The Ultimate Rice Cooker Cookbook Part 12

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MACHINE: Large (10-cup) rice cooker ;on/off onlyCYCLE: RegularYIELD: Serves 6 to 81 large or 2 small heads cauliflower, broken into large florets with 2 inches of stemPUREETwo 10-ounce packages frozen pet.i.te peas2 small carrots, halved lengthwise2 green onions1 tablespoon sugar teaspoon dried thyme cup water cup ( stick) unsalted b.u.t.ter cup half-and-halfSaltFreshly ground black pepper 1. Fill the rice cooker bowl about one-quarter full of hot water. Close the cover and set for the regular cycle.

2. Coat the steamer basket with nonstick cooking spray and place the cauliflower in the basket. When the water comes to a boil, place the steamer basket in the cooker and close the cover. Steam until tender, 14 to 18 minutes.

3. While the cauliflower steams, make the puree. In a medium-size saucepan, combine the peas, carrots, onions, sugar, thyme, and water. Cook over medium-high heat, partially covered, for 3 minutes (This can also be done in the top steamer basket, lined with lettuce leaves.) Discard one of the carrots and the onions. Place the peas, the carrots, and the remaining pan juices in a food processor. Add the b.u.t.ter and half-and-half, and process until the mixture is thick and smooth. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Use the puree immediately or transfer to a deep container that can stand in a water bath until serving.

4. Arrange the hot cauliflower on a shallow serving platter, drizzle with the puree, and serve.

herbed green beans These are the very best green beans. Diners say "ho-hum" when they think about having green beans for dinner, but one taste of these savory herbed vegetables and, trust us, they will be all eaten up.

MACHINE: Large (10-cup) rice cooker ;on/off onlyCYCLE: RegularYIELD: Serves 41 pound fresh green beans, ends trimmed2 tablespoons unsalted b.u.t.ter2 tablespoons olive oil cup minced onion cup minced celery cup minced fresh Italian parsley leaves1 teaspoon chopped fresh rosemary leaves or teaspoon dried rosemary leaves, crumbled teaspoon dried basil leaves, crumbled to 1 medium-size red bell pepper (depending on whether you want just a touch of color or some to eat with each bite), seeded and cut into stripsSalt 1. Fill the rice cooker bowl about one-quarter full hot of water. Close the cover and set for the regular cycle.

2. Coat the steamer basket with nonstick cooking spray and place the beans in the basket. When the water comes to a boil, place the steamer basket in the cooker and close the cover. Steam until crisp-tender, 7 to 10 minutes.

3. Meanwhile, in a medium-size skillet, heat the b.u.t.ter and olive oil together over medium heat until the b.u.t.ter melts. Add the onion and celery and cook, stirring a few times, until just softened, about 2 minutes. Add the parsley, rosemary, basil, and pepper strips, cover, and cook for 5 minutes; don't let the pepper strips get too soft. Add salt to taste.

4. Add the steamed beans to the skillet and toss to combine. Transfer to a shallow 1-quart ca.s.serole that is ovenproof or micro wave-safe. Serve immediately, or make a few hours ahead, cover, and reheat in the oven or microwave to serve.

pommes vapeur with tarragon b.u.t.ter These are simply steamed new potatoes in their jackets with a fresh herb b.u.t.ter. The evocative licorice flavor of the tarragon makes for a great accompaniment to fish or chicken. This dish is adapted from a recipe from one of our favorite food writers, confirmed Francophile Faye Levy.

MACHINE: Large (10-cup) rice cooker ;on/off onlyCYCLE: RegularYIELD: Serves 41 to 2 pounds small white or red new potatoes, scrubbed and left whole (unpeeled, partially peeled, or peeled)6 tablespoons ( stick) unsalted b.u.t.ter1 tablespoons chopped fresh tarragon leavesSaltFreshly ground black pepper 1. Fill the rice cooker bowl about one-quarter full of hot water. Close the cover and set for the regular cycle.

2. Coat two steamer baskets with nonstick cooking spray and divide the potatoes between the baskets. When the water comes to a boil, place the steamer baskets in the cooker and close the cover. Steam until very tender when pierced with the tip of a knife, about 20 minutes.

3. While the potatoes are steaming, melt the b.u.t.ter in a small saucepan. Remove from the heat and add the tarragon; let stand at room temperature.

4. Transfer the steamed potatoes to a serving bowl, toss with the herb b.u.t.ter, and season with salt and pepper to taste. Serve immediately.

spiced yams with ginger and pears Although yams, as far as we are concerned, are great just plain with b.u.t.ter, here is one step beyond in case you need a special holiday dish. The pears give it a lot of sweetness, so balance with another vegetable, such as green beans or zucchini, in your menu.

MACHINE: Large (10-cup) rice cooker ;on/off onlyCYCLE: RegularYIELD: Serves 62 pounds ruby yams or sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into 2-inch chunks2 teaspoons peeled and grated fresh ginger1 teaspoon ground cardamomPinch of salt3 firm ripe pears, peeled, cored, diced, and drizzled with the juice of 1 small lemon to prevent discoloration 1. Preheat the oven to 350F. Fill the rice cooker bowl about one-quarter full of hot water. Close the cover and set for the regular cycle.

2. Coat the steamer basket with nonstick cooking spray and place the yams in the basket. When the water comes to a boil, place the steamer basket in the cooker and close the cover. Steam until soft enough to mash, 10 to 15 minutes.

3. Transfer the yams to a large bowl. With a fork, coa.r.s.ely mash the yams with the ginger, cardamom, and salt. Fold in the pears. Spoon into a shallow 1-quart gratindish and smooth the top. (At this point, you can cover the dish and refrigerate for up to 4 hours.) Bake until heated through, 15 to 20 minutes. Serve immediately.

artichokes with caper aioli Aioli is an infamous garlic mayonnaise that is an integral part of the cuisine of Provence in southern France. There exist some knock-you-out versions made with what seems the equivalent of heads of garlic, but a delicious, and not so deadly, aioli is made here with simply one clove. It is an appetizer supreme, stuffing a giant artichoke with the aioli and letting guests nibble on the leaves. Aioli is great on all all steamed vegetables, room temperature or cold. steamed vegetables, room temperature or cold.

Because the aioli contains raw egg, make sure you use the freshest egg possible, that you keep it refrigerated until ready to serve, and that you eat this the day you make it. Also, because of the possibility of salmonella, it's best not to serve this to small children, the elderly, or anyone with a compromised immune system.

MACHINE: Large (10-cup) rice cooker ;on/off onlyCYCLE: RegularYIELD: Serves 6 to 8 ( 1 1/ 2 cups aioli)6 to 8 medium-size artichokes, plus 1 very large artichokeAIOLI1 large clove garlic, peeled1 cold large egg1 tablespoon capers, rinsed1 cup extra virgin olive oil 1. Set the steamer plate into the bottom of the rice cooker bowl and fill the bowl about one-quarter full of hot water. Close the cover and set for the regular cycle.

