Bellevue Bullies: Hooked By Love Part 9

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I'm in heaven.

Pure f.u.c.king nirvana.

I just can't believe it. Where has this girl been my whole life...and why the h.e.l.l did I just think that? Jesus, I need to get it together. I don't do forever. Maybe it's just the beer because this kiss is making me want forever as long as her lips are on mine. But f.u.c.k, I'm too young for all that crazy s.h.i.+t. I don't want that. I want fun, and this girl is just fun.

When her mouth opens, I don't even pause. I move my mouth onto hers, running my tongue along hers as her hand comes up, bracing herself on my arm. But she isn't going anywhere. I've got her.

I'll always have her.

Whoa. What the h.e.l.l?

But I can't think too much into that. I can't think at all as she takes over the kiss, lifting herself without breaking the kiss and pressing her body into mine. Sliding her hands up my chest, she cups my jaw as my hands cup her a.s.s, holding her in place as she devours me. I thought that was my job, but I don't mind her doing it. I love it, and boy, does she feel right against me, her mouth possessing me.

Man, I'm a f.u.c.king goner.

Pulling back only a breath, she nips at my lip, making me gasp and also turning me on so f.u.c.king badly I can't breathe. She then runs the tip of her tongue along the spot she bit, her eyes locked on mine, and I'm convinced I'll never look into more magnificent eyes and ever feel like this.

I don't know what I'm feeling.

And I sure as h.e.l.l won't label it.

But I don't want it to stop.

I just can't.

Her eyes hold mine as our breaths become one. Our chests touch with every pull of air, her breath as warm on my lips as mine is on hers, I'm sure. Her face is completely flushed and beautiful. I want to say it's the beer that has me drunk, but it can't be. I'm drunk off the way she looks and tastes.

I'm drunk from Avery.

"You taste like beer." Her voice is hoa.r.s.e, sounding every bit like dirty s.e.x.

"You taste like heaven," I breathe and she grins.

Her eyes darken, no longer the light turquoise but now a deep teal almost, as her lips come to rest against mine. "You don't need the lines to sleep with me, Jace."

My heart stops. f.u.c.king stops. Again, I love women, been with a few here and there, but never, never in my whole f.u.c.king nineteen years has someone so blatantly said that. I'm not Jude or Jayden; I don't have it like they do. I usually have to work for it because I'm the third Sinclair women see, but not this time. They are nowhere in sight. I'm all Avery sees, and if her words didn't make it clear what she wants, her eyes and the heat of her body are loud and clear.

And who am I to turn down this gorgeous angel?

I can guarantee one thing: I might be big, might have been thrown against the boards a few times, and I might look at little on the dumb side, but I'm not stupid.

"Is that right?" I ask, my eyes searching hers. She isn't drunk, I know this, but I want to give her the out if she wants it. I pray she doesn't, but just in case. I don't want to be a d.i.c.k-f.u.c.king h.e.l.l, I sound like Jayden. It's like they're on my shoulders, Jude on one and Jayden on the other, talking to me.

Jude: f.u.c.k her. Don't be a dumba.s.s.

Jayden: Are you sure she isn't drunk? She seems like a good girl, not a ho.

Jude: Who cares? Use a condom and have fun!

Jayden: Yeah, use a condom, but make sure she is down for it.

As I shake my head, her brows come together once more. "Yup, all you have to do is ask."

"Ask?" My brow rises. "You want me to ask to take you to bed?"

She shrugs, laughter in her eyes. "It's a little gentleman-like."

"I'm no gentleman, baby."

"So and a gentleman are two different things?"

I'm breathless, kind of unsure what to say, but then words are falling from my lips without thinking. "Sorta. I can be but not a gentleman. That usually involves being gentle. Not in my vocab."

Her breath is hot against my mouth as her lips curve. "I don't want you to be gentle at all."

Yup. I'm dead.

I blink because, really, what do you say to that? But s.h.i.+t, I'm in trouble because I'm speechless. I've met hos-I can spot one a mile away-but Avery doesn't give off that vibe. She seems like a good girl, someone with her s.h.i.+t together, not some ho at a party wanting to score.

I'm totally confused.

But I won't let that ruin this. I may never get this chance again. So, swallowing hard, I whisper, "My room is downstairs."

"Lead the way."

Did I just say that?


I did.

I just couldn't control it. He makes me think the dirtiest things. Things I haven't thought in a very long time. But I'm thinking them now, and I want them with him. So, yeah, I said it. And d.a.m.n it, I want it.

Threading his fingers with mine, he looks deep into my eyes one last time and then he is off the wall, heading down the hall toward some stairs. I hadn't realized the house was so big, and when we go into a hall, I notice no one is in here. It's dark, sort of creepy, and maybe I should stop him? I don't even know him. c.r.a.p. I'm no ho. I'm not about that life. I can't be.

But then he is looking back at me with those dark green eyes, the want so apparent, the need for me coming off him in waves, and I know I want this.

