Bellevue Bullies: Hooked By Love Part 59

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"Oh my G.o.d, you didn't throw them away?" Jude laughs. "I didn't use them either 'cause they were Malkin's," he says, speaking of the captain before him.

"You sick b.a.s.t.a.r.ds, why didn't you throw them away?" I ask and they both laugh.

"Why didn't you check the expiration date?" Jayden asks. " s.h.i.+t, thinking your sperm is strong. Please."

"Loser," Jude says and I smile. "But s.h.i.+t, dude, now you're really stuck. And you can't leave, 'cause if we thought her dad would ruin you before, he really will now if you leave his daughter pregnant. Jesus, Jace."

"I'm not leaving her," I say sternly. "I married her."

More silence.

"You did what?" Jude roars as Jayden just laughs.

"Jesus, this guy. Bay, Jace married Avery. She's pregnant."

When my sister-in-law yelps in surprise, I just shrug. "I love her, guys, and I hope you'll both support me."

"Well, duh, dumba.s.s. But s.h.i.+t, you go big, don't you?" Jayden laughs and I grin.


"Good Lord, information overload over here. Man, are you sure?" Jude asks.

Jayden agrees. "Yeah, really, this is huge."

"Yeah, I've never been so sure about anything in my whole life."

"Then we're behind you, buddy," Jayden says after a long moment of silence.

"Yeah, I mean, she's great. I'm nervous, but I trust you know what you're doing."

"I do," I promise and Jude laughs.

"Man, did Mom freak?"

"You know she did," I laugh and Jayden follows suit.

"This is insane."

"Yeah, but it's right," I decide and they both agree.

"Well, I don't know how Jude feels, but I'm proud of the man you've become, Jace. You've really stepped up and grown."

"Thanks, bro."

"I agree, but don't f.u.c.k up. If you're doing this, you're doing it right and you're gonna love that girl for the rest of your life. We may have been raised by a s.h.i.+t guy, but we aren't him, you hear me?"

"Yeah, I hear you," I say around the lump in my throat. I always knew I had the best family in the whole entire world, but having the support of the two men I look up to so greatly, too... I can't even. It's overwhelming.

"And remember who your favorite brother is when you're naming my nephew," Jayden says and I smile.

"Don't you mean your niece, Jay? Since you're a sissy."

"Whatever, Judeifer. You're the girl."

"Did you just say my name like Lucifer? You d.i.c.k."

"Well, you are the devil himself!"

Rolling my eyes, I clear my throat to cut off what I'm sure will be hysterical. I need to get back to my wife.

Man, just thinking that knocked the air out of me.

Wow, I hope I'll never be able to say that and not get breathless.

"Okay, I'm gonna drop out, but you two continue. My wife is waiting for me."

We all say good-bye before I hang up and I smile as I chuckle. That was easier than I thought.

Because it's right.

We're right.

Standing up, I head into the kitchen and go straight for Avery. When she sees me, she beams as I gather her in my arms.

"I just puked." She grins and my mom and sister laugh.

"Yum," I say, kissing her cheek.

"I was so sick with Jace, Lord," Mom says, a pained look on her face.

"And he's been a pain in the a.s.s ever since." Lucy smiles and I stick my tongue out at her before kissing Avery's temple.

"Ready?" I love being here, but I want to be alone with Avery. I want it to be just us. We say good-bye and I'm surprised I get away since my mom won't stop kissing me. Once I finally do and we are in the car, I look over at her and smile. "See, easy peasy."

"She almost had a heart attack," she says and I laugh.

"She's good."

She shakes her head. "This is all so crazy."

I eye her. "But good, right?"

She nods. "G.o.d, yes. I'm so happy."

"Good," I say, kissing the back of her hand. "Are you gonna tell your parents?"

She shrugs. "I don't know."

"Do you want me to?"

She shakes her head quickly. "h.e.l.l no," she laughs and I lean over, kissing her nose. I don't move when her gaze meets mine. She's still freaking out. Looking deep into my eyes, she lets out a breath and then shakes her head. "I don't want to tell them and have them not be happy for me. Because they'll freak, if they even care. But they won't do what your mom and sister just did. No one will, and I just feel so good right now. I don't want to ruin that."

I nod. "I understand that."

She smiles. "But I love you and I'm so happy."

"That's all I care about," I whisper against her lips and she smiles. "So don't tell them. If they care, they'll contact you."

