Darkness Before Dawn Part 17

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"What are you doing here?" I ask with wide eyes.

"Can I come in?" he asks, tucking his hands in his pockets.

My eyes trace the black outline of the tattoo on his left arm, squinting as I try to figure out what it is. Seemingly reading my mind, he takes his hand out of his pocket and turns his arm over, giving me full view of a crest with three lions in the middle. I nod in appreciation, making him chuckle.

"I don't think Cole would like it if you and I were alone in our home," I respond.

"Don't blame him," Dean says with a shrug. "I'll be quick. I feel bad about leaving you hanging like that."

"Just talk."

"Alex freaked the f.u.c.k out after you left and when he found out what happened...what Benny did to you, Alex kicked him out," Dean starts, nodding in confirmation as my mouth drops open. "Yeah. He said he doesn't want him around, period. So I've been trailing Benny and...I dunno, Blake, I just have a really bad feeling about this s.h.i.+t.

"Dean, why do you work with these people? Why? You said they were family, but why?" I ask quietly.

"My mom married Jamie O'Brien when I was little, chick. I don't know anything else," he says with a shrug. "This is my life. Alex and Benny were long gone by the time I got to their house, but still...they're family."

I raise an eyebrow. "What about your sister?"

"Sandra's safe," he replies quietly. "My other sister..." his voice trails off.

"She's the girl? The one you couldn't help?" I whisper.

He nods, his eyes looking grave, as if I opened up a wound he thought he'd covered.

"I'm sorry," I whisper.

"It was a long time ago," he responds.

"What does it have to do with me though? Why does Benny still want to get to me?"

When he exhales I catch a whiff of the cigarette he smoked before getting here. "Word is, Liam screwed Benny over and took the money. Benny wanted revenge and you were it...are it, really."

"Liam doesn't want me. He doesn't care about me," I say with an eye roll.

The side of Dean's mouth turns up. "Trust me, chick, he wants you. He raised you for four years-you don't have memory of that? That man loves you, B. I'm not a father, so I don't have firsthand experience, but even as an uncle, I know that once you have a kid under your wing, you're not gonna do wrong by them."

"Not everybody feels that way."

Dean shrugs. "True."

"Whatever," I mumble. "Are we done?"

Dean searches my face before tucking my hair behind my ear. "Yeah, we're done." My breath hitches when he leans in close to my ear. "Don't trust those cops, Blake. And be careful with your guard dogs."

I look from Dean's serious eyes toward Spencer at the end of the hall and shake my head, exhaling a shaky breath before saying goodbye to Dean. I head back inside my place and lock the door behind me. A cloud of doubt consumes me for the rest of the day as I think about everybody in my life and how little I can trust the ones I thought I was safe with. I decide to bury my thoughts in my law books yet again and forget about the world around me.

I pace around the bedroom taking a series of deep breaths before deciding to wake her up. I don't know why I'm so nervous. Actually, I know exactly why I'm so nervous. My plan could backfire on me completely, and if it does, I'll never forgive myself for it. Blake thinks I've been gone on business a lot lately, and I have been but not all of it has been business. n.o.body told me remodeling a house was going to be so d.a.m.n difficult. Well, n.o.body other than Aubry and what the h.e.l.l does he know about remodeling homes? Apparently more than I do. He should've been a d.a.m.n architect instead of going into advertising.

I close my eyes and relish the silence, the calm before the storm, if you will, before striding over to Blake and kneeling down beside her.

"Baby," I whisper, brus.h.i.+ng her long unruly hair away from her face, "you need to wake up."

Her replying grumble brings a smile to my face, and I repeat the gesture a couple of times before placing a kiss on her nose.

"What?" she asks, clearly annoyed to be losing sleep, and I can't really blame her. I kept her up way past her bedtime last night.

"Wake up, babe. It's your birthday," I say quietly.

Her long lashes flutter open, and she pins me with that sultry gaze that does inexplicable things to my insides. As much as I'd love to continue my exploration of last night and find out how many times I can make her come in a row, I decide to stand and give her enough room to get on her feet. I consider going into her closet and picking out an outfit for her, but walk to the kitchen instead because I don't want to start a fight this early in the morning and definitely not on her birthday. Once the coffee is made, I take out a bowl and start making her favorite pancakes. As I'm flipping them, I hear the door of our room open and I turn around to watch her stumble out, still looking half asleep but cute as h.e.l.l with her wet hair and short summer dress.

