Shoujo Grand Summoning Chapter 1671

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Chapter 1671

Walpurgis Academy, Griffin Dormitory,

Sigmund entered the room with Charlotte. She closed her doors with a loud bang before plopping down on her bed.

Even if she is one of the Rounds, being so late to return past the curfew would still make her receive a b.l.o.o.d.y verbal beating from the dormitory supervisor.

At least, that's what happened before.

However, because she is going to partic.i.p.ate in the Walpurgis Night soon, she has the rights to return late.

Walpurgis Night lasts until 12am in the morning.

To make their lives easier, supervisors of dormitories would give them gate keys so they can choose the time they return. Even if the supervisor had berated Charlotte,s he would snap back given her current bad mood.

Charlotte's mind was in a mess.

Too many things happened tonight.

There was the attempted of the, the culprit was her best friend and the closest thing to a mate in this world.

Her long-lost sister returned but she wants to stop her friend.

After that, she found out more distressing events.

Her sister was used as a hostage.

Then, she has to deal with the fact that her friend might become the most wanted criminal.

The one behind this might be the family of the person she once respected, the Kingsfort family. It would appear that Wu Yan is the one who will shelter her and bear her burden.

Charlotte might look tough, but this was enough to bring tears to her eyes.


Charlotte asked.

"Am I an unlucky star? Why do I keep bringing trouble for that guy?"


Sigmund knew it would come to this, he sighed.

"You think this is your fault?"

"Isn't it?"

Charlotte hid inside her blanket.

"If i controlled my pet last time, the house of Belew wouldn't have fallen so far. Mom, Dad, and Henriette wouldn't disappear."

"Henriette wouldn't have been used as a hostage too. Moreover, my friend wouldn't have been threatened."

Charlotte mewled.

"It seems like everyone close to me would leave me sooner or later, because I brought them misfortune?"

"And, you think it is your fault, you think you should be the one to bear this fate?"

Sigmund statred at her.

"You want to stop Wu Yan because you think you should be the one to bear it all?"

"Of course not!"

Charlotte protested.

"He's my friend and he's going to become a criminal at this rate, all because of me!"

"Just friend?"

Sigmund looked at Charlotte.

"Is there no other feelings? Say, treating him like someone of the opposite gender?"


Charlotte was ruffled by that, she wanted to say something but couldn't.

Sigmund is much older than Charlotte.

He has been with her since birth.

Sigmund understands her the most.

She can never hide her feelings from Sigmund, he can read her like a book.

"You think you don't have the right to fall in love?"

Sigmund spelled it out for her.

"You think you're just going to bring misfortune to your partner."

"You think you can't waste time on love because you need to regain the Belew family's honor and reunite your family."

"You think just because you liked Felix once, if you changed to Wu Yan, it would make you look like you're a player."

Sigmund spelled it all out for her.

"Is that correct?"

Charlotte stayed mum.

Sigmund chastized her for it.

"Wu Yan turned himself into a criminal for you. You're telling me you are afraid of being perceived as a player just because of liking Wu Yan?"

Charlotte felt the words like a knife.

Wu Yan did his best to save her sister, why couldn't she go all in on Wu Yan?

So what if people judge and say bad things about her?

She lived well enough under the constant negative comments of others.

Wu Yan approached her despite this.

Can't she grab hold of him?

It's not like she hasn't lived a harsh life?

Her mind cleared up all at once.

"Sorry, Sigmund..."

Charlotte sat up with a smile.

"I had been running away from my feelings with a cheap label like that. I forgot he was the one to bring light to my life."

"Finally, you speak from the heart."

Sigmund sounded happier.

"You liked another one before Wu Yan came along. However, he got you through many things and he is the reason why you could stand up in fear."

"It would be hard not to love him."

Sigmund said.

"Unlike Felix who had so many things hidden beneath his façade, Wu Yan is the one who is worth your time to pursue. Don't hide your feelings and face them head-on."

"Yes, Sigmund!"

Charlotte looked out at the stars and moon.

"I will bring him back!"

She declared.

"Because he is my friend, the one who I owe many favors to and..."

"He is my love."

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Shoujo Grand Summoning Chapter 1671 summary

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