Tooth And Nailed Part 12

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Jack shook his head at his own weakness as he keyed his radio. "Deacon, how's it look?"

Deacon's voice came back clear as a bell through the handset. "All clear. Security sweep didn't pick up anyone or anything unusual."

"Keep your eyes peeled." He pocketed the radio, eyeing Rowan sternly. "One song only."





"Jeez, fine. Two." She grinned at him as he knelt down. "This is so cool. I always wanted to do this at a concert but all my boyfriends were wimps and wouldn't let me."

She hoisted herself onto his shoulders, gripping his hair for balance as he stood again. "Man, you're talla"I can see for miles. Oooh look, they're starting!" She let go of his hair, hooking her feet under his arms and around his back for balance instead as the band took the stage. She flung her arms in the air, drew breath into her lungs and screamed her head off with the rest of the crowd as the music started with a roll of drums and the scream of a guitar.

He tried to make her get down after only one song, claiming rib dents from her feet pounding on him and spine distortion from her dancing on top of his shoulders but she wouldn't budge. She took pity on him halfway through the second song even though she didn't buy he was developing a hunch.

"Isn't this FUN?" She had to shout to be heard above the steady roar of the crowd and she couldn't see anymorea"jeez, who'd have thought he'd be such a wuss about a little bruising, he'd heal in no time anywaya"but she was so glad to be out of that dim little apartment she just didn't care.

"Yes. Fun." He had to admit he was enjoying himself immensely. The music was gooda"much better than he'd antic.i.p.ateda"and Rowan was positively glowing with happiness. Her eyes were s.h.i.+ning, there was a flush in her cheeks and she was dancing her little heart out.

She wasn't a good dancer, he realized with mild astonishment. That lean, muscled, athlete's body so suited to running, and she danced like a giraffe on speed. Oh she had rhythm and enthusiasm to spare but not a heck of a lot of style and no moves at all. She was just all out there, rocking as hard as anyone, looking like a fool. And judging by the grin and the glow, not giving a s.h.i.+t.

He leaned down to speak directly into her ear, putting one hand on her bobbing head after he had to dodge once to avoid a broken nose. "You know you can't dance, right?"

She grinned at him. "Who cares?" she shouted back, and gave a quick little hip s.h.i.+mmy.

He looked down into her laughing face, the driving pulse of the music filling the air, and was suddenly so absurdly turned on he couldn't wait. He grabbed her hand and began dragging her though the crowd toward the castle.

"What are we doing?" she shouted, hurrying to keep up with his longer strides. "Did you see someone, is something wrong?"

He stopped so suddenly she slammed into his back and she had to grab his waistband with her free hand in order to stay on her feet. He turned to face her and she forgot to breathe at the look in his eyes. As she watched, he took a steadying breath, tried to battle back the tide of l.u.s.t swamping him.

His voice when he spoke was a low, rumbling growl she had to strain to hear over the crowd. "If I don't get you someplace private, I'm going to end up f.u.c.king you right in the middle of this concert."

Rowan fought to steady herself. Not an easy task with visions of him throwing her down on the crushed gra.s.s and f.u.c.king her to unconsciousness, regardless of the several thousand people who would be bearing witness. The idea that he wanted her that much, that he simply couldn't wait to have hera"it went to her head like one-hundred-proof vodka and suddenly she needed him just as badly, just as quickly.

"We'll never make it back to the apartment," she managed, and saw the flare of heat in his eyes as he realized she wasn't going to argue.

Jack gave her a feral grin that had s.h.i.+vers skittering up her spine and her p.u.s.s.y flooding with wet heat. "Don't have to. C'mon."

She clung to his hand like a lifeline as he barreled through the throng of gyrating bodies. Breathing shallowly, her own pulse pounding in her ears so loudly she barely heard the music anymore, she concentrated on putting one foot in front of the other and keeping up with him. He dragged her though the gates and back into the castle itself. This time she didn't even notice the ceilings or wall hangings or rugs, she was concentrating too hard on not fainting from l.u.s.t.

He tugged her down a side hall, away from the main tourist areas of the castle and began turning, looking for an unlocked door. She thought briefly that maybe she ought to be offended he was about to bang her in a utility room or broom closet, but the truth was, as long as there was room enough to spread her legs wide enough, she didn't care.

