Every Storm Part 30

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"You don't need to hurry," Rigg said calmly, and Lorri stopped rus.h.i.+ng to look up at him. She hadn't realized how closely she'd come to stand in front of him or that he was so much taller than she was. Rigg's face gave nothing away, but Lorri felt herself blus.h.i.+ng. She stepped back and slipped out the door, Violet on her heels.

"Do you help the second-grade room get closed too?"

"Yes," Lorri said, glad for the distraction. Hoping she hadn't forgotten any details, Lorri closed up that room, checked all locks, and gathered her sweater and handbag. Trying not to appear as rushed as she felt, she presented herself ready to go, Violet still at her side.

"All set?"

"Yes, thank you for waiting."

"It's our pleasure, isn't it, Vi?"

The little girl only smiled at him as she wasn't sure what he meant. Lorri hung back a little, following the two of them to a 1935 Ford.

"Oh," Lorri said without thought. "It's your car."

"Whose car did you think it would be?"

"I thought it might be one from the base."

Rigg's smile started slowly but grew very wide.

"Spoken like a woman who lives with an admiral."

Lorri laughed, hoping she wouldn't blush again.

"In you go," he said to Violet but waited with seemingly all the patience in the world for Lorri to sit down in the front seat.

The ride was made in near silence. Lorri gave directions, but there was no small talk. Lorri turned in her seat to say goodbye i 206.

to the little girl in the back. She slipped out before Rigg could come around and help her.

"Thank you for the ride," Lorri said through the open window on her side.

"You're welcome." Rigg had bent to see her face.

Lorri waited until they pulled away and waved once more. She walked to the house, not sure her feet were touching the ground.

207SyCteen "Oh, it's you, Lorri. Did I hear a car?"

"Yes," Lorri answered her mother, still in a bit of shock. "Lieutenant Riggs gave rne a ride home."

Ruth stopped the mixing bowl and looked at her daughter.

"I told him about your letter, and he gave me his address." Lorri held out the paper.

Ruth took the paper and studied it for just a moment. Her eyes were soon back on her daughter.

"How did this come about?"

"Well, he came to get Violet again and then stayed to talk. He then offered to walk me to my car, and I had to tell him I walked."

"That was certainly kind of him."

"It was, wasn't it?"

Ruth watched her face.

"You look a little disoriented."

Lorri shrugged a little. "I think I spent the whole time blus.h.i.+ng like I was guilty of something. I don't know what he must have thought."

"And do you care what he thinks?"


Lori Wick "I do, Mother!" she burst out, her arms coming up and every bit of frustration showing on her face. "There's something about him that draws me. I can't hardly think when he's looking at me!"

"Does he spend a lot of time looking at you?"

"My eyes, yes." She was. calming a little. "I can hardly look away."

"And so you blush?"


Ruth could see the obvious. She found herself begging G.o.d to lead and direct in this situation. She wanted Lorri to find someone, but the mystery of who that would be and what it would all. look like was a little scary.

"What are you thinking?" Lorri wanted to know.

"Just praying that we'll all be wise, especially you."

"Do you not trust me about this, like with the dancing thing?"

Ruth looked confused and then surprised.

"It wasn't a trust issue, Lorri. Is that the way I made you feel?"

"A little bit. I felt like a child, sort of ashamed of myself and the good time I had with Josie."

"That was not my intent, and I'm sorry it seemed that way. I do have an issue with today's dances, and it was a huge shock to see you and Max bouncing around. If I'd stopped and thought, I'd have realized it was in the privacy of our home. But it was never about trust. I trust you completely."

"Even in this?"

"This is the hardest time to keep your head," Ruth went on, thinking very clearly now. "When our emotions get involved, they can run away with us. If I see that happening, I'll be coming to you about it, but it won't be because I don't trust you. It will be out of concern, to make sure you are seeing everything clearly. Does that make sense?"



"Yes. I'm glad I talked to you. But I just realized something."

"What's that?"

"I have no idea if I'll even see him again."

