Love Under The Big Sky: Falling For Jillian Part 36

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"They're gorgeous, just like their mama," Jeff says with a wink.

"Is this where the party is?" Josh asks from the doorway and saunters in with Cara, Ty, and Lo in tow.

Ty is carrying his daughter, Layla, in his arms.

"Hey, princess." He kisses my cheek and smiles warmly. "You good?"

"I'm sleepy and happy and sore. And very, very good."

"They are precious!" Cara exclaims, leaning over the babies before she rushes to me for hugs. Zack is pulled around the room in a flurry of hugs and claps on the back.

"Can I at least hold my niece?" I ask and hold my hands out for the sweet, tiny baby girl. Ty gives her to me, and I grin at the sweet pink flower pinned to her jet-black hair. I can't wait to dress my daughter up.

"What have you named them?" Lo asks and settles into my brother's side.

"Well, Mama King is holding Miles Jeffrey King," I reply with a wide smile at Jeff, who immediately tears up and hugs Zack close.

"And your daughter?" Nancy asks with a rough voice.

"That one has been harder," Zack replies and shares a glance with me. Harder, right. He just doesn't know a good girl name when it smacks him in the a.s.s.

"We can't agree on one," I reply dryly and nod at Cara when she asks if she can take Layla.

"I've always liked the name Sarah," Seth says as he gazes down at his sister. He hasn't been able to take his eyes off her. "Mom, can we call her Sarah?"

My heart stops as it always does when Seth calls me Mom. I don't know if I'll ever get used to it.

I certainly hope not.

"I like Sarah," I murmur to Zack, who is gazing at me with such fierce love it steals the breath from me.

"Me too."

"I think it should be Sarah Hope," Seth continues, "because of how it all started."

"What do you mean, buddy?" Nancy asks and runs her hand over his hair.

"I hoped for a real family for a long time. That's really what I wanted for Christmas." He blushes and shrugs, but doesn't look away from his baby sister. "Her middle name should be Hope."

"I think Seth just named his sister," I reply softly. "Sarah Hope King. Has a nice ring to it."

Seth smiles proudly. "She's pretty."

"Oh! Speaking of pretty, here," Cara says and hands me her phone. "Look at our wedding photos."

"Ugh," I mutter and page through the photos on her phone. It was a beautiful day for a wedding on the Lazy K Ranch. Josh and Cara chose to exchange vows by the big old tree that has all of our initials carved in the side. It's where he proposed, and it's their special place. "I look like a cow. At least Lo moved her wedding up so I wasn't the size of a house in my dress. And I was kind enough to pay her the same respect." I frown over at my friend as she smiles widely and leans on her husband. "You're mean."

"You looked beautiful that day, and every day. You were carrying precious cargo, sugar," Zack says and kisses my head as he looks at the photos over my shoulder. He leans in and whispers in my ear, "And I can't wait to see you round with my baby again."

"Jesus, how many kids do you plan on me popping out?"

"A few more." He winks.

"Let's enjoy the two I just popped out this morning for a while before we talk about more."

Josh hops on the bed next to mine that's currently empty. "What do you say, baby, wanna take advantage of this semiprivate room? I'll pull the curtain and everything."

He wiggles his eyebrows at Cara and we all laugh, but Cara suddenly hands Layla off to Zack and makes a run for the en suite bathroom. We can hear her hurling her guts out and Lo and I share a look of surprise.

"Good G.o.d, man. Is this your version of foreplay?" Ty asks with disgust. "You're lucky she didn't leave you at the altar."

Josh s.h.i.+elds his hand from Seth's line of vision and flips Ty off, but Seth laughs and says, "It's okay, Uncle Josh. I flip people the bird all the time."

"Seth King," I say sternly. "You do not."

"I'm thirteen," he says with a shrug, as if that explains everything.

"I don't care if you're thirty, you will not flip people the bird."

"Right." He rolls his eyes, but catches the look on my face and sobers immediately. "I mean, yes ma'am."

I can't help but smile over at him. He's such a smart aleck, and he looks so sweet with Sarah nestled in his arms.

Cara comes stumbling out of the bathroom and looks . . . green.

"You okay?" I ask. "Mom?"

She bites her lip and glances at her husband, who is grinning smugly. "We didn't want to hijack your special day, but yeah. I'm fine. And very pregnant."

"More grandbabies, Jeff!" Nancy cries and laughs as he kisses her cheek. "Our babies are giving us more babies."

"I love you, sugar," Zack whispers in my ear as I gaze lovingly around the room at our big, beautiful family, that continues to grow at an alarming rate.

"I love you too," I reply before kissing him softly. I search the room for my babies and hold my hands out. "Someone hand me one of my babies, please."

"You're so greedy," Cara says with a frown and Miles over. My son nestles in close and sighs deeply, unaware of all of the love surrounding him.

"Yeah, I am," I agree and smile at her. "But I have everything I ever wanted right here in this room."

Keep reading to see how it all began for Cara and Josh in New York Times bestselling author Kristen Proby's first book in her Love Under the Big Sky series, Loving Cara On sale now!





