Spirit Hunters Of Maoshan Sect Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Chapter 6 Going out to the World

Fifteen years pa.s.sed by on Maoshan Mountain in Ji county .

A young man in his early twenties walked effortlessly up a hill . He was that kid, Ye Shaoyang . However, he had now become a handsome young lad, with distinctive features and an impressive appearance . His pair of bright eyes seemed to s.h.i.+ne with wisdom and intelligence .

All this time, he followed his master, Qing Yunzi, to learn the ways of the Dao . Ye Shaoyang pa.s.sed the test to become an inner disciple three years ago . This made him the youngest person to ever become an inner disciple of Maoshan Sect .

Not far from Maoshan Mountain was a city, which had a primary school and a high school . Ye Shaoyang went to school during the day and returned to learn Daoism at night . Ye Shaoyang also liked to have fun, so he would play games at internet cafes . As a result, he was just like an average teenager, with the occasional trouble making and rebellious acts .

However, he always followed his master out to hunt demons and ghosts . Since he had seen so many deaths and terrifying scenes, he had a tranquil and resilient heart .

“Hey old man, I’m back!”Ye Shaoyang greeted his master with a loud voice . He walked through the main hall of the temple and went straight to the side hall where Qing Yunzi resided . As Ye Shaoyang entered the room, a pungent smell greeted him . He pinched his nose to block out the odor . He used a few seconds to a.n.a.lyze the smell; it was a mixture of four things: stinky socks, white spirit, cigarettes, and instant noodles .

Qing Yunzi was wearing a pair of baggy pants, as he lazed on the bed . He held a book in one hand, while the other hand would occasionally reach over to a bowl of peanuts . He seemed very relaxed, as he ate and read . Ye Shaoyang bent down and gave a quick look at the book cover and seemed unimpressed with the Xuanhuan novel that Qing Yunzi was reading .

“This novel you’re reading sucks . How can Lao Zi be the father of the Queen Mother of the West? And how can Erlang Shen be in a relations.h.i.+p with Chang’er?”

“Go write one if you’re not happy with this?”

“If I wrote a novel, it would definitely be way better,” Ye Shaoyang replied confidently . Qing Yunzi appeared to be unmoved . He rose from his comfortable position, gave Ye Shaoyang a quick scan, and asked, “Have you completed the task?”

“Piece of cake,” Ye Shaoyang took out a few talisman paper from his bag and waved them proudly in front of Qing Yunzi . Qing Yunzi took them and used his Gang Qi to evaluate them . There were ten talisman paper; each and every one of them contained an evil spirit that was at least 300 years old . It could be considered an impressive achievement for a young man to be able to capture so many spirit in a mere 10 days .

“You barely completed your task . So, did you get anything when you were in town?”

“Did I get anything?” Ye Shaoyang scratched his head and laughed, “I got to know a few pretty ladies and got their numbers . Maybe I’ll get them to come here for a little palm reading . ”

“Good job!” Qing Yunzi gave him a smirk, “Even though your abilities are still not mature enough, you are already not young . It is about time that you leave and go to the outside world and help people . This is the ritual of Maoshan Sect . It would also be a good opportunity for you to gain some virtue for your next life . ”

Qing Yunzi’s proposal left Ye Shaoyang incredibly excited . He had always longed to see the world and adventure outside . But Ye Shaoyang acted as though he was unwilling, “Please master, don’t kick me out . I don’t want to leave you!”

Qing Yunzi rolled his eyes, “In that case, let’s talk about this three years from now . ”

“No no . Even though I will miss master, you did say that this is a ritual for disciples of Maoshan Sect . I must venture outside and battle evil . As such, I shall take on this great responsibility and unwillingly leave your side . ”

His disciple’s acting did not impress Qing Yunzi . He thought to himself, How did he end up becoming such a thick-faced sh*t . Did I influence him? Qing Yunzi coughed a bit and instructed, “After going down from the mountain, go do some good deeds . However, always be careful . As the saying goes, ‘While the priest climbs a foot, the devil climbs ten’ . So, always take care when dealing with those spirits and demons . ”

“I once saved the of a university in Stone City . I have made arrangements with him, and he has agreed to let you in as an exchange student . Even though you are a Daoist, getting a degree wouldn’t be a bad thing for your future . Also, you have a senior in that town . He was an outer disciple of mine . You can go ask him for help if you need anything . ”

Ye Shaoyang was troubled when he heard the word university, “Master, is my age appropriate for studying at a university?”

Qing Yunzi gave him a quizzical look, “They will treat you as an exchange student . You will directly enter the fourth year . Moreover, you will have a lot of freedom, but if you don’t like it then forget it . Although . . . I have heard people say that there are a lot of beautiful ladies in that university . ”

Ye Shaoyang’s eyes became very attentive, and his ears perked up when he heard his master’s words . He quickly beamed and said, “I’ll go, I’ll be happy to go . Thank you, my great master, for granting me such a wonderful chance . I will do my best and get as many girls as possible . Then, I will marry someone beautiful and bring her up, so that she can help you out when you’re old . ”“What nonsense!” Qing Yunzi shook his head .

He let out a sigh and said, “When your senior Dao Feng went down the mountain, his first stop was also Stone City . When you get there, try and find him for me . If you find him, capture him and bring him to me . I want to lock him up for life!” Ye Shaoyang was shocked . Dao Feng was his senior and 15 years older than him . Qing Yunzi was very strict when it came to accepting disciples . He only had two inner disciples in his entire life .

When Ye Shaoyang was still young, Dao Feng was very loving toward him . A few years later, Dao Feng was ordered to descend the mountain and fight evil . However, he never returned and even stole one of the three treasures of Maoshan Sect—the Taiyi Horsetail Whisk . Qing Yunzi was short tempered . In a fit of rage, he declared that Dao Feng was no longer his disciple . As such, Shaoyang became the only disciple of Qing Yunzi, and Ye Shaoyang often used this to show off to people .

“Master, I think you better do this yourself . Dao Feng is more powerful than I am, and he also has the Tai Yi Horsetail Whisk with him . Meanwhile, I don’t have anything …” mumbled Ye Shaoyang, as he scratched his head .

As Ye Shaoyang had planned, Qing Yunzi fell for the trick . His eyes widened, “What’s so good about that horsetail whisk . I’ll provide you with the best weapon of all, the Qixing Dragon Sword . You must bring him to me within five years . Otherwise, I’ll kick you out from Maoshan Sect too!”

Ye Shaoyang was extremely hyped . He knew that this sword was the best weapon in Maoshan Sect . With this weapon, Ye Shaoyang would be like a fish in water . He would be able to act pretentious wherever he went . As for the five year thing … he would just think about that later .

“Alright, I’ve told you everything you need to know . From now on, you will act on behalf of me . Don’t come find me if there’s nothing important . Moreover, don’t come when there is something important either . It’s time for your master to relax and have a good time,” Qing Yunzi gave him a smile and squinted, “Cough cough, one last thing . ”

Ye Shaoyang became very attentive . He thought that the final advice was usually very important . Qing Yunzi had a very serious face, could it be that he wanted to let Ye Shaoyang become the head of Maoshan Sect?

“Ah … the phone numbers you obtained … you know, those pretty girls that you talked about . Hehe, why don’t you leave them to me? I’ll help them read their palms . ”

Ye Shaoyang almost fell to the ground, “Master, are you for real?”

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Spirit Hunters Of Maoshan Sect Chapter 6 summary

You're reading Spirit Hunters Of Maoshan Sect. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): 青子 (Qing Zi). Already has 200 views.

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