The Seraphine Chronicles - Spellbound Part 2

The Seraphine Chronicles - Spellbound -

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Renn's c.o.c.k throbbed near to bursting, and the maid's mere words made his staff jerk against her belly. She was denai, sweet innocence, and he intended to be the first to teach her what it was like to be pleasured by a man.

"You will be far more than pleased," he promised as he stroked fiery red hair from her face with his free hand. The maid's honeysuckle scent had given away her ident.i.ty immediately, but he enjoyed teasing her. "But first, your name."

"Names are not necessary for f.u.c.king." She tossed out the words with a worldly air, yet the tips of her ears were as pink as perna feathers. From the moment he pinned her beneath him, everything in Renn's gut told him this was no experienced wench, but an untried maid.

Such an intriguing combination. Innocence and sensuality.

And her beauty...almond-shaped eyes like flawless emeralds and skin as fine as pale silk. And her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, their full and tempting curves made his hands ache to touch them. When he had embarked on his quest to find the maid, little did he know that his search would lead him to such a fine wench.

Renn moved his lips to her sh.e.l.l-like ear. "When I f.u.c.k you I will call out your name. And when you come, you will scream mine."

"I never scream." The maid's breathing grew harsher as he flicked his tongue into her ear.

He nipped at her lobe, lightly sinking his teeth into the soft flesh. "You will when I f.u.c.k you."

Her gasp of arousal made his c.o.c.k even harder. "Youa"you are crus.h.i.+ng my pack," she said as she squirmed beneath him. "Let me up."

"Of course." Renn eased his lips along her jaw line, darting out his tongue to taste the saltiness of her skin. "Once you have given me your name."

"You b.a.s.t.a.r.d." Her voice was naught more than a whisper. "Tierra. Now free me."

"Tierra. So beautiful." He lightly brushed his lips over hers, tasting her warm breath. The desire to possess this woman near overpowered him and he had to fight to rein back his l.u.s.t. She wanted him, yes. But she was an innocent, untouched by any man.

And that pleased him. Greatly.

"You promised to release me," she said, her voice tremblinga"not from fear, but arousal, he was certain.

Renn drank in her sweet scent as he murmured against her mouth, "I did not say when."

It was all Tierra could do not to moan aloud as the warrior lightly nipped at her lips, slow and gentle bites. The sensation was incredibly erotic, sending a thrill straight from her belly to her quim. She had never been kissed, and she found herself wanting that more than anything from this man called Renn.

Her eyelids drifted shut and she parted her lips.. .and he stopped.

She opened her eyes to see the b.a.s.t.a.r.d's arrogant grin. Before she had the opportunity to gather her thoughts, Renn released her wrists and drew her to her feet in a movement so fast the forest whirled.

Tierra cried out in surprise, falling against the man's muscled chest, her palms splayed against his skin. He caught her to him, trapping her along his naked length, his very aroused c.o.c.k pressed to her belly.

Renn gave a soft chuckle. "Surely you can wait but a few moments before I f.u.c.k you, denai."

"Oooh. Youa"" Tierra fought against his hold, but the rogue was so strong she was imprisoned in his arms. If only her hands were free, she would use her magic...

Yes. That's what she would do. She would teach this smug b.a.s.t.a.r.d a lesson he would never forget.

Ceasing her struggles, she stared up into his silver eyes. Slowly she licked her lips in the same manner she had seen the tavern wenches do when they focused their attention on a man they wanted to bed. "Why wait?" she murmured.

"Indeed." Renn wrapped his large hands around her waist, tossed her over his shoulder, and was striding toward his camp before she even knew what was happening.

"Put me down," Tierra demanded, slapping her hand against his scarred back. In her upside down position, her hair hung over her face and her pack slipped, landing with a thunk on the base of her head.

Oh, was this man going to pay. And she would make him pay good.

In mere strides Renn reached the clearing where Feymir still waited. The horse tossed his head and whickered, a reproachful note to the sound.

Renn deposited Tierra on a thick patch of gra.s.s and she braced her hands behind her as she looked up at him. Her clothes were still damp where the man had straddled her.

"Found our missing maid," Renn said to the stallion. "In Merth Darkling, of all places in the G.o.ds' forest."

Missing maid? Tierra's muscles tensed. Was this man one of Zanden's followers? Had he been tracking her since she left the village?

She narrowed her gaze, her heart pounding. "Who are you?"

He smiled, raw and untamed. "The first man to f.u.c.k you."

Giving him the look that had reduced most men to s...o...b..ring fools, she said, "You don't know that you are the first. And you have not f.u.c.ked me."

