Spirit's Paradise And The Idle Another World Life Chapter 16

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Spirit’s Paradise Chapter 16 JANUARY 20, 2018 ~ HIBARI

I’m drilling a hole in the rock with the hand auger, this time the hand auger size is about 1 meter and 40 centimetres and if I reshaped the outside into a 2 diameter circle to fit the well then I will have a pipe, for now, I need to keep making more.

yesterday with the feeling of something is missing, I vented my stress on the monsters. and I had a grilled fish this morning, eating grilled fish every day is the best, if I convince my self that I love grilled fish then it won’t be a problem. I just continued on using the hand auger.

“Yuuta-chan, you are going to work on the well today right?”

Dine came out of the well, as always she has wonderful b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

“yes, I’m making pipes now, when I make enough numbers, I will store them in the magical bag and then start to set them from the bottom.”

“is that so, Ara, you made a fence around the well?”

“yes, sylphy advised me, it’s to prevent skeletons and zombies from coming at midnight”

“ufufu, Yuuta-chan is amazing”

she praised me while patting my head, I need to try my best so that I don’t look at her breast, but just let me say this, I’m not looking at her because I’m a gentleman it’s absolutely not because I’m scared from sylphy who is staring at me.

“it’s because the tools are amazing, I should finish with the Pipes by the day, and also I have a consultation, the place where the fountain is going to be, does it need to be cone-shaped? it’s hard to set up rounded rocks”

“if water can be gathered it’s fine, you should do what you want Yuuta-chan, I’m looking forward to it”

“ha, I will do my best to meet your expectations”

though I said that, all that I’m going to do is to dig a hole and make it look something like reversed pyrmaide, an amature like me can’t make something so complicated, simple is best.

since talking is finished, I resumed drilling with the hand auger, Dine is talking with sylphy while playing with Bell and Rain.

okay, I’m done with pipes, next I should dig a hole, though it’s due to the nature of my abilities but all that I’m doing is construction works, what is going to happen in my different world life.

using the shovel I started to dig a hole and storing the soil in the magical bag, I wonder how much soil and rocks are in the bag now?, I kept thinking about the bag while digging the hole.

with these tools I can get a tremendous success in excavations works, I wonder what kind of work I should do when I reach a town, in novels the first work in the different wold is going to adventure guild, and if I reached town that means that I contracted with sylphy, I wonder what should I do.

make a big success and earn a lot of money and enjoy my life, in my case I will be a spiritual magician, a spiritual magician who use a hammer and can do both vanguard and rearguard…….. I don’t know if this looks cool or bad.

I kept on having delusions while digging the hole, by the time I finished I was a famous adventure strong with a lot of money and have a harem, it was unexpectedly fun.

“did you finish digging?”

“Ah, sylphy, Dine. yes I’m done”

“Yuuta-chan, you were cool, digging Wholeheartedly”

“you think so? he was somehow grinning in the middle of it”

most likely I was grinning when I was thinking about the harem, so it showed on my face?, I need to be more careful, lately it feels like I’m back to my elementary school state, if I don’t be careful I might end up increasing my black history at this age.

“smiling? I was thinking about the fountain and was looking forward to how it will look like, so maybe it was at that time”

“yes, it will be beautiful when it’s done”

“yes, I’m looking forward to it too”

did I manage to deceive them?

“well, all that I need to do is set up the rocks so it won’t take long”

I started to set the 1-meter cube-shaped rocks, since I made enough to cover 30 meters s.p.a.ce so it will be quite a big fountain.

“I’m done”

I finished putting the rocks in the reversed shape like a pyramid. and called out for the spirits

“good job”

“you worked hard Yuuta-chan”

“good work~~~”


“hahaha, thanks, everyone, now I just need to set the pipes inside and I will be done, will everyone come down too?”

since everyone nodded we headed down, this will be the last time that I get down here if the fountain is done, if I leave the stairs it might cause some gaps, so it’s better to fill the stairs while heading up.

“Dine, is it ok to just set up the pipe on the water?”

“yes, even if sand move I can just deal with it, so just put it like that”


ok let’s start setting the pipes, I’m worried if it will fit or not, I took out the pipe and with water splash, it fitted exactly, this feels good.

I continued setting the pipes, when it gets stuck at some part I just sc.r.a.p that part and dealt with it.