2. Cut off the stems and break the largest leaves off the artichoke bottoms. Cut off the top of the leaves with the thorns. Snip the tips of the leaves with kitchen shears.

3. Coat the steamer basket with nonstick cooking spray. When the water comes to a boil, place the largest artichoke on the steamer plate; there will be 2 to 3 inches of boiling water around it (this artichoke is slightly submerged). Place the other artichokes on their sides in the steamer basket. Place the basket on top of the cooker, over the large artichoke, and close the cover. Steam until the leaves easily pull off, 20 to 25 minutes. Remove the artichokes from the cooker and cool to room temperature.

4. While the artichokes are steaming, make the aioli. In a food processor with the motor running, drop the garlic in through the feed tube to chop. Stop the machine and add the egg and capers; pulse a few times to combine. With the machine running, slowly drizzle in the oil through the feed tube; the mixture will thicken and become smooth. Transfer the aioli to a covered container and refrigerate until serving.

5. To serve, pull open the inner leaves on the large artichoke and remove them, leaving the outer leaves intact like a sh.e.l.l. the choke clean. Fill the artichoke with the aioli and place in the center of a serving platter. Cut the remaining artichokes in half and clean out the chokes, or pull off all the leaves and arrange them around the aioli artichoke. Clean the artichoke bottoms, cut them in half, and arrange with the leaves.

himmel und erde Himmel und Erde is German for "heaven and earth." It is a traditional holiday side dish that combines turnips, potatoes, and apples-stalwart fresh winter food that is delicious served with Thanksgiving turkey or pork roast. is German for "heaven and earth." It is a traditional holiday side dish that combines turnips, potatoes, and apples-stalwart fresh winter food that is delicious served with Thanksgiving turkey or pork roast.

MACHINE: Large (10-cup) rice cooker ;on/off onlyCYCLE: RegularYIELD: Serves 8 to 101 pound turnips, peeled and cut into 2-inch chunks1 pound russet potatoes, peeled and cut into 2-inch chunks1 pound tart cooking apples, peeled, cored, and cut into uneven chunks3 tablespoons unsalted b.u.t.ter SaltFreshly ground black pepper4 slices bacon, cooked until crisp, drained on paper towels, and crumbled, for garnish 1. Fill the rice cooker bowl about one-quarter full of hot water. Close the cover and set for the regular cycle.

2. Coat the steamer basket with nonstick cooking spray and place the turnips, potatoes, and apples in the basket. When the water comes to a boil, place the steamer basket in the cooker and close the cover. Steam until tender enough for mas.h.i.+ng, 20 to 30 minutes.

3. Transfer the vegetables to a large bowl. Mash them with the b.u.t.ter, using a potato masher or electric mixer, or process until smooth in a food processor. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

4. Transfer to a serving bowl, sprinkle with the bacon, and serve immediately.

steamed kabocha squash with ginger dressing From Elizabeth Schneider, exotic vegetable and fruit maven, we learned that steaming winter squashes is the best way to cook them. The flesh turns out like velvet, with no tough skin to peel off the cut side, wasting the precious innards. The green kabocha is one of the nicest tasting squashes; you can prepare b.u.t.ternut and acorn in this same manner. All winter squashes taste great with just b.u.t.ter and a wedge of fresh lemon, a compound b.u.t.ter, or b.u.t.ter and pure maple syrup, but here the squash is served hot, with a j.a.panese-style dressing.

MACHINE: Large (10-cup) rice cooker ;on/off onlyCYCLE: RegularYIELD: Serves 4DRESSING cup fresh lemon juice2 tablespoons sugar2 tablespoons tamari (a thick, strong soy sauce)1 tablespoon peeled and grated fresh ginger3 tablespoons dry sherry or sake1 or 2 kabocha winter squashes (2 to 2 pounds total) 1. Make the dressing. Mix all the dressing ingredients together in a small bowl. Cover and let stand at room temperature for an hour or refrigerate for a few hours.

2. Fill the rice cooker bowl about one-quarter full of hot water. Close the cover and set for the regular cycle.

3. Meanwhile, wash the squashes and halve with a cleaver or large, heavy knife. Scoop out the seeds and fibers. Peel or partially peel, as desired. Cut into quarters or eighths.

4. Coat the steamer basket with nonstick cooking spray and place the squash cut side down in the basket. When the water comes to a boil, place the steamer basket in the cooker and close the cover. Steam until tender when pierced, 12 to 16 minutes.

5. Transfer the squash to a serving plate and serve hot, drizzled with the dressing.

spaghetti squash alfredo Beth learned this recipe in the 1980s from Louise's Pantry Cooking School in Menlo Park, California. Spaghetti squash had just hit the market and no one knew quite what to do with the football-shaped squash with a stringy interior. People who are allergic to wheat and can't eat pasta go for this rendition in a big way. Steaming is the best way to cook this squash that ends up looking so very much like spaghetti, so the delicate insides don't get mushy. Spaghetti squash is also good with a tomato vinaigrette, or mixed with half spinach or plain angel hair pasta.

MACHINE: Large (10-cup) rice cooker ;on/off onlyCYCLE: RegularYIELD: Serves 21 spaghetti squash (2 to 2 pounds)2 tablespoons unsalted b.u.t.ter cup heavy cream cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese2 fresh basil leaves, cut into thin stripsSaltFreshly ground black pepper 1. Fill the rice cooker bowl about one-quarter full of hot water. Close the cover and set for the regular cycle.

2. Meanwhile, wash the squash and halve with a cleaver or large, heavy knife. Scoop out the seeds and fibers. Halve each piece again.

3. Coat the steamer basket with nonstick cooking spray and place the squash cut side down in the basket. When the water comes to a boil, place the steamer basket in the cooker and close the cover. Steam until your finger leaves an indentation when pressed into the squash, 20 to 30 minutes.

4. Remove the basket from the cooker. Gently pull the strands from the sh.e.l.l with a large spoon until only the thin skin remains. Place the squash in a warm serving bowl and toss with the b.u.t.ter, cream cheese, basil, and salt and pepper to taste. Serve immediately.

cold vegetable platter with sauce verte For summer entertaining or an extra-special vegetable dish. The creamy green sauce is easy to make, and perfect paired with all sorts of cold steamed vegetables. Serve with fresh crusty French or Italian bread and b.u.t.ter.

MACHINE: Large (10-cup) rice cooker ;on/off onlyCYCLE: RegularYIELD: Serves 8 (about 1 cups sauce)SAUCE1 cup mayonnaise cup sour creamOne 3-ounce package cream cheese2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice3 sprigs fresh Italian parsley, leaves only2 green onions, cut into pieces1 teaspoon seasoned salt-free blend, such as Parsley Patch teaspoon dried tarragon, crumbled cup frozen spinach, thawed, drained, and squeezed dry before measuringVEGETABLES1 head cauliflower, broken into equal-size florets, steamed, and chilled1 pound baby carrots, steamed and chilled1 pound fresh green beans, ends trimmed, steamed, and chilled1 pound baby zucchini, steamed and chilled1 pound fresh asparagus, bottoms snapped off, steamed, and chilled1 pounds baby creamer potatoes or purple potatoes, whole if small, cut in half if larger, steamed, and chilled6 ripe tomatoes, cut into wedges 1. Make the sauce. Place all the sauce ingredients in a food processor. Pulse to combine and coa.r.s.ely puree. Transfer to a covered container and refrigerate until serving. Can be made a day ahead.