"I do and I will." Renn grasped his c.o.c.k as he stood over her. Slowly he moved his hand up and down its length. "You enjoyed watching me. Did you not?"

Tierra swallowed. d.a.m.n the man and his arrogance, but she couldn't help the l.u.s.t erupting within her body. The heat, the fire that blazed through her at the sight of his c.o.c.k and his strong hand working it from base to tip.

G.o.ds help her, she needed that c.o.c.ka"needed to touch and taste it. Needed to feel it deep within her quim.

No. She had changed her mind, Tierra reminded herself. She would not f.u.c.k this man. But she would enjoy sampling the warrior before she put him in his place.

Almost without realizing what she was doing, she rose to her knees in the soft gra.s.s and slid her pack from her shoulders, letting it fall to the ground behind her.

She laid her fingers on his. "Allow me."

"Yes, denai, sweet innocent." He removed his hand as she bade. "Touch me."

Sweet innocent, eh? She would show him innocent.

With her attention completely focused on his c.o.c.k, she grasped it in her palm. His erection bucked within her hand and a drop of fluid glistened at the eye, like a rare Mairi pearl.

"Soft...yet not," she murmured. His c.o.c.k was rigid within, not unlike the rock-hard muscles she had felt when her hands were upon his chest. But the skina"almost silky beneath her fingers as she explored every vein, ridge and contour. What would it feel like to have this fine rod thrusting into her quim?

She wanted to devour his c.o.c.k, just as she had seen the wenches suck the men in the back room of the tavern. Lowering her head, Tierra flicked her tongue out and licked away the pale droplet. The creamy taste rolled over her tongue and she went back for more.

A fierce growl rumbled in Renn's chest and he fisted his hands in her hair, pressing her mouth closer to his c.o.c.k. "Suck me, denai."

Ah, yes. This warrior would be too easy to best. All she had to do was lead him by his c.o.c.k-tether and he would do whatever she wished.

Tierra gave a satisfied hum as she slid her lips down his length, while using one hand to stroke the rest of his shaft as she had seen him do. Grabbing his tight a.s.s with her free hand, she dug her fingernails into the solid muscle. She moved her head up and down on his c.o.c.k, at the same time flicking and swirling her tongue.

The warrior sucked in his breath, his b.u.t.tocks clenching beneath her fingertips. She used her hand in time with the motions of her mouth, just like she'd seen the tavern wenches do. Should she pleasure him 'til his come erupted into her mouth? Or bring him to the brink and leave him hanging from the edge of madness?

With a groan, Renn clenched his hands tighter in Tierra's hair. By the G.o.ds, what was the maid doing to him? Her warm mouth and teasing tongue felt exquisitea"far better than the most experienced of Elvin and Nordain maids. Even Faeries could not rival the l.u.s.t this one wench stirred within him, using only her hot, wet mouth and small hands.

The sucking talent of the maid told him she had done this before. How else could she know how to pleasure him so perfectly?

A fierce storm of jealousy exploded through Renn at the thought of Tierra being with any other man, in any way. "Where did you learn to suck a man's c.o.c.k?" he all but growled at her.

"Mmmm..." she hummed along his staff, the sensation nearly driving him to his knees.

He captured her head with his hands as he eased back, slipping his c.o.c.k from her mouth. "What man have you sucked before?" Renn had to know. He fully intended to track the son of a qinok down and kill him.

A sensual smile spread over Tierra's face as she looked up at him beneath heavy-lidded eyes. "It matters not."

She gasped as he grabbed her shoulders and brought her to stand. The mere fact that he had never experienced jealousy over a woman before was irrelevant. She should never have had another man's c.o.c.k in her mouth. No man should have put his hands upon this woman's fair body. No man would ever touch her again.

"Tell me," he demanded, his hands gripping her tightly. "I will seek the b.a.s.t.a.r.d out and slay him."

The surprised look upon Tierra's face turned into a teasing smile. She put her hands to his chest and lightly skimmed his muscles 'til her fingers slid behind his neck.

Raising herself up on her toes, she brought her face closer to his. "Such a fierce warrior." Her fingers tangled in his black hair and she pulled him down to meet her. "Why don't you show me how a man kisses the woman he's going to f.u.c.k?"

Renn all but roared as he cupped his hand to the back of Tierra's head, crus.h.i.+ng her mouth with his. Be d.a.m.ned his restraint, he could not wait another moment to possess her.

This time Tierra could not hold back a moan as the warrior savaged her mouth. His kiss was hard, brutal, and it excited her beyond reason. His taste, his powerful presence, the way his body felt against hers...G.o.ds above, but she wanted him. How could she think to walk away?

