Selections From The Poems And Plays Of Robert Browning Part 22

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There shall never be one lost good! What was, shall live as before; The evil is null, is naught, is silence implying sound; 70 What was good shall be good, with, for evil, so much good more; On the earth the broken arcs; in the heaven, a perfect round.

All we have willed or hoped or dreamed of good shall exist; Not its semblance, but itself; no beauty, nor good, nor power Whose voice has gone forth, but each survives for the 75 melodist When eternity affirms the conception of an hour.

The high that proved too high, the heroic for earth too hard, The pa.s.sion that left the ground to lose itself in the sky, Are music sent up to G.o.d by the lover and the bard; Enough that He heard it once: we shall hear it by-and-by. 80

And what is our failure here but a triumph's evidence For the fullness of the days? Have we withered or agonized?

Why else was the pause prolonged but that singing might issue thence?

Why rushed the discords in but that harmony should be prized?

Sorrow is hard to bear, and doubt is slow to clear, 85 Each sufferer says his say, his scheme of the weal and woe: But G.o.d has a few of us whom He whispers in the ear; The rest may reason and welcome: 'tis we musicians know.

Well, it is earth with me; silence resumes her reign: I will be patient and proud, and soberly acquiesce. 90 Give me the keys. I feel for the common chord again, Sliding by semitones, till I sink to the minor--yes, And I blunt it into a ninth, and I stand on alien ground, Surveying awhile the heights I rolled from into the deep; Which, hark, I have dared and done, for my resting-place is 95 found, The C Major of this life: so, now I will try to sleep.


Grow old along with me!

The best is yet to be, The last of life, for which the first was made: Our times are in His hand Who saith, "A whole I planned, 5 Youth shows but half; trust G.o.d: see all nor be afraid!"

Not that, ama.s.sing flowers, Youth sighed, "Which rose make ours, Which lily leave and then as best recall?"

Not that, admiring stars, It yearned, "Nor Jove, nor Mars; 10 Mine be some figured flame which blends, transcends them all!"

Not for such hopes and fears Annulling youth's brief years, Do I remonstrate: folly wide the mark! 15 Rather I prize the doubt Low kinds exist without, Finished and finite clods, untroubled by a spark.

Poor vaunt of life indeed, Were man but formed to feed 20 On joy, to solely seek and find and feast: Such feasting ended, then As sure an end to men; Irks care the crop-full bird? Frets doubt the maw-crammed beast?

Rejoice we are allied 25 To That which doth provide And not partake, effect and not receive!

A spark disturbs our clod; Nearer we hold of G.o.d Who gives, than of His tribes that take, I must believe. 30

Then, welcome each rebuff That turns earth's smoothness rough, Each sting that bids nor sit nor stand but go!

Be our joys three-parts pain!

Strive, and hold cheap the strain; 35 Learn, nor account the pang; dare, never grudge the throe!

For thence--a paradox Which comforts while it mocks-- Shall life succeed in that it seems to fail: What I aspired to be, 40 And was not, comforts me; A brute I might have been, but would not sink i' the scale.

What is he but a brute Whose flesh has soul to suit, Whose spirit works lest arms and legs want play? 45 To man, propose this test-- Thy body at its best, How far can that project thy soul on its lone way?

Yet gifts should prove their use: I own the Past profuse 50 Of power each side, perfection every turn: Eyes, ears took in their dole, Brain treasured up the whole; Should not the heart beat once, "How good to live and learn"?

Not once beat, "Praise be Thine! 55 I see the whole design, I, who saw power, see now Love perfect too: Perfect I call Thy plan: Thanks that I was a man!

Maker, remake, complete--I trust what Thou shalt do!" 60

For pleasant is this flesh; Our soul, in its rose-mesh Pulled ever to the earth, still yearns for rest: Would we some prize might hold To match those manifold 65 Possessions of the brute--gain most, as we did best!

Let us not always say, "Spite of this flesh today I strove, made head, gained ground upon the whole!"

As the bird wings and sings, 70 Let us cry, "All good things Are ours, nor soul helps flesh more, now, than flesh helps soul!"