He found an unlocked door and hustled her in ahead of him with a firm hand on her back, shutting the door behind him. She waited in the pitch black for a moment, felt him fumbling around behind her for a light switch then the single bare bulb hanging from the ceiling clicked on and she looked around.

It was a utility closet, all right, the dim yellow light illuminating metal shelves holding cans of old paint and various cleaning supplies. There was a mop bucket tucked in the corner next to a "wet floor" sign, a stack of dustrags and a single low-backed chair whose upholstery had seen better days.

She was still processing the room when hard hands suddenly grasped her shoulders and spun her so her back hit the door. She barely had time to open her mouth to gaspa"she sure as heck wasn't going to try and talk him out of ita"when his mouth swooped down on hers to devour.

She moaned into the kiss, frantically sucking at his tongue as he thrust it deep into her mouth. Her c.u.n.t grew instantly wetter as she imagined his c.o.c.k thrusting into her with the same feral hunger. He brought his knee up, wedging her thighs apart and forcing her feet up off the floor.

She began tearing at his belt buckle with trembling fingers, eager to fill her hands with the flesh straining behind his zipper.

Rowan nearly howled in disappointment when he s.n.a.t.c.hed her hands and pressed them to the door on either side of her head. She wrenched her mouth from his. "Jack," she moaned, her voice almost soundless as she fought to drag in enough air to speak. "Let me touch."

"No." He growled it and gave her lip a sharp bite. "You don't get to touch until I say so."

"But I'm supposed to be in charge," she gasped, mildly panicked at the look in his eyes.

"Not this time, Rowan. I'm sorry, but I need you too much. Please, just let me have you."

She hung there, straddling his leg in the dim little room as he waited for her answer. She could see the hunger in his eyes, the barely restrained violence of his l.u.s.t, and was oddly unafraid. She swallowed hard, knowing her answer would change the tone of their relations.h.i.+p, would somehow s.h.i.+ft the subtle balance of power they'd shared these last two weeks. He was pleading with her for permission, holding himself back until he got it, and she couldn't not give it to him.

"Okay." She forced the word out, her throat suddenly tight with nerves. "But no biting."

His breath escaped in a rush and he crushed his mouth to hers. "Thank you," he said against her lips, the words so full of grat.i.tude that she smiled. He kissed her again, his tongue thrusting deep as he wedged his knee firmly between her legs. She ground herself on it, struggling to find some relief from the pulsing ache between her legs. His hands released their grip on her wrists to grasp her hips and suddenly she found herself lifted up. Reflexively she reached up and grasped the bare pipes over her head. She felt her pants loosen, slide down her legs, taking her thong with them as she hung about a foot off the floor with only his hands on her hips helping to support her weight.

"Don't let go until I tell you," he growled, and she nodded frantically. Once he gets permission to take over, she thought, he doesn't waste any time. The wash of cool air over her wet, hot p.u.s.s.y made her s.h.i.+ver again and the ravenous look in his eyes as he ran his hands over her bare flesh was making her head swim. She was so close to coming already she wasn't sure if she could take whatever he had in mind.

She looked down. With his eyes holding hers, he reached up, pus.h.i.+ng her s.h.i.+rt and bra over her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. He palmed them hard, squeezing, and she moaned as her c.u.n.t flooded with moisture. Her nipples were diamond hard, the skin puckered by excitement as well as the faint chill in the room. His face was level with her chest, so he simply leaned forward and started sucking. She gasped and bucked at the sensation, and he wrapped his arms around her back to hold her steady.

He sucked first one nipple then the other, nipping and biting and tugging on the tender flesh until she was whimpering. "Shhhh" he whispered. "Be careful or everyone walking down the hallway will know exactly what we're doing in here." She started, incredulous she'd forgotten they were in a public building and she froze as the voices in the hallway reached her ears.

He didn't give her time to think about it too much. He ran his fingers over the bare, damp flesh of her c.u.n.t, smiling when he felt how wet she was for him. He put her legs on his shoulders, forcing her to pull herself up higher and she felt him pull the lips of her p.u.s.s.y gently apart, exposing her hard c.l.i.t. He blew on it gently and she nearly went flying over the edge but it wasn't quite enough. As she watched, fascinated, he bent his head and swiped his tongue from the bottom of her weeping c.u.n.t to the top, where her c.l.i.t pulsed and throbbed, begging for release. She s.h.i.+vered convulsively, hips arching hard in his hands as she strained toward the o.r.g.a.s.m hovering barely out of reach.

