Trail of the Gods Part 14

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Coming over to him, James says, "How's your shoulder?"

Yern brings his workout to a stop as he turns and replies, "Much better. It doesn't hurt so much anymore and I've regained much mobility and strength."

"Good," he says. "I was wondering if you could find Fifer and meet me in the workshop?"

"Why?" he asks, rubbing the sweaty hair from out of his face.

"I have something I need you to do," he tells him.

"I think he's out by the road," he says. "I'll see if Jiron will take over for him and we'll be there in a few minutes."

"Alright," replies James.

Yern goes over to a bucket of water and washes the sweat off of his face before going to find Jiron.

James turns back and continues to the workshop. Once inside, he picks up the box and places it on his workbench, it's not nearly as heavy as he'd been antic.i.p.ating. He spends several minutes in further examination of it, checking to make sure there are no cracks in any of the crystals, even to the point of sending his senses to inspect them internally.

Finding no fractures that he had been afraid would've happened during the construction process, he brings himself out of the crystals just as Yern enters the workshop with Fifer close behind.

"What did you need to see us about?" asks Fifer.

"I need you two to go on a trip," he tells them. He then fills them in on just what he wants them to do and answers their questions as best he can without revealing too much to them. Once he's sure they understand, he leads them back to the house and into his room where he opens the money chest and takes out two small bags of coins. Handing one to each, he says, "I'll be meeting you there in less than a week so don't take too long."

"We won't," Yern a.s.sures him.

They then proceed to the stable where they saddle their horses and are soon heading down the lane to the road. Pausing only a moment to speak with Jiron, they then turn and gallop down the road toward town.

Back at the workshop, James is inspecting the box further when Illan walks in. "Saw Yern and Fifer leaving," he says.

"I asked them to do me a favor," he explains. "They'll be gone for a while."

"Might I ask where and what for?" he asks.

James nods and then fills him in on what he plans on doing. When he's done, Illan asks, "Think it will work?"

"I hope so," he says. "If it doesn't, I don't know what I'll do."

"When do we leave?" he asks James.

"Day after tomorrow," he replies. "There're still a couple more things I need to do before I'm ready." He turns back to the box and resumes his inspection.

"Very well," says Illan and then turns to leave the workshop.

"Oh, one more thing," James says quickly before he leaves.

"Yes?" Illan asks as he glances back from the doorway.

"Could you find someplace else to do the morning drills?" he asks. "They keep waking me up."

Giving him a smile, he says, "Sure, no problem. Didn't realize they were bothering you."

"Thanks," says James. As Illan walks out of the workshop, he thinks how glad he is to have good reliable people with him.

He leaves the workshop and enters the forest where he collects the crystals he's had out there absorbing magic. They all look fully charged, each having a deep crimson glow. Taking them back to the workshop, he begins the final stage in preparing the box for the Fire.

There are five crystals embedded within the box. He endows three of them with the concealing spells, one which will leech magic from its surroundings, and the last one will be an extra reservoir of magic. His original idea of only having one concealing crystal had been sc.r.a.ped. After his experiment with the stool, he figures to need three so as not to lose too much power should it become necessary.

The way he has it set up, only one of the concealing crystals will be completely active at any given time. The other two will standby and only join the first when they detect someone searching for it. The concealing crystals will in turn continually draw their power from the reservoir crystal whose only function is to provide a single source of power for them to draw from.

The reservoir crystal will get its power from the leeching crystal which will continuously draw sufficient quant.i.ties from its surroundings to keep itself at the maximum, thereby powering all the rest as well.

James takes the crystals that have spent the last several days absorbing power and transfers their power into the leeching crystal, one at a time. As he begins the transfer of power, the crystals on the box each begin to emit a soft red glow as they slowly fill with power.

He hears a knock at his door but ignores it.

"James," Miko's voice is heard from the other side. "Lunch time."

"Can't right now," he says. "In the middle of something serious."

"But..." Miko begins.

