed. This was a proud and courageous nation. They would never alow the white man or other tribes to force them from their homelands. She prayed her people would see and learn the foly of trying to conquer this land and its people. Alisha realized that her people had brought guns which kiled and maimed with a strange, evil magic. They brought liquor which robbed the senses and powers of the warriors. They brought strange, new diseases and deaths to the people.

The Oglalas watched as we moved their lands and forests, Alisha thought. They watched as we cut away the forests and hunted their game. They watched how we treated them with malice and disrespect. Why shouldn't they hate us and want to kil us?

and disrespect. Why shouldn't they hate us and want to kil us?

Could we ever have become friends and alies with such totaly different concepts of life? Could we ever have accepted each other in peace and honor? But Alisha was afraid to answer her questions. As each new day came and went, she continued to cook; wash; gather wood, food and water; and became more and more confused with her position among the Indians. The others had been kiled soon after their arrival, but she was stil alive. Perhaps it was because she had made a good slave and he had decided to keep her.

No one had been permitted to harm her. But no one other than White Arrow, Matu and Gray Eagle a.s.sociated with her. What does it al mean? she would question. If they aren't going to kil me, then why don't they accept me? If I'm going to live here forever, they could make me their friend, couldn't they? Wil I always be a slave and outcast forever? she sadly wondered.

On some days, she felt like a schoolgirl, being tested for what she had learned and for her obedience. One thing was certain: she was definitely Gray Eagle's personal prisoner, under his command and power. She had tried to do al that was demanded of her because he had halted his cruelty and violence to her. The hardest part of her captivity was accepting his daily lovemaking, and trying to resist the ever-growing hunger for him, a hunger which was not only physical, but emotional. She found herself wanting to be his friend and companion, as wel as his lover. She desired the freedom and acceptance to be herself with no restrictions and restraints, to be able to talk with him and the others, to have his friends.h.i.+p and company and that of others. She yearned to be liked, and to find peace and freedom here with them. She to be liked, and to find peace and freedom here with them. She wanted to run through the forests and meadows laughing and singing. She wanted to be accepted with honor and respect. She wanted... the impossible... She wanted to be an Oglala, living in peace and happiness with friends and family...

As she feared, the time came when she found herself waiting and watching for his returns from hunts and raids. When he would go to the lodge for a meeting, she would peer out and watch him until he disappeared inside the other teepee. She would catch herself listening for the sound of his voice speaking or chanting. She would tremble with longing when she heard his deep, rumbling voice. She would stand watching the smoke from numerous pipes as it escaped from the teepee vent. She would wonder what they were talking and laughing about in there. She would find herself looking for a glimpse of him at every turn, or hoping for a chance meeting, or observing him intently as he spoke with others. Even at night, she would frequently wake up and lie watching his relaxed features, or just listening to his even, steady breathing. The harder she tried to suppress these growing feelings, the stronger and bolder they became.

Once, she had panicked when he and White Arrow had ridden off and stayed away for two days and nights. She had been terrified something had happened to them. At first, she convinced herself she would be relieved, then realized without his protection she would be at his people's mercy. White Arrow, who was with him, would not be able to save her.

As she lay unable to sleep most of the second night, she knew it was Gray Eagle she actualy feared for, and not his protection of her. He might have had an accident, or have been kiled, or captured by whites again. She was beside herself with worry and captured by whites again. She was beside herself with worry and fear. Was it possible she realy did love him this much? How could she be sure? She had never been in love before. How did love feel?

What was this love between a man and a woman? Perhaps she only reached out to him for protection or in l.u.s.t. If that were true, any man would suit her needs. But it was his voice she strained to hear, his face she longed to see, and his touch and kiss she hungered to feel.

Those two days and nights seemed endless without him. On the afternoon of the third day, she was walking up the forest path, daydreaming. She happened to glance up and see him dismounting his horse. Her heart and pulse raced with joy and relief. He's back!

He's safe! Without stopping to think, she ran toward him, caling his name, "Wanmdi Hota! Wanmdi Hota, you're home!"

She beamed with happiness and tears of excitement sparkled in her emerald eyes. Abruptly, she hushed and stopped as the surprised, gaping stares and silence of those around them alerted her to her actions. She lowered her eyes to the ground, face flaming.

He and White Arrow exchanged grins. White Arrow remarked, "Pi-Zi Ista is happy at your return, my koda." Secretly, he wished that look and smile had been for him. Perhaps one day it wil, he thought. I fear she grows to love him and that is not good. I must speak with him soon about her trade to me. The time is near for it.

