Every Storm Part 23

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"Such as?"

"Well, anything that ends with ananow has a slight r sound to it."

Lord's look over this was comical. "Like what?" she demanded.

"Like Australia. It comes out Australier."

Lorri started to giggle. She hadn't thought about it, but it was true. She did say things differently, but they sounded fine to her own ears. She said as much.

"I'm sure they do," Ruth agreed. "But if you don't mind, when we get home, you can show me whereAustralieris on the map."

Lorri began to giggle again, and Ruth only shook her head. Lorri was pus.h.i.+ng the cart and in no hurry about it. Ruth stepped up the pace, thinking that at this rate they were going to be gone all day.


Lori Wick "Permission to break our agreement?" Arlene asked, interrupting the studying long enough to speak.

"Permission granted." Max went along.

"Word in the hallways is that Johnny King is completely smitten with you."

"I'm getting that impression."

"You didn't tell me this."

"We've sworn off boys."

"But at this moment we're off the record, so tell me now."

"He waits every day and walks me to Algebra."

"Do you like him?"


"Not even a little?"

"He's all wrong for me, Arlene. Heusedto come to church, and he's dated every girl in school. I don't want a man whose eyes roam that much and who does Christianity part-time. I've been happier not thinking about boys, and I intend to keep it that way."

Arlene nodded, and Max's head went back over her book.

"One more question."

"All right."

"Do you think he's cute?"

Max looked up. "Still off the record?"


"He's an absolute dream."

Arlene went into gales of laughter, which ignited Max's own giggles. Nevertheless, they did not allow the distraction. When the laughter died down, they went right back to work.



"It felt longer than a month," Lorri confessed to her grandfather, hugging him once again.

"For me too. You look great."

"Do I?"

They had settled in the living room, Buddy all but climbing into his master's lap.

"Yes, you do. How's Max?"

"She's wonderful."

"Still off boys?" Dean asked of Ruth.

"Yes. There's a boy who likes her, but she's handling it very well."

"Only one?" Dean asked, a twinkle in his eye.

Ruth scoldingly shook her head in his direction.

"Do you know what I'd like to do tonight?" Dean suddenly asked.


"Go to the football game. Harmony Hills plays at home tonight, don't they?"

"I think they do. Max would know."

"Shall we go?"

Ruth and Lorri smiled at his enthusiasm, completely ready to agree. They were still talking about it when Max came in the door.


She was overjoyed to see him, questions pouring out of her as she s^t close to him on the sofa.

"So when do you leave again?"

"Barring the unforeseen, I don't."

"What were you the most hungry for?"

"Your mother's beef roast, mashed potatoes, and gravy."

"Did you see any of the men who rescued Raine?"



160Lori Wick "The radio news talked about the signing of the official surrender papers. Were you there for any of that?"

"No, but I did see some of the U.S. prisoners after they were released. They were overjoyed to be free."

For the moment Max ran out of questions. She sighed a little and sat contentedly next to her grandfather. Dean looked over at her, his eyes filled with love.

"Max, is there a home football game tonight?" Lord asked.

"Yes, we play Valley."

"Grandpa wants us to go."

"Truly?" she asked of Dean.

"Sure. How does that sound?"

"I have to call Arlene!" Max bolted from the room, an actionj that had its usual effect: Everyone laughed.

161Thfoteeti "I needed that," Lorri told her mother as they mounted the stairs much later that night.

"Why was that?"

"It felt normal. I didn't think anything would ever feel normal again. It was sad that we lost, but I still enjoyed it."

"Your father played football," Ruth said. They were almost to their rooms.

"I remember seeing the pictures."

The women parted for their own beds. Lorri was ready for sleep, but Ruth had made, the most amazing discovery. She had gotten ready for bed but then curled up in the middle of the mattress with her photo It took only seconds to find Tom Archer in his football uniform. Ruth touched the picture lovingly, missing him still.

"I've been in such shock," she whispered to the image of his face. "Josie's not just with our Lord Jesus Christ, she's with you too. Our girl is in heaven with you, Tom, and I didn't even think of it."

Ruth hugged the alb.u.m close to her chest, lifting her face toward the ceiling.


"Thank You* Lord, for reminding me. Thank You for letting Tom have one of our girls."

"You wrote to Ken?"

"Yes, I sent word, but it's impossible for him to get away."

Ruth nodded, trying to imagine Josie's fiance being able to join them for the service.

"I also called Ken's family this morning," Dean went on, "to tell them the time and date of the service."

"Do you think they'll come?"

"I think Mr. Showers will, but he said Mrs. Showers is pretty shook up."

Again Ruth could only nod. It was all coming together so swiftly. The funeral was one week away-a Monday morning- with a private graveside service to follow. Pastor Higgins would officiate, handling the music and such. The Oceanside Funeral Home would handle the other details.

Ruth didn't know the last time Tom had been so much on her mind. She realized she needed her husband here. She was burying a child. It was only logical that he be here beside her.

"What's the matter?"

Ruth looked,startled. She hadn't realized Dean was still sitting there.

"I was thinking about Tom, wis.h.i.+ng he was here beside me," she said "I've thought about him a lot lately. Maxine too," Dean said, naming his late wife.

"We've said goodbye to many, haven't we?"



"I guess we have. I don't think about it all the time, but we have certainly known grief before. And if I have my way, you'll know grief again," Dean said, shocking Ruth's eyes a little wide. "I don't want to bury any more of my family, Ruth." His voice deepened with suppressed emotion. "I'm sure you understand." Ruth reached for his hand. "I certainly do, Dean." Dean gave her hand a squeeze and rose from the table. There would be tears enough in a week's time. He didn't want to start now.

"Something wonderful happened four months ago today," Pastor Higgins told the mourners who gathered in his church on Monday, October 1,1945. "It wasn't wonderful in every way for everyone concerned, but it was wonderful for Josephine Archer.

"You see, Josie knew where she was going. She hadn't planned on dying that day, but it was all right that she did. I don't mean that no one would hurt, miss her, or be sad, but when a heart has things settled for all of eternity, it changes the way we look at her pa.s.sing.

"Josie's grandfather and mother met with me. They told me that they wanted everyone to know what Josie believed and why she believed it. It's no secret. It's all spelled out in G.o.d's Word. Josie Archer knew she was a sinner and needed a Savior. She also knewom Scripture that the only salvation is from G.o.d through His Son. So when Josie was still quite young, she humbled herself before G.o.d and believed on Him for that salvation.

"And because G.o.d always keeps His promise, we know that her belief in Him was settled for all time. I stand before you today with a heart that is both heavy and light-heavy for the loss of 164.

our dear friend and sister but light in knowing that her rightly placed faith has secured her a place in heaven forever."

The family listened to these words in the same state that Pastor Higgins delivered them. Their hearts were both heavy with hurt and joyful with the fact that Josie had believed on Jesus Christ to save her.

Pastor Higgins went on to speak about Josie, her age, her family, and her accomplishments, but before the service ended, he reminded them once again that believers do not need to mourn without hope. Hope was found in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

"h.e.l.lo, Mr. Showers," Ruth greeted as they climbed from the cars at the cemetery.

"h.e.l.lo, Mrs. Archer. I'm sorry to see you under these circ.u.mstances."

"I'm glad you could come. How is Mrs. Showers?"

Mr. Showers' eyes grew suspiciously moist.

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Every Storm Part 23 summary

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