The Atlantic Book of Modern Plays Part 82

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MINUET: A brief play of courage and loyalty in face of Madame Guillotine.

In Century Magazine, January, 1915.

+Josephine Preston Peabody+

MARLOWE: A tragedy introducing several of the Elizabethan playwrights in tavern scenes, and making a fine and romantic character of Kit Marlowe.

Houghton Mifflin.

THE PIPER: A pleasant dramatization of the legend of Hamelin Town.

Houghton Mifflin.

THE WOLF OF GUBBIO: A play about Saint Francis and some of his brothers, both animals and villagers.

Houghton Mifflin.

+Louise Saunders (Perkins)+

THE WOODLAND PRINCESS: Very attractive children's operetta with music by Alice Terhune.

Schirmer; French.

+Stephen Phillips+

ULYSSES: A drama or masque of Ulysses' adventures, from his farewell to Calypso through a vigorous combat with the wooers.


+Eden Phillpotts+

THE SHADOW: A most affecting and tragic play of the influence of a crime upon two people who love most sincerely, and upon their very loyal friend.

In _Three Plays_, Duckworth, London.

THE MOTHER: A moving presentation of the force of a mother's sense and love; she refuses to s.h.i.+eld her son when he has done wrong, but works in every way to set him straight and to continue her influence after her death.


THE POINT OF VIEW: A domestic altercation is arbitrated by a friend of the family, and then the arbiter is given new light on the situation.

_Curtain Raisers_, Duckworth, London.

+Arthur Wing Pinero+

THE PLAYGOERS: A farce in which a lady attempts to provide cultural amus.e.m.e.nt for her servants, and succeeds in breaking up the smooth-running establishment.


+David Pinski+

ABIGAIL: A dramatization of a Biblical story from the wars of David. Translated from the Yiddish by Dr. Goldberg.

In _Six Plays of the Yiddish Theatre_, Luce.

FORGOTTEN SOULS: f.a.n.n.y Segal's self-sacrifice for her sister and lover is carried to a strange and morbid extreme.

In _Six Plays of the Yiddish Theatre_, Luce.

+Graham Pryce+

THE COMING OF FAIR ANNIE: A simple but effective dramatization of the old ballad.

Gowans and Gray.

+Richard Pryce and Arthur Morrison+

THE DUMB CAKE: A St. Agnes' Eve story in a London slum.


+Serafin and Joaquim Quintero+

A SUNNY MOHNING: Two very old people recall the tremendously romantic happenings of their early youth.

In _Fifty Contemporary One-Act Plays_, Stewart and Kidd.

+Edwin Arlington Robinson+

VAN ZORN: A play of New York studio life in which Van Zorn puts his own desires out of court and plays providence in the lives of his friends.


+Santiago Rosinol+

THE PRODIGAL DOLL: A comical marionette sows his wild oats most violently and repents in deep sorrow.

In _Drama_, February, 1917, 5:15.

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