Legacy: Alexandra's Legacy Part 21

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Joshua laughed and smiled. She momentarily forgot all about s.e.x in the presence of his happiness. It shone from his eyes, making him appear younger. He leaned down and kissed her nose, her cheeks, her forehead and her mouth. Soft kisses, biting kisses, hard kisses. She wanted them all and he gave them to her.

His tongue trailed a wet path between her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and he playfully lapped at her nipples. She s.h.i.+fted restlessly beneath him, but he trapped her against the mattress using his much larger and stronger body to subdue her movements.

"Joshua, do something." She was so close to coming again.

"I need to claim you in the traditional way of our people." He lazily sucked on her nipple, released it and then blew gently across it. He pressed his hips harder against her s.e.x and she squirmed, trying to get his erection closer to where she needed it most.

Alex's skin was coated in a light sheen of sweat. Overwhelming need pulsed beneath her skin. At this point she didn't care what he did as long as he was inside her. "Anything," she panted.

He sat back on his knees, his s.e.x jutting out in front of him. Long and proud, it bobbed toward her. A blue vein pulsed with need and as she watched a bead of pearly white fluid seeped from the tip. She licked her lips, wanting to taste him.

His mouth was set and a drop of sweat slid down his temple. "On your hands and knees."

She knew then what he wanted. How he planned to take her. And the idea of him claiming her in that manner sent a fresh wave of liquid heat rus.h.i.+ng through her. She undulated in front of him, unable to move until the latest wave had crested and receded. But Joshua was finished waiting. He lifted her and flipped her onto her stomach.

Alex laughed at his unrestrained enthusiasm and then groaned as he pulled her up onto her hands and knees. She braced her hands on the bed and lowered her forehead to the pillow.

"Spread your legs." It was more growl than command and she widened her stance, letting her knees slide over the sheets until she was fully exposed to him.

His fingers molded the globes of her behind, kneading that tender flesh as he leaned closer. "You are so beautiful. So pink and wet and ready. And it's all for me, isn't it, Alex?"

"Yes," she groaned, gripping the sheet so forcefully with her fingers she was surprised the fabric didn't rip. Blood rushed to her head, making it impossible to hear anything but their harsh breathing and the sound of her pounding heart. The ripe smell of s.e.x and need permeated the air, along with the faintest scent of something spicy that sent her arousal spiraling even higher. "What is that smell?"

"You. Me. Us," he whispered, punctuating each word with a kiss down her spine. His fingers stroked over her swollen folds, dipping into her slit and retreating again. She pushed her bottom toward him, encouraging him to do it again. His fingers continued to circle her s.e.x. She could feel liquid arousal sliding out of her.

"That's it," he crooned. "Your scent is intoxicating. It's telling me that your body is not only ready, but also willing to accept mine. And you are ready to accept me, aren't you, Alex? Once you become mine, I will never let you go." He withdrew his fingers and blew gently over her wet flesh making her v.a.g.i.n.a clench unbearably hard.

"Yes." At this point she'd say anything, do anything to get him to finally f.u.c.k her. She needed him inside her. The heat and the aching need were becoming unbearable.

"I'll take you whenever I want, wherever I want and you'll never deny me, will you?"

"Never." She gave him the words she knew he needed. She didn't begrudge them to him, knowing instinctively that after what had happened, he needed to a.s.sert his claim in every way possible. His wolf nature demanded it.

His fingers dug into her hips as he pulled her back toward him. She sucked in a deep breath and began to pant as he pressed the thick head of his p.e.n.i.s just inside her opening. "More," she managed to gasp out between breaths.

"I claim you as my mate. Now and forever." Joshua surged forward, not stopping until he was buried to the hilt within her.

She felt the slightest twinge of pain and then there was only heat. She tilted her head back and cried out at the pleasure of being filled by him.

"I can't wait," he gritted out.

"Then don't," she gasped.

