Outlines of English and American Literature Part 38

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SELECTIONS FOR READING. Typical selections from all authors named in the text are found in Manly, English Poetry, English Prose; Pancoast, Standard English Poems, Standard English Prose; and several other collections, which are especially useful in a study of the minor writers. The works of the major authors may be read to much better advantage in various inexpensive editions prepared for school use. Only a few such editions are named below for each author, but a fairly complete list is given under Texts in the General Bibliography.

Tennyson's selected minor poems, Idylls of the King, The Princess and In Memoriam, in Standard English Cla.s.sics, Riverside Literature, Pocket Cla.s.sics, Silver Cla.s.sics. A good volume containing the best of Tennyson's poems in Athenaeum Press Series.

Browning and Mrs. Browning, selected poems in Standard English Cla.s.sics, Lake Cla.s.sics, English Readings, Belles Lettres Series.

Matthew Arnold, selected poems in Golden Treasury Series, Maynard's English Cla.s.sics; Sohrab and Rustum in Standard English Cla.s.sics; prose selections in English Readings, Academy Cla.s.sics.

d.i.c.kens, Tale of Two Cities, David Copperfield, Christmas Carol in Standard English Cla.s.sics, Lake Cla.s.sics; other novels in Everyman's Library.

Thackeray, Henry Esmond in Standard English Cla.s.sics, Pocket Cla.s.sics; English Humorists in Lake Cla.s.sics, English Readings; other works in Everyman's Library.

George Eliot, Silas Marner, in Standard English Cla.s.sics, Riverside Literature; Mill on the Floss and other novels in Everyman's Library.

Blackmore's Lorna Doone and Mrs. Gaskell's Cranford in Standard English Cla.s.sics. Reade's Cloister and the Hearth, Kingsley's Westward Ho and Hypatia in Everyman's Library.

Macaulay, selected essays in Standard English Cla.s.sics, Riverside Literature, Lake Cla.s.sics.

Carlyle, Essay on Burns in Standard English Cla.s.sics, Academy Cla.s.sics; Heroes and Hero Wors.h.i.+p in Athenaeum Press, Pocket Cla.s.sics; French Revolution in Everyman's Library.

Ruskin, Sesame and Lilies and selected essays and letters in Standard English Cla.s.sics; selections from Ruskin's art books in Riverside Literature; other works in Everyman's Library.

BIBLIOGRAPHY. The works named below are selected from a large list dealing with the Victorian age chiefly. For more extended works see the General Bibliography.

_HISTORY_. McCarthy, History of Our Own Times and The Epoch of Reform. Oman, England in the Nineteenth Century; Lee, Queen Victoria; Bryce, Studies in Contemporary Biography.

_LITERATURE_. Saintsbury, History of Nineteenth Century Literature; Harrison, Studies in Early Victorian Literature; Mrs.

Oliphant, Literary History of England in the Nineteenth Century; Walker, The Age of Tennyson; Morley, Literature of the Age of Victoria; Stedman, Victorian Poets; Brownell, Victorian Prose Masters.

_Tennyson_. Life, by Lyall (English Men of Letters Series), by Horton; Alfred Lord Tennyson, a Memoir by his Son. Napier, Homes and Haunts of Tennyson; Andrew Lang, Alfred Tennyson; Dixon, A Tennyson Primer; Sneath, The Mind of Tennyson; Van d.y.k.e, The Poetry of Tennyson. Essays by Harrison, in Tennyson, Ruskin, Mill and Other Literary Estimates; by Stedman, in Victorian Poets; by Hutton, in Literary Essays; by Dowden, in Studies in Literature; by Forster, in Great Teachers; by Gates, in Studies and Appreciations.

_Browning_. Life, by Sharp (Great Writers Series), by Chesterton (E. M. of L.). Alexander, Introduction to Browning (Ginn and Company); Corson, Introduction to the Study of Browning; Phelps, Browning: How to Know Him; Symonds, Introduction to the Study of Browning; Brooke, Poetry of Robert Browning; Harrington, Browning Studies. Essays by Stedman, Dowden, Hutton, Forster.

_d.i.c.kens_. Life, by Forster, by Ward (E. M. of L.), by Marzials. Gissing, Charles d.i.c.kens; Chesterton, Charles d.i.c.kens; Kitton, Novels of d.i.c.kens. Essays by Harrison, Bagehot; A. Lang, in Gads.h.i.+ll edition of d.i.c.kens's works.

