Ringan Gilhaize, or, The Covenanters Part 46

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_syne_, then.

_Tack_, lease.

_taigle_, hinder, delay.

_tawnle_, bonfire.

_temming_, a coa.r.s.e thin woollen cloth.

_tent_, heed.

_thacket_, thatched.

_thole_, endure.

_throng_, _adj._ busy.

_thumbikins_, thumbscrews.

_tirl at the pin_, old-fas.h.i.+oned mode of intimating desire of admission to a house.

_tod_, _tod lowrie_, fox.

_tolbooth_, a building including a jail.

_toom_, empty.

_toop_, a ram.

_toupie_ (French), toupet.

_trance_, paved pa.s.sage.

_trintle_, _v._ roll.

_trone_, a public weighing-machine standing in a market-place.

_Unco_, _adj._ extraordinary, remarkable; _n._ remarkable object.

_Virl_, ring (as those which bind a fis.h.i.+ng-rod); frill.

_vivers_, provisions.

_vogie_, vain, complacent.

_Wae_, grieved.

_waff_, feeble, worn out.

_warrandice_, warrant.

_warsle_, wrestle.

_wastage_, a place of desolation (J.).

_wastrie_, waste.

_waught_, a large draught.

_wean_, child.

_whin_, furze.

_Whigamore_, sometimes derived from "whig," a word used in the West for urging on horses, and hence applied as a nickname to a political party.

The expedition of the Covenanters under Eglinton to Edinburgh was known as the Whigamore Raid.

_whumple_, overturn, reverse.

_willease_, valise.

_w.i.l.l.y-wa_, palaver, wheedle.

_wise, v._ entice, incline.

_wud_, wild.

_wuddy_, "gallows-looking"; widdy is the gallows.

_wyte_, blame.

_Yett_, gate.

_yird_, _n._ earth; _v. a._ run to earth.

_Colston & Coy. Limited, Printers, Edinburgh._


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Ringan Gilhaize, or, The Covenanters Part 46 summary

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