The Call of the World Part 11

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The following text-books having a sale of over 1,200,000 have been published:

1. THE PRICE OF AFRICA. (Biographical.) By S. Earl Taylor.

2. INTO ALL THE WORLD. A general survey of missions. By Amos R. Wells.



4. SUNRISE IN THE SUNRISE KINGDOM. Revised Edition. A study of j.a.pan.

By John H. DeForest.

5. HEROES OF THE CROSS IN AMERICA. Home Missions. (Biographical.) By Don O. Shelton.

6. DAYBREAK IN THE DARK CONTINENT. Revised Edition. A study of Africa.

By Wilson S. Naylor.

7. THE CHRISTIAN CONQUEST OF INDIA. A study of India. By James M.


8. ALIENS OR AMERICANS? A study of Immigration. By Howard B. Grose.

9. THE UPLIFT OF CHINA. Revised Edition. A study of China. By Arthur H. Smith.

10. THE CHALLENGE OF THE CITY. A study of the City. By Josiah Strong.

11. THE WHY AND HOW OF FOREIGN MISSIONS. A study of the relation of the home Church to the foreign missionary enterprise. By Arthur J.


12. THE MOSLEM WORLD. A study of the Mohammedan World. By Samuel M.


13. THE FRONTIER. A study of the New West. By Ward Platt.

14. SOUTH AMERICA: Its Missionary Problems. A study of South America.

By Thomas B. Neely.

15. THE UPWARD PATH: The Evolution of a Race. A study of the Negro. By Mary Helm.

16. KOREA IN TRANSITION. A study of Korea. By James S. Gale.

17. ADVANCE IN THE ANTILLES. A study of Cuba and Porto Rico. By Howard B. Grose.

18. THE DECISIVE HOUR OF CHRISTIAN MISSIONS. A study of conditions throughout the non-Christian world. By John R. Mott.

19. INDIA AWAKENING. A study of present conditions in India. By Sherwood Eddy.

20. THE CHURCH OF THE OPEN COUNTRY. A study of the problem of the Rural Church. By Warren H. Wilson.

21. THE EMERGENCY IN CHINA. A study of present-day conditions in China. By F. L. Hawks Pott.

22. MEXICO TO-DAY: Social, Political, and Religious Conditions. A study of present-day conditions in Mexico. By George B. Winton.

23. IMMIGRANT FORCES. A study of the immigrant in his home and American environment. By William P. Shriver.

In addition to these courses, the following have been published especially for use among younger persons:

1. UGANDA'S WHITE MAN OF WORK. The story of Alexander Mackay of Africa. By Sophia Lyon Fahs.

2. SERVANTS OF THE KING. A series of eleven sketches of famous home and foreign missionaries. By Robert E. Speer.

3. UNDER MARCHING ORDERS. The story of Mary Porter Gamewell of China.

By Ethel Daniels Hubbard.

4. WINNING THE OREGON COUNTRY. The story of Marcus Whitman and Jason Lee in the Oregon country. By John T. Faris.

5. THE BLACK BEARDED BARBARIAN. The story of George Leslie Mackay of Formosa. By Marian Keith.

6. ANN OF AVA. The story of Ann Ha.s.seltine Judson. By Ethel Daniels Hubbard.

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The Call of the World Part 11 summary

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