Mitchells And O'Haras: The Traitor Part 16

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Ed didn't feel one bit like socialising. I dunno if I feel up to it, Stu,' he said honestly.

Please, Ed. I'm bored s.h.i.+tless and if you don't go, then neither will I,' Stuart said, trying his best to persuade him.

Eddie sat up. Perhaps watching a bit of TV might take his mind off things. He stood up and slung an arm around Stuart's shoulder. Come on then, you f.u.c.king nuisance.'

Back in Rainham, Frankie had taken her brother's advice and switched her phone off. Joey had told her that her nan and grandad were coming over to the table and Frankie didn't need the added distraction of her phone constantly ringing.

As Joyce and Stanley stood up, Frankie nibbled at her fingernails. What am I gonna say to them, Joey?' she whispered.

Joey squeezed her hand. Everything will be fine,' he said rea.s.suringly.

Dominic got up. He felt awkward, knowing the situation, and decided to make himself scarce. I'm going to pop outside to make some phone calls. I won't be long,' he told Joey.

Joyce felt edgy as she said a quick h.e.l.lo to Dominic and turned to her granddaughter. h.e.l.lo Frankie. How are you?'

As soon as Frankie looked into her nan and grandad's faces, she felt her eyes fill with tears. Seeing them again brought back so many memories of happy times with her mum and dad.

Joycie flinched as Frankie kissed her on the cheek. Stanley was much warmer and hugged his granddaughter tightly. Joyce glanced at the sleeping baby and instantly felt her own eyes well up. The child was a beauty with a ma.s.sive mop of wavy, dark hair.

Do you want to hold her?' Frankie asked immediately.

Desperately trying to hold back her tears, Joyce nodded. Joey smiled at his grandad, who winked back. So far so good, they both thought.

As Frankie lifted Georgie out of her cot, she opened her eyes and began to cry. Sssh, it's OK. Nanny's here now,' Joyce said, as she took the child in her arms. When Joyce started to rock her, Georgie stopped crying almost immediately. As great-gran and baby stared at one another for the very first time, Joyce melted.

Oh Frankie, she's adorable. She's got the biggest, most beautiful eyes I've ever seen.'

About to tell her nan that Georgie's eyes were big with long lashes like Jed's, Frankie stopped herself in mid-sentence.

What did you say?' Joyce asked.

Oh nothing, Nan. I was just going to say that all the nurses in the hospital said that Georgie's eyes were beautiful, too.'

As Stanley put an arm around his wife's shoulder and stared at the tot, he was overcome by emotion. h.e.l.lo Georgie, I'm Grandad Stanley,' he said in a silly voice.

Joyce smiled at him. Do you want to hold her, Stanley?'

Stanley nodded dumbly.

With his nan and grandad both besotted with the new addition, Joey sidled over next to Frankie and whispered in her ear. Why don't we go back to Nan and Grandad's for a bit? We can have a proper chat there and they can spend some quality time with you and Georgie.'

Frankie felt a bit uneasy. After everything that's happened, they might not want me to,' she whispered.

They will. Ask 'em, Frankie, go on. I bet they say yes.'

Frankie stood up. It's a bit smoky in here now. Would you like me and Joey to come round to yours for a bit, Nan? You and Grandad can spend some time getting to know Georgie then.'

Joyce grinned. That would be brilliant, Frankie.'

Unaware of the family reunion currently taking place, Eddie Mitch.e.l.l was getting more and more agitated by the second. Concentrating on the programme he was trying to watch was an impossibility with the loud-mouthed p.r.i.c.k sitting behind him.

Johnny Venger was not a popular inmate. Half German and half Scottish, he was built like a brick s.h.i.+t-house and had a mouth like a sewer rat. Venger was serving a five stretch for GBH, but rumour had it, he'd once been arrested for fiddling with little boys. The case was never proven, but in Ed's eyes there was never smoke without fire.

Eddie turned around, his face as black as thunder. Will you shut the f.u.c.k up? I can't hear the poxy telly.'

Venger looked Ed in the eyes and smirked. He knew most of the inmates were scared of Eddie Mitch.e.l.l, but he was afraid of no one. How's your gay son doing? Still taking it up the rear, is he?'

Eddie's eyes were full of evil as he flew at Venger. No one slagged his kids off, it was an unwritten f.u.c.king rule. With both hands grasped around Venger's throat, Eddie spat in his face. Got anything else to say, c.u.n.t?' he asked, as he pressed tightly against his windpipe.

As all the other lags cheered, Stuart tried desperately to pull Eddie away. Leave him, Ed. He ain't worth it,' he yelled.