2. Arrange the vegetables on a serving platter. Transfer the sauce to a small bowl and place it in the center of the vegetables. Diners serve themselves.

fondutta with vegetables When Beth was learning about Italian cuisine thirty years ago, pasta was spaghetti or ravioli and sauce was red. On a visit to her friend and gourmand Robert Barker, who lived in San Francisco's North Beach, she was treated one evening to an Italian take-out meal. Out of the carry-out containers came four different shapes of pasta, including angel hair and bows of tortellini, and myriad sauces, all in different colors. There was alfredo cream sauce, smooth red marinara, green pesto, and a yellowish Italian fontina cheese sauce called fondutta fondutta. This northern Italian version of Swiss fondue, using milk instead of wine, was the first new sauce she mastered. It is beautifully simple, tastes divine, and is a snap to make. Here is the recipe she has been making for what seems centuries. Serve over a pile of hot steamed vegetables and fresh cooked rice (or polenta) for a spectacular meatless meal with crusty bread, or as a side dish with simple roast chicken.

MACHINE: Large (10-cup) rice cooker ;on/off onlyCYCLE: RegularYIELD: Serves 6 (4 cups fondutta fondutta)FONDUTTA1 pound Italian fontina cheese, diced (about 4 cups)1 to 2 cups whole milk, as needed6 large egg yolks1 tablespoon unsalted b.u.t.terSaltGround white pepperPinch of freshly grated nutmegVEGETABLES4 baby leeks, washed well and cut in half lengthwise1 head broccoli, broken into equal-size florets4 stalks celery, cut into chunks1 pound fresh asparagus, bottoms snapped off1 pound fresh green beans, ends trimmed1 pound zucchini, cut on the diagonal into 1-inch-thick roundsOne 12-ounce package frozen artichoke hearts, thawedYour favorite rice (such as basmati, jasmine, short-grain brown, j.a.panese-style medium-grain, Wehani, or Jasmati) to serve 6, freshly cooked 1. Make the Make the fondutta fondutta. In a large bowl, combine the cheese with 1 cups of the milk. Cover and refrigerate for 4 hours to soak.

Place the cheese-milk mixture, egg yolks, and b.u.t.ter in the top of a double boiler over simmering water. Slowly cook, stirring occasionally, until the cheese is melted and the sauce has thickened, about 15 minutes. Thin with the extra milk, if a thinner sauce is desired. Season to taste with salt, pepper, and nutmeg. Keep hot.

2. Meanwhile, fill the rice cooker bowl about one-quarter full of hot water. Close the cover and set for the regular cycle.

3. Coat the steamer baskets with nonstick cooking spray and arrange the leeks, broccoli, and celery in the bottom tier of the baskets. Arrange the asparagus, green beans, zucchini, and artichoke hearts in the top tier. When the water comes to a boil, place the baskets in the cooker and close the cover. Set a timer and steam for 12 to 15 minutes. Check for doneness.

4. Arrange the vegetables on a serving platter, place the rice in a mound in the center, drizzle all over with the hot fondutta fondutta, and serve immediately. Serve the extra fondutta fondutta with a ladle. with a ladle.

steamed vegetables with port beurre rouge The New York Times ran a story about a four-star French chef who serves only vegetables in his restaurant. "The taste!" he exclaimed. "The scent! It is so satisfying and delicious." Here is a dish you might encounter in this type of establishment, with the thick and luscious port ran a story about a four-star French chef who serves only vegetables in his restaurant. "The taste!" he exclaimed. "The scent! It is so satisfying and delicious." Here is a dish you might encounter in this type of establishment, with the thick and luscious port beurre rouge beurre rouge, the red b.u.t.ter sauce, combining vinegar and port wine, that is a variation of one of the foundations of the French saucier art. We first had this dramatic-tasting sauce at Greens Restaurant, in the Fort Mason complex of San Francisco, where it is served with grilled vegetables during the fall and winter.

MACHINE: Large (10-cup) rice cooker ;on/off onlyCYCLE: RegularYIELD: Serves 8 (1 cups sauce)SAUCE cup plus 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar cup port wine2 shallots, minced1 cup (2 sticks) cold unsalted b.u.t.ter, cut into piecesSaltFreshly ground black pepperVEGETABLES1 pound baby carrots8 baby beets, stems trimmed 2 inches above the beet, leaves reserved1 pound baby creamer potatoes or purple potatoes, whole if small, cut in half if larger2 pounds baby winter squashes, such as delicata or yellow acorn (4 squashes), halved and seeded1 pound fresh s.h.i.+take mushrooms, stems removed pound fresh haricots verts, green beans, or sugar snap peas, ends trimmed pound shallots or pearl onions, peeled and left whole4 stalks celery, cut into 3-inch lengths and lengths cut into thin strips 1. Make the sauce. Combine 1.3 cup of the vinegar, the port, and shallots in a medium-size, heavy-bottomed nonaluminum saucepan. Cook over medium-high heat until reduced by half; this happens quite quickly, within a few minutes, so keep a close eye. Turn the heat down to medium, add the cold b.u.t.ter pieces, one at a time, and whisk, waiting until each piece is melted and incorporated before adding the next one. The sauce will thicken. Season with salt and pepper to taste and add the remaining 1 tablespoon vinegar. Pour into a deep container that can stand in a water bath until serving.

2. Fill the rice cooker bowl about one-quarter full of hot water. Close the cover and set for the regular cycle.

3. Coat the steamer baskets with nonstick cooking spray. Arrange the carrots, beets, potatoes, and 4 squash halves in the bottom tier of the baskets. Arrange the mushrooms, haricots verts, shallots, remaining squash halves, and the celery in the top tier. When the water comes to a boil, place the steamer baskets in the cooker and close the cover. Set a timer and steam for 18 to 25 minutes. Check for doneness. (Or steam the vegetables in two batches if you have a single steaming tray.) 4. Arrange the vegetables on a serving platter, drizzle with the hot sauce, and serve immediately. Serve the extra sauce with a ladle.