_Thackeray_. Life, by Merivale and Marzials, by Trollope (E.

M. of L.). Crowe, Homes and Haunts of Thackeray. Essays, by Brownell, in English Prose Masters; by Lilly, in Four English Humorists; by Harrison, in Studies in Early Victorian Literature; by Scudder, in Social Ideals in English Letters.

_George Eliot_. Life, by L. Stephen (E. M. of L.), by O.

Browning, by Cross. Cooke, George Eliot: a Critical Study of her Life and Writings. Essays by Brownell, Harrison, Dowden, Hutton.

_Macaulay_. Life, by Trevelyan, by Morrison (E. M. of L.).

Essays by L. Stephen, Bagehot, Saintsbury, Harrison, M. Arnold.

_Carlyle_. Life, by Garnett, by Nichol (E. M. of L.), by Froude. Carlyle's Letters and Reminiscences, edited by Norton.

Craig, The Making of Carlyle. Essays by Lowell, Brownell, Hutton, Harrison.

_Ruskin_. Life, by Harrison (E. M. of L.), by Collingwood.

Ruskin's Praeterita (autobiography). Mather, Ruskin, his Life and Teaching; Cooke, Studies in Ruskin; Waldstein, The Work of John Ruskin; W. M. Rossetti, Ruskin, Rossetti and Pre-Raphaelitism.

Essays by Brownell, Saintsbury, Forster, Harrison.


Books dealing with individual authors and with special periods of English literature are listed in the various chapter endings of this history. Following are some of the best works for general reference, for extended study and for supplementary reading.

_HISTORY_. A brief, trustworthy textbook of history, such as Cheyney's Short History of England (Ginn and Company) or Gardiner's Student's History (Longmans), should always be at hand in studying English literature. More detailed works are Traill, Social England, 6 vols. (Putnam); Bright, History of England, 5 vols. (Longmans); Green, History of the English People, 4 vols. (Harper); Green, Short History of the English People, revised edition, 1 vol.

(American Book Co.); latest revision of Green's Short History, with appendix of recent events to 1900, in Everyman's Library (Putnam); Kendall, Source Book of English History (Macmillan); Colby, Selections from the Sources of English History (Longmans); Lingard, History of England, to 1688, 10 vols. (a standard Catholic history). Mitch.e.l.l, English Lands, Letters and Kings, 5 vols.

(Scribner), a series of pleasant essays of history and literature.

_LITERARY HISTORY_. Cambridge History of English Literature, to be completed in 14 vols. (Putnam), by different authors, not always in harmony; Channels of English Literature (b.u.t.ton) treats of epic, drama, history, essay, novel and other types, each in a separate volume; Jusserand, Literary History of the English People, to 1650, 2 vols. (Putnam), a fascinating record; Ten Brink, English Literature, to 1550, 3 vols. (Holt), good material, clumsy style; Taine, English Literature, 2 vols. (Holt), brilliant but not trustworthy; Handbooks of English Literature, 9 vols. (Macmillan); Garnett and Gosse, Ill.u.s.trated History of English Literature, 4 bulky volumes (Macmillan), good for pictures; Nicoll and Seccombe, History of English Literature, from Chaucer to end of Victorian era, 3 vols. (Dodd); Morley, English Writers, to 1650, 11 vols.

(Ca.s.sell); Chambers, Cyclopedia of English Literature, 3 vols.


_BIOGRAPHY_. Dictionary of National Biography, 63 vols.

(Macmillan). English Men of Letters, a volume to each author (Macmillan); briefer series of the same kind are Great Writers (Scribner), Beacon Biographies (Houghton), Westminster Biographies (Small). Allibone, Dictionary of Authors, 5 vols. (Lippincott).

Hinchman and Gummere, Lives of Great English Writers (Houghton), offers thirty-eight biographies in a single volume.

_LITERARY TYPES_. Courthope, History of English Poetry, 4 vols. (Macmillan); Gummere, Handbook of Poetics (Ginn and Company); Stedman, Nature and Elements of Poetry (Houghton); Saintsbury, History of English Prosody (Macmillan); Alden, Specimens of English Verse (Holt).

Steenstrup, The Mediaeval Popular Ballad, translated from the Danish by Edward c.o.x (Ginn and Company); Gummere, The Popular Ballad (Houghton). Ward, History of Dramatic Literature, to 1714, 3 vols.

(Macmillan); Caffin, Appreciation of the Drama (Baker).

