Bellevue Bullies: Hooked By Love Part 58

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"Oh no, don't play dumb. What did you do?"

"What? Why did I have to do something?" I ask, buying time, but she glares.

"Jace Ryan Sinclair, you tell me right now what you did," she demands, her gaze cutting to Avery before turning back to me. "You don't smile at me like that unless you think I'm gonna get mad. Now out with it."

I see Lucy standing in the living room, watching with her hands on her hips. This is going to be fun. Not. Clearing my throat, I bring Avery into my side. "Why don't we go inside?"

"Why don't you tell me what is going on?"

"Mom, let them in. Geez, you're acting like a crazy," Lucy calls, coming to my rescue and pulling me into the house. Her eyes search mine, and I smile. In return, she smiles back.

"Why am I letting you live here?" I hear my mom ask as she shuts the door.

"'Cause I clean and don't tell your sons that you're shacking up with their coach... Oops, sorry, am I homeless now?" Lucy teases as she wraps an arm around Avery.

Meanwhile, I'm gagging.

"Lucy, really?"

"Hey, you woke me up early," she says as my mom glares at her.

"You hush, and you too, Jace. I'm a woman with-"

I hold my hand up, stopping her. "If you say 'woman with needs' one more d.a.m.n time, I swear I will never come back."

She fights a grin as she crosses her arms over her chest. "Well, if you don't tell me what's going on that brought y'all over at midday when you both are supposed to be in school, you might not be welcomed back anyway."

Avery's eyes widen and I roll my eyes as Lucy says, "This is my mom trying to be scary. Funny, huh?" Avery doesn't say anything as my mom glares. "Doesn't she remind you of an angry bulldog?"

"Lucy! Really? Are you calling me fat?"

That makes Avery grin and I roll my eyes. "Okay, that's enough, people!"

Lucy shrugs as I take Avery's hand, pulling her to me, but when I look up at my mom, her eyes are wide. "Oh, praise Jesus. Jace, is that Mamaw's ring on Avery's ring finger?"

Looking back at Avery, I smile confidently before returning to my mom's stunned gaze. "Yeah, it is."

"Do I need to ask why, or is what I'm a.s.suming true?" she shrieks, her arms waving at her sides like they do when she gets upset.

Avery is trembling beside me and I hold her tightly as I nod. "If you're a.s.suming we got married today, then yes, you're right."

Her mouth drops, but Lucy grins big. "Jace Ryan! You're a baby."

I point my two pointer fingers at her with a grin on my face. "Having a baby."

I thought going the funny route would be a good way to go, but when my mom's eyes widen even more, making her look bug-eyed, and a cry leaves her lips, I'm thinking maybe I should have done that differently. Especially when she throws her hands in the air, tears filling her eyes. "What in the h.e.l.l? Boy, are you insane? You are a baby. She's a baby. Wrap your s.h.i.+t up. And Jesus, don't get married unless you mean to. Divorce is nasty."

"Seriously," Lucy yells and Avery looks down, but I just smile.

"Lucy, he could end up like you. And what is wrong with all you people? Jude is the only one who loves me. He gave me time to let him go; he gave me a wedding. You other three just run off, getting married and having babies. Are y'all trying to kill me?"

"No, I'm talking to him," Lucy yells, shaking her head at me. "I said keep the baby, not get married."

That surprises me, but Mom isn't listening. "Oh my G.o.d, my baby is having a baby-and he's married," she cries, drawing in deep breaths as she holds her hands to her chest.

"Oh, G.o.d," I hear Avery whisper and I look down at her.

"It's fine. She did this to all of us, even Jude."

Still sucking in breaths, Mom leans on her knees, shaking her head. Going to the couch, she sits down as Lucy looks at me. "Are you sure?"

I nod. "Yeah."

"You don't have to do this, dude. Don't make my mistakes. I married Angie's dad because I was pregnant."

I understand her worry. I get it. But this is different. I love Avery, I would die for her... Wow, I went full hero with that. But really, this is it. She's it, and I know that. "Yeah, but unlike you, I actually love her," I inform her and she nods, a smile pulling at her lips.

She's still smiling as she nods her head. "Yeah, you're right." Looking over at Avery with a huge grin, Lucy pulls her into her arms. "While our mother has her panic attack, congratulations. I knew you were great for my brother."

I watch as Avery hugs Lucy. She's so much smaller than my sister who I see as so small. But against my wife, wow, she towers over her. I'm so engrossed as they talk quietly to each other that I don't even see my mom get up. Not until she slams into me, her arms coming around me, do I tear my gaze from Avery and Lucy.

Holding me tightly, she brings me down, whispering in my ear. "Jace, are you sure? You don't have to. We can fix this."

"Can't fix something that isn't broke, Mom. I love her. I do."

She doesn't say anything, just holds me, her heart pounding against my chest. "Okay," she whispers, pulling back and reaching up to squeeze my face between her hands. "Then I love her too."