"Morning, birthday girl," I greet her with a smile that turns into a laugh when she glares at me.

"Thanks for breakfast," she says quietly, still pretending not to be impressed by my birthday wish, even though her eyes are smiling. I feel her eyes on me as I scribble down a little note for her. When I'm finished with it, I read it over twice for good measure: I place the note on top of the counter and pull her close to me, looking her in the eye before I kiss her thoroughly.

"Eat, I'm going to get a few things for us."

Once I'm in my closet, I grab a bag and pack the clothes I'd set aside for the weekend before quickly sorting through the drawer where I keep my watches and grabbing one. I go into Blake's closet and grab a handful of her underwear, not caring which ones I choose since she won't be wearing or keeping any intact anyway. I get two of her dresses from the hangers and pack those as well, along with a pair of shorts, T-s.h.i.+rt, and bathing suit, just in case. I don't get any of her bathroom things, I figure mine will do, and worse case, we can always take a trip to Target.

When I turn around, I find Blake leaning against the door with her arms crossed and a huge smile on her face. My eyes trail her body slowly, from her cute toes in the open toe wedge sandals she's wearing. I continue up her calves and pause where the hem of her dress meets the top of her knees, visualizing myself slowly sucking and planting wet kisses past that. My heart beats faster in my chest and my breathing quickens as I stride toward her. I caress her cheek with one hand and bring it lower, brus.h.i.+ng and parting her bottom lip with my thumb as I stare longingly into her clouded eyes. Her tongue darts out and she takes my thumb into her mouth, making my breath hitch.

I throw the duffel bag on the floor and run my hands along both sides of her body, reaching behind her and grabbing a handful of her a.s.s while I lift her to me. She wraps her legs around me, throwing her arms around my neck before pulling my hair at the nape of my neck. I groan, closing my eyes as she bites down on my bottom lip before sliding her tongue into my mouth. She squirms in my hold as my grip tightens and I take a step forward, crus.h.i.+ng her back onto the wall behind her. Our mouths break apart long enough for us to look at each other and relay the weight of our love, our need, our l.u.s.t, before our tongues meet again in a wild dance.

Placing the majority of her weight on the wall behind, I place my hands on her toned, silky thighs before sliding them under her hitched dress where I ma.s.sage over her thin cotton underwear. I nuzzle against her neck and relish in the quickness in her breath, placing soft kisses along her jaw while drawing circles over her core. She squirms, arching her back and pus.h.i.+ng into my hard on, cutting all coherent thoughts from my head.

"Want me to take you here or on the bed?" I manage to groan out through an intake of breath.

"I don't care," she whimpers. "I want you."

Using my left arm as a bench under her a.s.s, I back away and deftly unbuckle my belt with the other hand, quickly lowering my zipper.

"Take off my pants," I murmur against her lips, lowering the V of her dress and sucking a nipple into my mouth, making her gasp loudly. "Take them off," I demand as I nip her softly, making her groan.

"Can't," she pants. "Can't do it."

I let go of her breast with a pop and place my face in front of hers-her eyes look as wild as I feel. And even though I had her last night and the night before that, and many nights before that; in this moment, I can't think of anybody I've wanted more than this woman. I know there never will be anyone else because she's it for me, always has been. I place both hands below her and walk to the bed, throwing her back on the mattress, kicking off my shoes and lowering my pants quickly before springing free from my boxers. She sits up on her knees licking her lips, looking at me through hooded eyes as she crooks her finger for me to step toward her. My heart pounds loudly against my chest as I walk up to the bed. The side of my mouth turns up when she places her head against my chest, right under my chin where she reaches as she kneels up completely. I dip my head to kiss her lips, but she stops me by placing a finger on my lips and shaking her head and mischievously bites down on her pouty bottom lip. Her fingers slide over my shoulders and down my body. The way she admires my body makes me glad I hit the gym so d.a.m.n hard, even though I know Blake doesn't care about any of that s.h.i.+t. When her small hand grips my d.i.c.k and squeezes, I feel the air leave my body and rush back.