STEAMING IN THE RICE COOKERSteaming, cooking with moist heat, is probably the oldest type of cooking. It is possible that it predates fire, which makes it the cooking method of choice in a cold world. Along with being cooked on hot sunbaked rocks, foods could be cooked over hot springs or steamed in pits. The ancient cuisines of the Asian continent all use steaming as a primary cooking method, since firewood was often in short supply and regular enclosed ovens were rare.Rice, and many of its accompanying foods, were cooked in this manner and steaming is still a popular cooking method to this day. Carefully steamed vegetables are known for their color, texture, and flavor, far superior to methods like boiling and blanching. The tender outcome is the result of the food being exposed to gentle moist heat rather than intense dry heat. In the rice cooker, food can be steamed in a steamer basket or tray over boiling water or over rice while it is cooking in the rice cooker bowl below it.The Chinese steamer basket has been in use for approximately 3,000 years; archaeologists have unearthed stoneware steamers in the Yunnan province to prove it. Around the eighth century, steamers were first made of thin strips of cypress, an evergreen wood noted for its ability to retain its shape as it absorbs water.The steamer basket was later made from bamboo, a tree-like plant found in tropical and semitropical regions, which also has nonwarping properties. The round, mult.i.tiered woven and slatted bamboo design with a tight-fitting, solid woven cover, and bottoms that fit tightly into one another (in sets of twos and threes) is a cla.s.sic design still in use today. It sets over a wok or soup kettle that is one to two inches wider than the base of the steamer and the food never touches the boiling water below. The evaporating hot water, building up in the cooking vessel to create moist steam, does all the work. In addition to the bamboo steamer, there is also the aluminum Chinese steamer, which has a chimney through the center, distributing the steam heat quickly through the mult.i.tude of tiers, and French gourmet shops boast tin-lined copper versions of the same. Italian stainless steel steamers are popular, as are ones made of Calphalon and enamel.Ingenious rice cooker manufacturers have made a large 10-cup, 10-inch-diameter model, fitted with a double tier of plastic steaming baskets, specifically designed to mimic the two-tiered bamboo steamer with a thermostatically controlled heating element. A set of heat-resistant plastic steamer baskets set snugly set into the rice cooker bowl and there is a tempered gla.s.s cover, for easy viewing of the food while it cooks. The diameter of the basket is 9 inches, a size that makes cooking for one or eight a snap. Alternatively, you can steam in any of the on/off rice cookers using your own set of bamboo steamers set on top, as long as they fit properly.Most of the models of on/off machines we tested came with a perforated metal steamer tray that fits into the top of the rice cooker bowl (this type of tray would not fit properly in a machine with a hinged cover). One model came with a small steamer plate that looks like a baking rack and fits into the bottom of the bowl. In lieu of the tray, you can use the folding metal or plastic expanding basket insert easily available in supermarkets and cookware stores; just set it in the bottom of the cooker on the round steamer plate to protect the bottom of the rice bowl. This is perfect for steaming vegetables for one or two people. While the basket setup is best used with a liner such as greaseproof cooking parchment, cabbage, chard, or corn husks to prevent the food from sticking, a heatproof shallow baking dish or Pyrex pie plate can also be set inside the basket if it has no center post. The metal or plastic steamer tray can be used with a simple coating of nonstick cooking spray or lined.We use our steamer equipment not only for making little meals and steaming vegetables, but for tamales, dim sum, and dolmas, all of which are cooked with steam. For dessert, the rice cooker makes remarkably easy and delicious cup-custards and the best steamed puddings.THE BASICS : STEAMING KNOW- HOW[image] Be sure you distinguish the difference among the three types of steamer equipment that may have come with your machine (some machines come with no steaming equipment, others with one or more of the following): One is a round metal trivet, called a steamer plate, that sits in the bottom of the rice cooker; this is for holding heat-resistant plates and pudding molds. The second is a steamer tray that fits into the top of on/off machines with a separate lid. This tray is good for steaming vegetables, a heat-resistant plate, and individual custard cups, but you will probably need to steam in batches. The third is a set of heat-resistant stacked plastic steamer baskets. The recipes that follow are specific about what type of equipment is best to use. Be sure you distinguish the difference among the three types of steamer equipment that may have come with your machine (some machines come with no steaming equipment, others with one or more of the following): One is a round metal trivet, called a steamer plate, that sits in the bottom of the rice cooker; this is for holding heat-resistant plates and pudding molds. The second is a steamer tray that fits into the top of on/off machines with a separate lid. This tray is good for steaming vegetables, a heat-resistant plate, and individual custard cups, but you will probably need to steam in batches. The third is a set of heat-resistant stacked plastic steamer baskets. The recipes that follow are specific about what type of equipment is best to use.[image] Use good-quality ingredients in perfect condition. Tainted vegetables and other foods get worse tasting, as steam accentuates the natural flavors. Use lean meats, such as chicken, and fish, which do not need lengthy cooking times. Use fully thawed food. Use good-quality ingredients in perfect condition. Tainted vegetables and other foods get worse tasting, as steam accentuates the natural flavors. Use lean meats, such as chicken, and fish, which do not need lengthy cooking times. Use fully thawed food.[image] Make sure the cover fits tightly. If it doesn't, the steam and built-up pressure from the moist heat will escape and the food will not cook properly. Make sure the cover fits tightly. If it doesn't, the steam and built-up pressure from the moist heat will escape and the food will not cook properly.[image] Place very hot water in the rice cooker bowl, then turn on the cooker. Our cookers efficiently heat to a low boil and start filling with steam after about 10 minutes. Place very hot water in the rice cooker bowl, then turn on the cooker. Our cookers efficiently heat to a low boil and start filling with steam after about 10 minutes.[image] Place the food baskets over very hot to boiling water and Place the food baskets over very hot to boiling water and then then start the cooking time. If you place the food over the water, then turn the cooker on and have to wait for the water to heat up, the food will not start cooking immediately and that will change the cooking time. start the cooking time. If you place the food over the water, then turn the cooker on and have to wait for the water to heat up, the food will not start cooking immediately and that will change the cooking time.[image] Baskets and steamer plates need to be coated with nonstick cooking spray or lined with greaseproof cooking parchment, a layer of cheesecloth, whole cabbage or chard leaves, or corn husks to prevent the food from sticking or dripping. Baskets and steamer plates need to be coated with nonstick cooking spray or lined with greaseproof cooking parchment, a layer of cheesecloth, whole cabbage or chard leaves, or corn husks to prevent the food from sticking or dripping.[image] Arrange the food in the steamer basket in a single layer, and leave s.p.a.ce between the bottom of the next basket or lid, for proper circulation of the steam during cooking. Arrange the food in the steamer basket in a single layer, and leave s.p.a.ce between the bottom of the next basket or lid, for proper circulation of the steam during cooking.[image] Do not allow the boiling water in the cooking bowl to touch the food or you will not have enough room for the steam to build up. The baskets should be at least 3 inches above the liquid; never fill the bowl more than two-thirds full of liquid. In the large cooker, we fill to the 4- or 5-cup line, which is about one-third full. With the cover on tight, you will lose about 1 to 1 inches of water per half hour through evaporation. Do not allow the boiling water in the cooking bowl to touch the food or you will not have enough room for the steam to build up. The baskets should be at least 3 inches above the liquid; never fill the bowl more than two-thirds full of liquid. In the large cooker, we fill to the 4- or 5-cup line, which is about one-third full. With the cover on tight, you will lose about 1 to 1 inches of water per half hour through evaporation.[image] Be certain that the liquid level is maintained during the cooking time. If the liquid evaporates, fill with more Be certain that the liquid level is maintained during the cooking time. If the liquid evaporates, fill with more boiling boiling water to maintain the cooking temperature. water to maintain the cooking temperature.[image] Make certain the foods-meat, fish, vegetables, tofu, noodles, cold rice-are of a similar size so they will cook in the same amount of time. Make certain the foods-meat, fish, vegetables, tofu, noodles, cold rice-are of a similar size so they will cook in the same amount of time.[image] Food from the upper basket will often drip below, so line the basket or place stronger-tasting foods on the lower level. Allow for at least an extra 5 minutes of cooking time for the upper basket since it is farther away from the source of the steam. Food from the upper basket will often drip below, so line the basket or place stronger-tasting foods on the lower level. Allow for at least an extra 5 minutes of cooking time for the upper basket since it is farther away from the source of the steam.[image] Check the cooked food for doneness. If it is not completely cooked through or to your liking, no matter what the time on the recipe says, continue to cook and check at 10-minute intervals until the desired degree of doneness is achieved. Check the cooked food for doneness. If it is not completely cooked through or to your liking, no matter what the time on the recipe says, continue to cook and check at 10-minute intervals until the desired degree of doneness is achieved.DRESSING UP YOUR VEGETABLESA little bit of a good sauce or marinade goes a long way toward enhancing a simple plate of steamed vegetables. Imaginative b.u.t.ters or oils from your pantry, or freshly made sauces and marinades, add flavor. The b.u.t.ters keep nicely in the freezer, the oils last for weeks, and the Balsamic Vegetable Marinade tastes good on hot or cold vegetables.Wine b.u.t.terYIELD: cup cup (1 stick) unsalted b.u.t.ter, softened1 shallot, minced2 tablespoons dry white wine or flat champagne1 tablespoon minced fresh Italian parsley leaves1. In a small saucepan, melt 1 tablespoon of the b.u.t.ter over medium heat. Add the shallot and cook, stirring a few times, until softened, about 2 minutes. Add the wine and cook for 15 seconds. Add the parsley and stir. Remove from the heat and set aside to cool to room temperature.2. In a food processor, combine the remaining 7 tablespoons b.u.t.ter and the wine mixture; pulse a few times to combine. the b.u.t.ter out onto a piece of plastic wrap and, using your hands through the plastic wrap, shape it into a thick log. Roll up and twist the ends to seal. Store in the refrigerator or freezer for up to 2 months.3. Before serving, cut the log into -inch-thick slices to top hot steamed vegetables.Orange-Chive b.u.t.terYIELD: cup cup (1 stick) unsalted b.u.t.ter, softened2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh chivesGrated zest of orange1. In a food processor, combine the b.u.t.ter, chives, and zest; pulse a few times to combine.2. the b.u.t.ter out onto a piece of plastic wrap and, using your hands through the plastic wrap, shape into a thick log. Roll up and twist the ends to seal. Store in the refrigerator or freezer for up to 1 month.3. Before serving, cut the log into -inch-thick slices to top hot steamed vegetables.Fresh Herb b.u.t.terYIELD: cup cup (1 stick) unsalted b.u.t.ter, softened1 tablespoon finely chopped fresh herb leaves, such as marjoram, sage, rosemary, basil, tarragon, dill, or thymeGrated zest of lemon1. In a food processor, combine the b.u.t.ter, herb, and zest; pulse a few times to combine.2. the b.u.t.ter out onto a piece of plastic wrap and, using your hands through the plastic wrap, shape into a thick log. Roll up and twist the ends to seal. Store in the refrigerator or freezer for up to 1 month.3. Before serving, cut the log into -inch-thick slices to top hot steamed vegetables.Balsamic Vegetable MarinadeYIELD: 1 cup cup balsamic vinegar cup reduced-sodium soy sauce cup cold-pressed or Asian sesame oilWhisk the ingredients together in a small bowl. Pour over warm steamed vegetables and let stand for 1 hour at room temperature to meld the flavors. If not serving the vegetables within an hour, cover and refrigerate.Cilantro PestoYIELD: cup2 cloves garlic, peeled1 cup packed fresh cilantro leaves4 fresh basil leavesSaltFreshly ground black pepper cup light olive oil1. In a food processor with the motor running, drop the garlic in through the feed tube to chop. Stop the machine and add the cilantro, basil, and a sprinkle of salt and pepper; pulse a few times to combine. With the machine running, slowly drizzle in the olive oil; the mixture will become smooth.2. Right before serving, thin the pesto with a few tablespoons of hot vegetable steaming water. Serve the pesto drizzled over hot or cold steamed vegetables. Store, covered, in the refrigerator for up to 1 day.

