Tooth And Nailed Part 10

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Dark eyes flas.h.i.+ng, he chuckled. "Actually, I was thinking we'd go back to the apartment and knock boots again."

Rowan pretended to mull the idea even as she felt her p.u.s.s.y clench and her nipples peak in antic.i.p.ation. "I dunno. I think jazzercise will burn more calories."

"Yes, but can it give you multiple"

"Well, it never has before. But there's always a first time."

"You should always go with a sure thing." Jack quirked an eyebrow, blew smoke in a lazy curl. "Trust me on this."

"Well, you have proven yourself adept in this area previously."

"Okay, I'm officially feeling like a voyeur now." Deacon stood, laying a few bills on the table. "You'll ring if you need me." He clapped Jack on the back, sent Rowan a wink and a flas.h.i.+ng grin and slid out the door.

Rowan eyed Jack. Her blood was pumping at the heat flaming in his gaze and she could feel her skin tingle as her arousal grew. He watched her with equal intensity, his cigarette now sitting forgotten in the ashtray at his elbow.

"So." He leaned back in his chair, posture deceptively calm and relaxed. "Jazzercise or boots?"

She pretended to ponder the question for a moment. G.o.d, he was s.e.xy. All wild tawny hair and flas.h.i.+ng dark eyes. His cheekbones were flushed, the skin pulled tight across his face, and when she glanced at his hands she saw he had the table edge in a death grip, his knuckles white. She felt a surge of feminine power burst through her as old as Eve and gave him a slow smile.

Without speaking she laid her napkin aside then pushed back from the table. She moved slowly, sliding her chair back into place before turning to walk to the door. She laid her hand on the polished bra.s.s doorplate, cast a look over her shoulder. He hadn't moved, was still in the same deceptively casual position. She flashed him a grin. "I'll race you." And pushed out the door and bolted into the street.

Chapter Eight.

Rowan ran down the road as fast as her legs would carry her. She'd barely cleared the threshold of the pub before she heard the crash of Jack's chair overturning. She hadn't paused to look, just kept running. She knew she was fasta"she'd run cross country in college and still held the record for stolen bases on her high school softball teama"and if she were racing any human, she'd have a better than fair chance of winning. But this was Jack, who while not strictly an immortala"he'd explained as much to her last nighta"was about twenty times stronger and faster than the average mortal.

She saw the corner of Jack's street just ahead. Not wanting to slow down more than absolutely necessary, she put a hand on the corner of the building, used it to slingshot herself around the corner and pounded down the street. She could hear Jack behind her, his boot heels ringing on the cobblestones. He was close but she didn't want to risk turning to see how close since it would only slow her down.

She saw the tobacco shop and picked up speed, the blood pounding in her ears as she heard the footsteps behind her speed up as well. She dug into her pocket for the door key he'd given her earlier, flying on adrenaline as she pounded up the stairs to the apartment. Jack was right behind her, she could feel his breath on the back of her neck, and she put on a burst of speed, slapped her hand on the apartment door a split second before Jack's broad palm did the same.

A hard hand on her shoulder spun her around, her back hitting the door. His hand came up on either side of her head, effectively caging her in. She looked up into flas.h.i.+ng black eyes, her breath coming hard and fast, adrenaline still singing through her blood. "I win," she panted.

Jack was breathing deep too, but not because the run had tired him out. He could smell the arousal on hera"she was so hot he was surprised she hadn't soaked through her slacks. His d.i.c.k was so hard he could hammer railroad spikes with it and it was all he could do not to pin her against the door and slam into her. "I let you win," he growled.

She grinned, eyes snapping. The thrill of the chase had whetted her appet.i.te and she was seriously considering taking his pants down right there on the landing. "I still won."

"Now what?" he rumbled.

She raised a brow, a little surprised he was still going along with the idea of her being in charge of the s.e.x. She could see how worked up he was, his lips were peeled back over his fangs and his c.o.c.k looked as though it might burst past his zipper any second. She licked her lips. That bulge was calling her name.

"Now," she breathed, reaching behind her and fitting her key into the lock by feel, "I'm going to have s.e.x. You can join me if you want."

She twisted the k.n.o.b, the door swinging open under their combined weight and she tumbled backward into the room, stopping when her knees came up against the arm of the couch.

Jack slammed the door behind him and began tearing at his clothes. "I want."

Rowan toed off her sneakers, whipped the jacket off her shoulders and the tank top off her head. Her b.r.e.a.s.t.s bounced free, the nipples already pinched tight in excitement. She fought with the waistband of her jeans, her suddenly nerveless fingers fumbling with the b.u.t.tons.