Gray Eagle walked past her, heading for his teepee. Casualy, he caled for her to come with him. Mutely, she did so. Thankfuly, he made no reference to her outburst or behavior. He put away the pizuta yutas that he was carrying.

He took the cactus b.u.t.tons with him to the lodge meeting later He took the cactus b.u.t.tons with him to the lodge meeting later that night. Alisha was angry and frustrated to have him leave on his first night back home. He had hardly even noticed her or spoken to her since his return, or so she thought.

Just a slave! she cried in hurt and humiliation. I mean nothing more to him than someone to do his and relieve his male anxieties! I hate him! He's mean and cruel! Nothing but a chattel, she scoffed bitterly at herself.

She paced the smal confines of his teepee in a black, stormy mood. What cut even deeper was the fact he did not return at al that night. When she managed to bring the tempest she was feeling under some kind of control, she lay down and went to sleep. Even if he had ignored her, he'd returned safely. This reality enabled her to relax and sleep after two long, sleepless nights. The warriors had gathered in the lodge to listen to White Arrow as he told about their trip to the vilage of their friends and alies, the Cheyenne, to trade for the peyote b.u.t.tons. These b.u.t.tons were used during or before certain events and ceremonies. Tonight, they would be eaten during a ritual, a quest for a vision from the Great Spirit. They hoped to find the answers to how to deal with the wasichus and bluecoats in their lands. The final effect of the drug was sedative, which induced relaxation and deep, peaceful sleep. The ritual lasted far into the night and Gray Eagle did not return to Alisha until the next morning.

Last night's rebuff and rejection, as Alisha saw it, brought a renewed caution to her. She placed a watchful guard over her words and actions toward him. Once more, he had shown her what her true position in his life was. He was aware of the withdrawal and change in her, but not the reason behind it. He watched as she and White Arrow drew closer in companions.h.i.+p. Helplessly, he saw and White Arrow drew closer in companions.h.i.+p. Helplessly, he saw her reaching out to his friend and saw his friend accept it. He watched as they communicated with a combination of words and signs she had learned. But most disturbing, he observed the way they both changed in his presence. They became quieter and more subdued with each other. It was as if they sensed he would object to their closeness and behavior, and he did.

Perhaps they were becoming too close and friendly, he surmised. She is behaving with my koda the way she should be acting to me. Why does she fear being open and honest with me? Is there more than friends.h.i.+p between them? Is her withdrawal from me a turning to my koda? Could it be because of the way he treats her? He gives her what she hungers for and needs- friends.h.i.+p and acceptance. He gives what I cannot. Do not turn to him for more, Lese, he warned, for I wil not alow it. I wil not alow Wanhinkpe Ska to turn your face and heart to him. I cannot alow you to come between him and me, nor wil I alow him to come between us. I must keep a watchful eye and alert ear on this thing. It is far easier to dam and halt a smal stream, than to wait until it becomes a larger, more powerful river...

Alisha and White Arrow had gone into the forest to gather wood and fetch water from the stream. He was keeping an eye on her today while Gray Eagle was off hunting with other braves. Matu had been busy tanning hides from the last hunt and did not wish to stop, which suited Alisha fine. Near the big tree by the stream, White Arrow had met a friend and had stopped to talk. She quietly gathered her wood in the sling and filed the water skins. She looked back to see the two men stil talking. She stroled along the bank in dreamy thought. She occasionaly leaned over to pick a wildflower which caught her eye. She stopped and played in pick a wildflower which caught her eye. She stopped and played in the water with her fingertips. She picked leaves from low-hanging branches she pa.s.sed under. She was completely caught up in a world of her own making. She was unaware of how far she was walking.

She meandered along, her head filed with fantasies and warnings concerning Gray Eagle. White Arrow a.s.sumed she was on private business and did not come after her for a long time, almost too late...

As she leaned over to pluck some black-eyed Susans, a hand clamped over her mouth and a strong arm encircled her chest like a band of steel. Panic seized her heart and mind. She fought like a wildcat, kicking, scratching, and biting at the hand over her mouth. She fearfuly thought she was being captured by some enemy tribe. She went rigid. Her eyes widened in astonishment and disbelief. A voice behind her blurted out, "Why, you little shecat! I'l teach you to bite Ole Smitty! You got some lessons to learn in manners, gurl."

Englis.h.!.+ A white man! her brain screamed. At last, help. Rescue... freedom... no more slavery... no more Wanmdi...

Because of her lack of struggling, Smitty was able to turn her around to face him. He was instantly shocked at what he saw. He stared incredulously into her beautiful ivory face with wide, frightened green eyes.