She leans forward on the bed, placing her weight on her on her elbows and leaving her a.s.s exposed as she looks at me through her fluttering lashes, still holding my c.o.c.k. I throw my head back when she draws circles around it with her tongue before taking some of me into her mouth. She continues to rock her body to and fro, my d.i.c.k hitting the back of her throat every time she leans toward me. I fist a handful of her hair, trying to control myself from holding her face onto my d.i.c.k, which is hard to do when I feel her hot mouth on me one second and going away the next. I take hold of her, sliding slowly out of her lips and back her up, pulling the hem of her dress and throwing it to the other side of the room to leave her completely exposed, only wearing a tiny pair of blue panties. I slide my fingers into them from the top, scrunching them in hand and ripping them off.

"COLE!" she yelps, looking at me in disbelief.

I return with a wolfish smile before pressing my lips roughly against hers. "Turn around," I say gruffly. "You taunted me for a little too long with the view of your perfect round a.s.s and I want to enjoy the full thing."

"Wha..." she begins, but I cut her statement short by grabbing her by the hips and pulling her close before flipping her body so that she's facing our wooden headboard.

As she positions herself on all fours, I take advantage and bring my hand around her, sticking my pointer and middle finger into my mouth before lowering it to her c.l.i.t. She lets out a low moan as I rub against her before sticking them inside her and bringing them back out, repeating the process a couple of times until she arches her back and moans loudly, letting me know that she's close. I take my hand away from her, placing one on her shoulder and the other on my d.i.c.k to lead it inside of her before I slide into her slowly.

"Cole," she gaps.

"Yeah," I rasp before picking up the pace.

She yells out my name again as she clenches around me, her desire coating me more than I already was.

"s.h.i.+t, baby," I growl, letting go of her shoulder to rope her hair and pull it back toward me so that I can lean forward and suck on her earlobe.

"Oh my G.o.d!" she shrieks as I pound into her quickly, feeling my b.a.l.l.s tighten with every thrust.

"I'm gonna come, Blake. I'm gonna come," I groan. "Are you ready?"

"YES! YES!" she screams, making me grip her hair tighter.

"Tell me you're mine, Blake," I murmur, feeling her s.h.i.+ver at my breath against her ear.

"I'm yours," she pants.

"f.u.c.k yes," I growl, dropping my hand from her waist and bring it around her to pluck her nipples, taking her over the edge.

"Only mine," I groan as I unload inside her while she screams profanities.

She sags against the bed when I let go of her hair. I push inside her one last time, before leaning down and kissing her neck and down her back.

"Did I hurt you, baby?" I whisper against her spine.

"No," she says, m.u.f.fled against the sheets. "I think I'll survive."

I smile against her and slide out, picking her up and walking her to the bathroom.

"s.h.i.+t, we're so late!" I mutter when I look at the time on the nightstand.

"So worth it," she replies against my chest. "Thank you for helping me start off my birthday with a bang."

I give her a confused look because of her choice of words, but then smile widely, realizing that maybe my girl is finally letting go of her tainted past.

"I love you," I say in response as I kiss her head.

"And I love you," she says. "Only you," she continues, sighing against me.

After the tenth huff and eye roll, I let Cole cover my eyes with a blindfold.

"Thank f.u.c.k!" he says in an annoyed tone once the bandana is secured on my face.

"Shut up," I reply before sagging into the seat of his Escalade.

"Just relax, baby. We'll be there before you know it," he says, turning on the ignition and pulling out of our parking spot, after voicing that he had to wait for Spencer to trail behind us.

He turns up the radio and laughs when I groan at his choice of station, which is ESPN radio, as usual.

"Can you let work go for one day and listen to music like a regular person?" I complain.

"I was getting to that!" he says with a laugh before changing to some dance-y Nas song that I immediately start to bob my head to, picturing him doing the same thing.

When Ludacris comes on the track, Cole starts rapping along and for the remainder of the song, I forget that I have my eyes covered and stop trying to figure out where we're going. I have my suspicions, though. The last time Cole blindfolded me like this was years ago. We went to a Bed and Breakfast, and with all the little hints that Becky and Aimee have been dropping lately I think he may be proposing to me soon. I smile as I think about the romantic gesture and how lovely it would be for him to take me back there and propose in a place that means so much to me. That was the first time we spent the night together in every way, and warmth fills me at the thought.