Ruth stood for a moment in indecision, not sure if she should say what was on her mind.

"What does that look mean?"

"Do you really want to know?"


"You'll see him again, Lorri. I think you'll see him quite a bit."

Lorri felt a frisson of fear race through her, but it was followed by another emotion: pure, undisguised delight "There's a letter for you, Max," Ruth said just before dinner. "It's from Sears."

Max didn't rush. If a letter came and not a package, it probably wasn't good news. She opened it slowly and read swiftly "Everything I ordered is sold out!"

"Everything?" Ruth clariEed.

"Yes!" Max sounded more than a little disgusted. "What am I going to do?"

"We'll have to try the shops here in town," Ruth suggested.

"We'll pay a lot more." Max was still out of sorts.

Lorri didn't say anything, but she wasn't happy with her sister. They had just come away from the war. Men had died, children were left fatherless, families had split, and Max was unhappy because she couldn't have the clothing she wanted. It was all Lorri could do to keep her mouth shut. She set the table in silence, and when her grandfather came from the kitchen carrying a big pot 210.

of stew, he noticed her face. He'd also heard the complaints of his youngest grandchild.

The four gathered around the table and bowed their heads. Dean took a moment, weighing his words, and began to pray.

"Father in heaven, we thank You for the food that Ruth prepared tonight. We thank You for all of her hard work. Thank You for the roof over our heads and the clothes on our backs. Help us not to fall into discontent. Help us not to forget all of Your goodness and to see our blessings. In the name of Your Son Jesus, we pray. Amen."

Bowls were pa.s.sed and filled with stew. Biscuits and b.u.t.ter made the rounds. The silence went unbroken. Ruth was opening her mouth to ask Lorri to tell everyone about her afternoon when Max spoke.

"I'm sorry I was so selfish about the clothes." She glanced at her grandfather. "I fell into discontent."

Dean smiled at her, thanking G.o.d for her tender, sensitive heart.

"Why do you suppose we do that?" he asked her.

"I think it's just what you said, Grandpa. We forget all of G.o.d's goodness."

"I think you're right, Max."

Get a hold of yourself, Ruth Archer! wasthe silent conversation at the other end of the table.You're still thinking about Lorri and the lieutenant, and you didn't even notice your other daughter's att.i.tude.

"How was your day, Raine?" Max suddenly asked.

"Interesting," Lorri said with a smile.

"Tell us!"



"Well, a certain lieutenant came to get his niece again. They gave me a ride home."

Max's open mouth and huge eyes were hysterical.

"I don't think he proposed, Max," Dean said mildly, laughter in his voice.

"It doesn't matter. Raine wanted to see him again, and she did."

Both Ruth and Dean looked to the oldest.

"Is that true, Lorri?" Dean questioned. "Did you hope to see Lieutenant Riggs again?"

"Yes, I did," she stated simply, not angry at Max for sharing. "I'm not sure why, but I did."

"I think I know why," her grandfather surprised them by saying.

Lorri looked at him and waited.

"Well, for starters, he very recently played a pretty important role in your life, plus he's a believer. He's also a gentleman, and I don't think anyone would call him ugly."

Lorri was quiet as she tried to process these words. Yes, she knew he was a believer, and that was the most important fact, but her grandfather had really put his finger on it. The lieutenant was on the island with her. He was the only person in her life right now who could remotely understand what it had been like.

For some reason Lorri desperately wanted to talk to him about that time, but she pictured herself asking and knew it would never work. Not to mention the fact that even if he was willing to speak with her about it, she was sure to cry. She didn't want that at all.

"I think we lost her," Lorri heard Max say. She snapped back to attention.

"Sorry," she said, going back to her stew.

"Did I upset you?" Dean asked.



"No, but you're right. He did play a big part in my life, and I realized that I would love to talk to him about that."

"Maybe you can."

"No," Lorri shook her head with complete certainty. "Asking him would be nothing short of humiliating, and I'm sure to lose my composure."

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Every Storm Part 30 summary

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