"I'm ahead of you," he rumbled, and she looked up. Her mouth went dry and her p.u.s.s.y flooded when she saw he was naked, his c.o.c.k standing out from his body. The tip was already slick and it seemed to throb in time with his heartbeat.

She was so focused on looking at him she forgot about undressing. Until he growled, "Rowan, get out of those jeans."

She fumbled once again at the b.u.t.ton fly of her pants. Her fingers felt like they were five times their normal size, she couldn't make them work. She fought the stiff fabric, nearly sobbing in frustration when she heard a m.u.f.fled, "f.u.c.k this," and her hands were being pushed out of the way.

Jack grasped the waistband of her pants in both hands and yanked hard in opposite directions. Bra.s.s b.u.t.tons went flying, her gasp of surprise nearly drowned out by the sound of rending fabric. In a flash, he had her panties and jeans in a bundle around her knees.

She had a brief flash of his face, hard and intent, eyes glowing red, before she found herself bent backward over the arm of the couch. With her head buried in a cus.h.i.+on and her legs dangling over the edge of the sofa, she gasped, "What're you doing?"

"I'm having s.e.x," he growled. She felt the searing heat of his breath wash over the damp folds of her c.u.n.t an instant before he clamped his mouth over her c.l.i.t.

She screamed, her back arching hard at the sudden lash of sensation. He was ruthless, using teeth and tongue and lips to drive her crazy. Her head was thras.h.i.+ng on the cus.h.i.+on, her hands clinging desperately to the arm of the couch. She was moaning incoherently, unknowingly begging for release, and suddenly the tension burst free and she screamed his name as she came.

The shudders had barely faded when she felt him slide one large hand between her legs. With her panties and jeans still around her knees, she couldn't move them very far apart and he had to wedge his hand in. She felt him slide the tip of one broad finger through the lips of her p.u.s.s.y, opening her slightly, then push deep inside with agonizing slowness.

She was swollen, sensitive from the climax that still s.h.i.+mmered through her and she groaned aloud at the sensation. He felt huge, his one finger rasping over delicate tissue and curving to unerringly finding her G-spot. "Christ, Jack," she gasped. Suddenly her vision was full of him, eyes blazing with l.u.s.t as he bent over her.

"Feel good, baby?" he rumbled in her ear, and she swallowed another moan at the dark velvet of his voice. Suddenly she couldn't wait to have him and began working her legs, trying to move the bundle of her pants and underwear farther down so she could kick free of them.

He realized what she was trying to do and bent to help, using his free hand to shove and tug at the hopelessly twisted fabric. Finally he just wedged his foot in the crotch of the jeans and shoved them down hard, and once they were around her ankles, she managed to kick free.

Immediately, Rowan lifted her legs, wrapping them around his waist. Grasping his shoulders for leverage, she lifted herself up. He straightened with her, wrapping his arm around her back to support her weight, the motion pus.h.i.+ng her farther onto the finger he still had buried deep inside her. They moaned together as her inner muscles clamped down on him, pulling him deeper.

"Jesus, Rowan," he rasped. His eyes were practically black with l.u.s.t, his breath soughing in and out of his lungs. "I don't think I can wait much longer to f.u.c.k you."

She wiggled a little on his finger, clenching and releasing her c.u.n.t in rhythmic pulls. His eyes darkened even more, his fangs coming out fully. She felt heady with power, knowing that this strong, powerful man was reduced to raging hormones and baser instincts because of hera"her head swam with the knowledge. "What's stopping you?" she breathed, and watching his eyes, flicked her tongue over the tip of one fang.

With a growl that made her ears ring and her p.u.s.s.y clench, he yanked his hand from between her legs, wrapped both arms around her and spun around. When they stopped twirling, she found herself sitting astride him on the couch. His hands were clenched on her hips, raising her up, and she reached down with one hand to steady his c.o.c.k and hold it in place. He held her suspended over him for a moment, poised to slide into her. She was so wet she was dripping onto hima"she could feel her own moisture coat her hand as she held him there.

She whimpered and wiggled in his grasp, trying to wrest free to impale herself. She slid her hand from his c.o.c.k to grasp both his forearms for more leverage but he held her firm. "Dammit, Jack! What're you waiting for?"

"Look at me, Rowan," he commanded. Her eyes flew to his and the moment green met black he brought her down hard, sliding deep with one smooth motion, impaling her on his thick c.o.c.k.

She screamed at the piercing sensation, flinging her head back and gasping for breath as she saw stars in her vision. He was huge, and in this position there was no impediment to him driving all the way to the core of her. With her p.u.s.s.y still swollen and sensitive from her first o.r.g.a.s.m he felt even bigger and she struggled to bring her rioting nerve endings under control.