"Are we far?" I venture to ask after the fifth rap song plays.

"Not too far, no," he replies taking my hand in his and placing a kiss over the top of it before lacing his fingers through mine and placing it on his lap.

I take a breath and tuck my feet under me, tapping my feet together before I sigh in boredom again. When the song switches to an R&B song I've never heard I stop tapping my feet and smile at the soothing voice coming from the speakers. My smile broadens when Cole kisses my hand again and starts to serenade the beautiful words to me, happy tears filling my eyes. He raises his voice even louder, making me giggle as I picture how he must look. We reach a red light as the song comes to an end and I find myself pouting, which he laughs at before leaning in for a kiss.

"What song was that?" I ask, smiling against his lips.

He backs away with a chuckle, eyes twinkling before he winks at me. "Adorn. Apparently I can give Miguel a run for his money."

I laugh along, but make no reply. As much as I loved that he sang it, Cole cannot give a professional singer a run for his money...period.

"You definitely get an A for effort," I reply, biting down on my lip before falling into a fit of uncontrollable laughter when he starts poking and tickling my side.

We banter for a while, before Cole turns on an unpaved road and announces that we've reached our destination. He lets go of my hand and unties my bandana, letting it fall to my lap. I blink rapidly to clear the tiny dots from my vision, knitting my eyebrows together as I look at the deserted roads around us, trying to figure out where we are. My eyes stay trained on the profile of his face as he pulls onto a dirt road, admiring his golden skin and the way his turned up mouth showcases the dimple on his cheek. When I see him furrow his eyebrow at whatever is in front of us, I turn my attention and body forward, gasping loudly as my hands fly to cover my mouth.

"Oh my G.o.d," I mutter under my breath as water pools my eyes before I look at him. "Where are we?" I whisper.

He gives me a small smile, placing the car in park. "You know where we are," he says, tilting his head.

"But how?" I ask, still at a loss for words.

"With a lot of work and a whole lotta love," he replies as he unbuckles his seatbelt and jumps out of the truck.

I place my hands over my rapidly beating heart, trying to bury the conflicted feelings that threaten to overpower my happiness. I turn my gaze slowly back to the red barn house before me, surrounded by the meadow that we used to play in as children, and smile as tears trickle down my cheeks. I wipe them away quickly and take a breath when Cole opens my door and gestures me to step out. Before my feet hit the ground, he scoops me up and swings me in his arms, making me squeal and giggle against his chest.

"Let's go inside," he says excitedly, walking toward the house.

He sets me down in front of the four white wooden steps and holds my hand, walking me toward it before letting go and taking a familiar looking mint blue box with a white ribbon out of his pocket and handing it to me. My eyes widen and my heart flutters as I untie the ribbon and open it to find a house key on it. After tracing the key with my finger, I look up to find him watching me with naked amus.e.m.e.nt.

"Thank you," I say, shaking my head and smiling before leaning up on my tiptoes and pressing my lips against his.

"Anything for you," he replies cordially as he takes the key from me and opens the door.

Stepping in, I close my eyes and inhale the rich scent of wood that fills my nose, before opening them back up and looking around at the cozy living room.

"It has three bedrooms, so it's not huge but we can always add to it," he offers as I look around with a smile plastered on my face.

I take in the mostly bare white walls that surround us, with the exception of a fire place on the right side. I walk over to it and take in the smiling faces in the frames that adorn the mantel. Pictures of us as teenagers with our friends, with Maggie, in the house, at the lake, in the Taco Bell parking lot, on the high school football field, in our high school graduation. I continue exploring, walking toward the hallway to the right side and stepping into the first room, which is completely empty.

"I figured you should have a say in what we do with this one," he says behind me.

I nod and walk to the room across from it, poking my head in and opening the door to find two desks, one white and one dark wood.

"We can work from here when we wanna escape the world," he offers and again, I nod before I step out and walk past a guest bathroom and toward the last door.

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Darkness Before Dawn Part 17 summary

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