Spirit's Paradise And The Idle Another World Life Chapter 6

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I started to think what kind of room should I make While standing in front of the big rock .

with the size of this rock I can make two room. I have never studied architecture, so I will leave the walls thick, even if the room becomes somewhat narrow. Considering that it should support the ceiling, is it okay if it has a width of around 50 centimeters?

I do not know even if I think about it, so let’s make the kitchen at the doorway and let the next room Be the bedroom.

Even if I say bedroom, it is Still painful because there is no beds. maybe i should make the bed using driftwood, the wood is softer than the rock so is it slightly better? If there gra.s.s i could have use it as cus.h.i.+on It’s a bit more comfortable, But not even weeds grow her in the land of death …… I have been blown away To a ridiculous place.

I made an entrance and paid attention to the thickness of the wall, and made two rooms of about six tatami mats. Well, all i did was to cut the inside part with the saw, so it feels like a building with just a wall and a roof, but it is much better than the cave of yesterday. I’m only worried about the ceiling, i hope it won’t collapse.

Oh, I forgot to make a toilet. it enough for the small urge, … the big one is hard. But I do not like the idea of opening a hole in the rock and doing The big one. It is troublesome, Let’s just make a simple toilet under the soil.

I managed to get a satisfactory results. I pushes the walls from various sides. Well, it not breaking … … is it fine to consider it safe with just a push using manpower ? but If I hit it with a hammer, it will be shattered, so what to do.

“you will not make windows?”

While i was still worrying about the fins.h.i.+ng results , Sylphy has given even further challenges.

“Well, I thought about that, but I’m worried about the durability and I do not know what’s will happen, so I will leave the windows for now, i will do with just placing a rock at the entrance.When I get more wood I will Build more comfortable house. ”

“so you are planning to make this a temporary dwelling,”

“Yeah, there may be other better places to go, and it would not be good to make a very elaborated house,”

“That maybe true”

When she got into the house she complained that it was dark. that’s natural because there is no place for light to enter only Through entrance.

“it will be sunset Soon, what you going to do? take rest of the day off??”

What should I do. I ate only two bread in the morning, so I’d really like to eat dinner. When the night comes, I have to defeat zombies and skeletons To raise My level.

I easily won over Death Lizard , but it still too powerful for me . So first Let’s practice with zombies and skeletons that seems To be easy to Defeat , so That I can contract with Sylphy quickly.

“until the sunset I will arrange the kitchen so that I can eat , I would like to go For zombie or skeleton After meal ends, will you Go with me?”

“I understand, you are fully motivated,  Telling you the location of Monsters is All i can do but I will help you.”


“Thank you. I’d like to make a contract early By rising my level regularly, so I will do my best.”

“looking forward to it. we Will be melting in the wind, so call out for us when you finish your meal, We can go as soon as you Finish .”

“I understood, thanks,”

I entered the room When Sylphy and the little girl spirit Gone, let’s making simple furniture with rock … … What should I do I make?

I raised the brightness using the light bulbs magic. Well, first, table and a chair. I Picked out a rectangular rock For table size. I Took out a square rock of exact size this will be chair … … done. Is this OK? Well I need to keep in mind that it would be temporary residence.

Next … Should I make a place where i can cook? I want to make something like camping place where i can make BBQ but i don’t have a net …. It is inconvenient without cooking utensil.

I Should Check the cultivating tool For something to use. Well, unfortunately I can not find any cooking utensils or tableware . I think that cooking utensils and tableware are also necessary for cultivating … ….

Somehow I am not convinced but There is nothing i can do. Let’s think about what I can do for now. Fuel is The branches I picked up At the sea. As for tableware i can make it by cutting driftwood, the problem is metal products. Is There nothing i can do?

While checking the cultivating tool, I noticed some tool. I read it in manga, but didn’t it say that this can be used instead of a pot?

I took out the magic shovel and check it. ……Yup. It Can be used. I can change the size, and because it dented, boiling can be done. It Would be harder to use compared to a proper kitchen utensil, but it’s better than nothing. Manga can is also be useful.

Alright. Let’s make a baking table with rock. Simply grinding the rock into the shape of a baking table should be good. Even if the rock cracks due to the heat of the flame, it Have a simple structure so it can be rebuilt immediately. Worst case even if the fire hits the shovel directly it should be Fine somehow.

done! Dig out the top of the rectangular rock with The magical shovel and make a s.p.a.ce to burn firewood. When placing The shovel on the top it is difficult for air to enter, so make a hole with the magical hammer and engraving tool .

a hole is opened with “Sukon~~~ “like sound When I used the hammer and hit the magical engraving tool, Sukon~~,Sukon~~~,Sukon~~,this is so fun, I got crazy and opened a holes …… I’m a bit worried about it’s strength now.