Asian Spiced Oil YIELD: 1 cup1 cup cold-pressed peanut oil1 tablespoons Asian sesame oil1 tablespoon red pepper flakes4 cloves garlic, quartered1 tablespoon peeled and minced fresh gingerGrated zest of lemonFew grinds of freshly ground black pepper or teaspoon cracked black peppercorns1. In a small saucepan, combine all the ingredients. Warm over low heat for 5 minutes. Do not overheat or let come to a boil.2. Remove from the heat and let stand at room temperature for 30 minutes.3. Place a fine strainer or double layer of cheesecloth over a 2-cup measuring cup; strain the oil into the cup and discard the solids. Pour the oil into a cruet with a cover or cork, or a pint spring-top jar. Store in the refrigerator for up to 3 months.4. Drizzle the oil on hot or cold steamed vegetables.Savory Vanilla OilWhile vanilla is usually a.s.sociated with sweet flavors, it is a marvelous savory accent. Drizzle over your warm or room temperature steamed vegetables.YIELD: 1 cup1 cup light olive oil or canola oil1 vanilla bean (3 to 4 inches), split lengthwise to expose the seeds1. In a small saucepan, combine the olive oil and vanilla bean. Warm over medium-low heat for 10 minutes. Do not boil, but let the oil get very hot.2. Remove from the heat and let stand at room temperature for 8 hours or overnight, lightly covered.3. Remove the vanilla bean and discard. Pour the oil into a cruet with a cover or cork, or a pint spring-top jar. Store in the refrigerator for up to 3 months.4. Drizzle the oil on hot or cold steamed vegetables, especially artichokes, or hot steamed rice.Tofu-Miso MayonnaiseThis is such a wonderful sauce for vegetables. If you use the soft or silken tofu, the dressing will be pourable; if you use firm tofu, it will be more like regular mayonnaise. You can find miso at the supermarket, health food store, or Asian market.YIELD: 1 cups small clove garlic, peeled-inch-thick coin-size chunk fresh ginger, peeled3 tablespoons rice vinegar1 tablespoon white miso (light)1 teaspoon honey2 teaspoons Colman's dry mustard pound (1 cup) soft or silken tofu2 tablespoons olive oil or Asian sesame oil1. In a food processor with the motor running, drop in the garlic and ginger through the feed tube to mince. Stop the machine and add the vinegar, miso, honey, and mustard; pulse a few times to combine. Add the tofu and pulse until smooth. With the machine running, slowly drizzle in the olive oil. Process for 30 seconds; the mixture will be smooth and thick.2. Refrigerate for at least 1 hour to chill and meld the flavors. Store, covered, in the refrigerator for up to 1 day.3. Serve the mayonnaise spooned over hot or cold steamed vegetables.