He slid his hands upward and beneath her until he was cupping her b.r.e.a.s.t.s in his hands. Holding her steady, he s.h.i.+fted his hips, pulling them back until only the tip of his c.o.c.k was still within her. He pumped forward, slamming back into her.

Her inner muscles softened to accept him, even as they rippled and clenched around him. It was amazing. There were almost too many sensations for her to take in at once. Her body was burning from the inside out.

Joshua continued to hammer into her body, but it still wasn't enough. She needed more. Catching the mating rhythm, she began to slam her bottom back to meet his thrust. The slap of their flesh as it met added to their joining, heightening Alex's pleasure.

Her lungs felt like they might burst as Joshua drove into her again and again. The smell of s.e.x and spices grew thicker and her heart continued to pound harder and harder. She couldn't take much more. Every cell in her body was screaming with tension.

Joshua slid one hand down between her thighs and stroked the bundle of nerves at the apex. She came the moment he touched her. Her inner muscles clamped down hard on Joshua's shaft and he yelled with pleasure. Unbelievably, she felt him growing larger within her. He filled her so completely that the sensation was uncomfortable, bordering on painful. She tried to pull away, but was unable to dislodge him. His c.o.c.k was locked inside her.

"Alex," he growled. He was still growing within her. She could feel the head of his c.o.c.k reaching impossibly deep. Heat flooded her as he came. Joshua tilted back his head and howled as he emptied himself into her womb.

s.h.i.+vers raced through her body and she came again. This time the convulsions were so hard she almost dislodged him from behind her. He gripped her hard and pumped his hips in short, hard jabs.

She lost all track of time, but finally she collapsed down onto the mattress, shaken and spent by the intensity of their joining. Joshua came down on top of her, still locked inside her. He s.h.i.+fted slightly to the side so that all his weight wasn't on her. His face was buried in her neck and his heart pounded against her back as he gasped for breath.

She wasn't in much better shape. All her various aches and pains which had been forgotten in the heat of pa.s.sion were now making themselves known again. She s.h.i.+fted, trying to get more comfortable.

Joshua groaned and levered himself up on his forearms. He kissed her nape and all the way down the curve of her spine as he eased up onto his knees. They both groaned when he pulled his softening erection from her.

He fell back against the pillows and drew her into his arms. His lips were soft on her forehead as he brushed his fingers over her cheek. "Don't cry, my love."

She hadn't realized she was crying. She wiped her eyes, feeling emotional and stupid. "I'm sorry. I don't know what's wrong with me."

"It was the intensity and the beauty of our joining." He peppered her face with soft kisses before cradling her back against his shoulder. "That and hormones. There is nothing wrong with you." His voice, though soft, had an edge to it. "You are perfect."

She laughed as she nuzzled his neck. "I'll remind you that you said that when I'm doing something that gets on your nerves."

He stilled and then he chuckled. "You are mine now." There was a wealth of satisfaction and emotion in those four words.

"And you are mine."

His arms tightened around her.

"I love you," she whispered against his chest.

He s.h.i.+fted until she was lying on her back with him looming above her. His hand trembled as he pushed a lock of hair off her face. "The words, I love you, do not begin to express what you mean to me." His eyes seemed to get even darker as she watched him. "You are everything to me. The air I breathe. My reason for living. You brought joy to a life of duty and responsibility. There is nothing I would not do to make you happy."

"Oh, Joshua."

He shook himself and gave her a lopsided grin. "And I may never say those words again as long as we live."

She laughed, knowing that was what he'd intended. "It doesn't matter if you never say them again. I know what you feel here." She placed her palm over his heart.

Joshua slid his hand over her heart and smiled when he felt the heavy thud. "I claim you as my mate, Alexandra Riley Striker. Mine to keep until the day I die."

"I claim you as well, Joshua Striker. Mine to keep until the day I die."

As a tear slid from her eye, he leaned over and kissed her. Even though she was exhausted, the familiar heat began to slide through her body. "Again?"

