The Bourne Sanction Part 37

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He stood up. "What is it?"

"The phone's too insecure," she said. "We should meet." She told him the place and the time.

Glancing at his watch, he said, "That's a little over an hour from now."

"Right as rain. I can make it. Can you?"

"I think I can manage," he said. "See you."

He disconnected, went over to the window, leaned on the sash, replaying the conversation word by word in his mind.

He felt the jolt of a dislocation, as if he had moved outside his body, experiencing something that had happened to someone else. His mind, recording a seismic s.h.i.+ft in its neurons, was struggling with a memory. Bourne knew he'd had this conversation before, but for the life of him he couldn't remember where or when, or what significance it might have for him now.

He would have continued on with his fruitless search had not the downstairs bell rang. Turning from the window, he went across the living room, pressed the b.u.t.ton that released the outer door's lock. The time had finally come when he and Arkadin would meet face-to-face-the of legend, who specialized in killing killers, who had slipped in and out of a Russian high-security prison without anyone being the wiser, who had managed to eliminate Pyotr and his entire network.

There was a knock on the door. He kept away from the spy hole, kept away from the door itself, unlatching it from the side. There was no gunshot, no splintering of the wood and metal. Instead the door opened inward and a dapper man with dark skin and a spade-shaped beard stepped into the apartment.

Bourne said, "Turn around slowly."

The man, hands where Bourne could see them, turned to face him. It was Semion Icoupov.

"Bourne," he said.

Bourne produced his, opened it to the inside cover.

Icoupov nodded. "I see. Is this where you kill me at the behest of Dominic Specter?"

"You mean Asher Sever."

"Oh, dear," Icoupov said, "there goes my surprise." He smiled. "I confess I'm shocked. Nevertheless, I congratulate you, Mr. Bourne. You've come by knowledge no one else has. By what means is a complete mystery."

"Let's keep it that way," Bourne said.

"No matter. What's important is that I don't have to waste time trying to convince you that Sever has played you. Since you've already uncovered his lies, we can move on to the next stage."

"What makes you think I'm going to listen to anything you have to say?"

"If you've discovered Sever's lies, then you know the recent history of the Black Legion, you know we were once like brothers, you know how deep the enmity between us runs. We are enemies, Sever and I. There can be only one outcome to our war, you understand me?"

Bourne said nothing.

"I want to help you stop his people from attacking your country, is that clear enough?" He shrugged. "Yes, of course you're right to be skeptical, I would be if I was in your place." He moved his left hand very slowly to the edge of his overcoat, pulled it back to reveal the lining. There was something sticking out of the slit pocket. "Perhaps before anything untoward happens, you should take a look at what I have here."

Bourne leaned in, took the SIG Sauer Icoupov had holstered at his belt. Then he pulled the packet free.

As he was opening it up, Icoupov said, "I went to a great deal of trouble to steal those from my nemesis."

Bourne found himself looking over the architectural plans for the Empire State Building. When he glanced up, he found Icoupov watching him intently. "This is what the Black Legion means to attack. Do you know when?"

"Indeed, I do." Icoupov glanced at his watch. "Precisely thirty-three hours, twenty-six minutes from now."


VERONICA HART was looking at The Drudge Report The Drudge Report when Stu Gold escorted General Kendall into her office. She was sitting in front of her desk, the monitor turned toward the door so Kendall could get a clear view of the photos of him and the woman from The Gla.s.s Slipper. when Stu Gold escorted General Kendall into her office. She was sitting in front of her desk, the monitor turned toward the door so Kendall could get a clear view of the photos of him and the woman from The Gla.s.s Slipper.

"That's just one site," she said, waving them to three chairs that had been arranged opposite her. "There are so many others." When her guests were seated, she addressed Kendall. "Whatever is your family going to say, General? Your minister, and the congregation?" Her expression remained neutral; she was careful to keep the gloat out of her voice. "I understand that a goodly number of them aren't fond of African Americans, even as maids and nannies. They prefer the Eastern Europeans-young blond Polish and Russian women. Isn't that right?"