I may not be one for the ho life, but I want to be the bedmate of Jace Sinclair.

At least for tonight.

But something deep inside me whispers, That may not be enough.

Yes, it will be. I can't get involved with someone like him. He is going one way and I'm going the other. I know this, but I also know I can't walk away from this without a piece of him. I may never have this chance again, and I refuse to have any regret in my life. Life is too precious, too quick, and can be taken away in the blink of an eye. I refuse to do anything but what I want.

And I want Jace.


The walk to his room is silent; the only thing I hear is the music above us and my heart in my ears. I should be freaked out that we are basically in the dungeon of the Bullies' house, but to my surprise, I feel safe. I feel like nothing bad can happen to me when he is around. How does that happen? I've known this dude, no joke, maybe a total of an hour, and I'm about to sleep with him.

Oh, the look on my mother's face if she knew...

But it feels right.

It just does. I don't understand why and I refuse to look into it.

When he stops at his door, he looks back at me and I expect him to say something. Probably along the lines that this is my chance to back out. But he doesn't and I'm glad. I'm worried I might have taken my out and run like a scared little girl. But I'm no little girl, hidden behind three older brothers who run my life. No, I'm Avery. I'm strong; I can do this. I can be the woman I want to be, and that woman is about to sleep with Jace Sinclair.

Before he opens the door, he pulls me to him, kissing me hard on the lips. I swear no one has ever kissed me like this. Not only are his lips thick and consuming but they have such promise in them. Not sure what the promise is for-a good time, dirty things to come, h.e.l.l, I don't know-but I want that promise. I want him and I can't get over the way he looks at me. I know that's what is drawing me to him. I may feel differently afterward, but right now, I'm going to enjoy being the center of his world.

After tearing his mouth from mine and leaving me gasping for breath, his eyes burn into mine, searching. I can only blink up at him, unable to understand why he is looking at me like that. He is so stunning, so beautiful, and I feel unbelievably gorgeous under his gaze. How could I think this was anything but right? Oh s.h.i.+t, what the h.e.l.l is happening?

A grin curves his lips. "I don't know what's happening."

My eyes fall shut as a grin covers my lips. "I just thought the same thing."

As he squeezes my side with his large hand, I open my eyes, meeting his intense stare before he leans over, kissing me hard on the lips once more. I don't pull away as he opens the door, and I swear I'm like a rag doll in his grasp. When he lifts me, I come cras.h.i.+ng into his chest, the door slamming behind me before he pushes me up against it. The wood is hard under my back, but I don't feel the pain-all I feel is him kissing me hard on the lips. I hear the lock of the door before his hands thread in my hair, pulling slightly as he holds me in place, his mouth destroying mine.

I wanted it rough, I didn't want a gentleman, and Jace is delivering everything I need. I want to feel this, I want every touch to be seared into my brain, I never want to forget the moment Jace Sinclair took me and made me his for the night. My whole body is on fire. Everything. And man, I want him. As I arch up against him, he groans into my mouth and his hands move from my hands to my a.s.s, pulling me hard against his solid, thick erection.

Good G.o.d.

Gasping for breath, he smiles against my lips before opening his eyes to meet mine. "I want you so f.u.c.king bad, more than I've ever wanted anyone in my life. Why is that?"

His question burns into my lips, his gaze holding me hostage as his lips barely touch mine.

"I have no clue, but I want you too," I whisper against him, my leg coming up to hook on his hip.

"Bad?" he asks, his dark gaze holding mine.

"So f.u.c.king bad," I breathe, running my hot center along his generous erection.

I'm unable to say more as he lifts me, my legs wrapping around his waist while he carries me across the room toward the bed, holding my gaze. When he lays me down, I a.s.sume we are on a bed, but I realize we aren't. We are on a trampoline. Looking around the room, I see that it is bare. The bed, though, is covered with bags. When I look up at the bunk bed, I wonder why we aren't up there.

"A trampoline?" I ask as his lips run down my neck to the top of my b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

"Yeah, it's how you get in the bed."

"Why aren't we in the bed?"

"It's packed with s.h.i.+t, and I can't wait. I need you." His voice is hard, needful, and who am I to question that?

I could comment, but I doubt he'd hear me and I don't want to stop him. His mouth is hard and rough against my neck, the hair on his jaw scratching me as he pulls down the front of my s.h.i.+rt, moving my bra too before dropping his mouth to my taut nipple. Arching off the trampoline, I cry out as he takes turns with his lips and teeth against my sensitive peaks. My body is shaking under his touch, and when his hand slides down my stomach to the front of my jeans, I squeeze my eyes shut.

f.u.c.k. This is happening.

Yes, and you want it, a voice deep inside me says, and I can't disagree.

I do. I do want it.

Reaching down, I help him undo my pants, but then I realize the light is on.

When I pause his hands with mine, he looks up at me, confused.

"Are you gonna put the brakes on?"