"Tell me what you want," he whispered, his breath teasing her overheated flesh and she answered mindlessly, heedless now of the voices in the hall.

"I want to come."

Immediately, he clamped his mouth over her c.l.i.t and sucked hard. At the same time he pushed two fingers into her p.u.s.s.y, thrusting them deep and she exploded, crying and whimpering as the spasms went on and on, racking her body for long moments until she finally went limp in exhaustion.

Her body still shuddering from her o.r.g.a.s.m, her mind still a fog of l.u.s.t, and all she could think was that she wanted to return the favor. "Please," she gasped, panting for air.

"Please what?" he said softly, his breath on her still quivering flesh making her s.h.i.+ver.

"Please, I want your c.o.c.k in my mouth," she moaned, and he chuckled.

"Whatever the lady wishes," he said, and helped her unwrap her legs from around his head. She clung to the pipes, mindful of him telling her to hold tight until he told her to let go. He smiled, apparently pleased she remembered. "Let go, baby," he said, and she uncurled cramped fingers.

He pushed her legs off his shoulders and helped her down, steadying her as she wobbled a little. As soon as her face was level with his, she grabbed his head, tangled her fingers in his hair and slid her tongue across his mouth. She could taste herself on him and it made her p.u.s.s.y s.h.i.+ver and clench again in renewed l.u.s.t. But now she wanted to taste him, so with one last lick, she slid to her knees.

She unfastened his pants quickly, shoving them and his boxers to his knees. His c.o.c.k was already hard, bobbing gently as she stroked it lovingly from the tip down. She loved his c.o.c.ka"thick and hard and oh-so pretty, she could look at it for hours. But right now she wanted to suck so she leaned forward and gently swiped her tongue across the tip. She tasted the pre-come gathered there and heard him groan her name. She s.h.i.+vered as she felt him slide his hands in her hair, gently tugging her forward to take more of him. With a grateful moan, she slid her mouth over the head and down the pulsing shaft, taking as much as she could before pulling back, using her tongue and cheeks to suck hard. She tasted more pre-come and set a lazy pace, sucking slowly up and down, up and down, feeling him nudge the back of her throat with every downward stroke.

He let her set the pace for a few minutes but soon he started thrusting back, holding her head steady, and she tried to relax her throat as he begin f.u.c.king her mouth in earnest. She could hear him talking, muttered words, telling her how good it felt, how he'd like to keep her and f.u.c.k her like this every day, punctuating his words with hard, heavy thrusts that almost made her gag as she struggled to take it all. It was making her c.u.n.t wetter, having him hold her head and force her to take his c.o.c.k while she knelt on the floor, naked except for the s.h.i.+rt and bra still shoved up under her arms.

He started thrusting faster, harder, and she began gagging on every push as she struggled to take him into her throat. Sensing he was close, she reached around and grabbed his a.s.s, sinking her nails into the resilient flesh, silently begging for his come, and with one final shove he gave it to her. She swallowed as fast as she could, his come pumping into her mouth so fast and hard she could barely keep up. He kept thrusting as he came and she kept sucking, not wanting to miss a drop.

He pulled out of her mouth and she sat back on her haunches, breathless and still unbearably aroused. Amazingly he was still hard and with his hands still on her head, he pushed her down until she was on her hands and knees. He knelt behind her, his clever hands stroking over her heated flesh until they found her swollen and sensitive c.l.i.t. She moaned, feeling herself racing toward another o.r.g.a.s.m when he stopped suddenly. She stifled her instinctive protest and stayed still, even when she felt him stand and move away from her. She concentrated on catching her breathing, knowing that whatever he was planning was going to cause her to lose it again. She was brought out of her thoughts by the feel of his hands on her head once again. Her view of the cement floor was suddenly blocked and she realized he must have slipped something over her eyes so she couldn't see.

Without her sight, her other senses begin to sharpen. She could smell the scent of paint and damp and she felt the rough floor under her palms and knees. She was s.h.i.+vering with antic.i.p.ation nowa"his mood seemed to have turned playful now that he'd taken the edge off the hunger for both of them and she wondered what else he had up his sleeve.