whole-meal steam CUISINE Steamed Chicken b.r.e.a.s.t.s on Wild Rice with Gingered Tomato Relish Steamed Chicken b.r.e.a.s.t.s with Warm Mango Sauce and Coconut Rice Steamed Halibut Steaks and Scallops with Sweet Red Pepper Sauce Steamed Salmon Steaks with Pineapple Salsa Steamed Ginger Salmon and Asparagus in Black Bean Sauce Steamed Whole Fish Steamed Shrimp and Jasmine Rice Vegetable Pasta with Prosciutto and Olives Steamed Flank Steak and Sweet Potatoes Steamed Sausages and Sauerkraut with Champagne Once you get comfortable using the steamer tray and baskets of your on/off rice cooker for vegetables, the next step is to create whole meals in the unit. Cuisines that utilize steam all have full-course steamed meals that are low in fat and quite quick to prepare. Rice (especially sticky short-grain j.a.ponicas j.a.ponicas) is traditionally steamed in a basket over hot water. Indian bra.s.s or tin steamers allow a full meal to be made at one time: the dal in the bottom bowl, the vegetables in the first level, and the basmati steamed on top. Our Steamed Ginger Salmon and Asparagus in Black Bean Sauce Black Bean Sauce has the rice in the bottom layer and the salmon and vegetable above. The simplicity of it all is ingenious. It is an addictively convenient form of cooking and if you have limited s.p.a.ce, you will adore it and end up creating your own versions. If you use the tiered plastic baskets, you can even carry them to the table (with the lid on!) and serve or eat directly from them. has the rice in the bottom layer and the salmon and vegetable above. The simplicity of it all is ingenious. It is an addictively convenient form of cooking and if you have limited s.p.a.ce, you will adore it and end up creating your own versions. If you use the tiered plastic baskets, you can even carry them to the table (with the lid on!) and serve or eat directly from them.

Use the information in the previous chapter about vegetables and work within your seasonal availability to prepare meals that combine one or more mixed vegetables, Asian noodles, Italian pasta, or leftover cooked rice, and tofu, poultry, sh.e.l.lfish, or fish, all arranged in the steamer baskets.

First the vegetables, which usually take up most of the s.p.a.ce. Think of it as a seasonal a.s.sortment-whatever was nice at the farmer's market or produce section. You need only a few pieces of each (this method of cooking is very economical), so you can easily clean out the bottom drawer in the refrigerator. Spring is asparagus, green onions, the tiniest new potatoes, chopped ruby chard, and fresh peas, even some fiddle head fern fronds. Winter finds carrots, cauliflower, fennel bulb chunks, whole baby carrots, a turnip, or other roots. During the summer you can splurge on baby vegetables: zucchini with their blossoms still attached, the tiniest beets, baby spinach leaves, string beans the size of a baby's finger. Remember that the harder the vegetable, the thinner the slice or wedge you want to cut, while softer vegetables can be in thick chunks or spears so that they all cook in the same amount of time. Balance not only the type of vegetable, but the color and different shapes to give the eye, as well as the palate, a delightful experience.

Then the protein. Four to eight ounces per person of fish, chicken, sausage, or turkey breast is all that is needed; less if you are dieting. You can mix and match here as well-a few ounces of chicken breast and a few large prawns or scallops, for example (a wonderful combination, by the way). Tofu, plain or one of the seasoned pressed varieties, is excellent steamed. Cut the poultry into thick strips rather than leaving it whole; it cooks more efficiently, with greater surface area for the steam to reach. Fillets of fish, such as sole and snapper, can be rolled up; a strip of halibut or sea ba.s.s fillet is perfect. You can steam them as is or soak for a short time in a light marinade first; our favorite for both fish and poultry is a bit of oil, lime juice and grated zest, and some onion or garlic powder.

You can certainly serve your basket meal with some plain fresh steamed rice, but steaming works well with other types of starch. Use partially precooked Asian noodles such as buckwheat soba or fresh udon; rice noodles (that soften by soaking in water for 30 minutes) or spelt noodles; or Italian pasta, such as fettuccine. Any leftover cooked grain fits well, from rice and couscous to quinoa and wheat berries. Mound the grains like a scoop of ice cream or make the pasta into a round nest, taking care to include only enough for the number of portions you are serving rather than letting it take over the whole basket.

You have prepped everything; now, for a.s.sembly. This is the fun part, arranging everything in the baskets. It is different every time. When you take off that lid, you want a little work of art; there are only a few rules. The longest-cooking vegetables need plenty of s.p.a.ce around them for steam to get at all sides; place them around the outside of the basket. Quicker-cooking foods, such as soft vegetables, tofu, shrimp, and noodles, can be mounded nearer to the center, getting the lesser amount of steam.

Fill the rice cooker bowl one-quarter full of hot water and close the cover. Set for the regular cycle to bring the water to a boil, which happens within 5 to 10 minutes; you can be arranging the baskets at this time. Line the steamer baskets with a single layer of chard or Napa cabbage leaves or just a piece of parchment paper. Place the filled baskets over the vigorously boiling water and cover immediately. The rice cooker will keep the water at a steady boil. Avoid peeking; you don't want to disturb the buildup of the steam. Set a timer and steam for 10 to 20 minutes, depending on what you have in those baskets. When you do open the lid, open it away from yourself, so the steam won't burn you. Check for doneness by first evaluating the color and look of the meat or fish; it should be plump, moist, and have lost that trans lucent raw look. If you are using sh.e.l.lfish such as clams or mussels, the will open. You know your preference as to how you like your vegetables, softer or more crisp-tender. Make notes as to combinations and timing so you can repeat your favorite meals in a flash.

You can serve a cold or hot sauce, salsa, spiced oil, compound b.u.t.ter, even fresh lemon mayonnaise (the vegetable chapter has lots of suggestions) with the meal, but this is purely optional.

steamed chicken b.r.e.a.s.t.s on wild rice with gingered tomato relish Although this recipe employs two rice cookers, it is terribly simple, which is why it gets made so often. Originally a "gourmet-lite" recipe from former Sonoma Mission Inn chef Larry Elbert using broiled chicken breast, the recipe made the leap perfectly for the chicken breast to be marinated and steamed. A steamed chicken breast is wonderfully tender and juicy. Use this recipe as a basic one; if you don't have time to marinate, just wash the breast in lots of fresh lemon juice and a tablespoon of olive oil. Serve on a bed of plain, fresh cooked wild rice, with a bit of the tomato relish on top.

