Time Spirit - Golden Blood Part 14

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"When do I get to meet them?"


"Your parents."

Her stomach constricted into a tight knot. "Never."

"Why not? I want you to meet mine."

This was just proof that he didn't get it. She held in her sigh and kept her voice neutral.

"I told you I'm not allowed to date."

"I know, but you can't stay single for the rest of your life. I just figured eventually it would come out."

"It can't. Ever!" Her desperate fear was starting to show. "Harrison, I can't stress this enough. They will never, ever, ever be okay with you."


"Well, aside from the fact I've broken an ancient oath..." She winced. "I'm not allowed to be with normal people. I have to... end up with my own kind."

"But you've never met any of your own kind."

"I may have. I'm guessing," she swallowed convulsively, "it'll be arranged."


"I know. It makes my stomach curdle."

"It's totally archaic!"

Gemma nodded and gave him a glum smile.

Turning her in his arms, Harrison forced her gaze to his. "I'm not going to let that happen to you. The only guy you're ending up with is me."

Her expression turned to marshmallow. "Well, that suits me fine, but my parents will probably disagree with you. Can we just leave it for now?" She placed her hand on his chest. "I don't want to mess this up. Let's just enjoy the rest of the year and we can face this problem later. Please."

"We can't hide forever, Gemma."

"I know, but we can keep things under wraps for now. The fewer people who know about this, the safer we are. I wish I could explain this better." She felt tears forming and hated herself for it. She turned around and leant her elbows on the railing.

"Hey, it's okay." He rubbed her arms. "We'll take necessary precautions. I'll never call you at home. I'll only ever smile at you at school. I promise."

"Thank you," she whispered.

He wrapped his arms around her and placed his chin back on her shoulder. "Look I know this probably seems like a stupid question right now, but how about my family? Do you want to meet them?"

"Um." She giggled. "I've never really met anyone's family before. I probably won't be very good at it, so... no."

Harrison laughed. "I think you'll be great. How does next weekend sound?"

"Um..." She felt herself falter. He actually sounded serious. "I think I'm busy next weekend."

"How about the weekend after that?"

She frowned at the tension she could feel creeping into his body. "Busy next weekend too."

"The weekend after that?" His voice was getting terse.

"Okay, Harrison." She looked over her shoulder at him. "When it comes to meeting your family, I'm probably going be busy every weekend for the rest of my life."

"Oh come on, you chicken."

"What? Haven't we just agreed to keep this quiet! Why would I go and meet your family?"

"Because you're important to me and I want you to meet the other most important person in my life."

"Your mom." Gemma kept her eyes on the ocean, feeling her emotions roil in the same sickening pattern.

"Besides, it'll be a safe place for us to hang out. No one else would need to know we were there."

"But, we've only just started... I mean, I don't... what if they figured out I was weird and then they wouldn't want you to be with me and then-"

"Gemma." He silenced her with a quick squeeze to her fidgeting fingers. "My parents are different to yours. They're really happy I've met you."

She jabbed her elbow back and was satisfied to hear his "oof!"

"You told your mom?"

"That was before I knew we had to keep it quiet! She guessed anyway when she saw me float in the door on Thursday."

Gemma couldn't help a grin.

His arms encircled her again and she didn't fight it. She loved the feel of his breath on her skin when he whispered, "I'll protect you. You're safe with me, always remember that."

Her hands stilled, as did her breathing.

"To my family you are just going to be Harrison's girlfriend. I promise, there's nothing to worry about and Rosie won't say anything at school if you ask her not to. She may be a pain in the b.u.t.t sometimes, but she knows how to keep a secret."

Her eyes scanned the horizon. Harrison waited out her contemplation in agitated silence. Scratching the side of his nose, he cleared his throat and looked away, trying to appear casual. It was adorable!

She knew if she said no right now he'd accept it. He'd be angry for a while, but then he'd get over it and they'd have a great evening together. He'd kiss her goodnight. He'd look at her with those dreamy eyes and...

"Okay." She bit down hard on her lip.

What did I just say?!

"Okay?" His grin stretched wide.

Too late to back out now. Look at his face!

She pasted on a smile and nodded again.

"You're gonna be great, Gem."

"Yeah, whatever."

He turned her in his arms and gazed down at her. His eyes flickering with a mix of emotions. "This means a lot to me. Thank you for trusting me."

She forced a smile and shrugged. "I guess you're putting up with a lot from me."

He laughed. "Yeah, well that's gonna cost ya."

Her brow wrinkled with concern. His eyes filled with mischief as he held her tight and raspberried her neck. She yelped and let out a giggle.