Raleigh, The English Novel (Scribner); Hamilton, Materials and Methods of Fiction (Baker); Cross, Development of the English Novel (Macmillan); Perry, Study of Prose Fiction (Houghton).

Saintsbury, History of Criticism, 3 vols. (Dodd); Gayley and Scott, Introduction to Methods and Materials of Literary Criticism (Ginn and Company); Winchester, Principles of Criticism (Macmillan); Worsfold, Principles of Criticism (Longmans); Moulton, Library of Literary Criticism, 8 vols. (Malkan).

_ESSAYS OF LITERATURE_. Bagehot, Literary Studies; Hazlitt, Lectures on the English poets; Lowell, Literary Essays; Mackail, Springs of Helicon (English poets from Chaucer to Milton); Minto, Characteristics of English Poets (Chaucer to Elizabethan dramatists); Matthew Arnold, Essays in Criticism; Leslie Stephen, Hours in a Library; Stevenson, Familiar Studies of Men and Books; Birrell, Obiter Dicta; Hales, Folia Litteraria; Walter Pater, Appreciations; Woodberry, Makers of Literature; Dowden, Studies in Literature and Transcripts and Studies; Gates, Studies in Appreciation; Harrison, The Choice of Books; Bates, Talks on the Study of Literature.

_COLLECTIONS OF POETRY AND PROSE_. Manly, English Poetry, English Prose, 2 vols., containing selections from all important English authors (Ginn and Company); Newcomer and Andrews, Twelve Centuries of English Poetry and Prose (Scott); Century Readings in English Literature (Century Co.); Pancoast, Standard English Poetry, Standard English Prose, 2 vols. (Holt); Leading English Poets from Chaucer to Browning (Houghton); Oxford Book of English Verse. Oxford Treasury of English Literature, 3 vols. (Clarendon Press); Ward, English Poets, 4 vols., and Craik, English Prose Selections, 5 vols. (Macmillan); Morley, Library of English Literature, 5 vols. (Ca.s.sell).

_LANGUAGE_. Lounsbury, History of the English Language (Holt); Emerson, Brief History of the English Language (Macmillan); Welsh, Development of English Language and Literature (Scott); Bradley, Making of English (Macmillan); Greenough and Kittredge, Words and their Ways in English Speech (Macmillan); Anderson, Study of English Words (American Book Co.).

_MISCELLANEOUS_. Cla.s.sic Myths in English Literature (Ginn and Company); Ryland, Chronological Outlines of English Literature, names and dates only (Macmillan); Raleigh, Style (Longmans); Brewer, Reader's Handbook (Lippincott); Hutton, Literary Landmarks of London (Harper); Boynton, London in English Literature (University of Chicago Press); Dalbiac, Dictionary of English Quotations (Macmillan); Bartlett, Familiar Quotations (Little); Walsh, International Encyclopedia of Quotations (Winston).

_SCHOOL TEXTS_. [Footnote: The chief works of English and American literature are now widely published in inexpensive editions prepared especially for cla.s.sroom use. Descriptive catalogues of these handy little editions are issued by the various educational publishers.] Standard English Cla.s.sics and Athenaeum Press Series (Ginn and Company); Riverside Literature (Houghton); Pocket Cla.s.sics, Golden Treasury Series (Macmillan); Lake Cla.s.sics (Scott); Silver Cla.s.sics (Silver); Longmans' English Cla.s.sics (Longmans); English Readings (Holt); Maynard's English Cla.s.sics (Merrill); Caxton Cla.s.sics (Scribner); Belles Lettres Series (Heath); King's Cla.s.sics (Luce); Canterbury Cla.s.sics (Rand); Academy Cla.s.sics (Allyn); Cambridge Literature (Sanborn); Student's Series (Sibley); Camelot Series (Simmons); Carisbrooke Library (Routledge); World's Cla.s.sics (Clarendon Press); Lakeside Cla.s.sics (Ainsworth); Standard Literature (University Publis.h.i.+ng Company); Eclectic English Cla.s.sics (American Book Co.); Ca.s.sell's National Library (Ca.s.sell); Everyman's Library (b.u.t.ton); Morley's Universal Library (Routledge); Bohn Library (Macmillan); Little Masterpieces (Doubleday); Handy Volume Cla.s.sics (Crowell); Arthurian Romances (Nutt); New Mediaeval Library (Duffield); Arber's English Reprints (Macmillan); Mermaid Dramatists (Scribner); Temple Dramatists (Macmillan); Home and School Library, a series of texts prepared for young readers (Ginn and Company).


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