"NOT NOW!!!" he shouts as his concentration begins to waver from the interruption. Miko must've gotten the idea for the knocking ceases and he is no longer bothered. He returns his full concentration to the matter at hand as the first of the crystals whose power is being absorbed into the box completely loses its glow.

He then directs the flow to draw the power from the next crystal with a deep crimson glow just as he hears a barely audible...Crack! The first crystal which he completely drained now has a hairline crack running through the middle of it. The first crystal which he completely drained now has a hairline crack running through the middle of it. Interesting. Interesting.

The second crystal's glow steadily diminishes until it, too, is completely drained. Shortly after he's started on the third one, again he hears a...Crack! Again, a hairline crack has appeared in the second drained crystal. By the time he's done with all the crystals, three of them now have hairline cracks within them, while the fourth has completely split in two. Again, a hairline crack has appeared in the second drained crystal. By the time he's done with all the crystals, three of them now have hairline cracks within them, while the fourth has completely split in two.

Thinking he'll worry about the cracking of the crystals later, he turns his attention back to the box. The crystals embedded in the sides and top of the box all have a crimson glow, not quite as deep as it would be if they were fully charged.

Taking the box outside, he takes it into the forest and places it on the ground. Leaving it there with the leeching spell activated to continue charging the crystals, he returns to the workshop where he picks up the mirror he brought out earlier to replace the one he shattered the day before. Concentrating hard, he tries to find the box. But just like the last time with the stool, he's unable to get a picture. He increases the magic usage and concentration, yet still the mirror remains blank.

Backing off, he finally cancels the spell and sits back. Exhausted and tired, yet feeling good about his accomplishments, he knows the box is unlikely to be found by magical means. Unless an incredible amount of magic is used, but that doesn't seem too likely.

There's one more thing he wants to do before they go and hide it. Getting up from his stool, he sees the moonlight coming in through the window. A lit candle sits on his workbench which had been giving him enough light to work by. Just when did I light that? Just when did I light that? Surprised at how long he must've been at it and how engrossed he must've been to not even remember lighting a candle, he leaves the workshop and goes into the house where Ezra provides him with a plate of leftovers from dinner. Surprised at how long he must've been at it and how engrossed he must've been to not even remember lighting a candle, he leaves the workshop and goes into the house where Ezra provides him with a plate of leftovers from dinner.

He can hear the rest of them out in the front room where Tersa is favoring them with a song. Her voice is really quite good but it makes him realize how much he misses hearing Perrilin sing. Wonder what's happening with him and if he's gotten into any more trouble. Wonder what's happening with him and if he's gotten into any more trouble.

When he finishes eating, he moves into the front room with the others who just give him a concerned look. "I'm okay," he a.s.sures them. "I was just in the middle of something requiring my undivided attention and time just sort of got away from me."

"Here," Tersa says to him. "Come sit by me."

He takes a seat next to her as she begins another song, this one a fast paced ditty that he's heard many times. It's one of his favorites which is probably why she's singing it now.

After another song and an improbable story of how Uther and Jorry had managed to be invited to attend a hunting party in search of a band of thieves which, according to them, they slew all by themselves, he excuses himself for bed. The rigors of the day have taken their toll and he's barely able to keep his eyes open.

Lying in bed before sleep finally takes him, he thinks about the last thing he wants to accomplish before setting out the next day. A warning system to alert him should the box be disturbed.

Chapter Ten.

The following morning finds James back in the workshop right after breakfast, fully rested. True to his word, Illan takes the training session to the other side of the house, as far away from his window as possible. For the first time in days, James is able to sleep himself out.

Before him on the workbench are two of the crystals from his bag. He plans to use one for his warning system and the other as a possible defensive measure against anyone other than himself touching the box.

He infuses them with the leeching spell and takes them out to the forest where he'll leave them until tomorrow in order to have them somewhat charged before he begins infusing them with the desired spells. Spells which he still needs to figure out.

