Bellevue Bullies: Hooked By Love Part 10

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As he moves, his other hand is jerky as he pushes my legs back, his mouth hungry against my jaw, and he brings his tip to my entrance. He runs his tongue along my jaw before taking my mouth with his. I'm completely spent, hanging in the abyss, unsure how much more I can take. I move my hand up his back to his jaw, holding him as he kisses me in a way that curls my toes. My mind is still reeling from the way his mouth devoured me, and I legitimately cannot remember the last time I was eaten out. I sure as h.e.l.l know that anyone after this will never be able to hold a candle to the mouth belonging to Jace Sinclair.

But if I thought his mouth was magic, nothing can compare to how it feels when his c.o.c.k enters me. Holding my breath, I clutch on to his shoulders as he disappears, ever so slowly, inch by inch, inside me. It isn't an easy fit; he is big, huge even, and I'm not. It sort of hurts, but I like the pain. Welcome it, need it. Even with the tight fit, he doesn't stop.

"f.u.c.k, yes," he groans against my jaw as he continues to push inside me. "So hot."

"Yeah," I gasp, my fingers biting into his back as he fills me to the hilt. When he pushes my other leg up, his fingers dig into my skin as he moves out of me and then back in. Each thrust a little harder, a little more uncontrolled, but all completely Jace. I don't know him that well, but I'm sure no man has s.e.x like this but him. He's a no-holds-barred kind of guy, jump in now, think later, and I can't get enough of it. I may be on the crazy side for allowing this to happen, but I know I had to. I had to let myself enjoy this man, and I don't regret it at all.

I can tell that no man will ever hold me or look into my eyes the way he is. In the dark, the light from the strobe lights outside flash onto his face. Each time, his green eyes are on me, drinking me in, and I swear it's as if he is wors.h.i.+ping me. His body moves into me with ease, his chest hard against mine, and I know I've never experienced this kind of bliss. I've never connected with another guy like this in bed and it scares me.

Closing my eyes, I breathe in deeply, pus.h.i.+ng aside those crazy thoughts, because that's not what I want. I want this-uncontrolled, fun s.e.x-but then he is pressing his nose to mine, and I have no choice but to look deep into his eyes. What I see leaves me breathless. I swear this dude is no player. I had him pegged all wrong and I'm thankful for that, but that only freaks me out more.

Why do I care that he isn't a player?

That means nothing to me.

He means nothing to me.

But somewhere deep inside of me, I know I'm wrong.

Squeezing my legs, he stills inside of me, his breath rough against my lips before he utters my name. "Avery."

Just my name, but it's said with such power, such beauty. His weight then falls on me, squis.h.i.+ng the living h.e.l.l out of me, but I don't dare move him. I wrap my legs around his waist so he slides deeper inside of me, and my arms hang firmly around his neck as his c.o.c.k pulsates inside of me. Closing my eyes tightly, I lean my forehead to his before his mouth finds mine, kissing me long and hard, our bodies becoming one. The air around us, I swear, is crackling. I don't hear anything but the crackle and my own heart, in cadence with his. It's like a song. A song I've sung millions of times. That's what this is like.

It's familiar.


And scary as f.u.c.k.

I've never cuddled.

Are we even cuddling?

Maybe we aren't.

I'm not sure.

But my leg is across his legs, one arm across his chest, while my other is tucked in between us. My head is in the crook of his armpit, and his hand is lazily running along my hip.

Naked. We're still naked.

So, I think we are cuddling.

"I've never cuddled," I find myself saying. Nothing is said for a moment; the sounds of the party are loud and clear above us and the music is shaking the window. The room is pitch black except for the random burst of light that leaves me scrambling to get a glimpse of his gorgeous body. His body is so warm, so strong beside me. My body is in shock I think, still recovering from the life-altering s.e.x he just bestowed on me.

Was that even s.e.x, though?

More like head-spinning, toe-curling, a.s.s-smacking, heart-pounding amazingness.

I've never had s.e.x like that.

It's always been quick and forgettable. I mean, I was younger and I never had a free moment to enjoy it, not that I probably would have, but still. This is the first and only time I've ever truly enjoyed s.e.x. It was mind-blowing. Perfect, even. And s.h.i.+t, he was amazing. It was as if he knew my body and I knew his. We knew how to move to hit the right spots; he knew how to hold me to lengthen the beauty of it. It was incredible, and honestly, I don't ever want to leave.

Which is probably why I'm cuddling.

As he runs his finger along my hip, I can feel him smiling when his other hand comes to take me behind my knee, bringing me closer onto him. "I didn't even realize we were."


"It just feels right."

I won't lie, no matter how much that makes me heart race. "Yeah."

"But I like it."

"Me too." s.h.i.+t. I wasn't supposed to say that! He can't know that this is the most amazing moment of my life. No, he'll look into it. Start seeing our names in hearts and stuff. No. I'm not about that life. I need to leave...but he's just so warm.

Nuzzling closer, he grips my hip as he buries his nose in my hair. "Can I be honest?"

I pause, opening my eyes to the darkness. "Sure."

"I thought I was gonna have to work a h.e.l.l of a lot harder to get you into bed."

"You mean trampoline?" I ask and he chuckles against my hair, his breath hot and still carrying traces of beer.

"Yeah, trampoline."