She felt a light stroke across her shoulders from something other than his hand. The caress came again and she realized he must have found a feather duster amid the cleaning supplies on the shelf. She felt its softness brush her skin, made hypersensitive by her arousal, and she s.h.i.+vered.

"You like that," he murmured, and did it again. He spent long moments just brus.h.i.+ng the duster back and forth across her back, raising goose b.u.mps and bringing little moans of desire from her throat.

He brushed it down so the feathers tickled across her hips and a.s.s, drifting low enough to barely tickle the upturned flesh of her p.u.s.s.y, and she couldn't control the backward surge of her hips. SMACK! His palm landed with a crack on her a.s.s. "Keep still," he growl, "or we're done." She stifled a giggle and braced herself firmly on the floor, unwilling to do anything to make him stop.

The steady back and forth motion of the feather duster continued, gliding down across her a.s.s and thighs, over her calves and to her feet. She was vibrating like a plucked guitar string, struggling not to move as he teased and tormented her with the feathers.

She felt a hand at the base of her neck, stroking down the length of her spine to rest on the upturned curve of her a.s.s. Her position thrust her b.u.t.tocks out and up, her cheeks spread, leaving her feeling open and vulnerable. She felt him glide his thumb into the crevice of her a.s.s and she jerked, startled.

"Easy," he murmured, and she heard the feather duster clatter to the floor as his other hand settled on her hip, holding her in place. His thumb brushed back and forth over her a.n.u.s, the pressure gentle but insistent. For long moments that was all he did, and despite her trepidation, she found herself pus.h.i.+ng back into his hand, liking the darkly erotic sensation.

He increased the pressure, murmuring rea.s.surances, and with a gentle push, slid his thumb into her sensitive opening. She whimpered, hips thrusting back convulsively, the sensation of being stretched and filled fogging her brain and making it nearly impossible to keep still. He toyed with her for a moment, pulling it almost all the way out before sliding it back in slowly, and she found herself unexpectedly on the very edge of a screaming o.r.g.a.s.m.

She was whimpering and moaning, hips thrusting back into his invading hand. She began begging mindlessly, the words jumbled and barely intelligible for him to end the torture and he finally took pity on her. With his thumb still firmly embedded in her rear, she felt his c.o.c.k probing the entrance to her p.u.s.s.y, and with a heavy thrust, it was buried in her to the b.a.l.l.s. He didn't give her time to adjust but began a hard, driving pace that she met with fierce thrusts of her hips, wanting all of him inside her. The hand that wasn't busy at her a.s.s stroked down her stomach to stroke her throbbing c.l.i.t and she could feel her eyes crossing, the o.r.g.a.s.m bearing down on her, and her knees gave way.

With a growl, he wrenched his thumb from the depths of her a.n.u.s and the o.r.g.a.s.m plowed into her, the explosion intensifying as he came down on top of her, pinning her with his weight. He continued thrusting heavily and she came again hard before the first o.r.g.a.s.m had a chance to fade. He clamped a hand over her mouth to m.u.f.fle her screams as her c.u.n.t clenched rhythmically around his c.o.c.k and with a groan, he thrust once more and came with her.

She lay there, panting for breath and shuddering through the aftershocks, her mind spinning in circles. She was lying naked, except for a blindfold and the s.h.i.+rt and bra that was still caught under her arms, on the cold, hard floor of a utility closet in Slane Castle with two hundred and forty pounds of vampire on her back. The thought made her giggle, and once she got started, she couldn't stop.

"Excuse me," he said, lifting himself off her and turning her over onto her back. He peeled the blindfold from her eyes and she blinked into the light. When she could focus, she found him staring down at her with a bemused expression on his face as she continued to giggle.

"I don't think that's a very appropriate response to a very forceful and manly display of s.e.xual prowess," he admonished, affecting a wounded expression that kicked her laughter into high gear.

"I'm sorry," she gasped, holding her stomach as the laughter rolled through her. "If you could see the look on your face!"

"Christ, keep it down, will you?" He rolled his eyes, covering her mouth with his hand. "We're not exactly supposed to be in here, you know."

Her eyes twinkled at him from above his hand. "Mff mmf ffflt!"