Kendall said nothing, sat with his back ramrod-straight, his hands clasped primly between his knees, as if he were at a court-martial.

Hart wished Soraya were here, but she hadn't returned from the NSA safe house, which was worrying enough; she wasn't answering her cell, either.

"I've suggested that the best thing he can do now is to help us tie LaValle in to the plot to steal CI secrets," Gold said.

Now Hart smiled rather sweetly at Kendall. "And what do you think of that suggestion, General?"

"Recruiting Rodney Feir was entirely my idea," Kendall said woodenly.

Hart sat forward. "You want us to believe you'd embark on such a risky course without informing your superior?"

"After the fiasco with Batt, I had to do something to prove my worth. I felt I had the best chance romancing Feir."

"This is getting us nowhere," Hart said.

Gold stood up. "I agree. The general has made up his mind to fall on his sword for the man who sold him down the river." He moved to the door. "I'm not sure how that computes, but it takes all kinds."

"Is that it?" Kendall looked straight ahead. "Are you done with me?"

"We are," Hart said, "but Rob Batt isn't."

Batt's name got a reaction out of the general. "Batt? What does he have to do with anything? He's out of the picture."

"I don't think so." Hart got up, stood behind his chair. "Batt's had you under surveillance from the moment you ruined his life. Those photos of you and Feir going in and out of the health club, the barbecue joint, and The Gla.s.s Slipper were taken by him."

"But that's not all he has." Gold lifted his briefcase meaningfully.

"So," Hart said, "I'm afraid your stay at CI will continue awhile longer."

"How much longer?"

"What do you care?" Hart said. "You no longer have a life to go back to."

While Kendall remained with two armed agents, Hart and Gold went next door, where Rodney Feir was sitting, guarded by another pair of agents.

"Is the general having fun yet?" Feir said as they took seats facing him. "This is a black day for him." He chuckled at his own joke, but no one else did.

"Do you have any idea how serious your situation is?" Gold said.

Feir smiled. "I do believe I have a handle on the situation."

Gold and Hart exchanged a glance; neither could understand Feir's lighthearted att.i.tude.

Gold said, "You're going to jail for a very long time, Mr. Feir."

Feir crossed one leg over the other. "I think not."

"You think wrong," Gold said.

"Rodney, we have you stealing Typhon secrets and handing them over to a ranking member of a rival intelligence organization."

"Please!" Feir said. "I'm fully aware of what I did and that you caught me at it. What I'm saying is none of that matters." He continued to look like the Ches.h.i.+re Cat, as if he held a royal flush to their four aces.

"Explain yourself," Gold said curtly.

"I f.u.c.ked up," Feir said. "But I'm not sorry for what I did, only that I got caught."

"That att.i.tude will certainly help your case," Hart said caustically. She was done being manhandled by Luther LaValle and his cohorts.

"I'm not, by nature, to being contrite, Director. But like your evidence, my att.i.tude is of no import. I mean to say, if I were were contrite like Rob Batt, would it make any difference to you?" He shook his head. "So let's not bulls.h.i.+t each other. What I did, how I feel about it is in the past. Let's talk about the future." contrite like Rob Batt, would it make any difference to you?" He shook his head. "So let's not bulls.h.i.+t each other. What I did, how I feel about it is in the past. Let's talk about the future."

"You have no future," Hart said tartly.

"That remains to be seen." Feir kept his maddening smile trained on her. "What I'm proposing is a barter."

Gold was incredulous. "You want to make a deal?"

"Let's call it a fair exchange," Feir said. "You drop all charges against me, give me a generous severance package and a letter of recommendation I can take into the private sector."

"Anything else?" Hart said. "How about a summer house on the Chesapeake and a yacht to go with it?"

"A generous offer," Feir said with a perfectly straight face, "but I'm not a pig, Director."

