The Atlantic Book of Modern Plays Part 61

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THE CHILD I am Brig's daughter.

I sent my messengers for milk and fire, And then I heard one call to me and came.

(_They all except_ SHAWN _and_ MAIRE BRUIN _gather behind the priest for protection._)

SHAWN (_rising_) Though you have made all these obedient, You have not charmed my sight, and won from me A wish or gift to make you powerful; I'll turn you from the house.

FATHER HART No, I will face her.

THE CHILD Because you took away the crucifix I am so mighty that there's none can pa.s.s Unless I will it, where my feet have danced Or where I've twirled my finger tops.

(SHAWN _tries to approach her and cannot._)

MAURTEEN Look, look!

There something stops him--look how he moves his hands As though he rubbed them on a wall of gla.s.s.

FATHER HART I will confront this mighty spirit alone.

(_They cling to him and hold him back._)

THE CHILD (_while she strews primroses_) No one whose heart is heavy with human tears Can cross these little cressets of the wood.

FATHER HART Be not afraid, the Father is with us, And all the nine angelic hierarchies, The Holy Martyrs and the Innocents, The adoring Magi in their coats of mail, And He who died and rose on the third day, And Mary with her seven times wounded heart.

(THE CHILD _ceases strewing the primroses, and kneels upon the settle beside MAIRE and puts her arms about her neck._)

Cry, daughter, to the Angels and the Saints.

THE CHILD You shall go with me, newly married bride, And gaze upon a merrier mult.i.tude; White-armed Nuala, Aengus of the birds, Feacra of the hurtling foam, and him Who is the ruler of the Western Host, Finvarra, and their Land of Heart's Desire, Where beauty has no ebb, decay no flood, But joy is wisdom, Time an endless song.

I kiss you and the world begins to fade.

FATHER HART Daughter, I call you unto home and love!

THE CHILD Stay, and come with me, newly married bride, For, if you hear him, you grow like the rest: Bear children, cook, be mindful of the churn, And wrangle over b.u.t.ter, fowl, and eggs, And sit at last there, old and bitter of tongue, Watching the white stars war upon your hopes.

SHAWN Awake out of that trance, and cover up Your eyes and ears.

FATHER HART She must both look and listen, For only the soul's choice can save her now.

Daughter, I point you out the way to heaven.

THE CHILD But I can lead you, newly married bride, Where n.o.body gets old and crafty and wise, Where n.o.body gets old and G.o.dly and grave, Where n.o.body gets old and bitter of tongue, And where kind tongues bring no captivity; For we are only true to the far lights We follow singing, over valley and hill.

FATHER HART By the dear name of the one crucified, I bid you, Maire Bruin, come to me.

THE CHILD I keep you in the name of your own heart!

(_She leaves the settle, and stooping takes up a ma.s.s of primroses and kisses them._)

We have great power to-night, dear golden folk, For he took down and hid the crucifix.

And my invisible brethren fill the house; I hear their footsteps going up and down.

Oh, they shall soon rule all the hearts of men And own all lands; last night they merrily danced About his chapel belfry! (_To_ MAIRE) Come away, I hear my brethren bidding us away!

FATHER HART I will go fetch the crucifix again.

(_They hang about him in terror and prevent him from moving._)

BRIDGET BRUIN The enchanted flowers will kill us if you go.

MAURTEEN BRUIN They turn the flowers to little twisted flames.

SHAWN BRUIN The little twisted flames burn up the heart.

THE CHILD I hear them crying, "Newly married bride, Come to the woods and waters and pale lights."

MARIE BRUIN I will go with you.

FATHER HART She is lost, alas!

THE CHILD (_standing by the door_) But clinging mortal hope must fall from you: For we who ride the winds, run on the waves And dance upon the mountains, are more light Than dewdrops on the banners of the dawn.

MARIE BRUIN Oh, take me with you.

(SHAWN BRUIN _goes over to her._)

SHAWN BRUIN Beloved, do not leave me!

Remember when I met you by the well And took your hand in mine and spoke of love.

MARIE BRUIN Dear face! Dear voice!

THE CHILD Come, newly married bride!

MARIE BRUIN I always loved her world--and yet--and yet--

(_Sinks into his arms._)

THE CHILD (_from the door_) White bird, white bird, come with me, little bird.

MARIE BRUIN She calls to me!

THE CHILD Come with me, little bird!

MARIE BRUIN I can hear songs and dancing!

SHAWN BRUIN Stay with me!

MARIE BRUIN I think that I would stay--and yet--and yet--

THE CHILD Come, little bird with crest of gold!

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The Atlantic Book of Modern Plays Part 61 summary

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