"How will they know?" she asks, confused, and I grin, pulling my phone out of my pocket.

"Um, we aren't married for real until it's Facebook official, duh," I say and she rolls her eyes.

"You're sorta a Facebook wh.o.r.e," she accuses and I shrug.

"Maybe. Shh, smile."

I hold my phone out, our faces appearing as she glares at me. "You're serious?"

"Yes. Smile, hold up your hand."



She laughs before grinning at the phone and holding up her left hand. Pressing my lips to her cheek, I take the picture and then look at it. She looks so blissful, so in love, and this is my wife. My forever.

"It's cute."

"Yeah, it's getting framed," I say with a wink before going on to Facebook and uploading it, tagging her with the caption: Introducing Mr. & Mrs. Sinclair. #wifey "You dork!"

I grin as I look back at the picture. Man, we look so ecstatic. So unified and perfect. Her eyes are full of the promise of forever. And even though my eyes are shut tightly as my lips press to her cheek, I know what I'm feeling and it's nothing but love for this woman. As I stare at our picture, I know we have nothing to worry about.

We've got this.

Or at least, I hope we do.

I feel on top of the world.

If I thought I loved Jace before this crazy day, nothing compares to the way I feel about him right now. Looking at the picture of us on Facebook, I can't stop smiling as he drives back to campus, singing badly to the radio. We look so d.a.m.n content and it isn't a lie. We are, and the comments are so sweet. Everyone is so happy for us. Yet, I'm waiting for a comment from my family.

I hate that I don't have the b.a.l.l.s to call and tell them. I want to scream it from the rooftops, but I know they won't care. They would be more mad than anything, and I don't need that negativity in my life. I'm so happy right now, and I don't want them ruining that. They aren't like Jace's family, and they won't support us like they have. So screw 'em. I don't need them.

The pathetic part of me may still want them, but I don't need them.

I have Jace.

I have our baby.

My G.o.d, I still can't believe how today went down. I thought today was going to be the worst day of my life. Instead, it's the best. I'm still freaking out a bit, but like Jace has said, it feels right. It feels natural. Crazy, but perfect. With a grin on my face, I go to shut my phone off, but it starts to ring.

It's my mom.

Jace looks over at me and I suck in a breath. "s.h.i.+t, it's my mom."

"You gonna answer it?"

d.a.m.n it. Nodding, I hit answer. "h.e.l.lo?"

"Avery, what did you do?"


"Don't what me, young lady. Your brother just sent me a picture of you and your boyfriend from Facebook, and apparently, it means you got married!"

"I did," I say as strongly as I can.

Jace's hand slides into mine as my mom cries out. "Are you insane? Why? Why would you do that?"

"I'm pregnant."

"Oh G.o.d, Avery, what in the world? Why are you ruining your life? I thought you were smarter than that. Do you know how embarra.s.sing this is?"


"Yes! Everyone in the club knows. They are all talking about it. My phone is ringing off the hook 'cause you went off and got married. Why didn't you tell us?"

"Would you have cared?"

"Are you serious? Yes, we would have! I mean, is this a cry for attention? I don't understand."

Unable to even process what she is saying, I shake my head. "No, Mom, it's not a cry for attention. I love him."

"So? You don't go and marry him. Or h.e.l.l, get knocked up. How stupid can you be? You're only eighteen." Biting into my lip, I look up as the car comes to a stop in front of the Bullies' house, while my mom continues to scream. "I don't understand why you would do this. Haven't you put all of us through enough h.e.l.l?"

"It isn't about you," I say firmly, trying to sound stronger than I feel. "I love Jace, and yeah, this is unplanned, but we got this."

"You have nothing. You live off us. We pay for everything."

"And I thank you for it."

"You thank us... Thank us by not embarra.s.sing us. By being smart."

Closing my eyes, I hear Jace mutter something, but I can't hear him over the roar of my heartbeat in my ears. "So that's why you're upset, because I'm embarra.s.sing you."

"Yes! Your dad is going to freak. I just don't understand why I had to find out through Facebook? What the h.e.l.l, Avery?"

"Because you wouldn't care," I yell once more, tears running down my face. "You don't f.u.c.king care about me. All you care about is how you look. A normal mother would be upset 'cause she's worried about her daughter, about what this means for their life. But all you care about is how you look in front of that d.a.m.n club. Well, guess what? I don't f.u.c.king care about the club and what they think."

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Bellevue Bullies: Hooked By Love Part 59 summary

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