The Atlantic Book of Modern Plays Part 60

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BRIDGET (_Having put on her shoes, she gets off the old man's knees and is about to dance, but suddenly sees the crucifix and shrieks and covers her eyes._) What is that ugly thing on the black cross?

FATHER HART You cannot know how naughty your words are!

That is our Blessed Lord!

THE CHILD Hide it away!

BRIDGET BRUIN I have begun to be afraid, again!

THE CHILD Hide it away!

MAURTEEN BRUIN That would be wickedness!

BRIDGET BRUIN That would be sacrilege!

THE CHILD The tortured thing!

Hide it away!

MAURTEEN BRUIN Her parents are to blame.

FATHER HART That is the image of the Son of G.o.d.

(THE CHILD _puts her arm around his neck and kisses him._)

THE CHILD Hide it away! Hide it away!


FATHER HART Because you are so young and little a child I will go take it down.

THE CHILD Hide it away, And cover it out of sight and out of mind.

(FATHER HART _takes it down and carries it towards the inner room._)

FATHER HART Since you have come into this barony I will instruct you in our blessed faith: Being a clever child you will soon learn.

(_To the others_)

We must be tender with all budding things.

Our Maker let no thought of Calvary Trouble the morning stars in their first song.

(_Puts the crucifix in the inner room._)

THE CHILD Here is level ground for dancing. I will dance.

The wind is blowing on the waving reeds, The wind is blowing on the heart of man.

(_She dances, swaying about like the reeds._)

MAIRE (_to_ SHAWN BRUIN) Just now when she came near I thought I heard Other small steps beating upon the floor, And a faint music blowing in the wind, Invisible pipes giving her feet the time.

SHAWN BRUIN I heard no step but hers.

MARIE BRUIN Look to the bolt!

Because the unholy powers are abroad.

MAURTEEN BRUIN (_to_ THE CHILD) Come over here, and if you promise me Not to talk wickedly of holy things I will give you something.

THE CHILD Bring it me, old father!

(MAURTEEN BRUIN _goes into the next room._)

FATHER HART I will have queen cakes when you come to me!

(MAURTEEN BRUIN _returns and lays a piece of money on the table._ THE CHILD _makes a gesture of refusal._)

MAURTEEN BRUIN It will buy lots of toys; see how it glitters!

THE CHILD Come, tell me, do you love me?


THE CHILD Ah! but you love this fireside!

FATHER HART I love you.

When the Almighty puts so great a share Of His own ageless youth into a creature, To look is but to love.

THE CHILD But you love Him above.

BRIDGET BRUIN She is blaspheming.

THE CHILD (_to_ MAIRE) And do you love me?

MARIE BRUIN I--I do not know.

THE CHILD You love that great tall fellow over there: Yet I could make you ride upon the winds, Run on the top of the dishevelled tide, And dance upon the mountains like a flame!

MARIE BRUIN Queen of the Angels and kind Saints, defend us!

Some dreadful fate has fallen: a while ago The wind cried out and took the primroses, And she ran by me laughing in the wind, And I gave milk and fire, and she came in And made you hide the blessed crucifix.

FATHER HART You fear because of her wild, pretty prattle; She knows no better.


Child, how old are you?

THE CHILD When winter sleep is abroad my hair grows thin, My feet unsteady. When the leaves awaken My mother carries me in her golden arms.

I will soon put on my womanhood and marry The spirits of wood and water, but who can tell When I was born for the first time? I think I am much older than the eagle c.o.c.k That blinks and blinks on Ballygawley Hill, And he is the oldest thing under the moon.

FATHER HART She is of the faery people.

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The Atlantic Book of Modern Plays Part 60 summary

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