Therefore I summon age To grant youth's heritage, Life's struggle having so far reached its term: 75 Thence shall I pa.s.s, approved A man, for aye removed From the developed brute; a G.o.d though in the germ.

And I shall thereupon Take rest, ere I be gone 80 Once more on my adventure brave and new: Fearless and unperplexed, When I wage battle next, What weapons to select, what armor to indue.

Youth ended, I shall try 85 My gain or loss thereby; Leave the fire ashes, what survives is gold: And I shall weigh the same, Give life its praise or blame: Young, all lay in dispute; I shall know, being old. 90

For note, when evening shuts, A certain moment cuts The deed off, calls the glory from the gray: A whisper from the west Shoots--"Add this to the rest, 95 Take it and try its worth: here dies another day."

So, still within this life, Though lifted o'er its strife, Let me discern, compare, p.r.o.nounce at last, "This rage was right i' the main, 100 That acquiescence vain: The Future I may face now I have proved the Past."

For more is not reserved To man, with soul just nerved To act tomorrow what he learns today: 105 Here, work enough to watch The Master work, and catch Hints of the proper craft, tricks of the tool's true play.

As it was better, youth Should strive, through acts uncouth, 110 Toward making, than repose on aught found made; So, better, age, exempt From strife, should know, than tempt Further. Thou waitedst age; wait death nor be afraid!

Enough now, if the Right 115 And Good and Infinite Be named here, as thou callest thy hand thine own, With knowledge absolute, Subject to no dispute From fools that crowded youth, nor let thee feel alone. 120

Be there, for once and all, Severed great minds from small, Announced to each his station in the Past!

Was I, the world arraigned, Were they, my soul disdained, 125 Right? Let age speak the truth and give us peace at last!

Now, who shall arbitrate?

Ten men love what I hate, Shun what I follow, slight what I receive; Ten, who in ears and eyes 130 Match me: we all surmise, They this thing and I that; whom shall my soul believe?

Not on the vulgar ma.s.s Called "work," must sentence pa.s.s, Things done, that took the eye and had the price; 135 O'er which, from level stand, The low world laid its hand, Found straightway to its mind, could value in a trice:

But all, the world's coa.r.s.e thumb And finger failed to plumb, 140 So pa.s.sed in making up the main account; All instincts immature, All purposes unsure, That weighed not as his work, yet swelled the man's amount;

Thoughts hardly to be packed 145 Into a narrow act, Fancies that broke through language and escaped; All I could never be, All, men ignored in me, This, I was worth to G.o.d, whose wheel the pitcher shaped. 150

Aye, note that Potter's wheel, That metaphor! and feel Why time spins fast, why pa.s.sive lies our clay Thou, to whom fools propound, When the wine makes its round, 155 "Since life fleets, all is change; the Past gone, seize today!"

Fool! All that is, at all, Lasts ever, past recall; Earth changes, but thy soul and G.o.d stand sure: What entered into thee, 160 _That_ was, is, and shall be: Time's wheel runs back or stops; Potter and clay endure.

He fixed thee, mid this dance Of plastic circ.u.mstance, This Present, thou, forsooth, wouldst fain arrest: 165 Machinery just meant To give thy soul its bent, Try thee and turn thee forth, sufficiently impressed.

What though the earlier grooves Which ran the laughing loves 170 Around thy base, no longer pause and press?

What though, about thy rim, Skull-things in order grim Grow out, in graver mood, obey the sterner stress?

Look not thou down but up! 175 To uses of a cup, The festal board, lamp's flash and trumpet's peal, The new wine's foaming flow, The Master's lips aglow!

Thou, heaven's consummate cup, what need'st thou with earth's 180 wheel?

But I need, now as then, Thee, G.o.d, who moldest men; And since, not even while the whirl was worst, Did I--to the wheel of life With shapes and colors rife, 185 Bound dizzily--mistake my end, to slake Thy thirst:

So, take and use Thy work: Amend what flaws may lurk, What strain o' the stuff, what warpings past the aim!

My times be in Thy hand! 190 Perfect the cup as planned!

Let age approve of youth, and death complete the same!


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Selections From The Poems And Plays Of Robert Browning Part 22 summary

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