Aesop, in Rhyme Part 25

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This kind desire to interfere, Cost the poor peace-makers full dear.

To rapine bred, the ruthless crew, Nor grat.i.tude nor faith who knew, On the defenceless pigeons fall, And shortly had devoured them all.


When tyrants from their quarrels cease, Some weaker neighbor pays their peace.

His safety in their warfare lies; Their feuds, not he should compromise.

When Joseph, Frederick, and Kate, Tired of unprofitable hate, Their animosities would heel, They swallowed Poland at a meal.




A bear once rambled from his home, Chanced through a garden trim to roam, Where, 'neath the shelter of the trees, The farmer had his hives of bees.

Bruin loved honey. "Now," said he, "I'll rob your store-house, Master Bee.

You'll buz, and hum about my ears, But noise a brave bear never fears."

So saying, bear o'erturns a hive, And straight the air is all alive, With angry enemies, who sting As well as buz; and make bear sing, A lively tune of growls and roars, And cover him with smarting sores.


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Aesop, in Rhyme Part 25 summary

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