Every Storm Part 42

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Just as soon as Lorri thought it time, she told Violet she was ready for a tour. They naturally started in the little girl's bedroom. Dorothy trailed, loving the commentary from her daughter, and when Violet got distracted, the women visited.

"Your home is wonderful," Lorri told her sincerely.

"Thank you. We are really enjoying it."

"It's so warm and cozy."

"That's just what we were going for. Jim's folks' place is warm and cozy, and that's what I wanted,"

"Yes, it is. I enjoyed their house very much."

"Virginia wrote and said that Mitch could talk about no one but your sister."

Lorri laughed, and Rigg chose that moment to seek the women out.

"I was telling Lorri that Mitch is a bit taken with Max."

Rigg smiled. "I told you," he said to Lorri.

Violet arrived back at their feet just then, William in her arms. Lorri asked if she could hold him, and for the rest of the afternoon, they were inseparable. Violet stayed close as well, but William had clearly fallen in love.

"Your family is so nice," Lorri told Rigg in the car. "They're all just like me," he told her, his voice making it seem like a simple matter.

"Are they as modest as you are?"

Rigg managed a very pious look. "No one is that modest."


Lorri told herself not to laugh; it would only encourage him.

"I almost forgot. There's something I need to ask you. Do you suppose you could take a long lunch sometime this week and come to the base? Before I'm done I'd like for you to see some of the men. They ask about you."

"I would enjoy that," Lorri said in complete sincerity, thinking the timing was perfect. Next week she took over full-time for Mrs. Carter. "What day should I come?"

"Any day would work. Do you want to give me a definite answer now or check with your grandfather?"

Lorri shook her head. "I don't need to ask him. Most sailors have a thankless job. If I want to see my rescuers again, he won't object."

"So you'll let me know the day?"


They fell silent for a moment, and then Lorri said, "I had a good time today. I enjoy your family."

Rigg smiled. "William was certainly taken with you." He paused. "Not that I blame him."

Lorri smiled but didn't look his way. Rigg's eyes were over the steering wheel, not looking at her either, but the awareness was there. It had been there almost from the first moment they'd seen each other at the school.

Your letter made my day,Ruth's father wrote the last week in May.You and Dean come anytime you can. I don't get out as much these days, and there isn't anything on my calendar that can't be 289.

changed. You haven't seen the fall colors in many years, and that's sure to be a treat.

Ruth didn't know why, but the words made her cry. She missed her father, missed him more with the pa.s.sage of time. He was a great communicator, writing faithfully over the years, but not seeing him, not being close enough to hug him, was taking a toll on her heart. She also pined for her hometown, the precious people there, and the house where she grew up.

Ruth turned to the kitchen calendar and studied the weeks. Late September should work. That would put them in Minnesota in early October. Ruth took a pencil and wrote in the date. The colors would be beautiful.

Lorri Archer had been on U.S. naval bases since before she could walk, but not in recent years. She had been a young teen the last time she visited. And she was learning something in a hurry: Coming onto the base as a woman in her midtwenties was a completely different affair.

Jeeps slowed to a crawl. Sailors in a hurry suddenly had no place to go. Lorri didn't make eye contact with anyone but kept moving toward the building where she was supposed to find Rigg's office. She could feel eyes on her from every direction, and it was a tremendous relief to gain the building and slip inside.

A sailor stood when she stepped up to his desk, his look respectful as he offered to help her.

"Would you please tell Lieutenant Riggs that Miss Archer is here."

"Certainly, ma'am. Feel free to take a seat while you wait."


Lorri thanked him and did sit down but the wait was far from taxing. The sailor returned, Rigg on his heels. He smiled at the sight of Lorri.

"Come on back to my office" he invited as he led the way.

"Did you get stared at?"

"Yes," Lorri said, looking down at herself with a frown.

"You look too good in that dress."

"I was going for severe."

Rigg shook his head in pity. Navy was her color, and her figure was too shapely to be ignored. Lorri looked up to find his eyes full of amus.e.m.e.nt.

"It didn't work, did it?" she asked.

"No, and since my men saw you looking distinctly different than you do right now, the staring is going to continue."

Lorri nodded, sure she knew what he meant but not prepared for the real thing. She walked into the mess hall and found the men all waiting for her at a table. They were astounded. Hugh Westland needed a few moments to find his voice, as did most of the others. Lionel was the only man who greeted her as though nothing had changed.

"It's good to see you, Miss Lorri."