"Stop." She lightly slapped his back.

"Not a chance." His lips nibbled her neck. "If I don't get to maul you at school, I'm just going to have to save it all up for the weekend."

He ran his lips up her neck eliciting a second round of giggles.

Chapter Fourteen.

St. Augustine, Florida - 2011AD Gemma slowed the Ducati as she turned into Harrison's street. It was a typical suburb and she liked the simplicity of it. The neatly trimmed edges, the mown lawns, the bikes left in disarray on front yards, the basketball standing post beneath the hoop, the bark of a dog, the chant of little girls as they played jump rope in the driveway.

Her nerves grew as she approached number 176. Harrison had been prepping her all week. Helen was his mother, Bryan his stepfather. Rosie and Justin belonged to Bryan, and Sam was born three years after Helen and Bryan got together. She went over the names again as she pulled the bike to a stop. She switched off the engine and slowly undid her helmet. With shaking fingers, she ruffled out her helmet hair and sat chewing the inside of her cheek.

Just breathe, Gem. Just breathe... oh yeah, and smile!

Her lips turned up at the corners just as Harrison was opening the front door.

"Hey," his voice was all gooey, which kept her grin in place.

"Hi." She cleared her throat and tried not to pull away when he leaned in to kiss her lightly on the lips. She could feel her cheeks blooming with color and shot Harrison a pleading look. He just laughed, grabbed her hand and pulled her from the bike.

"Come meet everyone."

She didn't have to go far, three pairs of drooling eyes were standing in the doorway, staring at her bike. Harrison made the introductions while they swooned and she felt her fears ebb. She liked the boys immediately. Rosie was sweet and wrapped her in a friendly hug before she got through the door.

"I haven't said a word, I promise."

Having been taken off guard by the embrace, Gemma felt her muscles relax just a little at Rosie's whispered words.

Finally released, Gemma stepped back and was facing the last member of the household.

Harrison's mother was beautiful. Her blonde hair waved around her face, nestling just below her ears. Her sapphire eyes were piercing and her smile was serene as she listened to Harrison's introduction.

She held out her hand. "It's nice to meet you, Gemma."

Gemma felt something twitch inside her as she reciprocated the words. There was something magnetic about this woman. She felt the same pull she had with Harrison and wondered at its meaning.

The nerves that had been hounding her all day dissipated as Gemma engrossed herself in mealtime conversation. She answered meaningless questions, laughed at Sam's jokes and smiled at Rosie's outrageous stories. Helen studied her quietly throughout the evening, which unnerved her slightly, but she tried not to let it show.

Gemma glanced away from her conversation with Bryan to flash her a friendly smile. Making a good impression with this woman was paramount to her survival in this family. After only a week of being Harrison's girlfriend, she was completely hooked. She would do anything to make what they had stick. Helen's eyes softened towards her and she felt her chest loosen.

Her elated high suddenly vanished as she felt her toes begin to tingle. She tried to keep her expression bland, her only form of outburst being a swift tap to Harrison's ankle.

His eyes popped up and caught her message. His face fell momentarily before he pasted on an easy smile.

"Sorry to interrupt Bryan, I just realized I never showed Gem where the bathroom was. Knowing her, she's too shy to ask."

Gemma blushed and dropped her gaze. "Actually, if it's okay, I might just pop there before dessert."

Completely enamored, Bryan shone her a smile as she rose from the table.

"It's this way." Harrison held out his hand and she grabbed it like a lifeline.

"Excuse me," she muttered, lifting her gaze only enough to glimpse a slight narrowing of Helen's eyes.

Gemma felt her heart begin to thud erratically as Harrison led her down the hallway.

"Hopefully, you'll only be gone for five minutes." Harrison opened the door and stood aside. "I'll wait for you."

"Thanks." She squeezed his hand as she brushed past him.

"Be safe."

"I will." She shone him a smile before shutting the door and bracing herself for travel.

Black Forest, Germania - 84 AD "So, how's the date going?" Ruby pulled on a woolen tunic.

"Fine," Gemma mumbled, struggling with the leather lacing of the boots her father had "borrowed." She hadn't told Ruby it was more like a family dinner than a date.

"That's it? Fine?"

"I'll tell you later," Gemma whispered.

Standing tall, she took a moment to glance around. Her skin bubbled with goose b.u.mps. The dark forest smelt dank and earthy. Pine needles created a thick carpet, decorated with fallen logs and mossy rocks as furniture. The trees towered around them like faithful centurions, blocking any view of the sky. Although dusk was only settling in, Gemma could feel the oppressive darkness.

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Time Spirit - Golden Blood Part 14 summary

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