“Should I try it immediately?”

I feel lonely without a person who answers. I Take out the driftwood That I picked up in the sea. It seems that There is no rain here in the land of death, so it Dry. It can be used as Firewood like this, so there is no problem.

Putting the small branches in a baking table and Burn it with the magic of fire. It took a while, but as the fire grew bigger, I put a bigger branch. It burned up good. Even though it is dry, it smokes a little. Moreover, there is no vent, so it is smoky. It is dangerous to use fire if I block the entrance.

after Applying cleaning Magic to the shovel and adjusting it size I put it on the baking table. It’s Look good . Since there is no water, let’s eat The frozen carbonara this time. It’s for Microwave use only but I should be able to eat it if I warm it with fire.

When Opening the bag and putting it on the shovel, it suddenly Made A “jwa~~ “sounds and then violently vibrates with a rattling noise. The firepower was too strong.I Took the shovel off the fire and lower the temperature.

I was scared. If it Had Stayed Like that , the inside Would’ve remained cold and the surroundings Would have burnt. from the next time Let’s cook it after dissolving The pasta at room temperature to some extent. Frozen pasta has one carbonara and the other is Napolitan.

Because there are few, I want to get water early and Have an instant . If it is a bag’s noodle, I can Add Each of miso, soysuace and tonkatsu sauce for it .

I can easily Have three meals each. I want to Punch Myself For not buying the salty taste one. I have heard That when you doubt about something, it’s better not to buy it, but this time it’s different.

Oh, I also bought aluminium pot noodle.. It is surely was tempura noodles, Kitsune Noodle, sukiyaki noodles and Burdock noodle ,These Four ,. In that case I can use It instead of a pot.

I Remember reading that it’s shouldn’t Be reused or use it for another purpose, but This is different world so it can’t be helped, Right? That mean I can use cup noodles and cups of fried noodles as dishes.

When I Wanted To stirring the Carbonara. I noticed that I don’t have chopsticks. quickly I Took two pieces of Branches, Clean it and used it as chopsticks.

I should flip the frozen part with Chopsticks ? ……….Now i understand the greatness of Society… … . I want a microwave . Even a gas stove is okay.

I finished c.o.c.king While Thinking About what can’t be helped . There is a part of sauce has burned , but it’s quite Good For my first time. Shrink the shovel Which i used instead of frying pan to a dish size and place it on the table.

I will eat with branch chopsticks this time, but I should make a proper chopstick and fork when I can have Some time. A spoon is also necessary. Knife … … Wooden knife is different thing, So let’s just subst.i.tute With the magical survival knife.

I eat the pasta with sucking sound. It is vulgar. But it is delicious. I only had two breads this morning and missed my meal last night. this is the first Decent cuisine for a long time, I restrain my self from devouring it, And enjoy the feeling and taste slowly and thoroughly.

after finish eating the last bite, I become Strangely sad. What Should i do with the Carbonara Sauce That remained in the shovel.

though no one is watching it It’s embarra.s.sing to lick the shovel directly  …. That’s right! I took out a bread and wipe off remaining carbonara sauce with bread. I want to carry it like this to my mouth, but I put it in The magical bag again.

Next time, I can eat bread with carbonara sauce, not Just a bread. Time stopping  function is very convenient.

However, I ended drinking 2 liter tea bottles with this meal. I also bought T packs of instant coffee and tea, So if i can get water I can enjoy for a while, but without alcohol that only leave me with one 2 liter plastic bottles Green tea.

If I don’t secure water quickly, I will have to fill my thirst with alcohol. by the way , I bought stick sugar for instant coffee, I wish I could have bought sugar The one in plastic bag with rose mark ,in Other worlds sugar are precious. well That’s what says in the novel.

If I Had knew that I would be blown to another world, I would’ve bought things even if i had to borrow Money, which is Really a waste. Now I can think of so many things that i need. at least I should have bought water, It would have been quite different if I bought it .

Clean the shovel and chopsticks and store them. The chopsticks were stored in the magical bag and the shovels were automatically stored in the cultivating tool. It’s convenient.

Speaking of convenience, it is more convenient This clean magic … … If I could use this magic in j.a.pan, it would have been very popular with housewives. or Is it impossible to make a fuss when magic can be used normally?

Alright, my power is back After eating delicious Food. let’s go levelling up by defeating zombies and skeletons.

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Spirit's Paradise And The Idle Another World Life Chapter 6 summary

You're reading Spirit's Paradise And The Idle Another World Life. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): たむたむ. Already has 1076 views.

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