MACHINE: Medium (6-cup) and large(10-cup) rice cookers; on/off onlyCYCLE: RegularYIELD: Serves 4MARINADE AND CHICKEN cup Dijon mustard3 tablespoons red wine vinegar3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice1 clove garlic, pressed1 teaspoons herbes de Provence or dried basil leaves, crumbled cup olive oil or vegetable oil cup olive oil or vegetable oil4 boneless chicken breast halves, with skin onRELISH2 medium-size ripe tomatoes, blanched for a few seconds in boiling water, peeled, seeds squeezed out, and diced3 tablespoons chopped green onions, white and green parts1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil1 tablespoon champagne vinegar teaspoon peeled and grated fresh gingerSplash of Tabasco saucePinch of salt or nonsalt alternative, such as Vegit or SpikeRICE1 cups wild rice2 cups waterPinch of salt2 to 3 large chard leaves, stems discarded, or Napa cabbage leaves, for lining steamer basket (optional) 1. Make the marinade: Make the marinade: Place the marinade ingredients in a shallow bowl; whisk to combine. Place the chicken, skin side up, in the marinade. Cover and refrigerate for at least 2 hours. Place the marinade ingredients in a shallow bowl; whisk to combine. Place the chicken, skin side up, in the marinade. Cover and refrigerate for at least 2 hours.

2. Make the relish: Make the relish: Place the relish ingredients in a small bowl; stir to combine. Cover and refrigerate until serving. Place the relish ingredients in a small bowl; stir to combine. Cover and refrigerate until serving.

3. Make the rice: Make the rice: Place the wild rice in the rice cooker bowl of a medium (6-cup) or large (10-cup) rice cooker. Add the water and salt; swirl to combine. Close the cover and set for the regular/Brown Rice cycle. When the machine switches to the Keep Warm cycle, stir with a wooden or plastic rice paddle or wooden spoon to dissipate the heat and prevent overcooking. Close the cover and let the rice steam for 10 minutes. This step will take close to 1 hour, so plan accordingly. Place the wild rice in the rice cooker bowl of a medium (6-cup) or large (10-cup) rice cooker. Add the water and salt; swirl to combine. Close the cover and set for the regular/Brown Rice cycle. When the machine switches to the Keep Warm cycle, stir with a wooden or plastic rice paddle or wooden spoon to dissipate the heat and prevent overcooking. Close the cover and let the rice steam for 10 minutes. This step will take close to 1 hour, so plan accordingly.

4. Fill a large (10-cup) rice cooker bowl one-quarter full of hot water, close the cover, and set for the regular cycle. Line one steamer tray or basket with a single layer of chard or cabbage leaves or a piece of parchment paper. Remove the chicken from the marinade and arrange on the steamer tray or basket. If you are having steamed vegetables with the chicken (like some zucchini), you can arrange them in the top tier if you are using baskets. When the water comes to a boil, place the tray or basket in the cooker and close the cover. Set a timer and steam for 20 to 25 minutes. Check the chicken for doneness; it should no longer be pink in the center.

5. To serve, divide the rice among 4 dinner plates, place a chicken breast on top, and spoon some relish in a mound on top. Serve immediately.


steamed chicken b.r.e.a.s.t.s with warm mango sauce and coconut rice This is a chicken recipe contributed by our local Mexican food expert and cooking teacher Marge Poore, the author of 365 Easy Mexican Recipes 365 Easy Mexican Recipes (HarperCollins, 1997) and (HarperCollins, 1997) and 1,000 Mexican Recipes 1,000 Mexican Recipes (HarperCollins, 2001). She also leads very popular food tours of Mexico. Here Poore combines tropical mangos with steamed chicken b.r.e.a.s.t.s and we couldn't be more excited about the com bination. Mangos, usually served as a sweet fruit rather than the savory version here, have become a popular mainstream fruit and are widely available just about everywhere. We serve this dish from the steamer baskets with coconut rice and steamed asparagus and/or chayote squash, a vegetable that often is served steamed or sauteed as a side vegetable in Mexico. (HarperCollins, 2001). She also leads very popular food tours of Mexico. Here Poore combines tropical mangos with steamed chicken b.r.e.a.s.t.s and we couldn't be more excited about the com bination. Mangos, usually served as a sweet fruit rather than the savory version here, have become a popular mainstream fruit and are widely available just about everywhere. We serve this dish from the steamer baskets with coconut rice and steamed asparagus and/or chayote squash, a vegetable that often is served steamed or sauteed as a side vegetable in Mexico.

MACHINE: Large (10-cup) rice cooker ;on/off onlyCYCLE: RegularYIELD: Serves 42 cups basmati rice or other aromatic long-grain rice, such as jasmine or Jasmat.i.two 14-ounce cans unsweetened coconut milk (can be light) cup water teaspoon salt (optional)4 skinless, boneless chicken breast halves1 pound thick asparagus spears, tough bottoms discarded, and/or 2 chayote squashes, peeled, seeded, halved, and cut into 1-inch-thick slicesSAUCE1 large ripe mango, peeled, seeded, and cut into neat -inch pieces cup dry white wine2 tablespoons rice vinegar2 tablespoons sugar2 teaspoons peeled and minced fresh ginger teaspoon ground allspiceSaltFreshly ground black pepper3 tablespoons minced fresh cilantro leaves, for garnish 1. Rinse the rice in a fine strainer until the water runs clear. Place the rice in the rice cooker bowl. Add the coconut milk, water, and salt, if using; swirl to combine.

2. Coat the steamer baskets with nonstick cooking spray and arrange the chicken in one basket. Place the asparagus and/or chayote in the other basket or arrange it around the chicken. Place the steamer baskets in the rice cooker. Close the cover and set for the regular cycle.

3. Make the sauce. In a medium-size sauce pan, combine the mango, wine, vinegar, sugar, ginger, and allspice. Bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring to dissolve the sugar. Reduce the heat to low and simmer, uncovered, for 5 minutes. Remove from the heat and set aside.

4. When the machine switches to the Keep Warm cycle, check to make sure the chicken is no longer pink inside and the vegetables are tender. Fluff the rice with a wooden or plastic rice paddle or wooden spoon.

5. To serve, transfer the rice to a serving platter and top with the chicken. Arrange the vegetables around the rice and season with salt and pepper to taste. Reheat the mango sauce and spoon a small amount over the chicken. Garnish with cilantro. Pa.s.s the remaining sauce at the table.

steamed halibut steaks and scallops with sweet red pepper sauce This is one of Beth's catering entrees. The red pepper sauce is delightful on the halibut (it is also good on lingcod) and scallops. We like to use Della long-grain white rice here.