"Wel, I'l be d.a.m.ned! Bless my soul and good luck if'n it ain't a white gurl. A good looker at that. How'd you git out here, gurl?

Where'd you come frum? What's yore name anyhows?"

He rapidly fired many questions at her numbed brain in his great excitement. She only stared at the trapper blankfaced and dumbfounded. He was filthy and smeled foul. He was wearing dumbfounded. He was filthy and smeled foul. He was wearing fringed buckskins and a beaver hat. From his odor and appearance, he had not bathed in months, perhaps even a year. She noticed his long, s.h.a.ggy, dul hair; bushy eyebrows; unkempt, wiry beard; and rotting, yelowish-brown teeth.

She nearly fainted from the stench of his breath and body odor. He shook her and asked again, "I asked kin you speak English, gurl?"

Stil unable to force any words from her mouth, she nodded her head yes. He questioned, "Can't you talk? You look as'o you never see'd a white man afore. Whatcha doing out here alone?

How long you been with them Sioux?"

She finaly managed a soft whisper, "A few weeks or months... I'm not realy sure..."

At the softness in her tone and the view of her delicate beauty, Smitty was reminded of the painful urgings of baser needs which had prompted him in the first place to attack what he a.s.sumed was an Indian girl.

Atta boy, Smitty. This gurl is some'emelse. His dul, slaty eyes filed with increasing l.u.s.t as he eyed the smal, fragile creature before him. He glanced around and inquired as to how and why she was so far from camp alone.

She hastily looked around, realizing she was in unfamiliar surroundings. "I just wandered off. I better get back before he comes looking for me."

Alisha instinctively sensed danger from this man. She was alarmed to find herself alone and defenseless with him. She was becoming more frightened as time pa.s.sed. She was troubled at the leering way his eyes engulfed her entire being.

A lewd gleam flickered in his eyes and he licked dry lips in A lewd gleam flickered in his eyes and he licked dry lips in antic.i.p.ation. His eyebrows lifted as he questioned, "He? So, you be an Injun squaw. Don't matter none to Ole Smitty. Should've guessed it from yore looks. Even an Injun wouldn't pa.s.s up a gal like you. That'l make it al the easier and better. Won't have to hurt you none. We'l jest git ourselves a little ways off frum here. We don't want them Injuns disturbing us just when things are gittin good. If'n you knows what I mean..." He flashed her a licentious grin as he laughed wickedly.

The stark reality of her situation and his intentions was as clear as water. She was petrified. She instantly broke into a run, screaming loudly. He immediately came after her, cursing and yeling for her to shut up. He caught up with her and s.n.a.t.c.hed her backwards by her hair. They struggled for a few minutes before he threw her roughly to the ground. He quickly fel on top of her and began to madly rip at her clothes.

He puled at her dress, trying to push it up. She fought with al her strength, praying for help. He managed to undo the laces at her neckline. He savagely bit into her soft shoulder. He cruely squeezed her breast and silenced her pleas and yels with a s...o...b..ry, bruising kiss. She nearly retched.

He forcefuly tugged at the bottom of her dress, finaly succeeding in getting it up to her hips. He painfuly parted her slender thighs with bruising, insistent fingers. She fought with renewed urgency and terror. She could feel his hardened manhood rubbing against her inner thigh. His hand touched her there as he yanked on the breechcloth. Her hands puled desperately at his hair and pushed at his towering face. She bit into his lip as he tried to kiss her again. He jerked his head back in a black rage. His arm came down across her throat, cutting off her air and His arm came down across her throat, cutting off her air and voice. She shoved at his arm, twisting her head to one side. He grabbed her hair and puled her face back to his, covering her mouth with his. Tears of disgust, pain and fear slid from her eyes and ran down into her hair. She vowed she would fight him to the death before she would submit to this.

A concerned voice caled out, "Pi-Zi Ista, ku-wa!"

Smitty's head jerked up for a look around. That was al the time Alisha needed to scream out at the top of her lungs. He quickly slapped a hand over her mouth. "You stupid b.i.t.c.h! You wanna git us kiled? I kin help you git away from them Injuns. Al I wants is a little piece fur me services and trouble. You dun caled out to him. Hel, you acts as tho ya prefer him to yore own kind! Guess I'l have'ta kil him afore I takes care of you."

He puled his knife and she was certain he was going to take her life right then. He hesitated as he gazed down into her large, innocent eyes and nearly lost his chance for revenge. Abruptly, he had to jump up to meet White Arrow's attack. He had seemed to come from nowhere. He bounded forward like a cougar, screaming, "E-ee-eei-ay!"