I smile. "No, but-"

"Are you a teasing Tessa?" he asks, his voice full of his own teasing.

I can't help it, I might be so turned on I can't breathe, but somehow I laugh. "No. Jeez, do me a favor and turn the lights off."

When he lifts a brow, I swear I could gobble up his beautiful face. How could someone this magnificent be walking this earth? To think, there are two more of these Sinclair creatures... It's kind of scary. But before I can dwell on that any longer, he asks, "What?"

"The lights, shut them off."

"Why?" He grins, his mouth coming to nibble on my jaw. "I want to see you."

"Yeah, no, shut them off," I say, a certain kind of panic settling deep in my stomach. I really didn't think this through. I should have known he'd want the lights on, and that can't happen.

But he must see the panic in my eyes because he nods, lifting off me with no more questions and going to the light switch. When the room fills with darkness, only the lights from the party out in the back seeping through the window up near the ceiling, I wait for my eyes to adjust. When they do, I watch as he prowls across the room, Soon, all my laughter is gone, replaced with white-hot l.u.s.t. He's so big, so thick, and I'm shaking with my need for him as I push my jeans down along with my panties.

He does the same, and when the light from the party s.h.i.+nes on his naked body, I'm dumbstruck. Wordless. I mean, Jesus, the length, the girth, the size of him... It's completely and utterly astounding. His c.o.c.k is standing at attention, his thighs thick. He has a hockey goal on his thigh that reads, "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" in the middle of it. It's begging me to get closer for a better look, but I'm stunned to the flat surface of the trampoline. I can only watch as he moves toward me.

But he doesn't cover me with his body right away. Placing his knee on the trampoline between my legs, he reaches above me into a dresser drawer and then slams it shut, a package crinkling in his hand.

A condom.

Good. He's smart, which is good. Because honestly, I had forgotten all about a condom. I just want that long, ample d.i.c.k inside of me. He drops on top of me, his mouth finding mine as his hand tangles in my hair. His body is blistering against mine as my legs hook onto his hips, his c.o.c.k hard and thick against my wet center. I'm dripping for this dude, and I can promise that has never happened before. I've never wanted to be consumed by someone the way I want to be consumed by Jace.

"Lift your arms," he demands and I do as his says, my s.h.i.+rt and bra joining my jeans somewhere on his floor. When his chest presses to mine, the feel of heat on top of heat, I gasp, my fingers weaving into his hair as our hearts pound into each other. His fingers bite into the middle of my back, his kisses becoming more urgent as he slides his c.o.c.k up and down my needy center. Breathing hard, I take ahold of his c.o.c.k, teasing my c.l.i.t with it as he gasps against my mouth. I want him inside me-now-and I reach for the package he holds. I guess he has other ideas, because before I can get the condom, he is moving.

Pus.h.i.+ng my leg back, he holds it with his left hand as his right hand opens me up to him. He then drops his mouth to my center, dipping his tongue inside me and along me, causing me to cry out deep from my soul. My voice is hoa.r.s.e, and my body is trembling and shaking with each pa.s.s of his tongue along my tight c.l.i.t. I try to drop my legs but it's useless; he's too strong and smiles at my attempts.

"Stop," he demands, his fingers digging harder into my thighs.

"I can't," I breathe and his chuckles run up my spine.

"Yes, you can," he strains, his voice hot against my center, leaving me breathless. But then he lets go of my leg to open me more, and I can only grip the springs of the trampoline for support as he takes me whole into his mouth. My entire p.u.s.s.y is under the control of his mouth. He's tonguing my c.l.i.t as his hands hold on to my thighs, causing me to thrash underneath him as my eyes squeeze shut. I'm feeling things I've never felt a day in my life.

Gasping out, I clutch the springs, my biceps straining as my back arches before he pulls away, kissing my lips before opening me once more. I can't hold it in and I start to scream as he gives attention to nothing but my c.l.i.t. It doesn't take long. I mean, how could I even try to last with the a.s.sault he is causing? And soon, I'm screaming louder, his name echoing through the room as I come apart. But he isn't done. Still licking along my lips, his finger dances across my pulsating c.l.i.t, causing me to jerk and thrash from the intense pleasure he has given me.

"f.u.c.k, you taste so good," he murmurs against my p.u.s.s.y, but all I can do is pull in deep breaths, my body trembling beneath his talented mouth. "I want more."

"Take it," I gasp, the challenge in my voice.

"Oh, I am." There is nothing but conviction and promise in his voice, and I'm unable to move or to process what he has done to me. I gasp for breath as sweat drips down the side of my face and along my jaw. Inhaling a big breath, I hear the tearing of a package and the hiss of his breath as he rolls the condom down his length. I'm scared for maybe two seconds as he moves between my legs. His gaze is predatory as he holds his c.o.c.k in his big hand. I worry about his size, but then...I need it. I need him.

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Bellevue Bullies: Hooked By Love Part 9 summary

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