“this is the last, complete”

when I finished putting the last pipe, Bell came jumping on my chest and Rain is pressing her head into my cheeks, I think they are praising me.

I got out of the reversed pyramid and looked at it from above, though I made it in such short time, I feel some accomplishment.

“Yuuta-chan, you did your best so one-chan will do her best too”

……one-chan……should I say something? when I looked at sylphy she just averted her eyes, Dine maybe a little airhead.

“here I go”

Dine said that as she floats and spread her hands and her b.r.e.a.s.t.s are…….thanks for the view, sylphy is looking at me while mumbling “that why men are”, well this I can’t do anything about, it’s what you call men’s instinct.

“the great spirit of water Dine ask the king spirit of water, bless this place with a thousand year of water……”

Dine who usually have a leisurely atmosphere to her, is saying something like a chant with such dignity, it’s like she has the divinity of a G.o.ddess.


Suddenly she returned to her original self, and aimed her hand at the well, what just happened?

“that idiot, she tried to act cool but she couldn’t think of more words so she just give up”

“ah, wait sylphy, what do you mean by that?”

I heard something that I can’t let slide, I was going to ask sylphy to explain it then a gogogogog like sound start to sound from the well then a pillar of water rose, what is this, it supposes to be an important scene but because I got distracted I can’t concentrate.

“wooow, amazing”


Bell and Rain are excited, water started to fill the fountain that I made, and then just as it was about to overflow the water stopped.

though the water just came gus.h.i.+ng at the dry red land, it’s still clear water and s.h.i.+ning brightly


I got deeply amazed, I just stood there watching the water while having a sense of accomplishment.

“… sylphy I have something to ask, what did you mean that she couldn’t think of more words, she didn’t fail in chanting some important words or something like that?”

“Ah-, in the first place there is nothing to ask from the spirit king just for a small fountain like this, she is a great spirit so she can do something like this by her own judgement, also there is nothing like thousand years bless, she just said that because she thought it sounds cool”

sylphy said that while putting her hand on her head as if it hurt, well for me it’s my heart that hurt, without knowing this I thought that she looked like a G.o.ddess.

“ah, that means that chanting was just acting and that (eh!) and moving her hand was enough?”

“no, that much she only need to move her finger to do it, maybe because she said that one-chan will do her best, so she tried to make some act to it, but she just give up the middle”

looking at Dine she is acting cool while Bell and Rain are praising her

“hey sylphy, can you please give some scolding to Dine”

“I have a policy of not doing something meaningless”

I see so it’s meaningless to scold her

“Yuuta-chan, did you see, one-chan was incredible”

she came while grinning, I want to give her some lecturing but there is no meaning in doing something meaningless, I don’t want to use my stamina on something like this, well it was amazing, and making the fountain is really good for me so I just need to praise her for that.

“yeah, it was amazing, as expected from Dine, you are not great spirit for nothing”

“that is right”

she is saying something about the meaning of spirit to Bell and Rain who is flying around her, I’m getting worried about their future, I hope she stops that.

thought there was a problem in the process but now there is a sparkling fountain in front of me, even though I used the power of cultivating tools it is still amazing, I approached the fountain and scooped some water with my hand, it’s slightly cold and sparkle.

“Dine, is it safe to drink this water like this”

“it’s okay, it’s very clear and beautiful water, you can drink it just like that, the great spirit water guarantee that”

I’m little afraid, but let’s try to drink it, I slowly drink some water, it doesn’t have any weird taste, I drink all the water in my hand, it tastes good.

“it’s delicious right Yuuta-chan?”

“ye..yeah, it’s good”

sorry, actually I can’t tell the difference in water taste, but there is so much water in front of me that I can drown in it, compared to the time that I was worried about dying from thirst it’s like a haven.

“Yuuta, can we play in the water?”


ohho, both of them looking up to me while tilting their head, where did they learn such advanced technique.

“Dine, they want to play the water is it okay?”

“Yeah, there is no problem, spirit don’t cause any dirt to the water, so Bell-chan and Rain-chan both of you can play don’t worry about anything”

I also nodded them, then they happily jumped into the fountain, Rain aside, Bell is the spirit of wind but she also loves playing in the water.

while watching Bell and Rain playing in the water and flying around, I had the feeling that everything will be okay.

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Spirit's Paradise And The Idle Another World Life Chapter 16 summary

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