Call for a.s.sistance,' one of the screws shouted as he was stopped from intervening by the other lags. They were all standing in front of him, so he couldn't see who was fighting whom.

Nonce, nonce, nonce,' the inmates screamed as Eddie viciously pummelled Venger around the head.

The angst he'd felt over Joey's s.e.xuality was all taken out on his victim and it was only Stuart who finally stopped Eddie from killing the man.

Ed, listen to me. Don't f.u.c.k your case up. Think of your kids!' Stu screamed out.

Satisfied with the damage he'd done, Ed let Stu drag him away. Say anything about my kids again, you f.u.c.king child molester, and I will kill you,' Eddie spat.

Five minutes later, ten screws ran into the room and were surprised to see an orderly situation. All the inmates were watching the film and apart from Venger, who was covered in blood and writhing in agony on the floor, nothing seemed amiss. Parker, the guvnor's understudy, crouched down. Who did this to you?' he asked.

Venger couldn't talk. Mitch.e.l.l had nearly strangled him, and even if he had been able to speak, he was now too scared to do so. Eddie had battered his face so violently that his teeth had sliced through his tongue and the pain was excruciating.

Parker stood up. Who is responsible for this?' he screamed at the other inmates.

The lags stared at the telly as though nothing had happened and not a soul answered. Crossing Eddie Mitch.e.l.l was something that none of them was prepared to risk.

Back in Ess.e.x, Frankie was thrilled to finally be reunited with her grandparents. It was strange being back in her old house and although it was upsetting because of all the wonderful memories it held, Frankie found it almost comforting at the same time. Buster and Bruno were no longer around. They had gone to live with her dad's old mate, Pat Murphy, and the house seemed quiet without them.

As a child Frankie had never really appreciated what she had. She and Joey had obviously been spoilt in a way and it was only now, living in a trailer with Jed, that she appreciated the beautiful home comforts that her parents had given her. Feeling emotional, Frankie went outside into the garden.

Are you OK?' Joey asked, as he handed her a cigarette.

Yeah, but I feel sad to be back here, if you know what I mean.'

Joey nodded. I know exactly what you mean. Every time I come and visit Nan and Grandad I can see Mum's face. I picture her sitting in the armchair watching the telly, was.h.i.+ng up in the kitchen. I sort of picture her everywhere.'

Frankie hugged him. Do you ever think of Dad?'

Sometimes, but I still hate him,' Joey admitted.

I don't. I know what he did was awful, but it was an accident, Joey. He really loved Mum; we both know he was besotted with her.'

Joey shrugged. But look what he did to Dominic? Dad was capable of anything, Frankie.'

What Dad did to Dom was terrible, but I know he never meant to hurt Mum,' Frankie insisted.

Joey quickly changed the subject. He hated talking about his mum's murder. Nan and Grandad haven't left Georgie's side since we've been here. You will bring her to see them on a regular basis from now on, won't you?'

Frankie smiled. Of course I will.'

What about Jed, though?' Joey asked cautiously.

Frankie took a deep breath. Talking of Jed, go indoors and get my phone for me, Joey. I have to call him, and don't worry, I'll never let him stop Nan and Grandad from seeing Georgie.'

Joey nodded and went off to get Frankie's phone. He had a feeling that Jed was capable of stopping Frankie doing lots of things, but he wasn't about to cause an argument.

As Joey walked into the living room, he smiled at the scene that greeted him. His nan, grandad and Dom were all sitting on the large sofa fawning over the baby. Georgie was still wide awake and was gurgling happily on Joycie's lap.

Is Frankie all right?' Stanley asked, concerned.

She's fine. She just wanted some fresh air. She hasn't been back here for a while, so I think she found it a little bit strange.'

Joyce nodded understandingly. Tickling Georgie's chin, she tore her eyes away from the child. Would you like me to have a little chat with her about the court case?'

Joey smiled. That would be great, Nan.'

Jed O'Hara was nigh on pulling his hair out. He had been back in Rainham for almost an hour and had searched high and low for his badly behaved girlfriend. As Jed walked out of the Phoenix pub, he kicked the side of a Ford Transit in frustration. He'd been in every bar and restaurant in Rainham and the b.i.t.c.h wasn't anywhere to be seen. Jed got back into his motor. His phone was ringing; he'd left it on the seat.

h.e.l.lo, Jed, it's me.'

Having struggled with his temper from infanthood, Jed took a deep breath. If Frankie knew his mood, she might not come home, and he couldn't risk that.

Jed, are you there?'

Where are you, Frankie?' he asked, as calmly as he could.

Frankie began to gabble nervously. I'm at my nan and grandad's. They love the baby, Jed. They think she's absolutely adorable,' she said.