"It's good to see you, Lionel," Lorri warmly returned, shaking his hand in the process. "I'm so glad you're home safe. I don't know if I ever thanked you for everything."

"You did, Miss Lorri, many times."

Lorri moved to speak to the others, but Hugh was catching Rigg'sear.

"You could have warned us," he accused.

Rigg smiled. "It's more fun this way."



Hugh shook his head a little. "I don't think I realized just how starved she was. I a.s.sumed she was a very thin woman to begin with."

For a moment Rigg was swept back. He could see how easily that would be to imagine. The pathetic little person they rescued- pale and skinny-was difficult to conjure up while in the presence of the current Lorri Archer, who exuded good health and well being.

The time went by fast. Lorri listened to stories of how the war had ended for theEvery Stormas well as to the men's future plans. She also answered questions about her own life and her teaching. Most of the men were not afraid to tell her they were sorry for her loss, and Lorri wondered how many details of their personal lives they were omitting. Hugh had recent information about Harlan Ellis, and Lorri was glad to hear that he was home and recovering well.

She found it a little hard to leave them, but Rigg rescued her with the reminder that they all had to get back to work. Click had given her an envelope of pictures, which she tucked into her purse before Rigg saw her to the car.

"Would it be all right if I stop by tonight?" Rigg asked after he opened Lorri's door.

"Certainly. Would you like to come for dinner?"

"It will probably be afterward if that's all right."

"It's fine. Any time is fine."

Rigg thanked her for coming and smiled his warm, kind smile at her, but Lorri left with a feeling of unease. She didn't think tonight's visit was for pleasure. She tried not to worry about it the rest of the afternoon.

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Ruth came from upstairs to find Lorri at the kitchen table, surprised that she hadn't heard her come in. It was on the tip of Ruth's tongue to ask about her trip to the base, but something in her daughter's posture stopped her.

Ruth came forward to see pictures set out on the table. About ten photos in all, they were the focus of Lord's gaze. Her face was dosed and very pale. Ruth sat down slowly, picking up a photo that showed the remains of the plane.

"Oh, my," she whispered. "Where did these come from?"

"A man I only know as Click. He always had a camera with him, but I have no memory of his taking most of these photos."

Ruth looked at Lorri lined up with the men, so thin and emaciated that Ruth's hand shook. She looked like a prisoner of war.

"You posed for this one."

Lorri looked at it. "That was at Seaford, just before I left the boat to see Grandpa."

"And did you see all these men today?"

"Some of them. This man," Lorri said as she pointed, "has cancer; he wasn't there. This is Ensign Westland-he was Rigg's second-in-command. And this is Lionel. He took care of me."

Lorri and Ruth looked at each other.

"Are you glad you have these, or are they too upsetting?"

"They're upsetting, but I'll treasure them, Mother. Look right here," Lorri picked up a picture of the clearing. "Just past these trees is where Josie is buried." , Tears came to Ruth's eyes, but they weren't sad tears. It was like receiving a gift. Simple black-and-white photos that let her see a glimpse into her daughter's life.



"Are you going to write to Click?" "I believe I will"

"Please add my thanks, Lorri. Please make sure he knows how much this means."

"I can't find work here in Harmony Hills or anywhere in southern California," Rigg told Lorri as they sat alone in the backyard that evening. "I've been writing letters for weeks, and no one is hiring architects right now."

"I knew you'd been applying," Lorri said, trying to ignore the sinking in her heart.

"I felt I had no choice," Rigg went on, "but to contact my old firm in Santa Rosa." He paused, his eyes meeting hers. "They have an opening. They want me back."

Lorri licked lips that had suddenly gone dry and found that her mouth was dry too. He was leaving. He couldn't find work here, so he was going to leave.

"What will you do?" Lorri asked in a voice that sounded completely normal.

"I've written and asked them to give me a few weeks. They agreed. If nothing down here comes up in that time, I'll take the offer."

Lorri nodded. "I think you're wise, Rigg. Jobs are not easy to come by right now."

Rigg looked at her, seeing that she was not as calm as she sounded.

"Santa Rosa is a long way from here," he said.

Lorri nodded a little. "It certainly is."


Lorri could feel his eyes on her and turned her head to look at him. For a time they only watched each other. Lorri read helplessness in his gaze and felt she needed to offer words of comfort.

"I really do understand, Rigg."

"Do you?" he asked quietly. "I wish I did."

To that Lorri added nothing. They stared at each other a bit longer before turning their gaze to the yard. At the moment there didn't seem to be anything else to say.

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Every Storm Part 42 summary

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