Gold rose. "This is intolerable behavior."

Feir eyed him. "Don't get your knickers in a twist, counselor. You haven't heard my side of the exchange."

"Not interested." Gold signaled the two agents. "Take him back down to the holding cell."

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Feir didn't struggle as the agents grabbed hold of either arm and hauled him to his feet. He turned to Hart. "Director, did you ever wonder why Luther LaValle didn't try a run at CI while the Old Man was alive?"

"I didn't have to; I know. The Old Man was too powerful, too well connected."

"True enough, but there's another, more specific reason." Feir looked from one agent to the other.

Hart wanted to wring his neck. "Let him go," she said.

Gold stepped forward. "Director, I strongly recommend-"

"No harm in hearing the man out, Stu." Hart nodded. "Go ahead, Rodney. You have one minute."

"The fact is LaValle tried several times to make a run at CI while the Old Man was in charge. He failed every time, and do you know why?" Feir looked from one to the other, the Ches.h.i.+re Cat grin back on his face. "Because for years the Old Man has had a deep-cover mole inside the NSA."

Hart goggled at him. "What?"

"This is bulls.h.i.+t," Gold said. "He's blowing smoke up our a.s.s."

"Good guess, counselor, but wrong. I know the ident.i.ty of the mole."

"How on earth would you know that, Rodney?"

Feir laughed. "Sometimes-not very often, I admit-it pays to be CI's chief file clerk."

"That's hardly what you-"

"That's precisely what I am, Director." A storm cloud of deep-seated anger momentarily shook him. "No fancy t.i.tle can obscure the fact." He waved a hand, his flash of rage quickly banked to embers. "But no matter, the point is I see things in CI no one else does. The Old Man had contingencies in place should he be killed, but you know this better than I do, counselor, don't you?"

Gold turned to Hart. "The Old Man left a number of sealed envelopes addressed to different directors in the event of his sudden demise."

"One of those envelopes," Feir said, "the one with the ident.i.ty of the mole inside NSA, was sent to Rob Batt, which made sense at the time, since Batt was chief of operations. But it never got to Batt, I saw to that."

"You-" Hart was so enraged that she could barely speak.

"I could say that I'd already begun to suspect that Batt was working for the NSA," Feir said, "but that would be a lie."

"So you held on to it, even after I was appointed."

"Leverage, Director. I figured that sooner or later I'd need my Get Out of Jail Free card."

There was the smile that made Hart want to bury her fist in his face. With an effort, she restrained herself. "And meanwhile, you let LaValle trample all over us. Because of you I was led out of my office in handcuffs, because of you the Old Man's legacy is a hair's breadth from being buried."

"Yeah, well, these things happen. What can you do?"

"I'll tell you what I can do," Hart said, signaling the agents, who grabbed Feir again. "I can tell you to go to h.e.l.l. I can tell you that you'll spend the rest of your life in jail."

Even then, Feir appeared unfazed. "I said I knew who the mole is, Director. Furthermore-and I believe this will be of especial interest you-I know where he's stationed."

Hart was too enraged to care. "Get him out of my sight."

As he was being led to the door, Feir said, "He's inside the NSA safe house."

The DCI felt her heart thumping hard in her chest. Feir's G.o.dd.a.m.n smile was not only understandable now, it was warranted.

Thirty-three hours, twenty-six minutes from now. Icoupov's ominous words were still ringing in Bourne's ears when he saw a flicker of movement. He and Icoupov were standing in the foyer, the front door was still open, and a shadow had for a moment stained the opposite wall of the hallway. Someone was out there, s.h.i.+elded by the half-open door. Icoupov's ominous words were still ringing in Bourne's ears when he saw a flicker of movement. He and Icoupov were standing in the foyer, the front door was still open, and a shadow had for a moment stained the opposite wall of the hallway. Someone was out there, s.h.i.+elded by the half-open door.

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The Bourne Sanction Part 37 summary

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