Frankie had fully expected Jed to be angry because of the argument she'd had with his mum but, surprisingly, he sounded rather calm.

I'm back in Rainham. Can I come and pick you up?' Jed mumbled.

Frankie was shocked. He was meant to be working away. Why are you back in Rainham, Jed?'

Jed bit into his lip as he spoke. He needed to feel some pain to keep himself composed. My dad forgot all the important paperwork we needed to sell the lorries and stuff, so I offered to drive back and get it for him,' he lied. I ain't gotta go back just yet, Frankie, so I wanna see you and Georgie for a bit while I'm home.'

Frankie sighed. She was enjoying her grandparents' company and wasn't ready to leave just yet. Deciding to compromise, she came up with an idea. Why don't you pick me up now, Jed? Don't knock, I'll meet you down the bottom of the drive and when you have to leave you can drop me back here again.'

I'll be ten minutes, and bring Georgie with you,' Jed retorted, in a false, jolly tone.

Frankie dashed into the living room and urged Joey to follow her into the kitchen. I've just spoken to Jed. He's had to pop home and he wants to see me and Georgie for a bit before he goes back to Norfolk. I couldn't say no, so will you and Dom stay here and wait for me to come back?'

Joey felt uneasy. Will you be OK, Frankie? Wasn't he angry about the row with his mother?'

Seeing the look of fright on her brother's face, Frankie smiled. Jed was fine, honest. And don't worry, he's not gonna knock on the door, I'm meeting him at the end of the drive.'

Are you sure he ain't come back because you sodded off out, Frankie? How do you know he hasn't got it in for you?' Joey asked suspiciously.

Frankie hugged her brother. You worry too much, you always have. I know Jed better than anyone. He's fine with me; he loves me.'

Jed O'Hara tapped his fingers impatiently against the steering wheel of his father's Mercedes. Frankie was already five minutes late and he was getting wilder by the minute. As he saw her finally walking towards him, carrying the baby in the cot, he stared at her. He could see the make-up she was wearing a mile off; she looked like an old slag.

Frankie waved and he forced a wave back. He had to act normal just for five minutes longer. He jumped out of the car, kissed her on the cheek and took the cot from her. Get in the car. I'll strap Georgie in the back,' he ordered.

Frankie did as she was told. She wondered why Jed was strapping Georgie in if they were only going down the road.

Are we not going back to the trailer?' Frankie asked.

Jed started the engine and shook his head. As Frankie glanced at him, expecting him to say where they were going, she felt the first stirrings of fear. His face was flushed and looked angry and his cheeks seemed to be twitching.

Are you OK, Jed? I'm sorry that I had an argument with your mum. Is that why we're not going home?'

Jed ignored her and drove off like a loony. As he overtook three cars and took a bend at top speed, Frankie started to scream.

Stop it, Jed! Slow down, you'll kill us all,' she cried.

Jed ignored her. He'd been driving since he was a kid and he was used to driving fast.

Frankie started to sob. She hadn't brought her phone with her and she so wished she had listened to Joey. Take your phone with you,' her brother had urged as she'd left.

No, I won't be long,' she'd insisted.

As Georgie started to scream, Frankie began to scream as well. Please Jed, think of Georgie,' she pleaded in an hysterical tone.

Jed knew the local area like the back of his hand and, without warning, he skidded onto a dirt track.

Please don't hurt me, Jed. I love you. I'm sorry for going out and I'm even more sorry for arguing with your mum.'

Jed got out of the car and ordered Frankie to do the same. Frankie did so, but through fear, immediately fell to her knees. Jed dragged her up by her long dark hair. Get up, you c.u.n.t.'

Stop it, Jed, you're hurting me.'

See you, look at ya, all done up like a f.u.c.king wh.o.r.e. Been out s.h.a.gging other men, have ya?'

No, I only went for lunch in the Albion with Joey and that's where we b.u.mped into my nan and grandad,' Frankie wept.

Jed twisted her hair around his right hand and tugged it as hard as he could. b.u.mped into 'em, my a.r.s.e. I bet you f.u.c.king planned it. Don't lie to me Frankie, I mean it.'

I'm not lying,' Frankie protested.

Without warning, Jed let go of her hair and grabbed her round the back of the neck. He then smashed her face as hard as he could against the back window of the motor.

See that chavvie? Look at her, you slag. She's mine, she is, and don't you ever forget that. You ask me first before you take her anywhere in future, do you hear what I'm saying?'

Frankie nodded. She was stunned and also petrified. As Jed held her head against the car window, Frankie could see splashes of her own blood on the gla.s.s.

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Mitchells And O'Haras: The Traitor Part 16 summary

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