MACHINE: Large (10-cup) rice cooker ;on/off onlyCYCLE: RegularYIELD: Serves 4Four 6- to 8-ounce halibut steaks (1 inch thick) to 1 pound large scallops2 tablespoons olive oilSaltFreshly ground black pepper2 tablespoons dry white wine1 cups domestic aromatic long-grain rice, such as Della or Jasmati2 cups waterPinch of salt2 to 3 large chard leaves, stems discarded, or Napa cabbage leaves, for lining steamer basket (optional)4 sprigs fresh thyme1 pound fresh green beans, ends trimmedSAUCE4 large red bell peppers, seeded and cut into pieces2 large yellow onions, chopped3 to 4 tablespoons olive oil3 tablespoons balsamic vinegarPinch of fresh or dried thyme leavesPinch of cayenne pepper cup sour cream or creme fraiche SaltFreshly ground black pepper 1. Rinse and pat dry the halibut and scallops. Place on a plate and sprinkle with the oil, salt and pepper to taste, and the wine. Refrigerate while preparing the rice.

2. Place the rice in the rice cooker bowl. Add the water and salt; swirl to combine.

3. Line the two steamer baskets with a single layer of chard or cabbage leaves or a sheet of parchment paper. Arrange the fish on two tiers (2 steaks per basket) of the steamer basket in a single layer and top with the thyme sprigs. Loosely arrange the green beans around the outside of the steaks. Place the steaming baskets in the rice cooker. Close the cover and set for the regular cycle.

4. Make the sauce. Combine the peppers and onions with the oil in a saute pan over medium heat. Cook until soft, 5 to 10 minutes. Add the vinegar, thyme, and cayenne. Transfer the mixture to a food processor and process until smooth. Add the sour cream and pulse to combine. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Transfer the sauce to a saucepan and keep warm until serving.

5. When the machine switches to the Keep Warm cycle, let steam for 10 minutes. Check for doneness: The halibut and scallops should be opaque and firm to the touch, and the vegetables should be cooked through. Fluff the rice with a wooden or plastic rice paddle or wooden spoon.

6. Serve immediately. Divide the fish, rice, and beans among 4 dinner plates and pa.s.s the sauce at the table.

steamed salmon steaks with pineapple salsa Salmon steaks, now readily available because of farm-raised fish, are a sure thing for a fast dinner. This marinade is wonderful; we keep sake around just for this. Serve with some hot jasmine rice.

MACHINE: Large (10-cup) rice cooker ;on/off onlyCYCLE: Regular RegularYIELD: Serves 4MARINADE AND SALMON cup dry sake cup reduced-sodium soy sauce cup sugarFour 6- to 8-ounce salmon steaks ( inch thick)SALSA1 cups diced fresh pineapple cup seeded and minced red bell pepper cup minced red onion cup minced fresh cilantro leavesJuice and grated zest of 1 large lime2 teaspoons seeded and minced jalapeno chile2 to 3 large chard leaves, stems discarded, or Napa cabbage leaves, for lining steamer basket (optional) 1. Make the marinade: Make the marinade: Place the marinade ingredients in a shallow bowl; whisk to combine. Place the salmon in the marinade, coating both sides well. Cover and refrigerate for 1 to 2 hours; turn once. Place the marinade ingredients in a shallow bowl; whisk to combine. Place the salmon in the marinade, coating both sides well. Cover and refrigerate for 1 to 2 hours; turn once.

2. Make the salsa: Make the salsa: Place the salsa ingredients in a small bowl; stir to combine. Cover and refrigerate until serving. Place the salsa ingredients in a small bowl; stir to combine. Cover and refrigerate until serving.

3. Fill the rice cooker bowl one-quarter full of hot water, close the cover, and set for the regular cycle.

4. Line the steamer baskets with a single layer of chard or cabbage leaves or a piece of parchment paper. Remove the salmon steaks from the marinade and arrange on one or two tiers of the steamer basket. (If you are steaming vegetables with the salmon, you can arrange them around the sides of the tiers.) When the water comes to a boil, place the steamer baskets in the cooker and close the cover. Set a timer and steam for 18 to 23 minutes. Check for doneness; the fish should be opaque and firm.

5. Serve the salmon immediately, with the salsa.

steamed ginger salmon and asparagus in black bean sauce A full Asian-style meal in the rice cooker! The rice is cooked below while the salmon and asparagus steam above.

MACHINE: Large (10-cup) rice cooker ;on/off onlyCYCLE: RegularYIELD: Serves 3 to 42 cups (3 rice cooker cups) j.a.panese-style or domestic medium-grain white jasmine rice3 or 3 cups water (see directions directions)SAUCE2 tablespoons black bean garlic sauce (available in Chinese markets or well-stocked super markets)2 teaspoons sake1 teaspoon sugar1 pound fresh asparagus, bottoms snapped off and stalks cut on the diagonal into 1-inch-long pieces2 to 3 large chard leaves, stems discarded, Napa cabbage leaves, or lettuce leaves, for lining steamer basketOne - to 1-pound salmon fillet, rinsed and patted dry 6 thin slices peeled fresh ginger 6 thin slices peeled fresh ginger2 green onions, white and tender green parts, slivered, for garnish 1. Wash or rinse the rice, if desired. Place it in the rice cooker with the water; add 3 cups water for j.a.panese-style rice, 3 cups for domestic.

2. Make the sauce. In a small bowl, stir together the black bean garlic sauce, sake, and sugar. Place the asparagus in a medium-size bowl and toss with half of the sauce.

3. Line the steamer basket with a single layer of chard, cabbage, or lettuce leaves. Place the salmon in the center of the basket. Cut 6 slits in the fish; insert a ginger slice into each slit. Spread the remaining sauce over the fish. Arrange the asparagus around the fish. Place the steamer basket in the rice cooker. Close the cover and set for the regular cycle.

4. When the machine switches to the Keep Warm cycle, let steam for 10 minutes. Check for doneness; the salmon and asparagus should be cooked through. If not, cover again and allow the fish to finish cooking, checking at 10-minute intervals.

5. Garnish with the green onions and serve.

steamed whole fish We always see these wonderful whole snappers at the Asian market and they look so inviting. Have the fishmonger clean, scale, and trim the fish, leaving the head and tail on. Here is the Chinese method for steaming a whole fish in the steamer basket; it retains the texture of the delicate flesh and the flavor is fantastic. If you are having more guests, steam two fish, one on each tier. Serve with hot Chinese-style long-grain rice.

MACHINE: Large (10-cup) rice cooker ;on/off onlyCYCLE: RegularYIELD: Serves 41 yellow snapper, whitefish, or sea ba.s.s (2 to 3 pounds)Salt3 tablespoons dry sherry or Shaoxing wine (available in Chinese markets) teaspoon sugar2 cloves garlic, mincedFreshly ground black pepper1 heaping tablespoon peeled and grated fresh ginger2 tablespoons Chinese fermented black beans2 to 3 large chard leaves, stems discarded, or Napa cabbage leaves, for lining steamer basket (optional) cup chopped green onions, white and green parts, for garnish3 tablespoons soy sauce mixed with 2 tablespoons red wine vinegar and teaspoon sugar, for serving 1. Place the fish in a shallow bowl large enough to hold it. Sprinkle salt on both sides. Cover and refrigerate for 1 hour.

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The Ultimate Rice Cooker Cookbook Part 12 summary

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