He s.h.i.+fted so that she was beneath him once again. She could feel the heavy weight of his erection against her hip.

"Again," he whispered as he traced the curve of her ear. "And again. And again."

Alex parted her lips and sighed. His tongue stroked over them and she decided her body wasn't quite that tired after all.

Chapter Twenty-Five.

Joshua sighed with contentment as Alex snuggled closer to him. He'd lost count of how many times he'd made love to her. She completed him. Their joining had changed him in ways he couldn't even comprehend yet. Certainly their life together would be a challenge. He grinned at the thought. Even when she was an old lady, she'd be keeping him and their children in line.

His hand slid over her belly. His children. Just the thought of her thick and ripe with child made him want to howl. It was still too early for that to happen. Female werewolves rarely ever conceived their first time. Nature gave them a few years to mature before they reached their peak fertile years. Still, the thought of it was overwhelming. He managed to contain himself, but just barely. He wanted the entire world to know that she was his.

He couldn't wait until she made her first change. Her fur would be soft and various shades of brown. She was going to be a beautiful she-wolf and he couldn't wait to take her on her first run through the forest. Perhaps he'd even take her back to the falls. She'd like that.

Closing his eyes, he sighed again. He'd have to feed her when she woke again. She hadn't eaten before she went to bed last night and she needed to keep up her strength.

She stirred beside him, her eyes fluttering open. "Hi." Her gaze was shy and her cheeks turned a beguiling shade of pink.

"Good morning." Joshua felt his c.o.c.k stir yet again and barely stifled a groan. Alex was too sore after last night. Plus, if they didn't show themselves soon, he had a feeling his soon-to-be father-in-law would be pounding on the front door.

Alex absently began to tease his chest with her short fingernails. Joshua closed his eyes and arched into her touch. Her hand moved lower, b.u.mping against his erection. His eyes flew open and he swore when she wrapped her fingers around him. "It's too soon. You're sore."

She batted her eyelashes playfully. "Not that sore."

He growled and rolled out of bed, dragging her with him. Alex squealed and then laughed as he tossed her over his shoulder and carried her into the bathroom. She reached down and pinched his b.u.t.t. Joshua was so surprised he almost dropped her.

Alex grabbed onto his flanks and gave a yell before dissolving into laughter again.

"Think that's funny, do you?" he grumbled as he turned on the taps in the shower. She didn't answer, but he could hear her snickering under her breath. Two could play this game. Sliding his hand up her thighs, he palmed one sweet cheek of her a.s.s.

She stilled. "Joshua." He could hear the nervous excitement in her voice.

"What?" he innocently asked as he caressed the other cheek before sliding his fingers into the crease of her behind. "You don't like me touching your gorgeous b.u.t.t?" He freed his fingers and gave her a smart smack on her b.u.t.t. She jumped and began to squirm so he did it again.

"Let me down you big bully," she grouched.

Joshua laughed and swung her around, planting a hard, quick kiss on her lips. Alex wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. He could see the pleasure in her eyes even as she groused. "You owe me for that."

"Do I now?" He stepped beneath the spray with her still in his arms.

"Uh huh." She nodded as she leaned down and grabbed the bar of soap and started to rub it over his shoulders.

All laughter fled as he stood there, absorbing her love and care as she washed him. Not since he was a very small child had anyone done anything like this for him. Oblivious to the emotions bubbling within him, Alex put the soap back on the ledge and ran her fingers through his hair. "I love your hair. Did I tell you that?" He shook his head, unable to speak past the lump in his throat. "Well, I do. It's so thick and gorgeous."

His c.o.c.k was as hard as steel. He wanted Alex. Badly. The way she was touching him made him want to tip back his head and howl with pleasure. He needed to claim her. Again.

"Joshua." She stilled as if suddenly sensing his change of mood. "What's wrong?"

"I need you," he ground out from between his clenched teeth. He was hanging on by a thread. Alex was warm and wet in his arms, her sweet scent drifting up to his nostrils. She was as aroused as he was.