Jack was struggling himself to keep from lying her back on the couch and f.u.c.king her brains out. Knowing she was still tender from last night and the promise he made were the only things holding him back. The way the walls of her c.u.n.t s.h.i.+vered around him as she fought to adjust to his c.o.c.k were making him crazya"he wasn't sure how much longer he could hold out. And the way her neck was arched was making his baser instinct surge, pus.h.i.+ng him to bite her, mark her, make her his so no one could ever take her away from him.

Finally she brought her head up to look at him, gasping for air, and he clenched his teeth to keep from pounding into her. Her hair was damp with perspiration and clinging to her face and neck. Her face was flushed, her eyes heavy-lidded and slumberous with arousal, and it was all he could do to keep from sinking both c.o.c.k and fangs so deep into her she'd forget what it was like to not be full of him.

"Jack," she moaned, eyes drifting nearly shut. She peeled her fingers from the death grip they had on his forearms and slid them up her torso to grasp her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. She squeezed the tender flesh, pulling and rolling the nipples and feeling the corresponding s.h.i.+vers in her p.u.s.s.y. She saw him throw his head back, felt him clench her hips hard enough so that she knew she'd have bruises in the morning and started to move.

She dragged herself up, up, up his c.o.c.k until just the head remained buried within her clasping walls then slowly impaled herself again. She was so sensitive she could feel the broad head of him tunneling through her flesh. It felt so good she did it again, as slow as she could manage. She was hovering right on the brink of o.r.g.a.s.m, could feel the tension gathering in her belly, but she wanted to prolong it as much as possible so she kept her movements slow and deliberate. She continued to play with her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, squeezing them and pulling and tugging and twisting the engorged tips. It wound the tension tighter without pus.h.i.+ng her over the edge, and she knew by his moans and groans he was enjoying watching her pleasure herself.

She lost track of time as she f.u.c.ked him, keeping the pace slow and easy. Her skin was sheened with sweat, her breath coming in panting gasps. She could hear him moaning on every thrust but it was faint and distant, so lost was she in her own pleasure.

She could feel the o.r.g.a.s.m begin to bloom inside her and struggled to keep it at bay for just a little longer. She didn't want to stop moving, didn't want to stop the delicious friction that was making her feel so good. She slowed her pace, trying to prolong the pleasure just a little longer and it proved too much for Jack.

"f.u.c.k this!"

Her eyes flew open at his shouted oath. She stuttered in her movements, taken aback at the look of him. His eyes were black, the dark iris almost swallowed by the pupil and glowing with an eerie light. The skin of his face pulled taut over his cheekbones flushed a dark red and his fangs were fully extended. She stared in awe for a split second at the picture of sensual danger he presented and unbelievably felt herself grow even wetter at the sight.

But then he grasped her hips even tighter, taking control of her movements from her and began thrusting heavily, bringing her down hard to meet each wild surge of his hips. She screamed, her hands clenching on her b.r.e.a.s.t.s so hard they'd leave marks and she felt all the gathering tension in her body tighten and explode in a burst of color and light.

He continued thrusting, pus.h.i.+ng her o.r.g.a.s.m higher and harder until she was sobbing with the force of it. The spasms seemed never-ending, rolling through her with the force of a freight train, and she felt the edges of her vision dim as they went on and on.

She heard Jack's m.u.f.fled shout, felt him tense and hold himself deep within her as he began coming and the feel of him pulsing inside her set off another round of spasms in her c.u.n.t. Her muscles were milking him dry, keeping them both in a state of suspended o.r.g.a.s.m for what seemed like hours. Finally, the spasms slowed and the tension seemed to leak out of her like air from a balloon and she collapsed, exhausted, against his chest.

"Jesus Christ," she gasped.

"I know," he panted, still struggling with the mad desire to sink his teeth into her.

"If every race had ended like that, I'd never have quit the cross-country team."

Startled into laughter, he wrapped his arms around her and chuckled. "What am I going to do with you?"

She picked up her head and grinned at him. "Gimme a few minutes and we'll race again."

His eyes took on that feral gleam she was coming to recognize and his fangs, which had begun to recede, lengthened again. "Few minutes?" She squealed as he surged to his feet, grasping his shoulders frantically for balance. He bounced her once, driving his still hard c.o.c.k deep into her and she shuddered from the impact.

He grinned into her startled eyes. "I don't need a few minutes. Do you?"

She fought to keep her eyes from rolling back in her head as he started walking down the hall toward the bathroom. "Apparently not," she managed, and gave up trying to hold off the pleasure.

Four hours later, after having had each other in the shower, the hallway and the kitchen counter, they were both famished. Jack suggested a trip to the local grocer but Rowan had wheedled and cajoled until he finally went down to the pub to pick up dinner. She suspected he only did it to stop her nagging, but she appreciated the gesture anyway.

