Every Storm Part 31

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Dean let it drop. Ruth looked at him and saw that the wheels were turning, but she knew Lorri missed this.

The four finished dinner and then worked together on the dishes. Dean settled himself next to the radio, and the women all joined him. They stayed up way too late but were also up early on morning. Dean thought a drive to the coast would be fun. The women were all game.


Rigg almost hadn't come. He felt guilty for liking a church for the wrong reasons and then realized that if the admiral went to this church, it must have something going for it. All of that, however, slipped from his mind as he watched Lorraine Archer walk to the front and stand behind the pulpit. The pianist played the opening chords for the song, and Lorri began to sing.

In an instant Rigg was swept back to the island and then aboard theEvery Storm,where his men would stop in their tracks upon hearing her voice. The words of the song were somewhat lost on him as he remembered those times.

A rather tall gentleman occupied the pew in front of him, so Rigg didn't think Lorri saw him, and for some reason this was a relief. He remembered Friday when she seemed at a loss in his presence, and he certainly didn't want to do anything to interrupt her song.




She finished-Rigg having barely caught the words-and returned to her seat. Pastor Higgins thanked her for sharing and then asked the congregation to open their Bibles to the book of Matthew. Rigg forced his mind to the verses at hand.

Rigg looked around the canteen and spotted Hugh Westland. He headed toward his table and took a seat, knowing he'd be welcome.

The men spoke of Hugh's recent a.s.signment and Rigg's plans to be done with the Navy at the end of June. The men from the boat came up, and Hugh had some new information on Ellis and his cancer surgery.

"I saw Lorraine Archer recently," Rigg stated calmly after some minutes of concentrating on their lunches, effectively bringing Hugh's head up from his soup.

"Where was this?"

"She works at my niece's school," he answered, not in a hurry to mention the way she sang in church.

"How was she?"

"She seemed to be doing fine."

Hugh watched him. The lieutenant was one of the most respectable men he'd met in all of the navy. Hugh had never seen him looking at pin-up magazines, nor had he allowed such pictures in their cabin of theEvery Storm.Nevertheless, there had been something in the lieutenant's voice that caught his attention.

"How did she look?" Hugh asked.

Rigg couldn't quite contain his smile. "She looks good."

Hugh had a smile of his own. He didn't know why he knew this, butshe looks goodwas a vast understatement. The lieutenant 214.

Lori Wick had this woman on his mind. He'd be willing to put money on that.

"What are you smiling at?" Rigg asked him.



"You've got Miss Archer, granddaughter of Admiral Dean Archer, on your mind. Don't bother to tell me you don't."

Rigg opened his mouth and closed it again.

Hugh's smile only grew wider.

"How are you, Lieutenant?" Dean asked after the man had saluted him and Dean had answered.

"I'm well, sir."

"Lorri tells me yo,u gave her a ride home last week."

"I did, sir. I hope you didn't have any objections."

"No, it's fine."

Dean stood quietly for a moment. Thinking about this and doing it was proving harder than he expected. Nevertheless, he plunged in.

"Do you ever think much about the island and Lorri's rescue?"

"I do sometimes. It wasn't a very good time for her."

"No, it wasn't. She's told us quite a bit, but her mother and sister and I can't really picture it all."

Rigg nodded, not certain what to say to this.

"If the chance presented itself, would you ever be willing to talk to Lorri about the island and such?"

"Certainly, sir," Rigg agreed without hesitation. "Anytime you wish."



"Well, that's just it. I can't think that Lorri would appreciate my setting it up, but there might come a time when it would work itself out."

Rigg didn't pretend to know what he was talking about. He nodded slowly, but his face was confused.

"I have the strong impression that if my daughter-in-law saw you at church, she would invite you to dinner."

Understanding dawned.

"I would enjoy that, sir," Rigg said simply, thinking about the short but kind note he had received from Mrs. Ruth Archer.

"Well, then," the admiral said, clearly done. "Maybe we'll see you Sunday."

"Yes, sir."

Rigg saluted and was dismissed to go on his way. He didn't have anything pressing, but he found himself walking rather fast. His brain, however, was moving faster, still trying to make complete sense of the conversation he'd just had.

"How about this, Max?" Ruth held up a short-sleeved blouse in a check pattern, but her daughter didn't look too thrilled.

The Archer women were in Brennan's Department Store. Max needed some lightweight clothing for spring and summer, but her tastes had changed of late, and nothing much appealed to her. Lorri had the only solution.

"Try this," she said, not asking, but telling.

"I don't know, Raine."

Lorri pushed it at her, and Max went reluctantly into the changing room. Lorri stood right outside the door and waited for hermto emerge.


"Is it on?"

By way of an answer, Max emerged in a spring dress that was beautiful on her. It was made in pastel gingham, and the ruffles and rickrack had not been spared.

Lorri smiled in satisfaction, and Max made a face at her.

"Oh, Max," her mother said. "That's so cute on you."

"I found another one," Lorri offered. This one was a darker gingham with a pinafore styling that Max liked on sight.

And so it went. Lorri and Ruth each found a new blouse, but it was Max's wardrobe that was helped the most. Lorri spotted some shoes just as they were leaving, and she bought them because they were a perfect size and fit.

Somewhat laden down with boxes and bags, the women headed for home. Ruth looked at her girls' satisfied faces and had only one comment.

"Wait until your grandfather sees what we spent."

"I don't know if you should have worn that dress," Arlene said the moment she saw Max at school Friday morning.

"What's wrong? Do I have a tear?" Max bent her head to examine herself.

"No, there's nothing wrong, if you get my meaning." But Max didn't get her meaning. She stared at Arlene until she heard the voice she heard every day at school.

"Well, now, Maxine. A new dress, and looking better than ever." Max and Arlene exchanged looks before Max turned to Johnny King.



"I hope you were thinking of me when you bought it," Johnny said, smiling down at Max, mustering all the charm he could manage.

"I don't think I was, Johnny."

"Well, no matter. You don't have to do anything to get my attention. You already have it."

"I have to get to cla.s.s," Max said, starting that way.

"I'll walk you," Johnny offered.

Max didn't try to persuade him one way or the other, but she thought back to the first month of school when Johnny had done this very thing. Never in her wildest dreams did she think he would still be pursuing her.

For the third Friday in a row, Lorri watched Rigg come toward her. It was much like the week before when Violet spotted him. Rigg lifted her for a hug and a kiss, but neither one seemed in any hurry to leave. The children were all seen off, and Lorri turned to find the twosome waiting for her.

"How are you?" she was the first to ask, telling herself she was not going to talk too much or get fl.u.s.tered.

Tm fine. And yourself?"

"I'm doing fine."

"I got your mother's letter. It was very nice of her."

"Somehow I think she would say that of you."

It was happening again. They were running out of words and ended up staring at each other.

"Do you have to close up today?" Rigg asked at last.



"Well, we'll go with you, won't we, Vi?"

Lorri smiled down at the little girl so she wouldn't have to look at Rigg and once again found the child by her side.

"I got this wrong on my paper." Violet showed Lorri the lesson when she was back in the first room closing windows and cupboard doors.

"Let me see," Lorri said, hunkering down to look.

"It got marked in red," Violet explained.

"I see that. What letter is this, Violet?" Lorri asked, having guessed the problem in an instant.

"It's an E."

"What letter does it look like?"

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Every Storm Part 31 summary

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