Clasping his face in her hands, she leaned down until their noses were touching. "Then take me."

He turned and lifted her higher as he pressed her back against the wall. She cried out and arched her back as it hit the cool tile. Joshua took advantage of her out-thrust b.r.e.a.s.t.s and lapped at one firm, juicy nipple.

Alex slid her fingers into his hair and fisted in it, holding him to her as he opened his mouth and took her inside. She tightened her legs around his waist as he suckled her.

"More," she urged, gasping as he transferred his attention to her other breast. She squirmed, trying to get the head of his c.o.c.k inside her. "Joshua."

His name came out of her much like a wail. G.o.d, she'd never needed anything like she needed Joshua inside her. Now. After last night, she figured it would be quite some time before she'd feel this kind of arousal again.

All it had taken was one look.

His mood had changed swiftly from one of teasing to l.u.s.tful in a heartbeat. Alex didn't care that she was slightly sore after a night of intense lovemaking. His need awoke hers, stoking the flames within, making the heat burn in her veins.

She wiggled, trying to get closer to him. His erection was b.u.mping against her s.e.x, teasing her with each touch. Her folds were slick and swollen with need. Joshua tongued her turgid nipple and sucked it into his mouth. Heat flashed from her breast to her core.

Unable to stand it any longer, she tugged at his head. He released her nipple with a loud, wet pop. His eyes were the same color as rich, thick coffee as he leaned in closer, using his lower body to pin her against the wall. Water beat down on them, the bulk of it deflected by his broad back.

Keeping his gaze locked with hers, he reached between her legs and spread the folds of her s.e.x wide. "You're always hot and wet." She could hear the pleasure in his voice.

She jerked when he slid one finger inside her. As much as she wanted him, there was no escaping the fact her sheath was swollen and tender after last night. He pulled his hand away from her and dropped his head on her shoulder. "Alex," he began, but she stopped him.

"I want you." Her nails dug into his thick shoulders as she levered herself over the tip of his shaft.

"Are you sure?" He raised his head and searched her face.


He flexed his hips then, slowly burying his erection in her one inch at a time. He went slowly, giving her inner muscles a chance to relax and accept him. By the time he was seated to the hilt, she was panting hard and s.h.i.+vering. His c.o.c.k filled her. His body surrounded her.

She could smell him on her skin, that unique scent of soap and musk and man. Her nose twitched as she caught the scent of something new. It was a deeper, richer smell, one that reached down inside her and excited her most primitive self. Wolf. Alex knew she was scenting his wolf and wondered if he could do the same with her.

"I need to f.u.c.k you." His voice was low, guttural, as he sucked air into his lungs.

"Do it." She used her grip on his flanks to lift herself up an inch before dropping back down.

Joshua's control snapped. Grasping her a.s.s in his hands, he began to thrust. Every time he pulled almost all the way out of her, Alex struggled to keep him locked inside her. When he thrust back in, she sighed with relief. They belonged together.

The pace quickened, their bodies moving in perfect synchronicity. All the hair on her nape stood on end. Her limbs felt heavy, yet energy thrummed through her. She was close. Could feel her o.r.g.a.s.m gathering low in her belly.

As he continued to thrust, Joshua leaned down and nipped at the base of her neck. Alex screamed with pleasure. Her inner muscles contracted and liquid flooded her core. Her o.r.g.a.s.m washed over her. Joshua jerked. Throwing back his head, he yelled her name as he came within her.

She wrapped her arms more securely around him, never wanting to let him go.

They stayed locked in each other's arms until the water pouring down on them turned cool. She s.h.i.+vered. Joshua swore and slowly released her until she was standing on her own two feet. She leaned against the tiled wall for support as he adjusted the water temperature.

"I didn't mean to do that." He looked so aggravated she laughed.

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Legacy: Alexandra's Legacy Part 21 summary

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