While he thrust his tongue into the depths of her mouth, Renn brought one hand to her breast and squeezed it through her tunic. Her answering cry seemed to incite him, and he deepened the intensity of his kiss, forcing his tongue into her mouth and sucking on hers in return.

He tore his lips from hers and she stared up at him, dazed and so filled with l.u.s.t she could barely see straight.

"I must see you, denai." Even as he spoke, he was pulling her tunic over her head, and then tossing it aside.

Tierra's nipples were rigid in the cool forest air, and the look in Renn's eyes made her quim so wet she was sure she would die if he did not f.u.c.k her soon.

The warrior cupped her b.r.e.a.s.t.s in his huge palms and used his thumbs to stroke her nipples. "The G.o.ds have seen fit to make you perfect." He lowered his head and nuzzled the valley between her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. "Perfect for me."

"Suck them," Tierra begged as she grasped his ma.s.sive biceps, needing something to hold on to. "I want your mouth upon me now."

Renn growled and caught one of her nipples between his teeth. Tierra almost screamed at the sensation of his tongue flicking across the captured nub.

No. This man would not make her scream. She would not.

But G.o.ds how she wanted to.

"Your taste," he murmured as his mouth moved to her other breast. "Sweet as the finest chocolatyl."

Tierra's body trembled, so close she was to climax. "Touch me."

"Where?" he replied before giving her nipple a gentle bite.

"My c.l.i.t." She reached between their bodies as she spoke and wrapped her hand around his c.o.c.k. "Now."

"Yes, denai." Renn thrust his hand into her breeches, straight to the soft curls of her quim. "I want naught more than to see you come."

The moment his finger stroked Tierra's tight nub, her o.r.g.a.s.m exploded throughout her. Flashes of light flared and sparked behind her eyes and she had to clench her teeth tight to keep from screaming. The warrior continued fingering her c.l.i.t and her body jerked against his as she climaxed again.

"S-stop." She pushed away from him and released his c.o.c.k, unable to take another moment of the overwhelming sensations.

"I need my c.o.c.k inside you." Renn's hoa.r.s.e voice almost made her change her mind. Almost made her regret what she was about to do.

But the man had to be taught a lesson.

"You want to f.u.c.k?" She took another step back, her knees so weak from her o.r.g.a.s.m that she almost stumbled.

Renn reached for Tierra, but at the same time she loosed her spellbindings. The magical ropes glittered through the air as they spun from her fingertips. The bindings wrapped so quickly around the warrior's chest, arms and legs that he was completely trussed before he realized what was happening to him.

A stunned expression crossed his handsome face, followed by fury as he fought to free himself of the magical tethers. "What in the G.o.ds'"

Tierra smiled and stepped closer to him. Placing both hands flat against his chest, she shoved.

And the mighty warrior toppled backward and landed on his fine muscled a.s.s.

"Free me, wench." Renn's growl was ferocious, but Tierra only grinned.

"I think not." She gave a long, relaxed stretch, thrusting her b.r.e.a.s.t.s forward, and his pained expression was her reward. "Not 'til I get what I want."

Renn swallowed, his throat visibly working, his expression still furious. "And that is?"

"For you to know how it feels to be overpowered." Tierra scooped up her tunic and slipped it over her head. "Mayhap in the future you would do well to not be so dammed arrogant."

His gaze followed her as she retrieved her pack and slipped it onto her shoulders. She could tell he was struggling to control his temper as he demanded, "Free me!"

For a moment she faltered, the dark forest looming before her. That eerie feeling overcame her once again...that she was being watched. Hair p.r.i.c.kled at her nape and she s.h.i.+vered.

Shaking off the sensation, Tierra gave Renn a flippant smile. "See you around, big man."

Feymir's snort and Renn's bellow of rage echoed behind Tierra as she headed straight into the depths of Merth Darkling.

Chapter Three.

Tierra tore through the woods, trying to get as far from the warrior as she could before she was too far to maintain her hold on the spellbindings. Even as she ran, she concentrated on making the magical ropes contain Renn as long as possible.

Pack bouncing between her shoulder blades, she sped through the dark forest, taking care not to stumble over root or rock. She would not let him capture her this time.

Her lungs filled with scents of pine and jensai blooms, but she also caught a sinister odor. The putrid smell of rotten meat, not unlike the stench she had smelled earlier, before being captured by Renn.

A stench that clogged her senses, permeating every inch of her body.

When she at last reached that invisible, unknown line where her magic stretched too thin to continue, she heard Renn's fierce warrior's cry.

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The Seraphine Chronicles - Spellbound Part 2 summary

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