She peeled his fingers from her mouth. "I said," she whispered in between giggles, "it's not my fault. I'm not the one who dragged us in here in the middle of a freaking concert with the whole world outside!"

He grinned at her. "Sorry," he whispered back. "I got a bit carried away."

She giggled again. "No apology necessary. The multiple more than made up for any inconvenience."

"I'm glad to hear it." He dropped a quick kiss on her lips. "Do you want to go back outside and watch the rest of the show?"

She nodded eagerly. "But later let's f.u.c.k like monkeys again. Deal?"


They put their clothes on as quietly as they could, Rowan grimacing as she brushed the grit and dirt from her knees. "The next time you get the urge to do me doggy style," she whispered, "please bring a pillow." She winced. "My knees are bruised."

"Hey, now you know how men feel," he whispered back. "We're always on our knees doing all the work and nothing but b.i.t.c.h, b.i.t.c.h, b.i.t.c.h."

She rolled here eyes. "Fine. Next time I'll be on top, and you can just lie there like third base."

"Excellent." He looked her over. "You ready?" he asked, one hand on the doork.n.o.b.

She nodded. "Oh but wait," she said, putting her hand on his elbow. When he turned back, she pointed to the light overhead. "Turn the light out first," she whispered, "so it doesn't spill out into the hall." When he looked at her oddly, she said, "What? I don't want everyone knowing what we were doing in here!"

"And you think turning out the light is going to make a difference? At least if the light was on, we could pretend we were looking for something. If the light's off, it's going to be pretty obvious we were in here f.u.c.king our brains out."

"You think?"

"I don't really care!" He threw up his hands, exasperated. "But the longer we wait, the greater the chance of someone in the hall hearing us and finding us out."

"Okay, okay, let's just go." She swiped her hands through her hair. "How do I look?"

He looked her up and down. "Like you've been rolling around on the floor, f.u.c.king my brains out."

She threw him a look. "Just open the door."

He grinned and did, reaching up to turn the light out as the door swung open. He glanced up and down the hall quickly. "All clear," he said, and grasping her hand, pulled her out of the closet with him.

They walked down the hall, turned the corner and nearly b.u.mped into the couple coming the other way.

"Oh! Excuse me!" A rather matronly looking woman adjusted her hat. "I'm afraid I didn't quite see where I was going."

Jack smiled his most charming smile and bowed slightly. "Not at all, madam. The fault was completely mine."

"Well." The woman t.i.ttered, patting her breastbone and fluttering her lashes. "Do you work here, young man? We're trying to find the main hall. Our wedding planner is meeting us there."

"The main hall is just round the way," Jack said, gesturing back the way they'd come. He looked from the woman to the very bored-looking man with her. "Are you getting married then? Congratulations."

The woman laughed again and Rowan rolled her eyes at Jack's back. "Oh heavens no, young man. Edgar and I will have been married for thirty-seven years this December." She waved a hand at Edgar, who forced a sickly smile and looked as though he could use a stiff drink. "No," the woman continued, "it's our daughter who's getting married. To an earl, you know." She leaned in conspiratorially. "We didn't think she'd make such a good matcha"she had acne as teenager, you knowa"it only fully cleared up just this year."

"Is that right?" Jack asked, poking Rowan hard in the ribs when she choked on a laugh.

The woman frowned. "Are you all right, child?"

"I'm fine." Rowan cleared her throat. "Just have a little tickle in my throat."

"Well, these castles can be so drafty," the woman said. She frowned as she got a good look at Rowan's disheveled appearance. "You may be getting a cold, dear."

Edgar sighed and looked at his watch. "Eloise, we're going to be late. I want to get this over witha"England's playing Spain this afternoon on the telly."

"Hush, Edgar. Can't you see this poor darling isn't well?" She turned back to Rowan. "You're awfully flushed, dear." She looked at the top of Rowan's head. "And whatever has happened to your hair?"

Rowan put up a hand to smooth it down. "Aha" she looked to Jack for help and he winked. Traitorous son of a b.i.t.c.h, she thought, and worked up a smile for Eloise. "I lost an earring," she improvised. "In the main hall. I crawled under a settee to look for it, and wella" she gestured to her hair.

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Tooth And Nailed Part 12 summary

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