The warning system should be fairly easy. Reaching down to the bag of crystals, he pulls out two more. One will be the transmitter and the other a receiver. The transmitter crystal will be set near the box at its final destination. It will sit dormant until at such a time as someone, or something disturbs the box. Then it will send a burst of power which will come to the receiver crystal.

When the burst of power enters the receiver crystal, he'll have it set up where a dormant spell within the receiver crystal will activate. The crystal will then glow a brilliant red, alerting him that the Fire has been disturbed. Whether he'll be able to do anything about it at the time is uncertain, but at least he'll know something's going on.

He works on trying to come up with exactly the right spells for this to work. By lunchtime they're pretty much finalized, he just needs to test it. He's just imbued the crystals with the spells when someone knocks at the workshop door.

"Come in" he hollers and Ezra enters with a plate of sandwiches and a mug of ale.

"Thought you might be busy and I didn't want you missing any more meals," she tells him as she puts the food before him on the workbench.

"Thank you," he says.

Giving him a brief nod and smile, she leaves the workshop and shuts the door behind her.

Taking a sandwich in one hand, he lets each of the crystals leech some power from him until they begin emitting a very soft red glow. Canceling the leeching spells, he then sets about testing his theory.

The receiver crystal has been set with a certain signature that the transmitter will home in on when it sends out its burst of power. When the actual crystal is placed within the box's final resting place, he'll fine tune it a little bit more so the power will flow in pretty much the right direction.

Picking up the receiver crystal, he takes it into the house and places it within the money chest sitting in his room. Shutting the lid, he returns back to the workshop. He activates the transmitter crystal and feels a brief tingle as it sends most of the power it has to the receiver crystal. It still has a faint glow within it, he put limits on how much can be expelled by the crystal. Since he won't have access to the box once it's hidden, he doesn't want to run the risk of any crystal becoming completely depleted and cracking.

Leaving the workshop, he heads back to his room and opens the lid. The receiver crystal is now glowing, just as he hoped it would. He cancels the spell on the crystal and the glow disappears. Smiling with great satisfaction, he takes the crystal and leaves his room.

Back in the kitchen he asks Ezra where Miko is and she tells him he's likely out back with Roland. "Thanks," he says to her before heading out the back door in search for him. The unmistakable sound of wood being chopped reaches him as he steps outside. He sees them over in the area Roland has been using for splitting logs.

Roland puts a round section of log in front of Miko who then takes the tool they use in these parts for splitting logs and strikes it with all his might, sinking the wedge half deep within the wood. The tool has a long handle just as a regular axe but the head is fas.h.i.+oned differently. On one side is a six inch piece of slightly curved, wedge shaped metal and on the other is a flat block of metal that can be used as a sledge hammer.

Miko lifts the log splitter with the piece of wood still attached and then slams it back down on the stump as hard as he can. When the wood impacts with the stump, the tool sinks into the wood further, splitting it apart. Roland takes the pieces and tosses them over to a large pile of wood that's already been split into firewood. He then places another round section of log on the stump as Miko readies to swing the log splitter.

"Excuse me," he says as he approaches.

Miko swings and embeds the wedge side deep within the wood. Before lifting the wood to finish splitting it, he looks over to James and asks, "Care to lend a hand?"

"No, but I could use your help though."

He again lifts the wood and slams it down on the stump which almost completely splits the piece of wood apart. Taking the wood in his hands, he pries the two pieces apart and tosses the smaller one over to the wood pile before setting the larger piece back on the stump.

"How?" he asks as he strikes the wood again, this time splitting the piece in two with one blow.

"If you can spare him Roland, I need him to ride into town," James says.

"Sure," Roland replies as he comes over to take the log splitter from Miko. "Thanks for the help," he says to Miko.

"No problem," he says as he follows James over to the stables.

"This won't take too long," he a.s.sures him. "What I want you to do is ride into town or maybe even past it." Holding up the receiver crystal he says, "I'm going to try to have this crystal light up from a distance. As you ride, hold this in your hand. When you see light coming from within it, turn around and come on back."