"Cara, do you have a minute?" My boss, Kyle Reardon, pokes his head in my open cla.s.sroom door and offers me a warm smile.

"Sure, what's up?"

He saunters in and takes a long look around my empty cla.s.sroom. The breeze from the open windows ruffles his hair, and he runs his hand through it as he leans against my desk. "Looks like you're ready to get out of here for a few months." He gazes down at me warmly. "Remember last week when you mentioned that you'd be up for a tutoring job this summer?" I roll back in my chair and look up at him. He's handsome, with short copper hair and blue eyes, a nice build.

He's also married with four children.

"I do," I confirm.

"Well, I have one for you."


"You know the King family, right? They run that big ranch just outside of town."

"Of course, I grew up here, Kyle," I reply dryly. In a town the size of Cunningham Falls, Montana, we pretty much all know each other, especially those of us who grew up here, just as our parents did, and their parents before them.

"Zack's boy, Seth, needs a tutor this summer."

"Zack's back in town?" I ask, my eyebrows raised in surprise.

"I don't think so." Kyle shakes his head and shrugs. "I can't tell you their business, small town or not. Seth is staying with Jeff and Nancy, and Josh is helping too."

"Oh," I mutter, surprised. "So for whom would I be working, exactly?"

"So proper," Kyle teases me, and grins. "You'll be working for Josh. You can go straight to his place on Monday morning. They'd like you to come Monday through Friday, about nine until noon."

"Geez, he must need a lot of tutoring."

The laughter leaves Kyle's eyes and he sighs. "He's a really smart kid, but he's stubborn and has a bit of an att.i.tude. I'm warning you, he's not an easy kid to work with. He's only been here for three months. He refuses to do the work or hand it in."

"Does he start trouble?" I steeple my fingers in front of me, thinking.

"No, he just keeps to himself. Doesn't say much to anyone."

I'll have to work with Josh King, which won't be difficult. He was always nice to me in high school, smiles at me in pa.s.sing when I see him around town. He and his brother are nice guys.

Rumor has it he's a womanizer, but nice nonetheless.

And I'd be lying if I said I hadn't had a crush on him for as long as I can remember.

But I can be professional and teach Josh's nephew. I didn't really want to paint my entire house this summer, anyway.

"Okay, I'll give it a go."

"Great, thanks, Cara." Kyle stands and turns to leave my cla.s.sroom. "Have a good summer!"

"You too!" I call after him as he goes whistling down the dark, deserted hallway.

Cool, I have a summer job.

I love my town. Like, wholeheartedly, never want to move away, love it. I don't understand how Jillian, my best friend since kindergarten, can stand living so far away in California. Our town is small, only about six thousand full-time residents, but the population doubles in the peak of summer and the heart of winter with tourists here for skiing, hiking, swimming, and all the other fun outdoor activities that the brochures brag about.

We sit in a valley surrounded by tall mountains, and when it's sunny, the sky is so big and blue it almost hurts the eyes.

I pull into the long gravel driveway off the highway just outside town and follow it past the large, white main house to the back of the property where Josh's house sits. It's not as big as the main house, but it's still large, bigger than my house in town, and is surrounded by tall evergreen trees and long lines of white wooden fences.

I do not envy the poor sap who has to paint the fences every few years.

The b.u.t.terflies I've kept at bay come back with a vengeance, fluttering in my belly as I come to a stop in front of his house. Josh and his brother are twins, and until Zack broke his nose in football their senior year, it was almost impossible to tell them apart. They're both big guys, tall and broad shouldered. Zack always had a more intense look in his face, while Josh is more laid-back, quick to smile or tease-especially me, it seemed. In high school I was invisible to most people, having been a little too round, a lot too plain, but Josh noticed me.

He used to pull on my horrible curls as he'd walk past me at school, and of course because he was two years ahead of me, and a football star, I was crazy about him. My hair naturally falls in tight ringlets, but I've since straightened it, thank G.o.d.

I haven't seen much of Josh over the years. Each of us went away to college, and since we've both returned, I may catch a glimpse of him at the grocery store or in a restaurant, but never long enough to talk to him. I wonder if the rumors of his womanizing are true.

They were in high school.

I just hope he hasn't turned into one of those cowboys who wear tight Wrangler jeans and straw cowboy hats.

My lips twitch at the thought as I pull myself out of my compact Toyota. The front door swings open, and there he is, all six foot three of him. Only with great effort does my jaw not drop.

Jesus, we breed hot men in Montana.

Josh's hair is dark, dark brown and he has chocolate-colored eyes to match. His olive skin has acquired a deep tan, and when he smiles, he has a dimple in his left cheek that can melt panties at twenty paces.

Dark stubble is on his chin this morning, and he flashes that smile as he steps onto the porch. His jeans-Levi's, not Wranglers-ride low on his hips, and a plain white T-s.h.i.+rt hugs his muscular chest and arms. I can't help but wonder what he smells like.

Down, girl.

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Love Under The Big Sky: Falling For Jillian Part 36 summary

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