They sat comfortably hunched over bowls of thick beef stew and hunks of soda bread at his tiny kitchen table. He was wearing jeans but no s.h.i.+rta"she couldn't imagine what the waitress down at the pub had thought when he walked in like thata"and she had on his s.h.i.+rt but no pants.

"So." Rowan swallowed a bite of stew and eyed him speculatively. "What're we going to do for the next two weeks?"

He shrugged and took a drink of the dark mix in his gla.s.s. She was drinking Harp, he was having his vampire protein shake. It bothered her a lot less than she'd thought it would. After all, the man had to eat, right?

"Besides make love like minks on v.i.a.g.r.a, you mean?" He grinned as she stuck out her tongue at him. "Well, I've got a bit of work to do here and there while I'm in town. I need to keep an eye on your father's security team, check in with them from time to time. Make sure the team here in Slane is doing what it should."

"And what will I be doing while you're out handling all your manly business?"

"Well, quite a bit of it can be done from right here." He gestured to his laptop sitting on the counter. "It'll only be necessary to venture out to check on things a few times a week."

She nodded, spooning more stew. "So what will I be doing while you're in here handling all your manly business?"

"Cooking, cleaning, taking care of your man like a good Irish wife?" He arched a brow at her. "No?"

She gave him a fiercely sweet smile. "Only if you like a.r.s.enic in your food and nettles in your boxer briefs."

He grimaced. "Well, perhaps we can find something else for you to do."

Rowan pushed back her empty bowl with a satisfied smile. "Good. I can get some work done."

"What kind of work can a kindergarten teacher possibly do outside the cla.s.sroom?"

"Well, if I still have a job, after disappearing with no notice for several daysa""

"Better plan on it being several weeks," he interrupted, and she scowled.

"Fine. If I still have a job after disappearing for several weeks with no notice, I'll need my lesson plans. Which I didn't have time to get from my house, since I was drugged and on a plane."

"You're not going to let me live that down, are you?"

She shook her head. "Not in this lifetime. Anyway, I can try to work on my lesson plan and project list for the year. It'll give me something to do."

"You can't get in touch with anyone from the school."

She shook her head again. "No, I know I can't, I'm not talking about that. I'm just talking about getting online and downloading last year's lesson plans from the school's system. I can log in to the network from any Internet connection."

"You can't do that," he said, and held up a hand when she opened her mouth to protest. "Hear me out. Even though the access is secured, if you log on to the school's network, someone could trace the IP address. Chances are good they wouldn't be able to trace it back here, but given enough time, equipment and expertise they might."

"Oh come on! How far do you think these people are going to go to try and find me?"

"I don't know, but I'm not willing to risk finding out. No email."

She sighed. "Well, I should at least be able to use it to look at sample lesson plans online. Then I can just do my best to recreate my own."

When he frowned, she rolled her eyes in exasperation. "Oh Jack, please. It's not like they're going to be able to monitor every single person online looking at lesson plans. Do you know how many children in the United States are homeschooled? And I'll use your laptop instead of mine. I'm sure you've got some security hoodoo voodoo on it that makes it safer."

His lips twitched before he once again schooled his features into stern lines. "That security *hoodoo voodoo', as you so quaintly refer to it, is important. If I need the laptop, I don't want you giving me grief about interrupting your search for toilet-training books."

She sniffed. "Shows what you know. Kindergarteners are already potty-trained. Well, most of them. There is this one kid in my cla.s.s, Clarence Walker? He seems to think it's a grand conspiracy of some kind so he's still in diapers. He's five, can you imagine?" She shook her head. "His poor mother."

Jack winced and cleared his throat. "Back on topic. No b.i.t.c.hing or whining if I need the computer when you're using it."

She held up three fingers in the Girl Scout pledge. "Scouts honor. But I reserve the right to b.i.t.c.h if you just want it to download p.o.r.n."

"Darling, I'd let you watch it with me."

Rowan tore off a hunk of soda bread and pitched it at his head. "Pig."

He s.n.a.t.c.hed the bread out of the air and with lightning speed, pitched it back at her. She opened her mouth and caught it deftly between her teeth, chewing smugly when he blinked in surprise. Then she squealed, almost choking on the bread when he scooped her out of the chair and over his shoulder.

"What're you doing?" she managed to get out around the laughter. Her head was hanging down below his waist, only his arm clamped around her knees keeping her from tumbling headfirst to the floor.

"Just occurred to mea"I ought to be putting such a talented mouth to better use."

She m.u.f.fled a laugh. "Really? Like this you mean?" she purred, and clamped her teeth into the firm muscle of his backside.

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Tooth And Nailed Part 10 summary

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