My eyes mist up a bit as I nod. "Thanks, Mom."

Her eyes search mine, her breathing still fast but slowing by the second. Clearing her throat, she says, "I'm so proud of you, Jace, really. I wish you would have waited, but goodness me, you're such a man now."

"Well, you made me, raised me to be this awesome. So really, you get all the credit."

"I know that's right," she says, squeezing me again before kissing me hard on my cheek. "I love you so much, baby."

"I love you too, Mom."

When she lets me go, she gobbles Avery up. And like I expect, she smothers her with kisses. Avery is beaming, laughing, as my mom holds her tightly and welcomes her to the family.

"I knew you were the one," Mom says with a wink. "I always knew."

"You're not mad?" Avery asks, nervousness still in her eyes.

"Jesus, no," Mom says, rea.s.suring her. "Shocked, yes, but you were a part of this family the moment we met you. Now, you ain't going anywhere. Hope you know that." Avery's lip quivers and then she's crying. Shaking my head, I laugh as my mom wraps her up in a tight hug.

Holding my mom, Avery grins as she cries. "I don't want to go anywhere."

"Oh, you won't. Don't you cry. I'm gonna cry."

I go to break up the crying fest between the two women I love most, but before I can move, Lucy is pulling me into the kitchen. When we are out of sight, she wraps her arms around my middle, holding me tightly. Wrapping my arms around her neck, I kiss the top of her head and she shakes against me.

Pulling back, my eyes wide, I tilt her back to see that she is crying.

Lucy does not cry.

"What the h.e.l.l? Why are you crying?"

She shakes her head and then smiles. "I'm just so f.u.c.king proud of you, Jace, so proud." I smile as she brings me in tight, kissing my cheek. "You did the right thing-crazy, but the right thing."

"I did the only thing," I say into her hair. "I love her, and she will never feel alone again in her life."

Holding me tightly, Lucy laughs. "And to think, we all thought you were such a spoiled brat. When really, you've grown into a good man."

Grinning, I squeeze her. "When you have three older siblings beating you into a good man, it tends to happen."

She laughs and then pulls back. "You know they are gonna rip you apart."

I nod. "I know."

"But you don't care?"

"Not even a little bit. All I care about is that girl in there, the one who's having my baby."

I'm not kidding.

But I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared what my brothers will think. I respect them too much not to be worried, but I know they'll support me.

Well, I hope so at least.

As I head into my old room, I shut the door to block out the sounds of the three women I love cracking up. It's been a great afternoon, eating, laughing, and them getting to know Avery even more. She fits in perfectly, not that I didn't expect her to, but it's great how my mom and sister have welcomed her with open arms. I didn't think they wouldn't, or even that they would be upset with me. I knew my mom would freak out, but I knew, no matter what, she would support me. That's my mom. She does that.

But Jude and Jayden, I'm nervous.

Sitting on my bed, I look around the room that I shared with Jayden my whole life. Somehow Lucy and Jude got their own rooms. I loved sharing with Jayden, so I didn't mind. He might not have felt the same, but we did it with ease. Two brothers, two best friends. I just hope he doesn't freak out too much.

Going into our group chat, I type out a quick message.

Me: You two busy?

Jayden: Just got out of practice. What's up?

Jude: No, what's up?

I call Jayden first.


"Hey, hold on, let me call Jude," I say and he agrees as I add Jude to the call.

"What's this about?" Jayden asks as it rings, but I don't answer him.

"Yo. What's up?" Jude says and I clear my throat.

"Gotta tell you guys something," I say and Jude laughs.

"You're gay."

"Your d.i.c.k fell off and your v.a.g.i.n.a is growing in nicely?"

"Oh, that is more like it, huh, Jay? I'm so happy you're finally a girl, Jacey."

"Aw, your nickname can become your real name."

I want to be mad, but these are my brothers.

", shut up," I bark and they both laugh.

"Wait, you're okay?" Jayden asks, his voice filling with concern. "Your leg is good, right?"

"You told me you were good," Jude says, his voice hard and worried.

"I'm good," I promise. "It's not that."

"What, then?" Jayden asks.

"Avery is pregnant."

Silence. I'm answered with silence.

"You dumba.s.s. Condoms, Jace, condoms," Jayden yells.

"Didn't we tell you this? Wrap it up. s.h.i.+t," Jude exclaims and I shake my head.

"I did,"

"Then how?!"

"I'm a beast. My boys made it through latex."

"That's not something to be proud of," Jayden says and I scoff.

"Just sayin' I'm not dumb. I used the stash in the drawer, but I guess they didn't work."

"What? In the first drawer?"

"Yeah," I say, confused by Jayden's tone.

"Dude, those are old. I never used them 'cause Jude left them," Jayden laughs.

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Bellevue Bullies: Hooked By Love Part 58 summary

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