Every Storm Part 11

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"Are you all right?" Rigg asked as soon as he could.

"Just a little shaky all of a sudden."

"Ellis tells me you didn't eat much."

"I tried," Lorri said apologetically.

She was pale, her dark hair accenting that fact, but Rigg decided not to worry about it. Her grandfather wasn't going to care how she looked, and Rigg had only one goal at the moment: to see her safely to that man. Even if the admiral wasn't there, he still knew she would be safer at Seaford than on the boat.

Lorri was vaguely aware of the eyes that watched them. Rigg walked her onto the dock and then toward a building and an office. He held the door for her to go inside and waited for her to precede him. The sailor inside had heard about the admiral's situation, and he was swift to make a call to his superior. More calls were made, and in moments Captain Dunlap and an aide were running for a jeep, intent on finding the admiral on his walk.

Lorri sat inside the office and looked out the window. She didn't want to cry but felt tears threatening nonetheless. She had made it. She had made it safely to land where telephones worked and the world didn't rock with every whim of the sea.

She was trying not to think about all that had brought her here when her grandfather walked past. Lorri came to her feet, swaying a little.

"Are you all right?" Rigg asked.

"That was my grandfather," she got out just before her eyes rolled back in her head.


I"Go after him!" Rigg barked to the sailor and gathered Lorri in his arms to lower her back onto the chair. He thought it might be best if she lay down but wasn't about to put her on the floor. "Miss Archer," Rigg called as he tried to revive her. "Can you



anytime soon, not with so many needed repairs. And anyway, right now it was best to occupy his thoughts with those duties- anything to get the reunion scene from his mind.

Dean sat on the room's one chair and watched his granddaughter sleep on one of the twin beds. On the floor by the bed were her saddle shoes, filthy and worn, but nothing else she wore was hers. This came to Dean slowly, after 30 minutes of studying her face, more tears trickling down his cheeks.

He would have to get word to Ruth and Maxine, but not just yet. Right now he was still taking it in. Almost seven weeks missing. He had started to give up hope. A small plane going down in these waters would certainly disappear without a trace. That the plane hit land was nothing short of a miracle.

The sailor had told him where Lieutenant Riggs would be. This was important to the admiral. He had questions for that man. Not right now, but eventually.

"Grandpa," Lorri suddenly asked. Dean had not seen that her eyes were open. "Do you have any water?"

"Right here." He went to the small bathroom and filled the gla.s.s provided. Their quarters weren't fancy or large, but they were one of several available to officers. Thankfully a room with two beds had been vacant, because Dean had no plans to let Lorri out of his sight.

Lorri sat up and drained the gla.s.s of water. Dean refilled it, and she drank half of it. He then sat down on the opposite bed and stared at her. Lorri looked back.

"I hope you're really sitting there and I'm not dreaming."

"I'm here, honey."


"Where are we?" She frowned a little, not sure if someone had said.

"We're at Seaford, a naval base in Australia." IILorri showed a little panic over this.

I"Grandpa," her voice pleaded, "I wish to go home. I don't think III can stay here and teach without Josie. I need to see Mother and..." I"Lorraine," her grandfather cut in, reaching for her hand and I waiting for her to focus on him. "We're going home just as soon I as I can arrange it. You're going back to California, and you're stay ing there."

ILorri nodded, her eyes closing in relief. She had been close to Ipanic. This was almost worse than the island or the boat She wished Ishe could think a little more clearly, but she found herself ready Ito cry again. Never had she wanted to see her mother so much.

thing to eat?"

"Oh, food sounds good. Is there some place nearby?"

"You leave it to me."

Lorri nodded, feeling safe, and went into the bathroom. She used the commode and then moved to the sink to wash her hands. She ran the water but forgot to get her hands wet.

Had there been mirrors on the boat? Lorri couldn't remember having seen one. Right now she stood frozen as a stranger looked back at her from the vanity mirror. Who was this person whose cheeks were sunken and pale, whose eyes stood out unnaturally? There was a scar on her forehead. Lorri couldn't remember when she got that. Was it new, or did it happen during the crash?

"Lorri?" her grandfather called anxiously from outside the Idoor. "Are you all right?"




"Yes, I'll be with you in a moment."

Just remembering she wanted to wash her hands, Lorri made herself look down and get the job done.

I'm alive, she said to herself, enjoying the cool water and the white sink. Nothing eke matters. Her mother came to mind, but Lorri had no worries on her account. Her mother wouldn't care how she looked as long as she was alive.

Following Dean as he led her to the mess hall, Lorri could tell that her energy was low. The thought of food, however, was worth the effort of staying awake. They exited the barracks, not seeing anyone else around, and walked a short distance to another building, one full of tables and benches.

No one was eating, but Dean saw Lorri to a table and then went toward the galley. He wasn't long returning with a tray of food.

The meal was simple fare, bread and meat with some dessert on the side. Lorri built a sandwich and took sips of the coffee her grandfather had brought her. She was about halfway done when they were joined by another officer.

"This is Commander Tyler," Dean explained. "He's a doctor. I've asked him to examine you when you're done with your food."

"I'm all right," Lorri wasted no time in saying, her eyes direct as they met those of the other man.

Dean looked as if he would argue, but the doctor cut in.

"I'm just going to take your pulse, listen to your heart, and ask you some questions."

Lorri nodded, still not thrilled with the idea, but telling herself to be calm.


Lori Wick "If you want, we can even cover the questions right here."

"All right," Lorri agreed. No one was around, and she didn't think he was going to get overly personal.

"What day did you fly away from Carson Point?"

"The first of June."

"And what day did the PT crew find you?"

Lorri didn't know. Her brow furrowed as she tried to remember.

"Was it a week ago or a few days?" Dean prompted.

Could she have been through all she'd been through with the lieutenant and his men in less than a week? Or was it longer?

"A week, I think," Lorri guessed. "I'm not sure."

"Okay." The doctor kept his voice casual. She had stopped eating to concentrate, and he didn't want that. "What did you eat on the island?"

"Leaves and berries."

The doctor had not been taking notes, but Lorri suddenly realized that he watched her very closely.

"Why don't you just tell me what this is really about" Lorri said, not liking the way the interview was making her feel.

"There is no hidden agenda here, Lorri." Her grandfather fielded this one. "You've been through an ordeal, and I'm concerned about you."

"What does it matter how long I was on the boat?"

"I'm trying to figure out how long you went without food," the doctor replied.

"How did you know I went without food?"

Dean could have kicked himself for allowing this conversation to go on here and not in the privacy of their room. His mind



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Every Storm Part 11 summary

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