"Which by the way, why didn't we make it to the bed?"

His lips curve against my head as his fingers dig into my skin. "One, I couldn't wait that long to climb up some ladder to my bed. Two, I haven't put my sheets on or anything. I refuse to do it against that mattress. That's gross-you deserve better than that."

Aw. That's sweet.


"Anytime. Now, answer me."

"Bossy much?"

"Oh baby, I'm just getting started."

s.h.i.+t. "Um. I don't want a relations.h.i.+p," I blurt out and his body stills.

"Neither do I, but if you think you are walking out this room without me tasting you here-" he pauses to take ahold of my center, surprising the h.e.l.l out of me. I gasp, arching into his hand as his mouth comes only a breath away from mine "-one more time, you're crazy."

"Okay," I breathe just as a burst of light appears and I catch his green eyes staring into mine.

So intense.

And all on me.

"Now, tell me," he demands, his fingers tracing the curve of my nether lips. I nip at his bottom lip, and he grins before pressing his sweet lips to mine. It's an intense, lengthy kiss, one that hits my soul and has me crawling on top of him. Sliding his hands along my a.s.s, he squeezes. "Man, are you gonna make me work for an answer?"

"I should." I grin, laughter bubbling at the base of my throat. "But truth is, I couldn't resist your pickup lines."

"I knew it," he says roughly, his hands at my hips, then my ribs before cupping my breast. "They get girls every time."

"I bet," I sing, and his head falls to the side.

"Don't believe me?"

"No, you are no player."

His eyes widen. "No?"

"Nope." I brace my elbows on his chest before leaning my chin on my hands to look down at him.

"How did you come up with that a.s.sumption?"

Leaning on one hand, I reach down, running my finger along his jaw and lips. He nips at my finger, taking it between his teeth and causing me to hiss before he grins, letting my finger go. "Meanie."

"You like it."

I do, so much so, I lean down and take his lips with mine. Cupping my face, he runs his thumbs along my cheekbones as we kiss, his touch so familiar, so sweet. He kisses me like we've been doing it for years, and that sort of thing should scare me. Instead, it fuels me for more. I deepen our kiss, pressing my chest to his. When his c.o.c.k comes up against my a.s.s, I move down, sliding my wet center along the length of him, and he responds by tightening his fingers around my waist.

Man, he feels so good.

So thick.

So big.

"Trouble," he murmurs against my lips. "You're f.u.c.king trouble."

I grin against his lips, my fingers sliding into his hair as I stop. "Want me to quit?"

"Never," he says gruffly. "But I want to know why you doubt my player game. I should let you know, I'm a big deal."

My lips curve. "I have no doubt, but you're not a player."

"Why do you say that?"

"How many people have you slept with?"

His brow quirks, his eyes locked on mine. "Why?"

"Proving a point."

"Fine, seven."

"And you're what? Nineteen?"


"If you were a player, it'd be much higher."

"Maybe I'm just getting started."

"Sure, but then you wouldn't care that there were no sheets on the bed or that I wanted the lights off. You would have f.u.c.ked me anywhere, and with no cares. But you took the time, not only to please me, but to make sure I was comfortable."

"Hm," is his answer and I smile at that.

"You're a wannabe player, and honestly, I don't think you're up for the game."

That has him scoffing at me. "Really?"

"Yeah, you're too good. You have a good heart, but you're and think you have to prove something, but you don't."

"This coming from someone who has known me for maybe five minutes."

"Um, it's at least an hour, thank you. And I can read people, which is why it wasn't hard to get me into bed. I knew I wanted you, and I won't lie, there was a moment when I wanted out. But you looked at me, and I knew if I asked, you'd let me go."

"I would," he promises. "I wouldn't force anything on you."

"Because you're no player. I've seen bad, believe me. The wickedest of the wicked, and you're not that. You're a good dude, one who loves s.e.x and women, and who I am to hate on that?"

Moving his hands up my back, he threads his fingers in my hair, bringing me down until our noses mash together. "I see only one woman right now who I want to have s.e.x with."

I grin, our breath becoming one. "Just remember I don't do relations.h.i.+ps."

"Because of the wickedest of the wicked players you've come across?"

"Exactly," I say to his teasing tone, my hands coming up his chest. "Plus, you don't want that. You have goals, plans, and I wouldn't fit into that."

His eyes lock with mine and I can't move. The lights outside are going mad, lightening his face every second. His look is so intense, so beautiful, almost as if he is thinking I could fit into his plan. But then, that's insane. He can't be thinking that.

Look away, Avery!

I look down, sucking in a deep breath as his hands come up to cup my face. "You're right, and I also have a player status to keep up with."

I smirk. "Wannabe player."

He laughs at my correction. "Small details. Now, kiss me."


"Right now," he says, taking my mouth with his. His grip on my hair is tight as he kisses the living stuffing out of me. I thought I would have p.i.s.sed him off with my a.s.sumptions of him, but apparently I didn't. He still wants me. And there is no way around it-I want him too. Tearing his mouth from mine, he sits up, pus.h.i.+ng me down onto his c.o.c.k, but he doesn't enter me. Instead, he takes my lips with his, his tongue moving in my mouth, invading my s.p.a.ce, and I'm not stopping him.

I need it.

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Bellevue Bullies: Hooked By Love Part 10 summary

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