The King's Warrant Part 21

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By C. E. M., Author of "Adam Gorlake's Will," "The Valley Mill," &c.

With Four page Ill.u.s.trations.

Adam Gorlake's Will.

By C. E. M,, Author of "The Valley Mill." With Four page Woodcuts.

Adventurous Voyage of the "Polly," and other Yarns.

By the late H. W. SADLER, R.N. With Four page Ill.u.s.trations.

Against the Stream.

The Story of an heroic age in England. By the Author of "The Schonberg-Cotta Family," &c. With Eight page Ill.u.s.trations.

A "Leal Light Heart."

By ANNETTE LYSTER, Author of "Northwind and Suns.h.i.+ne," &c. With Four page Ill.u.s.trations.

An Idle Farthing.

By ESSIE STUART. With Three page Ill.u.s.trations.

A New Beginning.

By HELEN s.h.i.+PTON, Author of "Christopher," &c. With numerous Ill.u.s.trations.

Brave Men of Eyam (The);

Or, a Tale of the Great Plague Year. By the Rev. E. N. h.o.a.rE, M.A., Author of "Two Voyages," &c. With Three page Ill.u.s.trations.


The Flower-Girl of Covent Garden. By the Author of "Our Valley," &c.

With Three page Ill.u.s.trations.

Chryssie's Hero.

By ANNETTE LYSTER, Author of "Fan's Silken String." With Three page Ill.u.s.trations.

Conquering and to Conquer.

A Story of Rome in the days of St. Jerome. By the Author of "The Schonberg-Cotta Family," &c. With Four page Ill.u.s.trations.

Crown and Sceptre,

A West Country Story. By G. MANVILLE FENN. With Five page Woodcuts.

Cruise of the "Dainty" (The);

Or, Rovings in the Pacific. By the late W. H. G. KINGSTON. With Three page Ill.u.s.trations.

d.i.c.k Darlington, at Home and Abroad.

By A. H. ENGELBACH, Author of "Juanita," &c. With Three page Ill.u.s.trations.

Dodo: an Ugly Little Boy; or, Handsome is that Handsome does.

By E. EVERETT GREEN. With Three page Ill.u.s.trations.

Fire-flies and Mosquitoes.

By F. FRANKFORT MOORE. With Four page Ill.u.s.trations.

Fortunes of Ha.s.san (The);

Being the Strange Story of a Turkish Refugee as told by himself. By the Author of "Our Valley." With Three page Ill.u.s.trations.

Frontier Fort (The);

Or, Stirring Times in the North-West Territory of British America. By the late W. H. G. KINGSTON. With Three page Ill.u.s.trations.

Great Captain (The).

An Eventful Chapter in Spanish History. By ULICK R. BURKE, M.A. With Two page Ill.u.s.trations.

"Great Orion" (The).

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The King's Warrant Part 21 summary

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