They slowly and cautiously circled each other, sizing each other up. Never once did one's eyes leave the other's. Smitty knew he was looking into the face of his death. Those stygian eyes burned with hate and fury. His muscles were taut with apparent strength and nimbleness. He moved with the quickness and agility of a mountain lion. There was no trace of fear or doubt in those black eyes. White Arrow's aura told of his abundant courage and selfconfidence. He reeked of vengeance and power. Smitty realized there was no chance for him in a fair fight. His face paled and he heaved in loud, ragged gulps. He slashed out face paled and he heaved in loud, ragged gulps. He slashed out wildly at White Arrow, who easily maneuvered to stay clear of his knife and attack. White Arrow mockingly circled with him, letting him wear himself down. He lunged at White Arrow and was tripped. He pretended to strike his head on a rock, knocked unconscious. He hoped the brave would turn his attention to his squaw, alowing him to jump him from behind. He would kil that d.a.m.ned Injun and take the girl with him. If his trick failed, then he was finished.

Smitty had hit the ground with a loud thud and moan, then lay motionless. White Arrow disregarded caution in his concern for Alisha. He turned his back to Smitty and came to her. A few long, easy strides, and he was beside her. He gently lifted her body and carried her to the stream. He knew the trapper had not succeeded in his attack. He noted her disheveled state and tear-streaked face. He saw the red finger marks and spots of blood around her mouth, but no cuts.

He quickly scanned her for other injuries. She had bruises and scratches on her arms, legs and neck. His eyes darkened in fury when he found the vicious bite on her shoulder. By now, she was crying uncontrolably and shaking violently.

He examined the redness on her throat where the trapper had tried to choke her into silence and submission. His anger flamed higher and his eyes glinted with the death warning. He glanced up and caught her eyes searching him. He forced a warm smile at her as he took a cloth from his waist and dipped it into the cool water. He washed the tears, dust and blood from her face. He was as gentle with her as a mother to a newborn baby.

He leaned over to scoop up mud to make a pack for the nasty bite. A shadow fel across her lap. She jerked her head up in time bite. A shadow fel across her lap. She jerked her head up in time to see the trapper coming at White Arrow's back with his knife held high and threatening.

She lunged at the man, screaming a warning to White Arrow, "No-o-o! Wasicun ku-wa! Wayaketo!"

White Arrow was instantly aware of danger and was on his feet, braced and ready to face and fight his enemy. Thanks to her attack on the man, his knife was quickly in his hand. The trapper had as easily tossed Alisha aside as if she were merely a feather. He met White Arrow's fierce attack head-on. They clutched and fought furiously. With one swift, accurate slash, the trapper lay dead at his feet, his throat slit from one side to the other. White Arrow rose and stood over the body of the trapper. He lifted his head toward the heavens and gave an eerie howl like a ghostly wolf in victory.

Alisha ran to him in relief and fear. She grabbed his arm and turned him to face her. Boldly and fearfuly, her eyes searched his tal, lean frame for any serious injuries. Franticaly, she cried, "Are you hurt, Wanhinkpe Ska? He could have kiled you! It would have been al my fault." She shuddered in revulsion. "He put his hands on me. He was going to ..." She lowered her face into her hands and wept.

He puled her into his embrace and held her quaking body tightly. His fingers gently caressed her rigid back. His thoughts were in turmoil as to how close this cal of danger was to her. He had only let her out of his sight for a short time, but it had almost cost her her life. He was furious with himself for alowing such a brutal thing to happen. He hungered to kiss her, to make love to her, and to blot out everything that just happened.

As he comforted her and spoke soothingly to her, he had to As he comforted her and spoke soothingly to her, he had to fight rising, heated emotions, which threatened to engulf him. He lifted her tenderly into his strong arms and carried her back toward camp. As he walked, he murmured rea.s.suringly, "Sh-h-h, Pi-Zi Ista. Kokipi sni. Hiya ceya. Waste cedake."

She did not grasp the meaning of his words of comfort or love, but his tone was comforting. She was so shaky and weak she did not protest his attention and help. She laid her face against his hard chest as she cried his name over and over.

Gray Eagle was returning to camp just as they left the forest path and headed toward his teepee. He curiously watched the way his friend carried her pressed close to his chest, tenderly and protectively. More alarming was the way her arms tightly encircled his neck and back, and the way her head lay familiarly on his shoulder. His eyes darkened and narrowed in suspicion and alarm. What was the meaning of this bold display?

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Grey Eagle: Savage Ecstasy Part 9 summary

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