Seeing the doubt in his eyes as he glances to the crystal, he adds, "It won't hurt you. You won't even feel anything."

"What do you want to do this for?" he asks as he hesitantly takes the crystal.

James almost laughs at the way he's holding it. You'd think he had a deadly snake or something in his hand. "Just an experiment is all," he explains. As much as he likes and trusts Miko, there're just some things he doesn't need to know about.

"Alright," he says. "When do you want me to leave?"

"Right now if you wouldn't mind."

"Sure, just let me get washed and I'll saddle my horse," he tells him.

"Thanks, I appreciate it," he says. "I plan on letting you ride for an hour or so before the crystal begins to glow. I want to see how well it does over a distance." He watches a moment while Miko walks over to the washbasin out by the kitchen to clean up before heading back to the workshop. Now for the defense of the Fire. Now for the defense of the Fire.

He mulls it over back at his workbench for several minutes before he hears Miko's horse racing down the lane. Glancing out the window, he sees him turning out of the lane and heading into town. Turning back to his work, he continues contemplating the best types of defensive spells he could put in the crystal.

The spells can't be such that they may pose a risk to the box or the Fire. They need to be more selective, but powerful enough to thwart any attempt to steal it. Of course the spells should be tailored to the environment where the Fire will be as well. Somehow incorporating the strengths of the area where it will lie to aid in its defense.

Throughout the rest of the day, he comes up with ideas and then them. Nothing seems to work the way he plans. He takes a short break for dinner but then is right back to work afterward. When the light outside begins to fade, Ezra comes out and places a couple candles in his workshop to give him light to work by. So engrossed is he in what he's doing that he barely even realizes she's placed the candles until long after she's left.

Finally, exhausted and mentally fatigued, he looks at the defensive crystal sitting before him. All the spells he thinks he needs are infused within. All it'll take now is to power the crystal and then finally activate the dormant spells within once the Fire is properly hidden.

Getting up from his workbench, he stretches and begins to head to his room where he intends to crash hard. Almost to the door to the kitchen, he abruptly stops as a thought suddenly occurs to him. Miko! I forgot all about him! Miko! I forgot all about him!

It must be well over five hours since he sent him off to check on the receiver crystal. Rus.h.i.+ng back to his workshop, he finds the crystal and activates it. He feels a short tingle as it sends its signal to the receiver crystal.

Feelings of guilt fill him as he leaves the workshop and heads to his room. Poor Miko, wonder how far he'd gotten. Poor Miko, wonder how far he'd gotten.

The town of Osgrin had long since disappeared behind him when the crystal finally begins emitting the light James had told him about. Finally! Finally! Bringing his horse to a stop, he pauses as he looks at the crystal in his hand. A soft reddish glow is coming from deep within it. Bringing his horse to a stop, he pauses as he looks at the crystal in his hand. A soft reddish glow is coming from deep within it. Wonder how he does that? Wonder how he does that?

Putting the glowing crystal in his pack, he turns his horse around and heads back to Osgrin. An hour, indeed. Been more like five! An hour, indeed. Been more like five! Miko's starving and figures James is just going to have to wait a little bit longer. He plans on finding an inn somewhere in Osgrin where he can have a bite to eat before heading back. If he didn't think James would want to know about his crystal, he would get a room and head out in the morning. Miko's starving and figures James is just going to have to wait a little bit longer. He plans on finding an inn somewhere in Osgrin where he can have a bite to eat before heading back. If he didn't think James would want to know about his crystal, he would get a room and head out in the morning.

The lights of Osgrin appear ahead of him out of the dark and when he the outskirts he comes across a two story building with a sign depicting a pig on a spit roasting over a fire.

A wonderfully delicious aroma is coming from the building, roast pork is what it smells like. Stopping in front, he ties his horse to one of the rails outside and makes his way through the front door.

The place is packed and the only table left to him is all the way in the back, a small table only large enough for one or two people. He signals one of the serving girls on his way over and she arrives shortly after he takes his seat.

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Trail of the Gods Part 14 summary

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